CEO | Principal's Report
Haileybury celebrates end-of-year achievements and a swag of national education awards.
Online news from Haileybury
Haileybury celebrates end-of-year achievements and a swag of national education awards.
Music performances, the Haileybury Pipes & Drums, Sport training, House Sport activities, celebration of student achievement at Speech Days and Nights and Haileybury Girls and Boys Graduation ceremonies—it really is just a joy to see students participate and enjoy so many activities.
I am particularly looking forward to the delayed Graduation ceremonies for the boys (tonight) and girls (Tuesday night) as a chance to acknowledge and celebrate the achievement of Haileybury’s Year 12 cohort.
It has been two years of senior schooling in which students have been presented with many challenges. They have risen to them, superbly supported by their teachers and by the exceptional Haileybury digital learning team.
Indeed, it gives me great pleasure to note that Haileybury’s Online Program during the past two years has been recognised at national level with the School winning Best Remote Learning Program at the Australian Education Awards last Friday night.
Just as the teachers and digital learning team worked so hard to deliver the Academic Program for students, we are also delighted that Haileybury won the Best Student Wellbeing Program.
This again was a collective effort from Haileybury’s outstanding pastoral care leaders, including our wonderful Psychologists led by Maria Bailey and under the guidance of Senior Vice-Principal and Head of Senior Schools Pam Chamberlain.
We are particularly pleased that this award is recognition of the wonderful work of all of Haileybury’s pastoral care and student welfare team.
Haileybury’s Primary School Program with the Explicit Teaching Model has long been recognised as exceptional because of the extraordinary student outcomes. For the second year in a row and the third time in five years, Haileybury was awarded Australian Primary School of the Year (Non-Government).
All the awards received are a result of the work of wonderful, committed staff. It is a pleasure to work with such brilliant colleagues, supportive families and dedicated students.
Derek Scott
CEO | Principal
Haileybury Principal | CEO Mr Derek Scott has been appointed as Chair of the Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA). He is the first principal to step into the role.
ACARA is one of Australia’s key education bodies and influences the experience of every student in the country as it develops and refines the National Curriculum, delivers national assessment programs, including NAPLAN, and reports on schooling in Australia.
Derek’s years of experience in education and his commitment to quality teaching to support students have seen him advise several senior government bodies deciding the future direction of Australia’s education system.
Derek’s appointment as Chair was unanimously endorsed by all state and territory education ministers at the November Education Ministers Meeting.
Derek has served on the ACARA Board since January 2021 and was a member of the Expert Panel of the Australian Government’s Quality Initial Teacher Education Review earlier this year.
His involvement in these organisations has given him greater insights into the future of education in Australia—insights he is able to share with the Haileybury community to continue the School’s success and innovation in education.
“I’ve been a teacher and a principal for over 20 years and, in that time, every decision has been focused on improving student education outcomes. Haileybury is a great school and I am very proud of our students, staff and our reputation,” says Derek.
“I’m bringing the frontline skills I have learned through being part of Haileybury to ACARA. Similarly, I will be able to share the education learnings in my role with ACARA with our School.
“I’m excited by the opportunity to help shape and deliver even better learning experiences for all students in Australia and, of course, that very much includes Haileybury students.
“I think the focus should always be on what can be improved to support teachers to enhance student outcomes and also on ensuring that all students in every state and territory can make the most of the best possible education opportunities.”
Derek will, of course, continue at the helm of Haileybury as he chairs ACARA for the next three years.
“It is going to be an exciting time for Haileybury,” says Derek.
“There are so many great learnings from our COVID-19 experiences that we can use to continue to develop the education experience for Haileybury students.”
Another fabulous but challenging year is at a close. Our students have been outstanding in their drive, resilience and adaptability.
At 7.00 pm on Wednesday, 8 December, our Speech Night video will be available for families to watch together and celebrate their children’s successes. Congratulations to all students who have worked determinedly on their studies and a special congratulations to our award recipients.
TeamKids will be operating across the summer holidays. The following link has all the details: TeamKids Brochure.
We look forward to welcoming students back on Thursday, 27 January. Further details will be sent out over the holidays but we ask that students arrive by 8.25 am on the first day of the new term and bring all items from their booklists.
2021 has been a fantastic year at Castlefield—on campus and in homes via Zoom! I thank our outstanding students who have ensured this year will be remembered so richly in Haileybury's history.
I thank our parents for their continued support and thank our staff for the exceptional passion and care they devote to our students. Much adaption, flexibility and resilience has been demonstrated by everyone and I am grateful to be part of such a supportive and connected community.
Please savour the opportunity to spend Christmas with loved ones and have a safe and enjoyable break with your family. I look forward to our continued association in 2022.
The ELC children and educators have been busy planning and preparing for end-of-year festivities—practising songs and dances and working on Learning Journals, decorations, gifts and videos as part of our virtual celebrations.
We look forward to seeing our Gawarn, Gurborra, Walert and Wareeny groups on Tuesday, 7 December at 5.30 – 6.00 pm on Zoom as we celebrate an incredible year of growth, learning, development and joy.
On Saturday, 27 November, we warmly welcomed next year’s ELC students and parents. They met their educators and peers and spent some time in their learning environments. It was lovely to see the children so eager and engaged and each child took home a small gift to build their sense of belonging to their 2022 class.
With outdoor learning as a focus, the Pre-Preps recently enjoyed an adventure at the local park. The educators and children explored the native plants and played a nature ‘look and find’ game. It was great to see them working together and asking their friends and teachers for help.
From book swaps to athletics days and assemblies to graduations—the Junior School has rounded out the term in style! Lenni Pellicano and Edward Cockram manned the Year 3 Book Swap deck in the sunshine as our students perused the donated books in East Quad.
House spirit was alive and well when the fabulous PE Department organised two great afternoons for our students to run, throw, bounce and bound their way around the oval. We farewelled our beautiful Year 4 students at a great assembly and afterwards the Preps formed a guard of honour to acknowledge their Buddies.
Congratulations to Amaani Kishor (Year 4) who was the recipient of the Teri Tzouvelis Prize at the end-of-year Presentation Assembly. Amaani is a fabulous young student who held the highest combined score for English and Mathematics across the year level.
Our youngest learners have had a year beyond all our wildest dreams but, through it all, they have shown resilience and determination. Thank you to our families for providing endless encouragement and snacks, for saying goodbye at the school gates and for watching assemblies from afar.
Instead of our usual end-of-year Christmas concert, the Junior School came together for some singing and dancing. For the first time, without a parent audience, the students remained in Dickinson Hall and were the audience for each other—it was a beautiful thing!
As our school year comes to a close, it is hard not to reflect on another year spent oscillating between the real classroom and the virtual one. A year spent pivoting, rising to any challenge that needed to be met and seeing out a plethora of school activities and opportunities for students—despite never knowing whether a lockdown or restrictions were around the corner.
From camps to incursions, House events to assemblies, our incredible students and amazing teachers continued to give their time, energy and effort to quality learning and teaching. We continued to thrive, which is something this great school community does so well.
Our students are kind, hard-working and prepared to try new things and we are exceptionally proud of them. They have developed into wonderful young people.
As they transition to 2022, whether they have already moved up a year level or will do so in January, we wish them well for the next stage of their journey at Haileybury Castlefield.
To our families and extended community, best wishes to you all for a well-deserved break. Be it at home, on a beach, in a tent or in a distant place, I hope the break is restful and provides a chance to refresh before a wonderful 2022.
Katrina Manson
Head of Castlefield (Brighton)
As the year draws to a close, we wish our parents and friends a wonderful break and we look forward to seeing people in person next year.
At the beginning of Term 1, we will be hosting several onsite events to welcome our families to the new school year.
Ian Green
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends Castlefield
Years 10 to 12 students embarked on their House Art Competition over the past month with the theme: ‘My Haileybury’. Students from Gold, Green, Purple and Blue Houses produced excellent artwork that was displayed outside the front of the teaching building.
Students across the different sub-schools were able to vote for their favourite piece and congratulations go to the overall artistic winners—Blue House.
The Year 11 students recently took part in their annual excursion to Discovery Natural Team (DNT) Camp and Recreational Centre.
Students and staff enjoyed a wide range of energetic activities including kayaking, futsal, archery, high ropes and team building and problem solving challenges. However, the clear highlight for everyone was the paintball activity where students gathered in their respective Houses and competed against each other to showcase their teamwork skills.
Odyssey of the Mind is a STEM-based activity for our Junior School that aims to teach students how to think creatively and work as a team. The construction activity saw students work in teams using unconventional items to create new constructions.
Most recently, the students worked on the Egg Drop Challenge where they had to drop an egg from the second floor of a building and ensure it didn’t break. Students were allowed to use anything they wanted to keep their egg intact.
Team One used a small cardboard box with stuffing inside. They also placed balloons around the box to try and further protect the egg. Team Two placed the egg inside a stuffed animal—Pikachu. They also used balloons to help the egg survive. We dropped the eggs with differing levels of success, however, there was an abundance of impressive critical thinking on display.
Yanni Galanis
International Principal, Haileybury International School, Tianjin
Key moments in our students’ lives are a rite of passage and need to be honoured in a special way. Recently, we celebrated Year 8 Graduations for the Girls Middle School and Boys Middle School during two Zoom ceremonies.
Surrounded by their peers, our Middle School Captains reflected on the achievements of their cohort during the learning journey and how lucky they are to have a Haileybury education. Year 8 have demonstrated resilience, optimism, compassion, adaptability and hope. We are extremely proud of this cohort and all they have done to be role models for the Middle School.
Year 4 also enjoyed a wonderful Graduation that was sky high on the Rooftop! We were able to congratulate all our Years 4 and 8 students and present them with a Graduation Certificate from the School and with a 2021 badge gifted by HPF City to mark these special moments.
Our students’ achievements shone brightly at City campus recently. We have much to be grateful for and it was wonderful to enjoy a special celebration online and on campus. I thank all our families who joined us on Zoom for the Junior School Awards Assembly and our City Speech Day.
We were honoured to have Mr Derek Scott, Mr Scott Doran and Mrs Diane Furusho present prizes on Speech Day. I warmly congratulate all students who received awards and special prizes. Academic excellence and excellence in the Arts, Sport, Leadership and Citizenship continue to shine at City campus.
Our young people have shown remarkable adaptability, optimism and innovation throughout 2021. They have approached leadership with a growth mindset and learned that if we lead with a kind heart and a sharp mind, we can achieve great things together. Our Years 4, 8 and 12 leaders have set the bar high with their positive influence this year.
Our Year 8 Middle School Captains, Bhuvi Diwakar and Max Trinder, have done a superb job of leading with courage and commitment. I congratulate all leaders of Year 8 and thank the cohort for being fine role models. The Year 4 leaders have also done an amazing job and, this week, we congratulated and thanked them at our Year 4 Graduation.
Moments like this remind us how wonderful it is to be working with fine young men and women who have passion and purpose for contributing to our world. I feel confident that our future is bright in the hands of Haileybury students.
I wish all our families a happy, safe and relaxing holiday.
Reflecting on the year, it is remarkable to think of the growth that has occurred in the ELC.
We are all a little taller, we have added new words to our vocabularies, created masterpieces and formed and strengthened friendships. We have been through lockdowns and continued to celebrate and find joy in each day.
We could easily list the events that have made this year in the ELC one to remember, but when we listen to the voices of the children themselves we truly learn what mattered most in 2021.
“I like learning Jolly Phonics because I like the songs and it’s fun to learn about the sounds.” —Nikolina
“I love group time because I like stories and singing. I like learning about dinosaurs.”—Vikram
“I like doing science experiments and I also like Jolly Phonics because it’s got lots of letters.”—Claudia
“I love being in PE playing with bikes and the trampoline.”—Margaux
“I want to go to Pre-Prep next year because I want to learn how to run fast.”—Noah
“My favourite part of Pre-Prep was that I learnt about circuits. I got two cables, a red one and a black one and I attached them to the battery pack and the light worked. I learnt that you need muscles to open the clips to make a circuit and make the light work.”—Kingsley
“I like reading readers in Pre-Prep. I wonder what my reader will be next year. I think it will be a reader I didn’t have before.”—Liam
“We did ‘magical dots' in Music. We would dance around the spots until the music stopped. I liked when we got out, we got to help take dots away.”—Clementine
“I’m excited to learn lots of new things in Prep.”—Zakariyah
As the new year approaches and children move to Pre-Prep or continue their learning journey in Prep, they transition with a strong foundation of educational excellence, a sense of identity and connection to the world around them.
We also look forward to welcoming new friends into Reception in 2022 as we continue our learning adventures and exploration in the ELC.
Our 2022 Prep and Year 4 students established important connections as they spent some time together talking, sharing a meal and playing on the Level 3 Terrace. Our 2022 Year 4 students wrote a letter to their Buddies to introduce themselves before meeting them in person. It was a fantastic opportunity to share time together before the summer break.
The Buddy Program will allow our 2022 Prep students to make regular connections with our Year 4 leaders through reading, problem solving and playing together. We look forward to seeing the Buddies cultivate their mindset and skillset together next year.
Our 2021 Year 4 Leaders were excited to celebrate their Junior School achievements at the Year 4 Graduation today, with their parents joining them to celebrate this milestone.
From our beautiful Level 9 space overlooking Flagstaff Gardens, the students shared their Junior School highlights and were presented with a graduation tile to remind them of this special time in their Haileybury City life. The wonderful event was capped off with an afternoon tea on the Level 10 rooftop that allowed parents and staff to connect on campus again.
Congratulations to all our Middle School students for the way in which they ended the year. There were many memorable moments over the past few weeks of term, including Year 8 2022 Leadership presentations, Speech Day, our water park excursions and visits to Victoria Market to name a few.
We would like to congratulate our Middle School students for their dedication to their studies throughout 2021. We hope that parents and students have a relaxing and enjoyable Christmas break and we look forward to an exciting 2022.
Our Year 8 students recently celebrated their efforts in the StartUp Pitch Showcase. In the Haileybury StartUp Program, students use the Design Thinking process to work collaboratively and innovatively to solve a problem.
From the Girls Middle School, Nuha Sameer, Catherine Le and Eva Lekgabe delivered a well-branded pitch for their inventive product, Vitails—an app, collar and digital door lock which allowed pet owners to monitor their animal's health.
Anthony Ruiu, Lachlan Luong, Liam Buktenica and Nethum Perera won the cross-campus Boys Middle School Best Pitch prize for their revolutionary idea, VIPT—an app-based chauffeur service for the visually impaired. Well done to the Year 8s and VIPT.
“The best way to predict the future is to create it”Peter Drucker
Caroline Merrick
Head of City
On behalf of the HPF City, we wish all our families a wonderful festive season and hope you enjoy quality time with loved ones and celebrating new beginnings in 2022.
We thank you for your continued support.
Enjoy the holidays, keep safe and we look forward to seeing you next year.
Nina Brooks and Nadine Bissland
Co-Presidents, Haileybury Parents & Friends City
Some schools may slow down a little towards the end of the academic year but, here in Darwin, the action just keeps on coming!
Last week’s annual VCAL Art Exhibition was an absolute highlight and saw many of our senior Indigenous students displaying a broad range of locally inspired art. Paintings, didgeridoos, woodwork, postcards and visual stories of communities adorned our Assembly Hall.
Students drew inspiration from their own cultures and home lives and produced amazing work. While the crowds enjoyed the artwork, other students played in the band or served delicious food. It was quite a magical experience with so much talent on show.
Junior School held their inaugural House Public Speaking Competition with performers from all year levels speaking in polished and well-prepared monologues. That evening, students also ‘busted some moves’ at the Junior School Disco which was very well attended by students and staff, with some sound support from parent volunteers.
This week, we began celebrating our high academic achievers with Semester 2 Awards presented to Years 5 to 12 at special formal assemblies. We have followed the Haileybury tradition of awarding Colours and Merits to those who have demonstrated strong and consistent learning.
Planning is well advanced for our final week Christmas Concerts for ELC students and the Junior School. The centrepiece of our end to the year is the Speech Night which will be held at Darwin Convention Centre tonight, Monday 6 December.
This wonderful event showcases our Orchestra, Choirs, Percussion Ensembles and School Musical and celebrates our top academic achievers across the year. Important awards are also presented for the House champions, Sport achievers and significant contributors to social justice initiatives.
We are also preparing for 2022 with Up Day welcoming many new students and families for a full day of induction and classes from ELC and Transition through to Year 7. Our School remains full of action, learning and excitement until the very last day!
Andrew McGregor
Principal, Haileybury Rendall School
We have been so fortunate to be able to celebrate together with some wonderful events. Significant occasions such as Up Day, Speech Night, Middle School Graduation, Junior School Graduation and end-of-year celebrations for ELC and Junior School are an integral and memorable part of the lives of our students and families.
There is a great deal to celebrate this year and I wish to thank all staff, students and families for showing such resilience, strength and optimism as we have worked together to successfully navigate this challenging year.
I am incredibly proud of the staff for their work and of the way in which students stayed engaged with their learning even when they would have liked nothing better than to be at school. I am grateful for the tremendous support of the parents—we could not have done it without you.
I wish you all a very happy and peaceful holiday period and look forward to seeing everyone back at school on Thursday, 27 January 2022.
On Saturday, 20 November, children in the ELC had their Orientation Day. It was wonderful to welcome our new families to the Centre and to welcome children who are moving to a new group. This year, children entered the ELC in small groups and met their teachers for 2022 and some of the children in their class as well as exploring their new learning environment.
The ELC children are excited about their End-of-Year Concert which is being held on Wednesday, 8 December in the John Twist Hall. For many of the children, this is their first time performing in front of an audience—although you would not know this from our rehearsals!
It is wonderful to have the ELC come together to celebrate how far the children have come and to give them an opportunity to perform in front of our families.
On the last day of term, the children will be taking home their Learning Journals to share with you. These are a special keepsake which celebrate your child’s progress throughout the year and provide an overview of their learning journey during 2021.
Thank you all for your support this year. I hope you all have a wonderful break and we look forward to seeing you in the new year.
Ms Amy McGrath has been appointed our Deputy Head of Junior School (Pastoral Care & Administration). Amy is a Year 1 teacher who brings experience and expertise to this role. We are excited to have her as part of our Junior School leadership team and congratulate her on her appointment.
Ms Lisa Reynolds has been appointed Head of Mathematics (Junior School). The important curriculum role will see Lisa working across all Haileybury campuses while remaining at Edrington Junior School and continuing as a class teacher.
Lisa brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to her new position and we congratulate her on her appointment.
Due to current restrictions, parents have had to fill in a variety of pre-site requirements to be admitted on campus. These requirements may continue next year, so we encourage parents to sign up for their Working With Children Check (WWCC).
This is free of charge for volunteers and is required for any parent helper opportunities, such as listening to reading or cooking a BBQ and it is also required for excursions. It can take six weeks to be approved so we suggest parents apply for this over the school holidays at
Once you have your WWCC, please submit a copy to the Edrington Reception via or bring in a copy for us to scan. They do expire so please check your expiry dates. We look forward to welcoming you on campus in 2022.
While it has been another year of ups and downs with COVID-19, we could not be prouder of our Junior School students and their learning this year!
Thank you to our families for the support you have given our teachers while your children were online. It is not an easy environment for anyone to teach or learn in, but our community came together to ensure we got through. Thank you to every Junior School staff member at Edrington—yet again you have proven what amazing people you are.
It has been wonderful to be able to run some events to conclude the school year.
Congratulations to all Middle School students who were acknowledged at Speech Night for their diligence and effort during 2021. It was a celebration of the resilience, persistence and achievements of many students during a busy and challenging academic year at Edrington.
There was a buzz of excitement during our Orientation Day (Up Day). It was wonderful to have all new and existing Middle School students experience a taste of what is to come next year. It was great to see students having fun and getting to know their new classes.
The Year 8 students have participated in our annual Leadership Day. They were treated to guest speakers and activities that focused on identifying and developing each student’s leadership attributes.
Students then had to write an application and present to their peers and a vote was held by staff and students. The number and calibre of applicants and their speeches were most impressive. Congratulations to all involved. The leadership positions will be announced this Thursday.
Our Year 6 students will be attending two excursions this week in lieu of camp. They are very much looking forward to Gumbuya World on Tuesday and Treetops on Wednesday.
Jeanette Rawlings
Head of Edrington (Berwick)
It has been a busy couple of weeks. The Junior School had a sausage sizzle and the students were so cute with their perfect manners and excited little faces! Some students even had their first ever sausage in bread and loved it!
The table tennis tables have been installed in the Boys and Girls Middle Schools and we cannot wait to hold the inaugural HPFE Cup next year!
Thank you to everybody for your kind, generous donations for the Berwick Rotary Benevolent Society. Nothing beats sharing Christmas joy with our community and I am sure our abundant collection will bring smiles to many faces.
Thank you, once again, for your support and for welcoming your new committee into the HPFE. Thanks to our Head of Campus, Jeanette Rawlings; to Dale and the Grounds Team and to Rebecca and the Admin Team for helping us behind the scenes, supporting our committee and making the magic happen.
Finally, a massive shout out to Tracy, Kush and Di for your unwavering support. 2021 has been fun and we cannot wait to do everything even better in 2022! It is going to be a busy year—we have lost time to make up for!
Merry Christmas to you all. Have a safe and happy break. See you in 2022!
Kerry, Tracy, Kushal and Di
Kerry Ilic
HPFE President
As the year draws to a close, I thank the Newlands community for their resilience and positivity. None of us could have foreseen what was ahead as we entered a second year of lockdowns. Daily life changed for everyone as we adjusted to living in the world’s most locked-down city!
Our children will tell their children and grandchildren about this time. Our hope is that, despite the challenges they faced, they will remember the fun times, the creative solutions to problems and the ‘new normal’ that gave them more time with their families.
Merry Christmas! Keep safe and have a wonderful break. We look forward to your return to campus on Thursday, 27 January 2022.
The Newlands Speech Night will again be in a virtual format due to COVID-19 restrictions. This event will be available for viewing on Wednesday, 8 December at 7.00 pm. Families will receive an invitation and link via the myHaileybury app.
We congratulate all award winners on their outstanding achievements.
For information regarding the TeamKids Summer Holiday Program please see here.
The ELC children have been practising for the annual ELC Christmas Concert. It’s wonderful to see the growth in the children’s confidence and stage presence across the year. This year, we will video-record the concert for families to enjoy.
Educators promote the child’s voice within the ELC Program and children have an opportunity to express their choices and opinions. We know that children can express their thoughts with great insight and we recently asked the ELC children to comment on 2021.
“I love the ELLA program because it has new Chinese words and helped me to learn new things. This year, visitors from the other countries couldn’t come to Australia.” —Ivana
“At the ELC I used clap sticks to play Inanay and I learned how to say Aboriginal words.” —Parker
“I liked when Grandpa came to the ELC. He did number counting with me.” —Oliver
“I loved the ELC. I love singing songs with my friends. New children need to know to be nice to each other and no shouting at the teacher.” —Abby
“I learned to count by twos, fives and 10s so you don’t get tired when you count. I can count coins so if I buy things, the shop people won’t ask me to put things back because I’ll have the right money.” —Austin
“I learned to listen to my teacher because I will know what to do. If you don’t listen and they call out your name you won’t know what to do.” —Hudson
“I will never forget that I learned how to read at the ELC. I’ll always know how to read.” —Charlotte
“I’ll miss my teachers. I want to still see them when I’m in Prep. My teachers are so nice and they make me learn stuff.” —Annabelle
This year, the ELC children, families and educators raised money for Monash Children’s Hospital. The annual Art Auction was the highlight of the year with some beautiful art canvasses going home to successful bidders.
Newlands ELC raised over $5,000 to donate to this worthy cause.
Fisher Oval was a kaleidoscope of colours as the Junior School children enjoyed their Athletics Carnival. They participated in an obstacle gauntlet, sprints and relays and fun games like Rock, Paper, Scissors, Chicken Smash and Hoop Flip.
An amazing time was had by all.
Our Year 3 students spent an amazing day at Enchanted Adventure Garden in Arthurs Seat. Students put on a helmet and harness and challenged themselves physically and mentally by ‘surfing’ through the trees. They also enjoyed sitting in giant ‘donut tubes’ and whizzing down slides while racing their friends.
To finish off the wonderful day, we spent time getting lost in mazes and hedges and admiring the beautiful artwork around us. It was a great adventure for everyone.
Year 2 students have been understanding how geography helps us navigate and connect to the world around us and they took part in an orienteering incursion to apply their newly learned skills.
Working in teams, they completed a treasure hunt challenge around Newlands, solving clues to find the treasure. Some of the skills used included direction, orientation, mapping and deciphering codes. It was a fantastic way for us to conclude our unit and have some fun at the same time.
We would like to congratulate Darren Meng
(Year 5) for winning first prize in the 2021 Grand Prize Virtuoso International Music Competition.
The competition is open to all nationalities and ages in strings, piano, wind, vocal and chamber music. Darren's winning solo piano piece was Grande Valse Brillante, a very famous song from Frederic Chopin.
Here is the Youtube link for the competition. Well done, Darren.
During Term 3, our Year 6 girls have been researching global issues as part of Humanities and one of the issues discussed was energy poverty.
This term, 6A made solar lamps as part of the Solar Buddy initiative. The lamps will be donated to less fortunate students across Asia and the South Pacific.
It is wonderful that the Grade 6 students were able to enjoy activities in lieu of attending camp. They visited places such as Gumbuya World and Enchanted Adventure Garden and took part in horse riding, lawn bowls, surfing, arts, woodwork and hula-hooping. Meanwhile, the Year 5s took part in Bike Education and a trip to Gumbuya World.
During Term 1A, the new Year 8 students have embarked on their exciting StartUp journey. Given the task of designing a backpack for a specific demographic, they drew inspiration from the recent StartUp Pitch Showcase and set about thinking how best to support their client.
Students were introduced to Design Thinking to be able to understand their market and then develop their ideas and create a prototype to present to their peers. We cannot wait to see what amazing ideas they come up with to showcase in the 2022 Pitch event.
Jane Gibbs
Head of Newlands (Keysborough)
On behalf of our Executive and General Committee, I would like to thank all our amazing Year Level Representatives and wonderful parent community for their support throughout 2021. The success of our events is directly attributed to your support and we would not be a success without you!
A special mention to Gaye Davies, Sandra Meldrum and Claire Newman who have volunteered in the HPFK Uniform Shop and provided this valued service to our community.
We wish you all a happy, safe and relaxing festive season and look forward to providing more events for students and parents in 2022.
On Friday, 26 November over 100 guests celebrated the End of Year 8 at Newlands at the Patterson River Golf Club. I would like to thank HPFK Vice-President Katrina King, and her team for delivering a spectacular event for our community.
On Thursday, 2 December, we held our annual Christmas Stalls. A huge ‘thank you’ to our volunteers and to HPFK Communications Officer Linette Grossi and Newlands parent Vicki Giosis for their organisation and contribution to this festive event.
Our Uniform Shop will reopen on Friday, 14 January 2022 from 2.30 – 4.30 pm. All Term 1 opening times are in myCalendar in myHaileybury.
We are finally on Instagram! Please search for haileybury_hpfk and follow us. Our first 100 members will be entered into a draw to win a bottle of Veuve Clicquot Champagne.
If you would like to connect with our Facebook community, please join our Facebook page by clicking on this link.
If you have any queries, or would like to contact the HPFK, please email
Lenice Norris
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends Keysborough
I would like to thank all Haileybury staff and students for the way they have begun the 2022 academic year. Term 1A is a chance for students to begin their 2022 studies early and to become comfortable in their new classes before heading off on an extended summer break.
It takes an enormous amount of organisation and effort to ensure that a new school year is ready to go in November of the previous year. However, Haileybury believes that getting a head start on the new year is of great benefit to our students, particularly those undertaking Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) Units 3 and 4.
As the academic year concludes, I would like to say a sincere thanks to you all for your ongoing support of Haileybury. Your children have all been remarkable in the way they have adapted to a pandemic and we share your pride in them.
My best wishes to you all for a safe and happy time away from the usual school routine.
A large number of Haileybury students and families gathered on the evening of Friday, 3 December to celebrate another successful year at Haileybury. The night also featured prize giving for our very best sportspeople, performers and academics. The quality of the musical performances on the night were outstanding, bearing testament to the strength of Haileybury’s Performing Arts Program.
Lyons House Captains have again selected to support Share the Dignity and have already participated in the ‘It’s in the Bag’ campaign. These bags are distributed to women before Christmas to ensure they have access to basic personal health necessities, regardless of their circumstances.
Lyons students have already collected enough soap, toothbrushes, sanitary items, shampoo and conditioner to create 15 bags in one week. Amazing support, Lyons House!
Berthon House recently raised just over $1,500 for the Australian Animal Protection Society in Keysborough with a popular sausage sizzle. The funds raised mean more animals can be rescued, trained and adopted by loving families.
Thank you to all the parents and students who helped and to families who made donations to help reduce our expenses. Upwey Village Bakery donated the bread for the day and 360 Degree Meat and Poultry assisted with the sausages.
We would like to congratulate Kyle Stutz (Year 11) on being accepted into the Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars Program for 2022. The academic enrichment program supports high-achieving students in Years 11 and 12, and select secondary students living close to the New South Wales and South Australian borders.
Pam Chamberlain
of Haileybury Senior Schools
The search is on for the stars of our 2022 Senior School Musical—Matilda the Musical.
On Thursday, 25 November, 75 Years 10 to 12 students from City, Berwick, Brighton and Keysborough took part in three music theatre workshops and were invited to audition for leading roles.
They proved to be highly capable singers, actors and dancers and the performance during three nights in May 2022 will be a musical season to remember.
Last week, auditions were also held for the Senior City Play—The Book of Everything.
The play centres around nine-year-old Thomas who sees things other people don’t see, including the unhappiness and violence in his family. He carefully records the good and the bad in his Book of Everything, including his greatest hope for the future: ‘When I grow up, I’m going to be happy.’ Through the colourful characters in his life, Thomas learns that happiness begins with no longer being afraid.
More than 20 students in Year 10 auditioned for These Bridges, a play that is a surreal exploration of hopes and dreams. Written by Phoebe Eclair-Powell, it is a thrilling reflection on humanity’s desire for things to be better.
The 2022 performance will allow students to creatively explore the consequences of disaster, humanity’s resourceful ingenuity and the supernatural.
Nick Waxman
Head of Drama and Theatre Studies
While 2021 has been yet another difficult year for the Arts, I hope it has been a rewarding one for Music students. Despite not being able to perform in many ensemble events, students’ instrumental journeys continued nonetheless.
Reports from Instrumental Music staff suggest students continued to improve at a remarkable rate and I know students are proud of the improvements they achieved.
To the parents who stuck with the interrupted program and lessons online, I applaud you. I am very excited at the prospect of a full concert schedule next year!
I am extremely pleased to announce that Voice students Genevieve Gray (Year 11) Santrix Redston (Year 10) and Alexis King (Year 9) will participate in Victorian Opera's upcoming youth development program. Graduating Year 12 students Xavier Browne and Alex Hawkins will also join the program.
These outstanding Voice students will attend weekly rehearsal and masterclass sessions for elite singers. The VOYCE program focuses on dramatic works with emphasis on the delivery of text, expression of dramatic intent and movement.
Congratulations also go to our outstanding Voice tutors, Andrea Creighton and Robert Latham (Head of Choral Music) for their outstanding work with these students.
We are all excited at the prospect of seeing our students perform with Victorian Opera.
Have a wonderful summer break,
Rod Marshall
Director of Performing Arts & Head of Haileybury Music
Art in all its forms facilitates our understanding of the world and human experience. Now, more than ever, it connects communities and explores shared concerns about the year that was.
The Arts reflect social change and, as the world pivots in response to COVID-19, Haileybury Visual Arts embraced this dynamism, culminating in our first online exhibition. It is a testament to the efforts of our Senior students and teachers.
It is my privilege to step into the role of Head of Visual Arts and to invite you to explore the work of Units 3 and 4 Media, Product Design and Technology, Studio Arts and Visual Communication Design online, and also Years 9 to 12, in the Ralph W. Hill Memorial Gallery and Sholto Black Visual Arts Building at Keysborough.
In contemplating our students’ perspectives on life in this climate, it is humbling to see their creative energy, social engagement and resilient passion, despite the challenges faced during their studies.
For the Class of 2021, this final show encompasses a rich journey of Arts education from ELC to Year 12. We are so proud of the way in which these students have made creativity part of their lives and we wish them all the best in their future endeavours.
Password: Haileybury2021
Rachelle Rae
Head of Visual Arts Senior School
The Haileybury Foundation Board wishes to sincerely thank all who have contributed to the Foundation in 2022.
We have been overwhelmed by your support.
Your contributions have enabled:
Next year, 11 new students will commence their journey at Haileybury thanks to a Haileybury Foundation Scholarship.
We wish these students well and we know their gratitude is immense—without the support of the Haileybury community including parents, alumni, staff and community groups, these students would not have achieved their dreams.
Thank you.
The Haileybury Foundation is now on keep updated on Foundation activities, please follow us at:
Your Foundation Team
The Outstanding Young Alumni Awards are presented to alumni who have graduated within 12 years and who have also made significant achievements in their field of endeavour.
In short, they exemplify the very best attributes of today’s youth.
Nominees must also have demonstrated exceptional human values to others and/or they have given excellent and sustained service to the OHA or its alumni community.
We congratulate the 2021 winners in the field of Business, Arts, Community, Sport and STEM.
Thank you for staying connected and on behalf of the OHA and our members, congratulations!
Click here to view their acceptance speeches and to celebrate their success.
Hayley Denny
Development & Alumni Manager
The past week saw some members of our Haileybury Football community realise their lifelong dream of being drafted to an AFL club. For these players, this is the culmination of years of dedicated hard work and tutelage from their mentors and coaches.
We congratulate and wish the following players all the very best:
Connor Macdonald (Year 12) was drafted to Hawthorn.
Marcus Windhager (Year 12) was drafted to St Kilda.
Luke Cleary (OH 2020) was drafted to the Western Bulldogs.
Charlie Constable (OH 2017) was drafted to the Gold Coast Suns.
Sport trials for summer and some winter preparations have commenced at Haileybury. Squads have been put through their paces by coaches be ready for the 2022 seasons.
The Rowers were working hard at Carrum and many squads are taking full advantage of the beautiful mornings to hone their skills. Some training will continue to be conducted in the last weeks of term and some sports will continue over the break.
Please check with your respective Head of Sport or the Canvas page for further details.
Sean Allcock
Director of Haileybury Sport
Online news from Haileybury
Music performances, the Haileybury Pipes & Drums, Sport training, House Sport activities, celebration of student achievement at Speech Days and Nights and Haileybury Girls and Boys Graduation ceremonies—it really is just a joy to see students participate and enjoy so many activities.
I am particularly looking forward to the delayed Graduation ceremonies for the boys (tonight) and girls (Tuesday night) as a chance to acknowledge and celebrate the achievement of Haileybury’s Year 12 cohort.
It has been two years of senior schooling in which students have been presented with many challenges. They have risen to them, superbly supported by their teachers and by the exceptional Haileybury digital learning team.
Indeed, it gives me great pleasure to note that Haileybury’s Online Program during the past two years has been recognised at national level with the School winning Best Remote Learning Program at the Australian Education Awards last Friday night.
Just as the teachers and digital learning team worked so hard to deliver the Academic Program for students, we are also delighted that Haileybury won the Best Student Wellbeing Program.
This again was a collective effort from Haileybury’s outstanding pastoral care leaders, including our wonderful Psychologists led by Maria Bailey and under the guidance of Senior Vice-Principal and Head of Senior Schools Pam Chamberlain.
We are particularly pleased that this award is recognition of the wonderful work of all of Haileybury’s pastoral care and student welfare team.
Haileybury’s Primary School Program with the Explicit Teaching Model has long been recognised as exceptional because of the extraordinary student outcomes. For the second year in a row and the third time in five years, Haileybury was awarded Australian Primary School of the Year (Non-Government).
All the awards received are a result of the work of wonderful, committed staff. It is a pleasure to work with such brilliant colleagues, supportive families and dedicated students.
Derek Scott
CEO | Principal
Haileybury Principal | CEO Mr Derek Scott has been appointed as Chair of the Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA). He is the first principal to step into the role.
ACARA is one of Australia’s key education bodies and influences the experience of every student in the country as it develops and refines the National Curriculum, delivers national assessment programs, including NAPLAN, and reports on schooling in Australia.
Derek’s years of experience in education and his commitment to quality teaching to support students have seen him advise several senior government bodies deciding the future direction of Australia’s education system.
Derek’s appointment as Chair was unanimously endorsed by all state and territory education ministers at the November Education Ministers Meeting.
Derek has served on the ACARA Board since January 2021 and was a member of the Expert Panel of the Australian Government’s Quality Initial Teacher Education Review earlier this year.
His involvement in these organisations has given him greater insights into the future of education in Australia—insights he is able to share with the Haileybury community to continue the School’s success and innovation in education.
“I’ve been a teacher and a principal for over 20 years and, in that time, every decision has been focused on improving student education outcomes. Haileybury is a great school and I am very proud of our students, staff and our reputation,” says Derek.
“I’m bringing the frontline skills I have learned through being part of Haileybury to ACARA. Similarly, I will be able to share the education learnings in my role with ACARA with our School.
“I’m excited by the opportunity to help shape and deliver even better learning experiences for all students in Australia and, of course, that very much includes Haileybury students.
“I think the focus should always be on what can be improved to support teachers to enhance student outcomes and also on ensuring that all students in every state and territory can make the most of the best possible education opportunities.”
Derek will, of course, continue at the helm of Haileybury as he chairs ACARA for the next three years.
“It is going to be an exciting time for Haileybury,” says Derek.
“There are so many great learnings from our COVID-19 experiences that we can use to continue to develop the education experience for Haileybury students.”
Another fabulous but challenging year is at a close. Our students have been outstanding in their drive, resilience and adaptability.
At 7.00 pm on Wednesday, 8 December, our Speech Night video will be available for families to watch together and celebrate their children’s successes. Congratulations to all students who have worked determinedly on their studies and a special congratulations to our award recipients.
TeamKids will be operating across the summer holidays. The following link has all the details: TeamKids Brochure.
We look forward to welcoming students back on Thursday, 27 January. Further details will be sent out over the holidays but we ask that students arrive by 8.25 am on the first day of the new term and bring all items from their booklists.
2021 has been a fantastic year at Castlefield—on campus and in homes via Zoom! I thank our outstanding students who have ensured this year will be remembered so richly in Haileybury's history.
I thank our parents for their continued support and thank our staff for the exceptional passion and care they devote to our students. Much adaption, flexibility and resilience has been demonstrated by everyone and I am grateful to be part of such a supportive and connected community.
Please savour the opportunity to spend Christmas with loved ones and have a safe and enjoyable break with your family. I look forward to our continued association in 2022.
The ELC children and educators have been busy planning and preparing for end-of-year festivities—practising songs and dances and working on Learning Journals, decorations, gifts and videos as part of our virtual celebrations.
We look forward to seeing our Gawarn, Gurborra, Walert and Wareeny groups on Tuesday, 7 December at 5.30 – 6.00 pm on Zoom as we celebrate an incredible year of growth, learning, development and joy.
On Saturday, 27 November, we warmly welcomed next year’s ELC students and parents. They met their educators and peers and spent some time in their learning environments. It was lovely to see the children so eager and engaged and each child took home a small gift to build their sense of belonging to their 2022 class.
With outdoor learning as a focus, the Pre-Preps recently enjoyed an adventure at the local park. The educators and children explored the native plants and played a nature ‘look and find’ game. It was great to see them working together and asking their friends and teachers for help.
From book swaps to athletics days and assemblies to graduations—the Junior School has rounded out the term in style! Lenni Pellicano and Edward Cockram manned the Year 3 Book Swap deck in the sunshine as our students perused the donated books in East Quad.
House spirit was alive and well when the fabulous PE Department organised two great afternoons for our students to run, throw, bounce and bound their way around the oval. We farewelled our beautiful Year 4 students at a great assembly and afterwards the Preps formed a guard of honour to acknowledge their Buddies.
Congratulations to Amaani Kishor (Year 4) who was the recipient of the Teri Tzouvelis Prize at the end-of-year Presentation Assembly. Amaani is a fabulous young student who held the highest combined score for English and Mathematics across the year level.
Our youngest learners have had a year beyond all our wildest dreams but, through it all, they have shown resilience and determination. Thank you to our families for providing endless encouragement and snacks, for saying goodbye at the school gates and for watching assemblies from afar.
Instead of our usual end-of-year Christmas concert, the Junior School came together for some singing and dancing. For the first time, without a parent audience, the students remained in Dickinson Hall and were the audience for each other—it was a beautiful thing!
As our school year comes to a close, it is hard not to reflect on another year spent oscillating between the real classroom and the virtual one. A year spent pivoting, rising to any challenge that needed to be met and seeing out a plethora of school activities and opportunities for students—despite never knowing whether a lockdown or restrictions were around the corner.
From camps to incursions, House events to assemblies, our incredible students and amazing teachers continued to give their time, energy and effort to quality learning and teaching. We continued to thrive, which is something this great school community does so well.
Our students are kind, hard-working and prepared to try new things and we are exceptionally proud of them. They have developed into wonderful young people.
As they transition to 2022, whether they have already moved up a year level or will do so in January, we wish them well for the next stage of their journey at Haileybury Castlefield.
To our families and extended community, best wishes to you all for a well-deserved break. Be it at home, on a beach, in a tent or in a distant place, I hope the break is restful and provides a chance to refresh before a wonderful 2022.
Katrina Manson
Head of Castlefield (Brighton)
As the year draws to a close, we wish our parents and friends a wonderful break and we look forward to seeing people in person next year.
At the beginning of Term 1, we will be hosting several onsite events to welcome our families to the new school year.
Ian Green
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends Castlefield
Years 10 to 12 students embarked on their House Art Competition over the past month with the theme: ‘My Haileybury’. Students from Gold, Green, Purple and Blue Houses produced excellent artwork that was displayed outside the front of the teaching building.
Students across the different sub-schools were able to vote for their favourite piece and congratulations go to the overall artistic winners—Blue House.
The Year 11 students recently took part in their annual excursion to Discovery Natural Team (DNT) Camp and Recreational Centre.
Students and staff enjoyed a wide range of energetic activities including kayaking, futsal, archery, high ropes and team building and problem solving challenges. However, the clear highlight for everyone was the paintball activity where students gathered in their respective Houses and competed against each other to showcase their teamwork skills.
Odyssey of the Mind is a STEM-based activity for our Junior School that aims to teach students how to think creatively and work as a team. The construction activity saw students work in teams using unconventional items to create new constructions.
Most recently, the students worked on the Egg Drop Challenge where they had to drop an egg from the second floor of a building and ensure it didn’t break. Students were allowed to use anything they wanted to keep their egg intact.
Team One used a small cardboard box with stuffing inside. They also placed balloons around the box to try and further protect the egg. Team Two placed the egg inside a stuffed animal—Pikachu. They also used balloons to help the egg survive. We dropped the eggs with differing levels of success, however, there was an abundance of impressive critical thinking on display.
Yanni Galanis
International Principal, Haileybury International School, Tianjin
Key moments in our students’ lives are a rite of passage and need to be honoured in a special way. Recently, we celebrated Year 8 Graduations for the Girls Middle School and Boys Middle School during two Zoom ceremonies.
Surrounded by their peers, our Middle School Captains reflected on the achievements of their cohort during the learning journey and how lucky they are to have a Haileybury education. Year 8 have demonstrated resilience, optimism, compassion, adaptability and hope. We are extremely proud of this cohort and all they have done to be role models for the Middle School.
Year 4 also enjoyed a wonderful Graduation that was sky high on the Rooftop! We were able to congratulate all our Years 4 and 8 students and present them with a Graduation Certificate from the School and with a 2021 badge gifted by HPF City to mark these special moments.
Our students’ achievements shone brightly at City campus recently. We have much to be grateful for and it was wonderful to enjoy a special celebration online and on campus. I thank all our families who joined us on Zoom for the Junior School Awards Assembly and our City Speech Day.
We were honoured to have Mr Derek Scott, Mr Scott Doran and Mrs Diane Furusho present prizes on Speech Day. I warmly congratulate all students who received awards and special prizes. Academic excellence and excellence in the Arts, Sport, Leadership and Citizenship continue to shine at City campus.
Our young people have shown remarkable adaptability, optimism and innovation throughout 2021. They have approached leadership with a growth mindset and learned that if we lead with a kind heart and a sharp mind, we can achieve great things together. Our Years 4, 8 and 12 leaders have set the bar high with their positive influence this year.
Our Year 8 Middle School Captains, Bhuvi Diwakar and Max Trinder, have done a superb job of leading with courage and commitment. I congratulate all leaders of Year 8 and thank the cohort for being fine role models. The Year 4 leaders have also done an amazing job and, this week, we congratulated and thanked them at our Year 4 Graduation.
Moments like this remind us how wonderful it is to be working with fine young men and women who have passion and purpose for contributing to our world. I feel confident that our future is bright in the hands of Haileybury students.
I wish all our families a happy, safe and relaxing holiday.
Reflecting on the year, it is remarkable to think of the growth that has occurred in the ELC.
We are all a little taller, we have added new words to our vocabularies, created masterpieces and formed and strengthened friendships. We have been through lockdowns and continued to celebrate and find joy in each day.
We could easily list the events that have made this year in the ELC one to remember, but when we listen to the voices of the children themselves we truly learn what mattered most in 2021.
“I like learning Jolly Phonics because I like the songs and it’s fun to learn about the sounds.” —Nikolina
“I love group time because I like stories and singing. I like learning about dinosaurs.”—Vikram
“I like doing science experiments and I also like Jolly Phonics because it’s got lots of letters.”—Claudia
“I love being in PE playing with bikes and the trampoline.”—Margaux
“I want to go to Pre-Prep next year because I want to learn how to run fast.”—Noah
“My favourite part of Pre-Prep was that I learnt about circuits. I got two cables, a red one and a black one and I attached them to the battery pack and the light worked. I learnt that you need muscles to open the clips to make a circuit and make the light work.”—Kingsley
“I like reading readers in Pre-Prep. I wonder what my reader will be next year. I think it will be a reader I didn’t have before.”—Liam
“We did ‘magical dots' in Music. We would dance around the spots until the music stopped. I liked when we got out, we got to help take dots away.”—Clementine
“I’m excited to learn lots of new things in Prep.”—Zakariyah
As the new year approaches and children move to Pre-Prep or continue their learning journey in Prep, they transition with a strong foundation of educational excellence, a sense of identity and connection to the world around them.
We also look forward to welcoming new friends into Reception in 2022 as we continue our learning adventures and exploration in the ELC.
Our 2022 Prep and Year 4 students established important connections as they spent some time together talking, sharing a meal and playing on the Level 3 Terrace. Our 2022 Year 4 students wrote a letter to their Buddies to introduce themselves before meeting them in person. It was a fantastic opportunity to share time together before the summer break.
The Buddy Program will allow our 2022 Prep students to make regular connections with our Year 4 leaders through reading, problem solving and playing together. We look forward to seeing the Buddies cultivate their mindset and skillset together next year.
Our 2021 Year 4 Leaders were excited to celebrate their Junior School achievements at the Year 4 Graduation today, with their parents joining them to celebrate this milestone.
From our beautiful Level 9 space overlooking Flagstaff Gardens, the students shared their Junior School highlights and were presented with a graduation tile to remind them of this special time in their Haileybury City life. The wonderful event was capped off with an afternoon tea on the Level 10 rooftop that allowed parents and staff to connect on campus again.
Congratulations to all our Middle School students for the way in which they ended the year. There were many memorable moments over the past few weeks of term, including Year 8 2022 Leadership presentations, Speech Day, our water park excursions and visits to Victoria Market to name a few.
We would like to congratulate our Middle School students for their dedication to their studies throughout 2021. We hope that parents and students have a relaxing and enjoyable Christmas break and we look forward to an exciting 2022.
Our Year 8 students recently celebrated their efforts in the StartUp Pitch Showcase. In the Haileybury StartUp Program, students use the Design Thinking process to work collaboratively and innovatively to solve a problem.
From the Girls Middle School, Nuha Sameer, Catherine Le and Eva Lekgabe delivered a well-branded pitch for their inventive product, Vitails—an app, collar and digital door lock which allowed pet owners to monitor their animal's health.
Anthony Ruiu, Lachlan Luong, Liam Buktenica and Nethum Perera won the cross-campus Boys Middle School Best Pitch prize for their revolutionary idea, VIPT—an app-based chauffeur service for the visually impaired. Well done to the Year 8s and VIPT.
“The best way to predict the future is to create it”Peter Drucker
Caroline Merrick
Head of City
On behalf of the HPF City, we wish all our families a wonderful festive season and hope you enjoy quality time with loved ones and celebrating new beginnings in 2022.
We thank you for your continued support.
Enjoy the holidays, keep safe and we look forward to seeing you next year.
Nina Brooks and Nadine Bissland
Co-Presidents, Haileybury Parents & Friends City
Some schools may slow down a little towards the end of the academic year but, here in Darwin, the action just keeps on coming!
Last week’s annual VCAL Art Exhibition was an absolute highlight and saw many of our senior Indigenous students displaying a broad range of locally inspired art. Paintings, didgeridoos, woodwork, postcards and visual stories of communities adorned our Assembly Hall.
Students drew inspiration from their own cultures and home lives and produced amazing work. While the crowds enjoyed the artwork, other students played in the band or served delicious food. It was quite a magical experience with so much talent on show.
Junior School held their inaugural House Public Speaking Competition with performers from all year levels speaking in polished and well-prepared monologues. That evening, students also ‘busted some moves’ at the Junior School Disco which was very well attended by students and staff, with some sound support from parent volunteers.
This week, we began celebrating our high academic achievers with Semester 2 Awards presented to Years 5 to 12 at special formal assemblies. We have followed the Haileybury tradition of awarding Colours and Merits to those who have demonstrated strong and consistent learning.
Planning is well advanced for our final week Christmas Concerts for ELC students and the Junior School. The centrepiece of our end to the year is the Speech Night which will be held at Darwin Convention Centre tonight, Monday 6 December.
This wonderful event showcases our Orchestra, Choirs, Percussion Ensembles and School Musical and celebrates our top academic achievers across the year. Important awards are also presented for the House champions, Sport achievers and significant contributors to social justice initiatives.
We are also preparing for 2022 with Up Day welcoming many new students and families for a full day of induction and classes from ELC and Transition through to Year 7. Our School remains full of action, learning and excitement until the very last day!
Andrew McGregor
Principal, Haileybury Rendall School
We have been so fortunate to be able to celebrate together with some wonderful events. Significant occasions such as Up Day, Speech Night, Middle School Graduation, Junior School Graduation and end-of-year celebrations for ELC and Junior School are an integral and memorable part of the lives of our students and families.
There is a great deal to celebrate this year and I wish to thank all staff, students and families for showing such resilience, strength and optimism as we have worked together to successfully navigate this challenging year.
I am incredibly proud of the staff for their work and of the way in which students stayed engaged with their learning even when they would have liked nothing better than to be at school. I am grateful for the tremendous support of the parents—we could not have done it without you.
I wish you all a very happy and peaceful holiday period and look forward to seeing everyone back at school on Thursday, 27 January 2022.
On Saturday, 20 November, children in the ELC had their Orientation Day. It was wonderful to welcome our new families to the Centre and to welcome children who are moving to a new group. This year, children entered the ELC in small groups and met their teachers for 2022 and some of the children in their class as well as exploring their new learning environment.
The ELC children are excited about their End-of-Year Concert which is being held on Wednesday, 8 December in the John Twist Hall. For many of the children, this is their first time performing in front of an audience—although you would not know this from our rehearsals!
It is wonderful to have the ELC come together to celebrate how far the children have come and to give them an opportunity to perform in front of our families.
On the last day of term, the children will be taking home their Learning Journals to share with you. These are a special keepsake which celebrate your child’s progress throughout the year and provide an overview of their learning journey during 2021.
Thank you all for your support this year. I hope you all have a wonderful break and we look forward to seeing you in the new year.
Ms Amy McGrath has been appointed our Deputy Head of Junior School (Pastoral Care & Administration). Amy is a Year 1 teacher who brings experience and expertise to this role. We are excited to have her as part of our Junior School leadership team and congratulate her on her appointment.
Ms Lisa Reynolds has been appointed Head of Mathematics (Junior School). The important curriculum role will see Lisa working across all Haileybury campuses while remaining at Edrington Junior School and continuing as a class teacher.
Lisa brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to her new position and we congratulate her on her appointment.
Due to current restrictions, parents have had to fill in a variety of pre-site requirements to be admitted on campus. These requirements may continue next year, so we encourage parents to sign up for their Working With Children Check (WWCC).
This is free of charge for volunteers and is required for any parent helper opportunities, such as listening to reading or cooking a BBQ and it is also required for excursions. It can take six weeks to be approved so we suggest parents apply for this over the school holidays at
Once you have your WWCC, please submit a copy to the Edrington Reception via or bring in a copy for us to scan. They do expire so please check your expiry dates. We look forward to welcoming you on campus in 2022.
While it has been another year of ups and downs with COVID-19, we could not be prouder of our Junior School students and their learning this year!
Thank you to our families for the support you have given our teachers while your children were online. It is not an easy environment for anyone to teach or learn in, but our community came together to ensure we got through. Thank you to every Junior School staff member at Edrington—yet again you have proven what amazing people you are.
It has been wonderful to be able to run some events to conclude the school year.
Congratulations to all Middle School students who were acknowledged at Speech Night for their diligence and effort during 2021. It was a celebration of the resilience, persistence and achievements of many students during a busy and challenging academic year at Edrington.
There was a buzz of excitement during our Orientation Day (Up Day). It was wonderful to have all new and existing Middle School students experience a taste of what is to come next year. It was great to see students having fun and getting to know their new classes.
The Year 8 students have participated in our annual Leadership Day. They were treated to guest speakers and activities that focused on identifying and developing each student’s leadership attributes.
Students then had to write an application and present to their peers and a vote was held by staff and students. The number and calibre of applicants and their speeches were most impressive. Congratulations to all involved. The leadership positions will be announced this Thursday.
Our Year 6 students will be attending two excursions this week in lieu of camp. They are very much looking forward to Gumbuya World on Tuesday and Treetops on Wednesday.
Jeanette Rawlings
Head of Edrington (Berwick)
It has been a busy couple of weeks. The Junior School had a sausage sizzle and the students were so cute with their perfect manners and excited little faces! Some students even had their first ever sausage in bread and loved it!
The table tennis tables have been installed in the Boys and Girls Middle Schools and we cannot wait to hold the inaugural HPFE Cup next year!
Thank you to everybody for your kind, generous donations for the Berwick Rotary Benevolent Society. Nothing beats sharing Christmas joy with our community and I am sure our abundant collection will bring smiles to many faces.
Thank you, once again, for your support and for welcoming your new committee into the HPFE. Thanks to our Head of Campus, Jeanette Rawlings; to Dale and the Grounds Team and to Rebecca and the Admin Team for helping us behind the scenes, supporting our committee and making the magic happen.
Finally, a massive shout out to Tracy, Kush and Di for your unwavering support. 2021 has been fun and we cannot wait to do everything even better in 2022! It is going to be a busy year—we have lost time to make up for!
Merry Christmas to you all. Have a safe and happy break. See you in 2022!
Kerry, Tracy, Kushal and Di
Kerry Ilic
HPFE President
As the year draws to a close, I thank the Newlands community for their resilience and positivity. None of us could have foreseen what was ahead as we entered a second year of lockdowns. Daily life changed for everyone as we adjusted to living in the world’s most locked-down city!
Our children will tell their children and grandchildren about this time. Our hope is that, despite the challenges they faced, they will remember the fun times, the creative solutions to problems and the ‘new normal’ that gave them more time with their families.
Merry Christmas! Keep safe and have a wonderful break. We look forward to your return to campus on Thursday, 27 January 2022.
The Newlands Speech Night will again be in a virtual format due to COVID-19 restrictions. This event will be available for viewing on Wednesday, 8 December at 7.00 pm. Families will receive an invitation and link via the myHaileybury app.
We congratulate all award winners on their outstanding achievements.
For information regarding the TeamKids Summer Holiday Program please see here.
The ELC children have been practising for the annual ELC Christmas Concert. It’s wonderful to see the growth in the children’s confidence and stage presence across the year. This year, we will video-record the concert for families to enjoy.
Educators promote the child’s voice within the ELC Program and children have an opportunity to express their choices and opinions. We know that children can express their thoughts with great insight and we recently asked the ELC children to comment on 2021.
“I love the ELLA program because it has new Chinese words and helped me to learn new things. This year, visitors from the other countries couldn’t come to Australia.” —Ivana
“At the ELC I used clap sticks to play Inanay and I learned how to say Aboriginal words.” —Parker
“I liked when Grandpa came to the ELC. He did number counting with me.” —Oliver
“I loved the ELC. I love singing songs with my friends. New children need to know to be nice to each other and no shouting at the teacher.” —Abby
“I learned to count by twos, fives and 10s so you don’t get tired when you count. I can count coins so if I buy things, the shop people won’t ask me to put things back because I’ll have the right money.” —Austin
“I learned to listen to my teacher because I will know what to do. If you don’t listen and they call out your name you won’t know what to do.” —Hudson
“I will never forget that I learned how to read at the ELC. I’ll always know how to read.” —Charlotte
“I’ll miss my teachers. I want to still see them when I’m in Prep. My teachers are so nice and they make me learn stuff.” —Annabelle
This year, the ELC children, families and educators raised money for Monash Children’s Hospital. The annual Art Auction was the highlight of the year with some beautiful art canvasses going home to successful bidders.
Newlands ELC raised over $5,000 to donate to this worthy cause.
Fisher Oval was a kaleidoscope of colours as the Junior School children enjoyed their Athletics Carnival. They participated in an obstacle gauntlet, sprints and relays and fun games like Rock, Paper, Scissors, Chicken Smash and Hoop Flip.
An amazing time was had by all.
Our Year 3 students spent an amazing day at Enchanted Adventure Garden in Arthurs Seat. Students put on a helmet and harness and challenged themselves physically and mentally by ‘surfing’ through the trees. They also enjoyed sitting in giant ‘donut tubes’ and whizzing down slides while racing their friends.
To finish off the wonderful day, we spent time getting lost in mazes and hedges and admiring the beautiful artwork around us. It was a great adventure for everyone.
Year 2 students have been understanding how geography helps us navigate and connect to the world around us and they took part in an orienteering incursion to apply their newly learned skills.
Working in teams, they completed a treasure hunt challenge around Newlands, solving clues to find the treasure. Some of the skills used included direction, orientation, mapping and deciphering codes. It was a fantastic way for us to conclude our unit and have some fun at the same time.
We would like to congratulate Darren Meng
(Year 5) for winning first prize in the 2021 Grand Prize Virtuoso International Music Competition.
The competition is open to all nationalities and ages in strings, piano, wind, vocal and chamber music. Darren's winning solo piano piece was Grande Valse Brillante, a very famous song from Frederic Chopin.
Here is the Youtube link for the competition. Well done, Darren.
During Term 3, our Year 6 girls have been researching global issues as part of Humanities and one of the issues discussed was energy poverty.
This term, 6A made solar lamps as part of the Solar Buddy initiative. The lamps will be donated to less fortunate students across Asia and the South Pacific.
It is wonderful that the Grade 6 students were able to enjoy activities in lieu of attending camp. They visited places such as Gumbuya World and Enchanted Adventure Garden and took part in horse riding, lawn bowls, surfing, arts, woodwork and hula-hooping. Meanwhile, the Year 5s took part in Bike Education and a trip to Gumbuya World.
During Term 1A, the new Year 8 students have embarked on their exciting StartUp journey. Given the task of designing a backpack for a specific demographic, they drew inspiration from the recent StartUp Pitch Showcase and set about thinking how best to support their client.
Students were introduced to Design Thinking to be able to understand their market and then develop their ideas and create a prototype to present to their peers. We cannot wait to see what amazing ideas they come up with to showcase in the 2022 Pitch event.
Jane Gibbs
Head of Newlands (Keysborough)
On behalf of our Executive and General Committee, I would like to thank all our amazing Year Level Representatives and wonderful parent community for their support throughout 2021. The success of our events is directly attributed to your support and we would not be a success without you!
A special mention to Gaye Davies, Sandra Meldrum and Claire Newman who have volunteered in the HPFK Uniform Shop and provided this valued service to our community.
We wish you all a happy, safe and relaxing festive season and look forward to providing more events for students and parents in 2022.
On Friday, 26 November over 100 guests celebrated the End of Year 8 at Newlands at the Patterson River Golf Club. I would like to thank HPFK Vice-President Katrina King, and her team for delivering a spectacular event for our community.
On Thursday, 2 December, we held our annual Christmas Stalls. A huge ‘thank you’ to our volunteers and to HPFK Communications Officer Linette Grossi and Newlands parent Vicki Giosis for their organisation and contribution to this festive event.
Our Uniform Shop will reopen on Friday, 14 January 2022 from 2.30 – 4.30 pm. All Term 1 opening times are in myCalendar in myHaileybury.
We are finally on Instagram! Please search for haileybury_hpfk and follow us. Our first 100 members will be entered into a draw to win a bottle of Veuve Clicquot Champagne.
If you would like to connect with our Facebook community, please join our Facebook page by clicking on this link.
If you have any queries, or would like to contact the HPFK, please email
Lenice Norris
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends Keysborough
I would like to thank all Haileybury staff and students for the way they have begun the 2022 academic year. Term 1A is a chance for students to begin their 2022 studies early and to become comfortable in their new classes before heading off on an extended summer break.
It takes an enormous amount of organisation and effort to ensure that a new school year is ready to go in November of the previous year. However, Haileybury believes that getting a head start on the new year is of great benefit to our students, particularly those undertaking Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) Units 3 and 4.
As the academic year concludes, I would like to say a sincere thanks to you all for your ongoing support of Haileybury. Your children have all been remarkable in the way they have adapted to a pandemic and we share your pride in them.
My best wishes to you all for a safe and happy time away from the usual school routine.
A large number of Haileybury students and families gathered on the evening of Friday, 3 December to celebrate another successful year at Haileybury. The night also featured prize giving for our very best sportspeople, performers and academics. The quality of the musical performances on the night were outstanding, bearing testament to the strength of Haileybury’s Performing Arts Program.
Lyons House Captains have again selected to support Share the Dignity and have already participated in the ‘It’s in the Bag’ campaign. These bags are distributed to women before Christmas to ensure they have access to basic personal health necessities, regardless of their circumstances.
Lyons students have already collected enough soap, toothbrushes, sanitary items, shampoo and conditioner to create 15 bags in one week. Amazing support, Lyons House!
Berthon House recently raised just over $1,500 for the Australian Animal Protection Society in Keysborough with a popular sausage sizzle. The funds raised mean more animals can be rescued, trained and adopted by loving families.
Thank you to all the parents and students who helped and to families who made donations to help reduce our expenses. Upwey Village Bakery donated the bread for the day and 360 Degree Meat and Poultry assisted with the sausages.
We would like to congratulate Kyle Stutz (Year 11) on being accepted into the Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars Program for 2022. The academic enrichment program supports high-achieving students in Years 11 and 12, and select secondary students living close to the New South Wales and South Australian borders.
Pam Chamberlain
of Haileybury Senior Schools
The search is on for the stars of our 2022 Senior School Musical—Matilda the Musical.
On Thursday, 25 November, 75 Years 10 to 12 students from City, Berwick, Brighton and Keysborough took part in three music theatre workshops and were invited to audition for leading roles.
They proved to be highly capable singers, actors and dancers and the performance during three nights in May 2022 will be a musical season to remember.
Last week, auditions were also held for the Senior City Play—The Book of Everything.
The play centres around nine-year-old Thomas who sees things other people don’t see, including the unhappiness and violence in his family. He carefully records the good and the bad in his Book of Everything, including his greatest hope for the future: ‘When I grow up, I’m going to be happy.’ Through the colourful characters in his life, Thomas learns that happiness begins with no longer being afraid.
More than 20 students in Year 10 auditioned for These Bridges, a play that is a surreal exploration of hopes and dreams. Written by Phoebe Eclair-Powell, it is a thrilling reflection on humanity’s desire for things to be better.
The 2022 performance will allow students to creatively explore the consequences of disaster, humanity’s resourceful ingenuity and the supernatural.
Nick Waxman
Head of Drama and Theatre Studies
While 2021 has been yet another difficult year for the Arts, I hope it has been a rewarding one for Music students. Despite not being able to perform in many ensemble events, students’ instrumental journeys continued nonetheless.
Reports from Instrumental Music staff suggest students continued to improve at a remarkable rate and I know students are proud of the improvements they achieved.
To the parents who stuck with the interrupted program and lessons online, I applaud you. I am very excited at the prospect of a full concert schedule next year!
I am extremely pleased to announce that Voice students Genevieve Gray (Year 11) Santrix Redston (Year 10) and Alexis King (Year 9) will participate in Victorian Opera's upcoming youth development program. Graduating Year 12 students Xavier Browne and Alex Hawkins will also join the program.
These outstanding Voice students will attend weekly rehearsal and masterclass sessions for elite singers. The VOYCE program focuses on dramatic works with emphasis on the delivery of text, expression of dramatic intent and movement.
Congratulations also go to our outstanding Voice tutors, Andrea Creighton and Robert Latham (Head of Choral Music) for their outstanding work with these students.
We are all excited at the prospect of seeing our students perform with Victorian Opera.
Have a wonderful summer break,
Rod Marshall
Director of Performing Arts & Head of Haileybury Music
Art in all its forms facilitates our understanding of the world and human experience. Now, more than ever, it connects communities and explores shared concerns about the year that was.
The Arts reflect social change and, as the world pivots in response to COVID-19, Haileybury Visual Arts embraced this dynamism, culminating in our first online exhibition. It is a testament to the efforts of our Senior students and teachers.
It is my privilege to step into the role of Head of Visual Arts and to invite you to explore the work of Units 3 and 4 Media, Product Design and Technology, Studio Arts and Visual Communication Design online, and also Years 9 to 12, in the Ralph W. Hill Memorial Gallery and Sholto Black Visual Arts Building at Keysborough.
In contemplating our students’ perspectives on life in this climate, it is humbling to see their creative energy, social engagement and resilient passion, despite the challenges faced during their studies.
For the Class of 2021, this final show encompasses a rich journey of Arts education from ELC to Year 12. We are so proud of the way in which these students have made creativity part of their lives and we wish them all the best in their future endeavours.
Password: Haileybury2021
Rachelle Rae
Head of Visual Arts Senior School
The Haileybury Foundation Board wishes to sincerely thank all who have contributed to the Foundation in 2022.
We have been overwhelmed by your support.
Your contributions have enabled:
Next year, 11 new students will commence their journey at Haileybury thanks to a Haileybury Foundation Scholarship.
We wish these students well and we know their gratitude is immense—without the support of the Haileybury community including parents, alumni, staff and community groups, these students would not have achieved their dreams.
Thank you.
The Haileybury Foundation is now on keep updated on Foundation activities, please follow us at:
Your Foundation Team
The Outstanding Young Alumni Awards are presented to alumni who have graduated within 12 years and who have also made significant achievements in their field of endeavour.
In short, they exemplify the very best attributes of today’s youth.
Nominees must also have demonstrated exceptional human values to others and/or they have given excellent and sustained service to the OHA or its alumni community.
We congratulate the 2021 winners in the field of Business, Arts, Community, Sport and STEM.
Thank you for staying connected and on behalf of the OHA and our members, congratulations!
Click here to view their acceptance speeches and to celebrate their success.
Hayley Denny
Development & Alumni Manager
The past week saw some members of our Haileybury Football community realise their lifelong dream of being drafted to an AFL club. For these players, this is the culmination of years of dedicated hard work and tutelage from their mentors and coaches.
We congratulate and wish the following players all the very best:
Connor Macdonald (Year 12) was drafted to Hawthorn.
Marcus Windhager (Year 12) was drafted to St Kilda.
Luke Cleary (OH 2020) was drafted to the Western Bulldogs.
Charlie Constable (OH 2017) was drafted to the Gold Coast Suns.
Sport trials for summer and some winter preparations have commenced at Haileybury. Squads have been put through their paces by coaches be ready for the 2022 seasons.
The Rowers were working hard at Carrum and many squads are taking full advantage of the beautiful mornings to hone their skills. Some training will continue to be conducted in the last weeks of term and some sports will continue over the break.
Please check with your respective Head of Sport or the Canvas page for further details.
Sean Allcock
Director of Haileybury Sport
In the spirit of reconciliation, Haileybury acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of country throughout Australia and their connections to land, sea and community. We pay our respect to their elders past and present and extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples today.
© Haileybury 2025 Compliance
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