CEO | Principal's Report
The full release of all Victorian Certificate of Education and International Baccalaureate results has confirmed Haileybury students as being among the very best performing students in Victoria and Australia.
Online news from Haileybury
The full release of all Victorian Certificate of Education and International Baccalaureate results has confirmed Haileybury students as being among the very best performing students in Victoria and Australia.
The full release of all Victorian Certificate of Education and International Baccalaureate results has confirmed Haileybury students as being among the very best performing students in Victoria and Australia.
Haileybury students’ results, by any measure in 2022, were exceptional with 64% of girls and 57% of boys attaining an Australian Tertiary Admissions Ranking of 90 or above. This placed them in the top 10% of all students in Australia.
Importantly, 97% of all Haileybury students were placed in the top 40% in Australia with an ATAR of 60 or above. Our goal is to have every student achieve to the very best of their ability and to have them prepared with the skills they need to succeed in life after school.
Of course, the better the academic ATAR performance the bigger the range of opportunities that are opened for graduates in their future study and work.
For the results released by schools for ATAR scores of 90+, Haileybury boys’ results saw them as the number one ranked boy’s school in Victoria and the girls’ results saw them as the number four ranked girl’s school. The combined results saw Haileybury place as the equal second-ranked co-education school in Victoria.
This is a wonderful achievement from a fine group of graduating students and, of course, is the result of brilliant teaching and wonderful collaboration between teachers, parents and students.
I am very excited about the year ahead and the continued developments in education which Haileybury will embrace to ensure students are ready for their life after school.
Derek Scott
CEO | Principal
It is with much enthusiasm that we welcome all Castlefield families to the 2023 school year. I extend an especially warm welcome to the new students joining us this year.
The School looks splendid and staff have prepared the grounds and learning spaces for the first day on Monday, 30 January.
Information about student arrivals on the first day is available on the myHaileybury app, under myNews. Parking will be available on the oval for the morning, so parents can help children carry their book boxes to their classrooms. We ask that all items are brought into school on day one.
Students in Years 1 – 8 joining us for the first time this week will have received an invitation about our New Student Afternoon. We welcome new students to join us on Friday, 27 January at 3.30 pm to re-familiarise themselves with the layout of the school, their classrooms and teachers before their first day.
Summer uniform is to be worn for Term 1 and the link detailing Uniform Student Expectations can be found on myHaileybury here. Please note, Junior School students don’t wear the blazer with the summer uniform. However, as a SunSmart school, the School cap or bucket hat is compulsory for all outdoor activities during Terms 1 and 4.
Wominjeka – welcome.
It was lovely to see so many of our 2023 ELC children and families at our information and orientation sessions at the end of last year. We hope you enjoyed receiving your letter in the post from your educators. We are very much looking forward to our first day together and to greeting new and existing children and families.
We can’t wait to begin our 2023 learning journey together. Beautiful, stimulating learning environments have been created to spark excitement, joy and belonging, and to support each child to be a capable, confident and competent learner.
As well as the whole school Haileybury app, myHaileybury, we ask families to download the Haileybury ELC app before the term begins. This is the main communication tool for educators and parents. It provides updates on ELC specific events and our class curriculum and there are opportunities to share the magical moments your child experiences in the ELC.
Monday, 30 January
Students commence
Wednesday, 1 February
School photos
Monday, 13 February
Parent teacher Interviews 4.00 pm – 6.00 pm
Wednesday, 15 February
Parent Teacher Interviews 4.00 pm – 6.00 pm
Tuesday, 7 March
Clean up Australia Day in the ELC
Wednesday, 8 March
Jaeden Williams visit and Welcome to Country
Wednesday, 5 April
Easter Bilby Hunt and Picnic
Thursday, 6 April
Castlefield Coin Trail
Junior School staff have been preparing classrooms and the curriculum and are raring to go!
Ready for the first day of school, please label all items of uniform and your child’s lunchbox and drink bottle. At the end of last year we had 48 unnamed items that couldn’t be returned to their owners!
Remember our sun smart policy and ensure your child has their school sun hat ready for day 1. We encourage you to apply their sunscreen in the morning and to include a roll-on sunscreen in your child’s bag so they can reapply throughout the day.
On Up Day, teachers sent home book covers and instructions so booklist items are ready on the first day of school. If you’ve misplaced these covers, please ask your child’s Homeroom teacher for replacements.
Castlefield Junior School is unique in that we have a one third intake of families coming into Prep who join us from outside our ELC. If you are a current family, please introduce yourself to our new students and families and make them welcome. A number of new students across the year levels are joining us and we know their classmates will look after them. A big welcome to all our new faces this year.
All our students belong to one of four Houses — they’re like an extended family outside Homeroom! We look forward to inducting our 2023 House Leaders early in the term and these students will host assemblies, run recess and lunch time clubs and help manage Junior School events. One such event was the Term 4 House Athletics last year when a great time was had by all.
On behalf of the Haileybury Middle School team, we would like to extend a heartfelt welcome to our new and returning families. During the holiday, we hope you were able to relax, unwind and reflect on the highlights of 2022 while beginning to plan for a successful 2023. We hope all our families were able to spend quality time together, doing the things they like with the people they love.
The first day of school is nearly upon us and, in our experience, establishing a consistent routine is vital to a good transition, whether starting school for the first time or moving up a year level. Now is the time to get up early, to prepare your books, school bag and uniform and to get your desk and bedroom ready for study.
Summer uniform must be worn in Term 1, including the school blazer that should be worn to and from school each day. If the temperature reaches 30 degrees, a message will be sent to students informing them that their blazer may be removed. This is known as a Blue Flag Day.
For year levels attending camp in Term 1, we ask parents to please review and complete the required online documentation through Consent2Go.
Once again, we welcome our students, parents and families to the 2023 school year and to our wonderful Castlefield community.
Katrina Manson
Head of Castlefield (Brighton)
Happy New Year everybody. We hope you all had a good break with your families — the summer holidays have passed very quickly. I hope everyone is ready to start a new school year.
We have a few events coming up including Prep and Years 5 and 7 parent meeting nights, coffee mornings and we are bringing back Movie Night.
The Second-Hand Uniform Shop is also open for business on Tuesday, 24 and Wednesday, 25 January from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm.
Keep an eye out on the myHaileybury app for dates and information. See you at school!
Monique Chapman
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends Castlefield
Staff and students are currently enjoying their long-awaited winter break after the successful completion of Semester 1. Due to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in China, most of the last month has necessitated online teaching for all sub-schools.
Even though we have not been able to celebrate all of our end of semester events, each sub-school managed to hold online parent presentations and Parent–Teacher Interviews.
During the first week of the winter break, Haileybury warmly welcomed leaders of the Wuqing District Education Bureau (WEB) and teachers from Yongyang Middle School. The visit was an opportunity to exchange ideas on education and teaching learning development.
The WEB leaders were led by Deputy Director, Gao Chenghao, and the Principal of Yongyang Middle School, Wen Ho Lee, led a group of 10 teachers. They were welcomed by Haileybury China Principal, Brian Gao, Vice Principal, Vivian Jia, and Head of HR, Adam Hang.
The two delegations visited our school teaching areas, sports venues, swimming pool, cafeteria and dormitories. Following the tour, everyone gathered in the Haileybury School Theatre and watched a short video clip highlighting the campus activities celebrated within each sub-school.
Mr Gao pointed out that Yongyang Middle School has been involved in education for many years and is a benchmark school in terms of teaching experience. It has built a good reputation in Wuqing District. He said the visit from the two delegations was a great honour for Haileybury and he hoped that the leaders and teachers could learn from each other.
The visit finished with a valuable question and answer session where many ideas and philosophies about education were exchanged.
Yanni Galanis
International Principal, Haileybury International School, Tianjin
Welcome to all our new and returning City families. We look forward to a wonderful 2023 and to our students learning and growing. We’re sure students are eager to walk through the gates, to see their friends — and to make some new ones.
Our staff have been working hard on planning some great learning experiences and they are very excited to spend their first day with students on Monday, 30 January. All students should arrive in Haileybury summer uniform, including their blazer. Our Heads of School will be at the front of King Street to meet all new families from 8.00 am.
There is always an extra special buzz of excitement in the building on the first day of term and we look forward to welcoming our Prep to Year 12 students.
Our City Year 12 graduates finished the year as strongly as they started. They were focused, determined and worked hard, and our staff were outstanding at teaching, challenging, supporting and caring for every student, every day.
We were thrilled with our students’ excellent Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) results. They were some of the most outstanding results in the state and students achieved the highest results in the School’s 30 year VCE history.
There were many success stories from our City cohort with students scoring over 99 and attaining perfect scores of 50. There is much to be celebrated and we acknowledge the important support of all families.
Great academic results are the product of a strong partnership between students, parents and guardians, and the School and its staff. This partnership starts now as you prepare for the start of the academic year and assist your child to slip back into an early morning routine, ready for the year ahead.
I look forward to seeing you all in person at our upcoming ELC, JS and MS Parent Information Sessions. These are important events where you will hear about goals and areas of focus from our City Leadership team, and the specifics from your child’s Homeroom teacher.
Please pop these key dates into your diaries. Enjoy the rest of your holidays.
We have started the new year with smiling faces, new friends and a sense of belonging within the ELC. The principle of ‘belonging’ within our Early Years Framework is of huge importance, as children ease into a new year and new routines.
As Reception children settle into their learning environment, morning routines have provided opportunities for them to develop their skills in independence. Children have shown great pride when carrying their own school bag and placing these into their locker each morning.
Family photos on each locker and located throughout the room provide a sense of connection and belonging for children.
Pre-Preps have welcomed back old friends and met some new friends and our Pre-Prep children continue to develop a sense of belonging as they learn more about their peers, establish and strengthen new and existing friendships, and engage with the environment around them.
We invite all parents to attend the upcoming Parent Information Session on campus on Tuesday, 7 February at 9.00 am. The session outlines key components of our program at Haileybury City ELC. Please look for more information via the myHaileybury app.
Jacqueline Gough, our new Head of Junior School, looks forward to meeting all families at our upcoming events and is very excited to welcome our Junior School students onto Level 3. She has been busily preparing for the year ahead and she will enjoy getting to know all our students, especially our new Year 4 leaders who will help her in the Junior School.
All our staff can’t wait to see the smiling faces of students on day one. In Term 1, students wear their full summer uniform, including their school hat, and they must also bring their Haileybury sun hat and water bottle each day.
Now is a good time to try on uniforms and to check everything is ready. Please also ensure your child applies sunscreen before school when the UV level is 3 and above.
We look forward to seeing our Junior School families at our upcoming Information Night on Thursday, 2 February at 6.00 pm. You will hear about our academic program, pastoral care and our ‘Care, Learn, Play’ philosophy. More details on the myHaileybury app.
There is a lot to look forward to in Junior School.
Welcome back to our returning families in Middle School (MS) and welcome also to new families joining us in 2023. We also welcome our new Head of Middle School (Boys), Brent Ritchie, who is looking forward to getting to know our young men and their families.
We congratulate Carolyn Mansour on her promotion to Senior Deputy Head of Campus and she will also continue her role as Head of Middle School (Girls).
They are both looking forward to an exciting and busy term ahead.
To ensure students are well-equipped and prepared for the year, all students in Middle School take part in two Induction Days at the beginning of the academic year on Monday, 30 and Tuesday, 31 January. This is an opportunity for new students to collect and become familiar with their devices, and for current students to learn about new programs and resources for 2023. Strategies for embracing the new year ahead are also a focus and include organisation, diary management and mastering the timetable.
All Middle School students also participate in camp briefings to prepare them for their outdoor experience and engage in a series of workshops based on respectful relationships.
The start of the year brings a wonderful sense of renewed enthusiasm and the chance to set new goals. As the school year starts, please remind your Middle Schoolers that:
Parents are invited to attend our MS Parent Information Evening on Thursday, 2 February at 6.30 pm. This will be an opportunity to meet your student’s Homeroom Teacher for 2023 and you’ll hear important information from the Heads of Middle School and other School leaders.
Please put this date in your diary and stay tuned for further information on the myHaileybury app.
“Enter this year with gratitude for this new chance to create your dreams.”Avina Celeste
Caroline Merrick
Head of City
We hope everyone had a wonderful festive season and a fantastic New Year. It has been great to recharge the batteries and enjoy the lovely summer nights that Melbourne has turned on for us this holiday season. The HPF City committee is ready for an exciting year ahead.
As we step into the 2023 school year, we are thrilled to welcome new and returning families to our school community. The ELC new families have already started their Haileybury adventures with eager smiling faces.
It will be lovely to see all the ELC to Year 12 students as we return to school on Monday, 30 January for another great year of learning at Haileybury.
For families new to Haileybury, the HPF City works with Haileybury City campus to engage with families and strengthen ties among our school community. It is so important to have a support network available to you and your young people.
Generally, there is a social representative for each class who co-ordinates a distribution list. Via the distribution list, parents and carers can ask questions such as ‘Do they need sports uniform today?’ ‘Do they have a copy of the maths homework?’ or ‘When is the next HPF City Second Hand Uniform Shop?’ It is a great resource for busy parents and carers.
The social rep is also a great way to communicate any suggestions for events to the committee. The myHaileybury app will keep you up –to date with everything going on around campus, including dates for the second-hand uniform shop.
Our HPF City meetings are open to all. We will formally welcome our new 2023 Executive members and Social Representatives for each level on Monday, 13 February at 7.30 pm via Zoom. Details will be on myHaileybury.
We hope that you can join us as we plan our year of events and discuss the various ways in which we can all get involved. We love to hear new ideas and, as we venture into the COVID-normal world, we are keen to try new ways to bring everyone together. So please come and join us for a chat, make some new connections and get involved.
Families are invited to join the HPF City Facebook page. A password must be entered before you can access the group to ensure the safety of your children. The Facebook page is a great way to keep in touch with what’s happening around the campus and to receive information about events and reminders and helpful links. We will share this password at our Parent Information Nights.
The Committee and I look forward to a wonderful and successful start to 2023 for all our young Haileyburians. We wish the students all the best.
Melissa Fisher
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends City
There is a never a dull moment across the big wet season in Darwin. After the build-up of high humidity, genuine heat and little rain, the rains of the wet season are always welcome. This year, the build-up was short, which was pleasing for everyone, and during Term 4 we were delighted to get several storms to cool things down.
Over the Christmas period and into the New Year we had around two weeks of monsoonal activity, largely due to a cyclone that passed about 200km south of Darwin. This means grey skies and lots of rain and strong winds. During this time, the temperature even dropped briefly to 27 degrees! Once the monsoons pass and the rain becomes more isolated, the heat and humidity rise and we look forward to each new storm.
During this break time, we have taken the opportunity to work on some significant renovations and building works at the School. This includes the opening of a new ELC classroom that will allow us to increase our four-year-old area to two classes. We are also renovating offices and updating classrooms.
This year sees enrolments rising to around 950 students — an increase of around 70 students from last year and over 500 students since we opened our doors back in 2018. Haileybury Rendall School has been well accepted in the local community and is recognised as a great place to send children for a quality educational experience.
This year we also expect to see significant growth in our Boarding School with our first international students. It is likely that our boarding numbers will exceed 100 students for the first time. The vast majority of these students are First Nations boys and girls from remote communities who are increasingly attracted to us because we are a Centre for Excellence in Indigenous Education. We also have a growing number of domestic non-Indigenous students joining our School.
We are also very excited to welcome a number of new staff to Haileybury Rendall School. Many of them are joining us from Victoria so they are well aware of the Haileybury ‘brand’ and all that we are doing.
There is never a dull moment in Darwin!
Andrew McGregor
Principal, Haileybury Rendall School
It is my pleasure to welcome all Edrington families to the new school year. I hope you had a restful and enjoyable break with family and friends and that all students are ready for an exciting year ahead.
In particular, I extend a very warm welcome to the new students and families joining us this year.
School commences on Monday, 30 January and full summer uniform is required. We ask that all students arrive by 8.20 am to allow plenty of time to find classrooms and get settled.
Please note the following important dates:
We are looking forward to a wonderful year ahead and we thank you for allowing us the opportunity to share your child’s educational journey in 2023.
We are very much looking forward to welcoming our ELC families.
Over the coming weeks, Reception and Pre-Prep children will spend time becoming familiar with their new environment, exploring different learning experiences, meeting their educators and developing relationships with their peers. Educators support each child and their family to make a positive transition into their program and classroom through meaningful interactions and conversations.
Play is an integral part of our ELC program. It helps children develop a sense of belonging in their new environment as they explore resources and experiences that interest them. Children learn about the world and develop new skills like cooperation, expressing their feelings, negotiating different roles, acting out real life scenarios and critical thinking. Children are provided with uninterrupted periods of play during which time they are encouraged to make their own choices.
“Play is our brain’s favourite way of learning.”Diane Ackerman
The new term is fast approaching and we are looking forward to seeing the children and discussing their holiday break. We hope you have been able to spend time with extended family, or even managed to get away on a holiday.
Term 1 begins on Monday, 30 January. Full summer uniform is required which includes the black hat for recess and lunch play, water bottle and sunscreen, the magenta hat for boys and the white straw hat for girls. The magenta and white hat should be worn to and from school every day.
Blazers are not required in Junior School in Term 1. Please bring all stationery items on the first day and follow your Homeroom teacher’s instructions as to what needs to be labelled. We look forward to seeing you all on the first day of school!
The Prep to Year 4 Information Evening will be held in week 1 on Tuesday, 31 January at 7.00 pm. More information will be communicated closer to the date.
We hope that all students had a fantastic break, whether you travelled or stayed at home. We look forward to hearing lots of holiday stories once students return next week.
We are excited to welcome new students to the Girls and Boys Schools. Just like last year, the first two days of school will be induction days, designed to expose all students to school expectations and norms. Last year we found this was a great way to ease into the new school year and to get back into ‘school mode’.
Students are encouraged to bring all resources from their book list, plus their sports uniform if PE is scheduled that day. Please also remember that Term 1 is full summer uniform with a blazer. A hat must also be worn at recess, lunch and during any outdoor lessons.
We look forward to welcoming parents to the Middle School Information Night on Thursday, 2 February at 7.00 pm. This will be followed by a short Homeroom session where parents can meet their child’s Homeroom teacher and ask questions specific to their year level.
On Friday, 3 February, our Middle School Leadership team will be inducted into their roles at a special assembly. Parents are welcome to attend the event beginning at 9.35 am.
Our first big event for the Girls Middle School in 2023 will be the ‘Girls Night In’ on Friday, 17 February from 3.30 – 8.00 pm.
This will be an opportunity for our girls to get to know their peers and teachers in a relaxed setting, while raising money for The Leukaemia Foundation. We have some very brave students and staff who are volunteering to shave or cut their hair for the World’s Greatest Shave. Tickets for ‘Girls Night In’ will go on sale next week.
Happy New Year and welcome back everyone! We have an action-packed term filled with some amazing events for us all to enjoy! We will also be holding our first meeting for the year on Monday, 6 February in the Pavilion @ 9.00 am. Please come along, have a chat and get involved!
The Uniform Shop will be open every Wednesday from 9 am – 2 pm. If you have an hour to spare this term to give Di and Georgia a hand in the shop, please contact them on
Get your dancing shoes ready! On Friday, 24 March the HPFE and Haileybury Edrington invite you to join us for Summer Sippers in the Pavilion. We have amazing live music provided by Andrew Wishart, a sumptuous menu designed by our very own Jess from Chartwells, and a great range of beverages to enjoy! Tickets are available here.
Date and Time | Event | Location |
Monday, 6 Feb at 9.00 am
HPFE Meeting
The Pavilion
Tuesday, 7 Feb at 8.45 am
ELC (Reception) Parent Morning Tea
Tuesday, 14 Feb at 8.45 am
ELC (Pre-Prep) Parent Morning Tea
Friday, 17 Feb at 8.30 am
Prep Parent Morning Tea
Thursday, 23 Feb at 8.30 am
Year 5 Parent Morning Tea
Library Courtyard
Friday, 24 Feb at 8.30 am
Year 1 Parent Morning Tea
Tuesday, 28 Feb at 8.30 am
Year 2 Parent Morning Tea
Thursday, 2 March at 8.30 am
Years 3 & 4 Parent Morning Tea
Saturday, 4 March at 9.00 am
ELC Family Morning
Thursday, 16 March at 8.45 am
Years 6, 7 & 8 Parent Morning Tea
Library Courtyard
Friday, 17 March at 3.30 pm
Annual Edrington Family Picnic (ELC, JS and MS families)
Friday, 24 March at 7.00 pm
Summer Sippers (Parent Event), ELC, JS, MS and SS,
The Pavilion
Kerry Ilic & Tracy Day
HPFE Presidents
Happy New Year! I extend a warm welcome to the entire Newlands community as Term 1 begins. We are looking forward to our students returning on Monday, 30 January and we hope they are feeling enthused about the year ahead. The beginning of a new year is always an exciting time and our staff have been actively planning over recent weeks to ensure a successful start to the year.
Please ensure you have downloaded the myHaileybury app before the term begins. This is our main communication tool and provides updates on events, year level notices and calendar information from the School. All student absences must also be notified to the School through the myHaileybury app > Absent/Late.
It is very important that all medical information about your child is updated regularly.
Consent2Go allows parents, guardians and the School to accurately and securely record health information about students. It can also be used for online excursion approvals, risk management and online permissions for school activities.
This can be accessed via myHaileybury app> myPortal > update myDetails. If you cannot login to the myHaileybury app or require technical assistance, please email
On Wednesday, 1 and Thursday, 2 February, SchoolPix will be taking individual and family portraits and Homeroom group shots. These create important mementos for each student during their time at Newlands.
A catch-up day for photographs will also be offered on Thursday, 9 February.
We kindly ask that students wear full summer uniform in accordance with the Haileybury uniform policy. Should families wish to purchase these photos, SchoolPix will provide each student with a unique code that can be used for online ordering. Please don’t hesitate to contact the Newlands Reception if you have any questions.
Wednesday, 1 February
Thursday, 2 February
Thursday, 9 February
Please look out for the myHaileybury app notice for information on how to order online with SchoolPix.
Over the past few weeks, ELC educators have spent time individually welcoming children and their families to the ELC. This quality interaction time ensured that children began to settle positively into their new learning environment.
During the first weeks of term the children are provided with opportunities to explore and discover their play environments and they begin to share interest areas. The focus is on the development of a sense of connection and belonging to their new classroom, classmates and educators.
Program planning commenced with educators observing the children based on the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework’s five outcome areas. These observations will form the foundation for the program as the children are encouraged to lead their learning and to share new interests with their educators and peers. The observations will also inform discussions with parents at the forthcoming Parent – Teacher Interviews.
ELC parents are warmly invited to attend the ELC and Junior School Information Night in Berthon Hall on Tuesday, 31 January from 6.00 pm – 7.00 pm. Lead Educators will discuss the ELC curriculum, clarify day-to-day operational procedures for their classroom and answer any questions parents may have.
Late last year, Junior School Year 2 classes were involved in testing a series of interactive mathematics games being developed by ABC Education. The Year 2 students enjoyed testing the games and providing feedback to the ABC Education team to support their design process. It is wonderful to see Haileybury students and staff contributing to this innovative project.
Our 2023 ELC and Junior School Information Night will be held on Tuesday, 31 January from 6.00 pm – 7.00 pm at Berthon Hall.
The evening provides detailed information about the Junior School Program and is an opportunity for parents to find out specific information relevant to their child’s year level and class. Light refreshments will be provided.
During Term 1, students should wear their summer uniform as indicated on the myHaileybury app under ‘Uniform’. During recess and lunch outside, Junior School students must wear a Haileybury sun hat.
It is with great pleasure that we congratulate the ‘Bee Monitoring System’ established by Newlands students Vinuka Gamage, Ashmit Pharande, Evan Jin, and Swarit Dwivedi. Their creation claimed first prize in the Young ICT National Finals (Years 7 and 8 Division).
This is an incredible effort from these students and the hard work, persistence and commitment of the students and staff involved is to be commended.
This year’s results build on the incredible success of Haileybury’s Digitech Explorers students in this competition. The Young ICT Explorers initiative encourages students to solve real-world problems using technology.
Since 2015, Haileybury students have won eight national awards and 27 state awards.
National Prizes include;
Year 8 students will take part in a leadership and team building session at the Melbourne Cable Park on Monday, 30 January. Students will work in teams and test themselves physically and mentally by completing a range of aquatic activities.
The session will be fun and challenging, and it will provide students with a valuable opportunity to join together, set goals and appreciate that excellence is achieved by applying yourself and aiming high.
Please ensure ‘Consent2Go’ has been completed for your child.
During the second week of term, Year 5 students will attend a three-day camp at Phillip Island Adventure Resort. Situated on 80 acres, the resort offers a variety of adventure activities and is close to many of Phillip Island’s attractions and beaches. Students will take part in canoeing and raft making, surfing, flying fox and ropes course and team building initiatives.
Year 5 Girls Middle School depart Monday, 6 and return Wednesday, 8 February.
Year 5 Boys Middle School depart Wednesday, 8 and return Friday, 10 February.
Please respond to the Consent2Go email for your child to attend.
This term, Year 6 students will enjoy a curriculum-based tour of Canberra. They will travel to and from Canberra by plane and take part in hands-on activities, guided tours and education programs while visiting Questacon, the National Gallery of Australia, the Australian Institute of Sport, the Electoral Education Centre, CSIRO Discovery Centre, Parliament House, the Deep Space Tracking Station, the National Dinosaur Museum and the Australian War Memorial. Students will stay close to the centre of Canberra.
Year 6 Boys Middle School depart Monday, 20 and return Friday, 24 February.
Year 6 Girls Middle School depart Monday, 27 February and return Friday, 3 March.
Please respond to the Consent2Go email for your child to attend.
Parents of Middle School students are invited to our ‘Meet and Greet’ evening on Thursday, 2 February at 6.00 pm. The evening will start in Berthon Hall and parents will be able to meet Homeroom teachers for 2023 and meet other families from their class.
Drinks and canapes will then be served in the Library Quadrangle where the co-curricular staff will be available to answer further questions. We look forward to seeing you there.
The presentation of our students is something that we take pride in at Haileybury. We encourage your support of this by ensuring that your child wears the correct uniform. The summer uniform is recommended during Terms 1 and 4, and blazers must be worn to and from school throughout the year.
Some allowances will be made for extreme weather days in regards to wearing the blazer home and this will be communicated to students. A school cap or bucket hat is compulsory when outdoors during Terms 1 and 4.
Please see the myhaileybury app for the School Uniform Policy.
Mark Harrop
Acting Head of Newlands (Keysborough)
We would like to invite all parents to a Year Level Coffee Morning from 9.00 am – 10.30 am at Match & Co. 109/79 Centre Dandenong Road, Dingley Village. A parent from each year level has volunteered to help the committee host each morning and the HPFK invites you to enjoy a complimentary hot or cold drink.
We hope this is an opportunity for you to meet other parents in your child’s year level and to find out about the exciting events that the HPFK will be hosting in 2023.
Monday, 6 February
Tuesday, 7 February
Year 5
Wednesday, 8 February
Year 7
Monday, 13 February
Year 1
Tuesday, 14 February
Year 2
Wednesday, 15 February
We would like to invite all our Year 5 families to our very popular Year 5 Bowling Night. This is always a great evening to connect to new and existing families. Tickets on sale until Monday, 13 February only.
Tickets are available to purchase here.
Please join Mark Harrop, Acting Head of Newlands, and Theo Georgakopoulos, Acting Head of Haileybury Senior School, for the HPFK Meeting.
This is a great opportunity to meet other parents, and all parents from ELC to Year 12 are welcome.
Lenice Norris
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends Keysborough
As the holidays draw to a close, I hope this newsletter finds all our families looking forward to classes commencing on Monday, 30 January. Our academic year is well underway, thanks to Term 1A and this makes for a much smoother start in January.
Welcome especially to new families, students and staff joining us this year. I hope your time at Haileybury is happy and successful.
Monday, 30 January will begin with tutor groups where Heads of Houses and Tutors will have an opportunity to remind our young Haileyburians about our expectations. Sometimes it takes a few reminders about hair and uniform before everyone is back into the swing of things!
I ask all parents and guardians to help ensure our students have their hair neat and tidy and shoes and uniform clean and well-presented. If you have any queries about our expectations, please feel free to contact me or our Head of Senior Girls, Ms Helen Wadden, or our Head of Senior Boys, Mr Graham Leys.
The academic results achieved by Haileybury students in 2022 were exemplary. Congratulations to all students who worked hard to achieve excellence in their VCE subjects and to those who did all they could to excel in their preparatory studies.
We were proud to celebrate the success of seven Haileybury students who registered perfect ATAR scores of 99.95. Only 39 students in Victoria were awarded a perfect ATAR, so we couldn’t be prouder of the duces of Haileybury College: Yan Chen, Jiaqi Lu, Michael Sun, Kerry Zhu and Kim Zhu and the duces of Haileybury Girls College: Abigail Gardiner and Chloe Lay. They all attained an ATAR of 99.95.
It is a true pleasure to be part of a community that collectively values education and achievement, yet also understands that a true education is about more than letter grades and ATAR scores.
The Haileybury community understands that working hard to achieve one’s best is one of the keys to a happy and successful life. I look forward to our Honours Assemblies where we will acknowledge their achievements.
Please remember that all absentees are recorded through the myHaileybury app. We recognise it may be difficult when a child is unable to attend school, with parents juggling to sort out their day. In less than 10 seconds, submit your child’s absence quickly and easily via the app.
Sport at Haileybury is an enjoyable and integral component in developing a well-rounded Haileyburian. Training and competition are so much more than winning — they not only improve our students’ mental and physical health and fitness, but enable them to develop their leadership and communication skills, ability to work in a team and respect for themselves and others.
Building a culture based on these core skills will ultimately result in success on the sporting field and in the classroom.
Team success is, of course, dependent on all students attending Tuesday training and Saturday competition. Should your son or daughter need to leave school for an appointment and miss Tuesday sport training, a medical certificate will need to be emailed to the Heads of Boys and Girls Sport the following day.
Haileybury strongly discourages students and parents from making regular appointments on Tuesday afternoon during sport training.
If you have any queries about our sport program, please contact either:
As part of the Outdoor Experiences offered at Senior School, in December, students had the opportunity to attend our end of year expedition. The program was available to all Senior School students and supports those undertaking the internationally recognised Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. The program allows students to complete their practice and qualifying expedition journeys.
Eight students from Keysborough and City campuses, along with Eliza Weinberg and two OEG staff, took on the challenge of Australia’s most famous trek — the Cradle Mountain Overland Track. The track takes in some of Tasmania’s most stunning scenery. Consisting of eight days hiking, the students prepared meals and were geared up for all weather conditions. Many of the students are using this expedition as part of their Duke of Edinburgh’s Award expedition section. Students taking part were:
Tamsin Visick, Coordinator, Duke of Ed Program
Theo Georgakopoulos
Acting Head of Haileybury Senior Schools
At each campus, Haileybury offers a wonderful after school dance program as an option for Prep to Grade 6 students. Weekly classes are filled with different activities, warm ups, learning, refining choreography and fun. Students build their technique and are exposed to different genres of dance. Grades 5 and 6 students also create routines for competition and for the end of year Dance Gala in November.
Please visit myDance on the myHaileybury app (within Performing Arts) to read about the program including class times, locations and fees.
Enrolments for the 2023 After School Dance Program open on Wednesday, 25 January 2023 for Prep to Grade 6 classes at all campuses. Enrolments will close on Friday, 17 February. To enrol your child in the program please:
Once you have submitted your enrolment form, your campus dance coordinator will be in touch with you via email to confirm they have received the form and they will give you details of the first lesson.
Please note that even if you enrolled in the program in 2022, you will need to re-enrol for the new year.
If you have any queries, please contact Teri Batis and Cassie Peele, After School Dance Coordinators, via email
In the final weeks of 2022 auditions were held for SpongeBob SquarePants: The Musical. After a successful afternoon of auditions with Years 9 to 12 students, and an impressive series of call-backs, we have a great cast of 70 ready to take on this larger-than-life extravaganza.
Congratulations to the whole cast for going above and beyond throughout the audition process.
Below is a photo of some of our lead cast members in their signature character colours.
Nick Waxman
Head of Drama and Theatre Studies
Happy New Year to all. I know the Haileybury music community will be looking forward to a full schedule of concerts, workshops, rehearsals and instrumental lessons beginning next week. Haileybury can now boast that over 1,000 students will receive a weekly music lesson in 2023!
In exciting news from the end of last year, I am proud to recognise Year 12 Music student Harry Marshall who achieved the maximum score of 50 for his work in Music Investigation.
Harry, who plays electric bass and acoustic bass, was supported during his studies by bass tutor, Kim May, and classroom teacher, Greg Ryan. He was accompanied by Sean McLeod (drums), Daragh Rodrigues (saxophone), Marcus Beyer (keyboards), Ethan Myers (vibraphone), Joshua Reed (guitar), Emily Marshall (saxophone), Ruby Nuttall (saxophone), Felix King (saxophone), Nirujan Vijayarajan (drums) and David Dower (keyboard).
Well done, Harry.
Many other students also achieved outstanding results including Samuel Koh (47), Daragh Rodrigues (46), Joshua Reed (45), Ethan Myers (42), India Buntman-Bryant (41), Nathan Su (41), Tom Caspers (41) and James Dong (40).
Scores 40 and above place these students in the top eight per cent of the state.
It was an absolute privilege to observe and to be part of the development of these outstanding Haileyburians throughout 2022. I must also acknowledge the outstanding contribution of instrumental staff who played a key role in the planning, preparation and delivery of these students’ programs — and indeed, the programs of all VCE music students.
Special thanks must also go to Greg Ryan, Head of Co-curricular Music: Senior School, for his outstanding work with all VCE Music students across the year.
Well done to all students who participated in VCE music in 2022 — it was a fantastic year. All involved did extremely well and held themselves with poise, grace and determination.
To the VCE Music students of 2023, good luck and let’s get started!
While each individual campus will have a local calendar of music events that I recommend all parents investigate, I would like to draw your attention to the Twilight Concert on Thursday, 16 March.
A relaxed outdoor event, the Twilight Concert takes place in the Senior School Quadrangle in front of Wings Café at Senior School Keysborough. It is suitable for all ages and I particularly encourage families of Middle School students to attend. The concert will feature Senior School ensembles performing a pop-inspired repertoire.
The evening will begin at approximately 6.00 pm and will end around 7.30 pm and light refreshments will be provided.
Rod Marshall
Director of Performing Arts & Head of Haileybury Music
We couldn’t be prouder of the Class of 2022 for their outstanding VCE results. The talent, effort, perseverance and dedication of last year’s cohort was rewarded with some of the strongest Visual Arts results in the School’s history.
There were incredible, unprecedented average study scores in Studio Arts of 40 and Media of 44, with two students achieving a study score of 49.
As only eight per cent of all students studying these VCE courses receive a study score of 40 or above, and only two per cent receive a score of 45 or above, these outstanding results celebrate the wonderful partnerships of staff and students in the department.
We wish the 2022 Visual Arts alumni all the best with their tertiary offers and endeavours in 2023 and know their efforts will inspire this year’s classes.
We are looking forward to welcoming back students fresh from the summer break with new memories of family celebrations, fun with friends, and time away from school routine. This rich experiential fodder assists students to expand their thinking and encourages new concepts to percolate and develop.
As we prepare to return to classes, we encourage students to reflect on how their holiday break has shaped their perspectives, and what they can bring to their classes as potential creative solutions to inspire a new year of studies.
In the early weeks of Term 1, students studying Units 3 and 4 classes will have the opportunity to apply for the Visual Arts Captain leadership and committee roles. Keep an eye out on class announcements for further details.
We look forward to reviewing applications and working with the new team who will lead the development of competitions, exhibitions and opportunities for all students to get creative!
Rachelle Rae
Head of Visual Arts Senior School
The Pipes & Drums students from competition bands have officially begun their preparations for the 2023 Pipes & Drums season and the excitement is palpable. We are particularly excited to introduce a third junior competition band to the program this year.
Students have been working hard to perfect their craft, honing their skills on the practice chanter and drums in preparation for upcoming competitions and performances. They are determined to build on their past successes and push themselves to new heights.
They have regularly taken part in individual practice and group rehearsals and have focused on technical proficiency and the dynamics and phrasing of the music to bring out the emotion and expression of the pieces they will play. Students have also been working on their marching and drill techniques to improve their presentation on the field.
This has also been a time for students to bond as a group and to recognise the importance of teamwork and camaraderie in making a successful performance.
The Pipes & Drums students are determined to put on an outstanding performance for 2023. With hard work, dedication and team spirit, they are sure to make a lasting impression in the Pipes & Drums community.
The students, staff and parent association look forward to seeing them showcase their talents throughout the year. The 2023 season promises to be one to remember!
Lincoln Hilton
Director, Pipes & Drums
Dr Alf Uhlherr (OH 1983) graduated from Monash University with a Science degree and a PhD in Physical Chemistry. He then completed a Post-Doctoral Fellowship at the University of Cambridge before returning to Australia and spending the next 23 years working at CSIRO across more than 30 different sites.
Alf has always had a passion for science, perhaps partly influenced by his father who was a lecturer in Chemical Engineering at Monash University. He also credits his science and maths teachers at Haileybury for his love of science, including Mr Gilson, Mr Neil, Mr Holper, Mr Peverell, Mr Masters, Mr Brazier, Mr Hosking, Mr Rebbechi, Mr Jessup and Mr Barnes.
Another subject that sparked Alf’s interest at Haileybury was Computer Studies with Mr Davenport. The enthusiasm shared by teacher and student led Alf to take up computing as a home hobby.
He combined his love of chemistry and computers to gain his first role at CSIRO as a Computational Chemist where he analysed and improved materials using very large computer calculations. Alf then took on a role managing CSIRO’s scientific computing services and facilities — the largest in the southern hemisphere.
Alf is now retired and enjoys volunteer work and indulging in travel, photography, wild life, nature, reading, and collecting and dealing in old non-fiction books. He has a collection of over 5,000 books with a large number of cricket and motoring books.
Alf’s favourite travel destinations so far have been Yosemite National Park in the USA, and New Zealand and he is eager to travel more with his partner, May, when she retires shortly.
He says he embraces Monash University’s motto, Ancora Imparo, which means ‘I am still learning’.
Going to Haileybury created many opportunities for Alf and he is now generously supporting a six-year Haileybury Foundation Scholarship, commencing this year, which will change a life forever.
Thank you, Alf, for staying connected and for giving back to our community!
We would like to welcome back our entire Haileybury community and trust that everyone had a wonderful festive season and well-earned break.
We would also like to welcome our new graduates from the Class of 2022. On leaving Haileybury, they become life members of the Old Haileyburians Association. We congratulate every student who completed their final year at Haileybury in 2022, and we look forward to you staying connected with each other and with your School.
We are delighted to release the 2023 OHA event schedule via our website.
Along with class reunions, there are sporting reunions, boutique industry luncheons, campus-based generations breakfasts, chapter dinners and new open member events — the axe throwing and gin masterclass are two of the office favourites so far!
Class Reunions dates are as follows and tickets to all OHA events can be booked here.
Class of 1983 – 40 Year Reunion
Friday, 3 February
Class of 1978 – 45 Year Reunion
Friday, 3 March
Class of 2013 – 10 Year Reunion
Friday, 12 May
Class of 1993 – 30 Year Reunion
Friday, 25 August
Class of 2003 – 20 Year Reunion
Friday, 20 October
Class of 1973 – 50 Year Reunion
Friday, 27 October
Class of 1998 – 25 Year Reunion
Friday, 10 November
Class of 2022 – 1 Year Reunion
Friday, 17 November
Class of 1988 – 35 Year Reunion
Friday, 24 November
Class of 2018 – 5 Year Reunion
Friday, 24 November
Introducing OHA Rewards — a new rewards program exclusively for OHA members. OHA Rewards is designed to reward OHA members via a cash back program, and support OHA member-owned businesses by driving traffic.
OHA members will get cash back by spending on eating, drinking, shopping and entertainment at major retailers and hospitality venues. Stay tuned for more details coming soon!
If you are a business owner, we can drive OHA members to your business! Becoming an OHA Rewards merchant is quick, simple, flexible to suit you and it’s free to join. Contact us today to find out more via
From sporting clubs to social clubs, please take a look through all we have to offer here and support or sign up to a club of interest!
We look forward to a fantastic 2023 as we continue our commitment to serve our alumni and the broader Haileybury community. Please note that the OHA office is here for all members and we encourage you all to reach out.
Kylie Phillips
Development Office Operations Lead
During the summer break, Ruby Murdoch (Year 12) participated in training and development programs as part of the Victorian Women’s Football Academy.
The academy aligns with the National Talent Pathways philosophy of ‘Developing Better People, Better Players’ by using a holistic development approach. It focuses on the growth of the individual on and off the field, and their ability to contribute within a team environment.
We look forward to Ruby applying what she has learned to further develop our growing Girls’ Football Program at Haileybury.
Week 1 of this term sees the resumption of sport and recreation activities for students. Sport training will commence on Tuesday, 31 January for Years 7 to 12 students and on Wednesday, 1 February for Years 5 to 6.
Saturday morning sport will also commence from Week 1 on Saturday, 4 February. This initial session will be used for selections and trials for teams other than Firsts.
We ask that students are prepared for sports training and games from Week 1 on 4 February, so please check uniforms and allow enough time to order new uniforms in preparation for Term 1.
Sean Allcock
Director of Haileybury Sport
Online news from Haileybury
The full release of all Victorian Certificate of Education and International Baccalaureate results has confirmed Haileybury students as being among the very best performing students in Victoria and Australia.
Haileybury students’ results, by any measure in 2022, were exceptional with 64% of girls and 57% of boys attaining an Australian Tertiary Admissions Ranking of 90 or above. This placed them in the top 10% of all students in Australia.
Importantly, 97% of all Haileybury students were placed in the top 40% in Australia with an ATAR of 60 or above. Our goal is to have every student achieve to the very best of their ability and to have them prepared with the skills they need to succeed in life after school.
Of course, the better the academic ATAR performance the bigger the range of opportunities that are opened for graduates in their future study and work.
For the results released by schools for ATAR scores of 90+, Haileybury boys’ results saw them as the number one ranked boy’s school in Victoria and the girls’ results saw them as the number four ranked girl’s school. The combined results saw Haileybury place as the equal second-ranked co-education school in Victoria.
This is a wonderful achievement from a fine group of graduating students and, of course, is the result of brilliant teaching and wonderful collaboration between teachers, parents and students.
I am very excited about the year ahead and the continued developments in education which Haileybury will embrace to ensure students are ready for their life after school.
Derek Scott
CEO | Principal
It is with much enthusiasm that we welcome all Castlefield families to the 2023 school year. I extend an especially warm welcome to the new students joining us this year.
The School looks splendid and staff have prepared the grounds and learning spaces for the first day on Monday, 30 January.
Information about student arrivals on the first day is available on the myHaileybury app, under myNews. Parking will be available on the oval for the morning, so parents can help children carry their book boxes to their classrooms. We ask that all items are brought into school on day one.
Students in Years 1 – 8 joining us for the first time this week will have received an invitation about our New Student Afternoon. We welcome new students to join us on Friday, 27 January at 3.30 pm to re-familiarise themselves with the layout of the school, their classrooms and teachers before their first day.
Summer uniform is to be worn for Term 1 and the link detailing Uniform Student Expectations can be found on myHaileybury here. Please note, Junior School students don’t wear the blazer with the summer uniform. However, as a SunSmart school, the School cap or bucket hat is compulsory for all outdoor activities during Terms 1 and 4.
Wominjeka – welcome.
It was lovely to see so many of our 2023 ELC children and families at our information and orientation sessions at the end of last year. We hope you enjoyed receiving your letter in the post from your educators. We are very much looking forward to our first day together and to greeting new and existing children and families.
We can’t wait to begin our 2023 learning journey together. Beautiful, stimulating learning environments have been created to spark excitement, joy and belonging, and to support each child to be a capable, confident and competent learner.
As well as the whole school Haileybury app, myHaileybury, we ask families to download the Haileybury ELC app before the term begins. This is the main communication tool for educators and parents. It provides updates on ELC specific events and our class curriculum and there are opportunities to share the magical moments your child experiences in the ELC.
Monday, 30 January
Students commence
Wednesday, 1 February
School photos
Monday, 13 February
Parent teacher Interviews 4.00 pm – 6.00 pm
Wednesday, 15 February
Parent Teacher Interviews 4.00 pm – 6.00 pm
Tuesday, 7 March
Clean up Australia Day in the ELC
Wednesday, 8 March
Jaeden Williams visit and Welcome to Country
Wednesday, 5 April
Easter Bilby Hunt and Picnic
Thursday, 6 April
Castlefield Coin Trail
Junior School staff have been preparing classrooms and the curriculum and are raring to go!
Ready for the first day of school, please label all items of uniform and your child’s lunchbox and drink bottle. At the end of last year we had 48 unnamed items that couldn’t be returned to their owners!
Remember our sun smart policy and ensure your child has their school sun hat ready for day 1. We encourage you to apply their sunscreen in the morning and to include a roll-on sunscreen in your child’s bag so they can reapply throughout the day.
On Up Day, teachers sent home book covers and instructions so booklist items are ready on the first day of school. If you’ve misplaced these covers, please ask your child’s Homeroom teacher for replacements.
Castlefield Junior School is unique in that we have a one third intake of families coming into Prep who join us from outside our ELC. If you are a current family, please introduce yourself to our new students and families and make them welcome. A number of new students across the year levels are joining us and we know their classmates will look after them. A big welcome to all our new faces this year.
All our students belong to one of four Houses — they’re like an extended family outside Homeroom! We look forward to inducting our 2023 House Leaders early in the term and these students will host assemblies, run recess and lunch time clubs and help manage Junior School events. One such event was the Term 4 House Athletics last year when a great time was had by all.
On behalf of the Haileybury Middle School team, we would like to extend a heartfelt welcome to our new and returning families. During the holiday, we hope you were able to relax, unwind and reflect on the highlights of 2022 while beginning to plan for a successful 2023. We hope all our families were able to spend quality time together, doing the things they like with the people they love.
The first day of school is nearly upon us and, in our experience, establishing a consistent routine is vital to a good transition, whether starting school for the first time or moving up a year level. Now is the time to get up early, to prepare your books, school bag and uniform and to get your desk and bedroom ready for study.
Summer uniform must be worn in Term 1, including the school blazer that should be worn to and from school each day. If the temperature reaches 30 degrees, a message will be sent to students informing them that their blazer may be removed. This is known as a Blue Flag Day.
For year levels attending camp in Term 1, we ask parents to please review and complete the required online documentation through Consent2Go.
Once again, we welcome our students, parents and families to the 2023 school year and to our wonderful Castlefield community.
Katrina Manson
Head of Castlefield (Brighton)
Happy New Year everybody. We hope you all had a good break with your families — the summer holidays have passed very quickly. I hope everyone is ready to start a new school year.
We have a few events coming up including Prep and Years 5 and 7 parent meeting nights, coffee mornings and we are bringing back Movie Night.
The Second-Hand Uniform Shop is also open for business on Tuesday, 24 and Wednesday, 25 January from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm.
Keep an eye out on the myHaileybury app for dates and information. See you at school!
Monique Chapman
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends Castlefield
Staff and students are currently enjoying their long-awaited winter break after the successful completion of Semester 1. Due to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in China, most of the last month has necessitated online teaching for all sub-schools.
Even though we have not been able to celebrate all of our end of semester events, each sub-school managed to hold online parent presentations and Parent–Teacher Interviews.
During the first week of the winter break, Haileybury warmly welcomed leaders of the Wuqing District Education Bureau (WEB) and teachers from Yongyang Middle School. The visit was an opportunity to exchange ideas on education and teaching learning development.
The WEB leaders were led by Deputy Director, Gao Chenghao, and the Principal of Yongyang Middle School, Wen Ho Lee, led a group of 10 teachers. They were welcomed by Haileybury China Principal, Brian Gao, Vice Principal, Vivian Jia, and Head of HR, Adam Hang.
The two delegations visited our school teaching areas, sports venues, swimming pool, cafeteria and dormitories. Following the tour, everyone gathered in the Haileybury School Theatre and watched a short video clip highlighting the campus activities celebrated within each sub-school.
Mr Gao pointed out that Yongyang Middle School has been involved in education for many years and is a benchmark school in terms of teaching experience. It has built a good reputation in Wuqing District. He said the visit from the two delegations was a great honour for Haileybury and he hoped that the leaders and teachers could learn from each other.
The visit finished with a valuable question and answer session where many ideas and philosophies about education were exchanged.
Yanni Galanis
International Principal, Haileybury International School, Tianjin
Welcome to all our new and returning City families. We look forward to a wonderful 2023 and to our students learning and growing. We’re sure students are eager to walk through the gates, to see their friends — and to make some new ones.
Our staff have been working hard on planning some great learning experiences and they are very excited to spend their first day with students on Monday, 30 January. All students should arrive in Haileybury summer uniform, including their blazer. Our Heads of School will be at the front of King Street to meet all new families from 8.00 am.
There is always an extra special buzz of excitement in the building on the first day of term and we look forward to welcoming our Prep to Year 12 students.
Our City Year 12 graduates finished the year as strongly as they started. They were focused, determined and worked hard, and our staff were outstanding at teaching, challenging, supporting and caring for every student, every day.
We were thrilled with our students’ excellent Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) results. They were some of the most outstanding results in the state and students achieved the highest results in the School’s 30 year VCE history.
There were many success stories from our City cohort with students scoring over 99 and attaining perfect scores of 50. There is much to be celebrated and we acknowledge the important support of all families.
Great academic results are the product of a strong partnership between students, parents and guardians, and the School and its staff. This partnership starts now as you prepare for the start of the academic year and assist your child to slip back into an early morning routine, ready for the year ahead.
I look forward to seeing you all in person at our upcoming ELC, JS and MS Parent Information Sessions. These are important events where you will hear about goals and areas of focus from our City Leadership team, and the specifics from your child’s Homeroom teacher.
Please pop these key dates into your diaries. Enjoy the rest of your holidays.
We have started the new year with smiling faces, new friends and a sense of belonging within the ELC. The principle of ‘belonging’ within our Early Years Framework is of huge importance, as children ease into a new year and new routines.
As Reception children settle into their learning environment, morning routines have provided opportunities for them to develop their skills in independence. Children have shown great pride when carrying their own school bag and placing these into their locker each morning.
Family photos on each locker and located throughout the room provide a sense of connection and belonging for children.
Pre-Preps have welcomed back old friends and met some new friends and our Pre-Prep children continue to develop a sense of belonging as they learn more about their peers, establish and strengthen new and existing friendships, and engage with the environment around them.
We invite all parents to attend the upcoming Parent Information Session on campus on Tuesday, 7 February at 9.00 am. The session outlines key components of our program at Haileybury City ELC. Please look for more information via the myHaileybury app.
Jacqueline Gough, our new Head of Junior School, looks forward to meeting all families at our upcoming events and is very excited to welcome our Junior School students onto Level 3. She has been busily preparing for the year ahead and she will enjoy getting to know all our students, especially our new Year 4 leaders who will help her in the Junior School.
All our staff can’t wait to see the smiling faces of students on day one. In Term 1, students wear their full summer uniform, including their school hat, and they must also bring their Haileybury sun hat and water bottle each day.
Now is a good time to try on uniforms and to check everything is ready. Please also ensure your child applies sunscreen before school when the UV level is 3 and above.
We look forward to seeing our Junior School families at our upcoming Information Night on Thursday, 2 February at 6.00 pm. You will hear about our academic program, pastoral care and our ‘Care, Learn, Play’ philosophy. More details on the myHaileybury app.
There is a lot to look forward to in Junior School.
Welcome back to our returning families in Middle School (MS) and welcome also to new families joining us in 2023. We also welcome our new Head of Middle School (Boys), Brent Ritchie, who is looking forward to getting to know our young men and their families.
We congratulate Carolyn Mansour on her promotion to Senior Deputy Head of Campus and she will also continue her role as Head of Middle School (Girls).
They are both looking forward to an exciting and busy term ahead.
To ensure students are well-equipped and prepared for the year, all students in Middle School take part in two Induction Days at the beginning of the academic year on Monday, 30 and Tuesday, 31 January. This is an opportunity for new students to collect and become familiar with their devices, and for current students to learn about new programs and resources for 2023. Strategies for embracing the new year ahead are also a focus and include organisation, diary management and mastering the timetable.
All Middle School students also participate in camp briefings to prepare them for their outdoor experience and engage in a series of workshops based on respectful relationships.
The start of the year brings a wonderful sense of renewed enthusiasm and the chance to set new goals. As the school year starts, please remind your Middle Schoolers that:
Parents are invited to attend our MS Parent Information Evening on Thursday, 2 February at 6.30 pm. This will be an opportunity to meet your student’s Homeroom Teacher for 2023 and you’ll hear important information from the Heads of Middle School and other School leaders.
Please put this date in your diary and stay tuned for further information on the myHaileybury app.
“Enter this year with gratitude for this new chance to create your dreams.”Avina Celeste
Caroline Merrick
Head of City
We hope everyone had a wonderful festive season and a fantastic New Year. It has been great to recharge the batteries and enjoy the lovely summer nights that Melbourne has turned on for us this holiday season. The HPF City committee is ready for an exciting year ahead.
As we step into the 2023 school year, we are thrilled to welcome new and returning families to our school community. The ELC new families have already started their Haileybury adventures with eager smiling faces.
It will be lovely to see all the ELC to Year 12 students as we return to school on Monday, 30 January for another great year of learning at Haileybury.
For families new to Haileybury, the HPF City works with Haileybury City campus to engage with families and strengthen ties among our school community. It is so important to have a support network available to you and your young people.
Generally, there is a social representative for each class who co-ordinates a distribution list. Via the distribution list, parents and carers can ask questions such as ‘Do they need sports uniform today?’ ‘Do they have a copy of the maths homework?’ or ‘When is the next HPF City Second Hand Uniform Shop?’ It is a great resource for busy parents and carers.
The social rep is also a great way to communicate any suggestions for events to the committee. The myHaileybury app will keep you up –to date with everything going on around campus, including dates for the second-hand uniform shop.
Our HPF City meetings are open to all. We will formally welcome our new 2023 Executive members and Social Representatives for each level on Monday, 13 February at 7.30 pm via Zoom. Details will be on myHaileybury.
We hope that you can join us as we plan our year of events and discuss the various ways in which we can all get involved. We love to hear new ideas and, as we venture into the COVID-normal world, we are keen to try new ways to bring everyone together. So please come and join us for a chat, make some new connections and get involved.
Families are invited to join the HPF City Facebook page. A password must be entered before you can access the group to ensure the safety of your children. The Facebook page is a great way to keep in touch with what’s happening around the campus and to receive information about events and reminders and helpful links. We will share this password at our Parent Information Nights.
The Committee and I look forward to a wonderful and successful start to 2023 for all our young Haileyburians. We wish the students all the best.
Melissa Fisher
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends City
There is a never a dull moment across the big wet season in Darwin. After the build-up of high humidity, genuine heat and little rain, the rains of the wet season are always welcome. This year, the build-up was short, which was pleasing for everyone, and during Term 4 we were delighted to get several storms to cool things down.
Over the Christmas period and into the New Year we had around two weeks of monsoonal activity, largely due to a cyclone that passed about 200km south of Darwin. This means grey skies and lots of rain and strong winds. During this time, the temperature even dropped briefly to 27 degrees! Once the monsoons pass and the rain becomes more isolated, the heat and humidity rise and we look forward to each new storm.
During this break time, we have taken the opportunity to work on some significant renovations and building works at the School. This includes the opening of a new ELC classroom that will allow us to increase our four-year-old area to two classes. We are also renovating offices and updating classrooms.
This year sees enrolments rising to around 950 students — an increase of around 70 students from last year and over 500 students since we opened our doors back in 2018. Haileybury Rendall School has been well accepted in the local community and is recognised as a great place to send children for a quality educational experience.
This year we also expect to see significant growth in our Boarding School with our first international students. It is likely that our boarding numbers will exceed 100 students for the first time. The vast majority of these students are First Nations boys and girls from remote communities who are increasingly attracted to us because we are a Centre for Excellence in Indigenous Education. We also have a growing number of domestic non-Indigenous students joining our School.
We are also very excited to welcome a number of new staff to Haileybury Rendall School. Many of them are joining us from Victoria so they are well aware of the Haileybury ‘brand’ and all that we are doing.
There is never a dull moment in Darwin!
Andrew McGregor
Principal, Haileybury Rendall School
It is my pleasure to welcome all Edrington families to the new school year. I hope you had a restful and enjoyable break with family and friends and that all students are ready for an exciting year ahead.
In particular, I extend a very warm welcome to the new students and families joining us this year.
School commences on Monday, 30 January and full summer uniform is required. We ask that all students arrive by 8.20 am to allow plenty of time to find classrooms and get settled.
Please note the following important dates:
We are looking forward to a wonderful year ahead and we thank you for allowing us the opportunity to share your child’s educational journey in 2023.
We are very much looking forward to welcoming our ELC families.
Over the coming weeks, Reception and Pre-Prep children will spend time becoming familiar with their new environment, exploring different learning experiences, meeting their educators and developing relationships with their peers. Educators support each child and their family to make a positive transition into their program and classroom through meaningful interactions and conversations.
Play is an integral part of our ELC program. It helps children develop a sense of belonging in their new environment as they explore resources and experiences that interest them. Children learn about the world and develop new skills like cooperation, expressing their feelings, negotiating different roles, acting out real life scenarios and critical thinking. Children are provided with uninterrupted periods of play during which time they are encouraged to make their own choices.
“Play is our brain’s favourite way of learning.”Diane Ackerman
The new term is fast approaching and we are looking forward to seeing the children and discussing their holiday break. We hope you have been able to spend time with extended family, or even managed to get away on a holiday.
Term 1 begins on Monday, 30 January. Full summer uniform is required which includes the black hat for recess and lunch play, water bottle and sunscreen, the magenta hat for boys and the white straw hat for girls. The magenta and white hat should be worn to and from school every day.
Blazers are not required in Junior School in Term 1. Please bring all stationery items on the first day and follow your Homeroom teacher’s instructions as to what needs to be labelled. We look forward to seeing you all on the first day of school!
The Prep to Year 4 Information Evening will be held in week 1 on Tuesday, 31 January at 7.00 pm. More information will be communicated closer to the date.
We hope that all students had a fantastic break, whether you travelled or stayed at home. We look forward to hearing lots of holiday stories once students return next week.
We are excited to welcome new students to the Girls and Boys Schools. Just like last year, the first two days of school will be induction days, designed to expose all students to school expectations and norms. Last year we found this was a great way to ease into the new school year and to get back into ‘school mode’.
Students are encouraged to bring all resources from their book list, plus their sports uniform if PE is scheduled that day. Please also remember that Term 1 is full summer uniform with a blazer. A hat must also be worn at recess, lunch and during any outdoor lessons.
We look forward to welcoming parents to the Middle School Information Night on Thursday, 2 February at 7.00 pm. This will be followed by a short Homeroom session where parents can meet their child’s Homeroom teacher and ask questions specific to their year level.
On Friday, 3 February, our Middle School Leadership team will be inducted into their roles at a special assembly. Parents are welcome to attend the event beginning at 9.35 am.
Our first big event for the Girls Middle School in 2023 will be the ‘Girls Night In’ on Friday, 17 February from 3.30 – 8.00 pm.
This will be an opportunity for our girls to get to know their peers and teachers in a relaxed setting, while raising money for The Leukaemia Foundation. We have some very brave students and staff who are volunteering to shave or cut their hair for the World’s Greatest Shave. Tickets for ‘Girls Night In’ will go on sale next week.
Happy New Year and welcome back everyone! We have an action-packed term filled with some amazing events for us all to enjoy! We will also be holding our first meeting for the year on Monday, 6 February in the Pavilion @ 9.00 am. Please come along, have a chat and get involved!
The Uniform Shop will be open every Wednesday from 9 am – 2 pm. If you have an hour to spare this term to give Di and Georgia a hand in the shop, please contact them on
Get your dancing shoes ready! On Friday, 24 March the HPFE and Haileybury Edrington invite you to join us for Summer Sippers in the Pavilion. We have amazing live music provided by Andrew Wishart, a sumptuous menu designed by our very own Jess from Chartwells, and a great range of beverages to enjoy! Tickets are available here.
Date and Time | Event | Location |
Monday, 6 Feb at 9.00 am
HPFE Meeting
The Pavilion
Tuesday, 7 Feb at 8.45 am
ELC (Reception) Parent Morning Tea
Tuesday, 14 Feb at 8.45 am
ELC (Pre-Prep) Parent Morning Tea
Friday, 17 Feb at 8.30 am
Prep Parent Morning Tea
Thursday, 23 Feb at 8.30 am
Year 5 Parent Morning Tea
Library Courtyard
Friday, 24 Feb at 8.30 am
Year 1 Parent Morning Tea
Tuesday, 28 Feb at 8.30 am
Year 2 Parent Morning Tea
Thursday, 2 March at 8.30 am
Years 3 & 4 Parent Morning Tea
Saturday, 4 March at 9.00 am
ELC Family Morning
Thursday, 16 March at 8.45 am
Years 6, 7 & 8 Parent Morning Tea
Library Courtyard
Friday, 17 March at 3.30 pm
Annual Edrington Family Picnic (ELC, JS and MS families)
Friday, 24 March at 7.00 pm
Summer Sippers (Parent Event), ELC, JS, MS and SS,
The Pavilion
Kerry Ilic & Tracy Day
HPFE Presidents
Happy New Year! I extend a warm welcome to the entire Newlands community as Term 1 begins. We are looking forward to our students returning on Monday, 30 January and we hope they are feeling enthused about the year ahead. The beginning of a new year is always an exciting time and our staff have been actively planning over recent weeks to ensure a successful start to the year.
Please ensure you have downloaded the myHaileybury app before the term begins. This is our main communication tool and provides updates on events, year level notices and calendar information from the School. All student absences must also be notified to the School through the myHaileybury app > Absent/Late.
It is very important that all medical information about your child is updated regularly.
Consent2Go allows parents, guardians and the School to accurately and securely record health information about students. It can also be used for online excursion approvals, risk management and online permissions for school activities.
This can be accessed via myHaileybury app> myPortal > update myDetails. If you cannot login to the myHaileybury app or require technical assistance, please email
On Wednesday, 1 and Thursday, 2 February, SchoolPix will be taking individual and family portraits and Homeroom group shots. These create important mementos for each student during their time at Newlands.
A catch-up day for photographs will also be offered on Thursday, 9 February.
We kindly ask that students wear full summer uniform in accordance with the Haileybury uniform policy. Should families wish to purchase these photos, SchoolPix will provide each student with a unique code that can be used for online ordering. Please don’t hesitate to contact the Newlands Reception if you have any questions.
Wednesday, 1 February
Thursday, 2 February
Thursday, 9 February
Please look out for the myHaileybury app notice for information on how to order online with SchoolPix.
Over the past few weeks, ELC educators have spent time individually welcoming children and their families to the ELC. This quality interaction time ensured that children began to settle positively into their new learning environment.
During the first weeks of term the children are provided with opportunities to explore and discover their play environments and they begin to share interest areas. The focus is on the development of a sense of connection and belonging to their new classroom, classmates and educators.
Program planning commenced with educators observing the children based on the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework’s five outcome areas. These observations will form the foundation for the program as the children are encouraged to lead their learning and to share new interests with their educators and peers. The observations will also inform discussions with parents at the forthcoming Parent – Teacher Interviews.
ELC parents are warmly invited to attend the ELC and Junior School Information Night in Berthon Hall on Tuesday, 31 January from 6.00 pm – 7.00 pm. Lead Educators will discuss the ELC curriculum, clarify day-to-day operational procedures for their classroom and answer any questions parents may have.
Late last year, Junior School Year 2 classes were involved in testing a series of interactive mathematics games being developed by ABC Education. The Year 2 students enjoyed testing the games and providing feedback to the ABC Education team to support their design process. It is wonderful to see Haileybury students and staff contributing to this innovative project.
Our 2023 ELC and Junior School Information Night will be held on Tuesday, 31 January from 6.00 pm – 7.00 pm at Berthon Hall.
The evening provides detailed information about the Junior School Program and is an opportunity for parents to find out specific information relevant to their child’s year level and class. Light refreshments will be provided.
During Term 1, students should wear their summer uniform as indicated on the myHaileybury app under ‘Uniform’. During recess and lunch outside, Junior School students must wear a Haileybury sun hat.
It is with great pleasure that we congratulate the ‘Bee Monitoring System’ established by Newlands students Vinuka Gamage, Ashmit Pharande, Evan Jin, and Swarit Dwivedi. Their creation claimed first prize in the Young ICT National Finals (Years 7 and 8 Division).
This is an incredible effort from these students and the hard work, persistence and commitment of the students and staff involved is to be commended.
This year’s results build on the incredible success of Haileybury’s Digitech Explorers students in this competition. The Young ICT Explorers initiative encourages students to solve real-world problems using technology.
Since 2015, Haileybury students have won eight national awards and 27 state awards.
National Prizes include;
Year 8 students will take part in a leadership and team building session at the Melbourne Cable Park on Monday, 30 January. Students will work in teams and test themselves physically and mentally by completing a range of aquatic activities.
The session will be fun and challenging, and it will provide students with a valuable opportunity to join together, set goals and appreciate that excellence is achieved by applying yourself and aiming high.
Please ensure ‘Consent2Go’ has been completed for your child.
During the second week of term, Year 5 students will attend a three-day camp at Phillip Island Adventure Resort. Situated on 80 acres, the resort offers a variety of adventure activities and is close to many of Phillip Island’s attractions and beaches. Students will take part in canoeing and raft making, surfing, flying fox and ropes course and team building initiatives.
Year 5 Girls Middle School depart Monday, 6 and return Wednesday, 8 February.
Year 5 Boys Middle School depart Wednesday, 8 and return Friday, 10 February.
Please respond to the Consent2Go email for your child to attend.
This term, Year 6 students will enjoy a curriculum-based tour of Canberra. They will travel to and from Canberra by plane and take part in hands-on activities, guided tours and education programs while visiting Questacon, the National Gallery of Australia, the Australian Institute of Sport, the Electoral Education Centre, CSIRO Discovery Centre, Parliament House, the Deep Space Tracking Station, the National Dinosaur Museum and the Australian War Memorial. Students will stay close to the centre of Canberra.
Year 6 Boys Middle School depart Monday, 20 and return Friday, 24 February.
Year 6 Girls Middle School depart Monday, 27 February and return Friday, 3 March.
Please respond to the Consent2Go email for your child to attend.
Parents of Middle School students are invited to our ‘Meet and Greet’ evening on Thursday, 2 February at 6.00 pm. The evening will start in Berthon Hall and parents will be able to meet Homeroom teachers for 2023 and meet other families from their class.
Drinks and canapes will then be served in the Library Quadrangle where the co-curricular staff will be available to answer further questions. We look forward to seeing you there.
The presentation of our students is something that we take pride in at Haileybury. We encourage your support of this by ensuring that your child wears the correct uniform. The summer uniform is recommended during Terms 1 and 4, and blazers must be worn to and from school throughout the year.
Some allowances will be made for extreme weather days in regards to wearing the blazer home and this will be communicated to students. A school cap or bucket hat is compulsory when outdoors during Terms 1 and 4.
Please see the myhaileybury app for the School Uniform Policy.
Mark Harrop
Acting Head of Newlands (Keysborough)
We would like to invite all parents to a Year Level Coffee Morning from 9.00 am – 10.30 am at Match & Co. 109/79 Centre Dandenong Road, Dingley Village. A parent from each year level has volunteered to help the committee host each morning and the HPFK invites you to enjoy a complimentary hot or cold drink.
We hope this is an opportunity for you to meet other parents in your child’s year level and to find out about the exciting events that the HPFK will be hosting in 2023.
Monday, 6 February
Tuesday, 7 February
Year 5
Wednesday, 8 February
Year 7
Monday, 13 February
Year 1
Tuesday, 14 February
Year 2
Wednesday, 15 February
We would like to invite all our Year 5 families to our very popular Year 5 Bowling Night. This is always a great evening to connect to new and existing families. Tickets on sale until Monday, 13 February only.
Tickets are available to purchase here.
Please join Mark Harrop, Acting Head of Newlands, and Theo Georgakopoulos, Acting Head of Haileybury Senior School, for the HPFK Meeting.
This is a great opportunity to meet other parents, and all parents from ELC to Year 12 are welcome.
Lenice Norris
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends Keysborough
As the holidays draw to a close, I hope this newsletter finds all our families looking forward to classes commencing on Monday, 30 January. Our academic year is well underway, thanks to Term 1A and this makes for a much smoother start in January.
Welcome especially to new families, students and staff joining us this year. I hope your time at Haileybury is happy and successful.
Monday, 30 January will begin with tutor groups where Heads of Houses and Tutors will have an opportunity to remind our young Haileyburians about our expectations. Sometimes it takes a few reminders about hair and uniform before everyone is back into the swing of things!
I ask all parents and guardians to help ensure our students have their hair neat and tidy and shoes and uniform clean and well-presented. If you have any queries about our expectations, please feel free to contact me or our Head of Senior Girls, Ms Helen Wadden, or our Head of Senior Boys, Mr Graham Leys.
The academic results achieved by Haileybury students in 2022 were exemplary. Congratulations to all students who worked hard to achieve excellence in their VCE subjects and to those who did all they could to excel in their preparatory studies.
We were proud to celebrate the success of seven Haileybury students who registered perfect ATAR scores of 99.95. Only 39 students in Victoria were awarded a perfect ATAR, so we couldn’t be prouder of the duces of Haileybury College: Yan Chen, Jiaqi Lu, Michael Sun, Kerry Zhu and Kim Zhu and the duces of Haileybury Girls College: Abigail Gardiner and Chloe Lay. They all attained an ATAR of 99.95.
It is a true pleasure to be part of a community that collectively values education and achievement, yet also understands that a true education is about more than letter grades and ATAR scores.
The Haileybury community understands that working hard to achieve one’s best is one of the keys to a happy and successful life. I look forward to our Honours Assemblies where we will acknowledge their achievements.
Please remember that all absentees are recorded through the myHaileybury app. We recognise it may be difficult when a child is unable to attend school, with parents juggling to sort out their day. In less than 10 seconds, submit your child’s absence quickly and easily via the app.
Sport at Haileybury is an enjoyable and integral component in developing a well-rounded Haileyburian. Training and competition are so much more than winning — they not only improve our students’ mental and physical health and fitness, but enable them to develop their leadership and communication skills, ability to work in a team and respect for themselves and others.
Building a culture based on these core skills will ultimately result in success on the sporting field and in the classroom.
Team success is, of course, dependent on all students attending Tuesday training and Saturday competition. Should your son or daughter need to leave school for an appointment and miss Tuesday sport training, a medical certificate will need to be emailed to the Heads of Boys and Girls Sport the following day.
Haileybury strongly discourages students and parents from making regular appointments on Tuesday afternoon during sport training.
If you have any queries about our sport program, please contact either:
As part of the Outdoor Experiences offered at Senior School, in December, students had the opportunity to attend our end of year expedition. The program was available to all Senior School students and supports those undertaking the internationally recognised Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. The program allows students to complete their practice and qualifying expedition journeys.
Eight students from Keysborough and City campuses, along with Eliza Weinberg and two OEG staff, took on the challenge of Australia’s most famous trek — the Cradle Mountain Overland Track. The track takes in some of Tasmania’s most stunning scenery. Consisting of eight days hiking, the students prepared meals and were geared up for all weather conditions. Many of the students are using this expedition as part of their Duke of Edinburgh’s Award expedition section. Students taking part were:
Tamsin Visick, Coordinator, Duke of Ed Program
Theo Georgakopoulos
Acting Head of Haileybury Senior Schools
At each campus, Haileybury offers a wonderful after school dance program as an option for Prep to Grade 6 students. Weekly classes are filled with different activities, warm ups, learning, refining choreography and fun. Students build their technique and are exposed to different genres of dance. Grades 5 and 6 students also create routines for competition and for the end of year Dance Gala in November.
Please visit myDance on the myHaileybury app (within Performing Arts) to read about the program including class times, locations and fees.
Enrolments for the 2023 After School Dance Program open on Wednesday, 25 January 2023 for Prep to Grade 6 classes at all campuses. Enrolments will close on Friday, 17 February. To enrol your child in the program please:
Once you have submitted your enrolment form, your campus dance coordinator will be in touch with you via email to confirm they have received the form and they will give you details of the first lesson.
Please note that even if you enrolled in the program in 2022, you will need to re-enrol for the new year.
If you have any queries, please contact Teri Batis and Cassie Peele, After School Dance Coordinators, via email
In the final weeks of 2022 auditions were held for SpongeBob SquarePants: The Musical. After a successful afternoon of auditions with Years 9 to 12 students, and an impressive series of call-backs, we have a great cast of 70 ready to take on this larger-than-life extravaganza.
Congratulations to the whole cast for going above and beyond throughout the audition process.
Below is a photo of some of our lead cast members in their signature character colours.
Nick Waxman
Head of Drama and Theatre Studies
Happy New Year to all. I know the Haileybury music community will be looking forward to a full schedule of concerts, workshops, rehearsals and instrumental lessons beginning next week. Haileybury can now boast that over 1,000 students will receive a weekly music lesson in 2023!
In exciting news from the end of last year, I am proud to recognise Year 12 Music student Harry Marshall who achieved the maximum score of 50 for his work in Music Investigation.
Harry, who plays electric bass and acoustic bass, was supported during his studies by bass tutor, Kim May, and classroom teacher, Greg Ryan. He was accompanied by Sean McLeod (drums), Daragh Rodrigues (saxophone), Marcus Beyer (keyboards), Ethan Myers (vibraphone), Joshua Reed (guitar), Emily Marshall (saxophone), Ruby Nuttall (saxophone), Felix King (saxophone), Nirujan Vijayarajan (drums) and David Dower (keyboard).
Well done, Harry.
Many other students also achieved outstanding results including Samuel Koh (47), Daragh Rodrigues (46), Joshua Reed (45), Ethan Myers (42), India Buntman-Bryant (41), Nathan Su (41), Tom Caspers (41) and James Dong (40).
Scores 40 and above place these students in the top eight per cent of the state.
It was an absolute privilege to observe and to be part of the development of these outstanding Haileyburians throughout 2022. I must also acknowledge the outstanding contribution of instrumental staff who played a key role in the planning, preparation and delivery of these students’ programs — and indeed, the programs of all VCE music students.
Special thanks must also go to Greg Ryan, Head of Co-curricular Music: Senior School, for his outstanding work with all VCE Music students across the year.
Well done to all students who participated in VCE music in 2022 — it was a fantastic year. All involved did extremely well and held themselves with poise, grace and determination.
To the VCE Music students of 2023, good luck and let’s get started!
While each individual campus will have a local calendar of music events that I recommend all parents investigate, I would like to draw your attention to the Twilight Concert on Thursday, 16 March.
A relaxed outdoor event, the Twilight Concert takes place in the Senior School Quadrangle in front of Wings Café at Senior School Keysborough. It is suitable for all ages and I particularly encourage families of Middle School students to attend. The concert will feature Senior School ensembles performing a pop-inspired repertoire.
The evening will begin at approximately 6.00 pm and will end around 7.30 pm and light refreshments will be provided.
Rod Marshall
Director of Performing Arts & Head of Haileybury Music
We couldn’t be prouder of the Class of 2022 for their outstanding VCE results. The talent, effort, perseverance and dedication of last year’s cohort was rewarded with some of the strongest Visual Arts results in the School’s history.
There were incredible, unprecedented average study scores in Studio Arts of 40 and Media of 44, with two students achieving a study score of 49.
As only eight per cent of all students studying these VCE courses receive a study score of 40 or above, and only two per cent receive a score of 45 or above, these outstanding results celebrate the wonderful partnerships of staff and students in the department.
We wish the 2022 Visual Arts alumni all the best with their tertiary offers and endeavours in 2023 and know their efforts will inspire this year’s classes.
We are looking forward to welcoming back students fresh from the summer break with new memories of family celebrations, fun with friends, and time away from school routine. This rich experiential fodder assists students to expand their thinking and encourages new concepts to percolate and develop.
As we prepare to return to classes, we encourage students to reflect on how their holiday break has shaped their perspectives, and what they can bring to their classes as potential creative solutions to inspire a new year of studies.
In the early weeks of Term 1, students studying Units 3 and 4 classes will have the opportunity to apply for the Visual Arts Captain leadership and committee roles. Keep an eye out on class announcements for further details.
We look forward to reviewing applications and working with the new team who will lead the development of competitions, exhibitions and opportunities for all students to get creative!
Rachelle Rae
Head of Visual Arts Senior School
The Pipes & Drums students from competition bands have officially begun their preparations for the 2023 Pipes & Drums season and the excitement is palpable. We are particularly excited to introduce a third junior competition band to the program this year.
Students have been working hard to perfect their craft, honing their skills on the practice chanter and drums in preparation for upcoming competitions and performances. They are determined to build on their past successes and push themselves to new heights.
They have regularly taken part in individual practice and group rehearsals and have focused on technical proficiency and the dynamics and phrasing of the music to bring out the emotion and expression of the pieces they will play. Students have also been working on their marching and drill techniques to improve their presentation on the field.
This has also been a time for students to bond as a group and to recognise the importance of teamwork and camaraderie in making a successful performance.
The Pipes & Drums students are determined to put on an outstanding performance for 2023. With hard work, dedication and team spirit, they are sure to make a lasting impression in the Pipes & Drums community.
The students, staff and parent association look forward to seeing them showcase their talents throughout the year. The 2023 season promises to be one to remember!
Lincoln Hilton
Director, Pipes & Drums
Dr Alf Uhlherr (OH 1983) graduated from Monash University with a Science degree and a PhD in Physical Chemistry. He then completed a Post-Doctoral Fellowship at the University of Cambridge before returning to Australia and spending the next 23 years working at CSIRO across more than 30 different sites.
Alf has always had a passion for science, perhaps partly influenced by his father who was a lecturer in Chemical Engineering at Monash University. He also credits his science and maths teachers at Haileybury for his love of science, including Mr Gilson, Mr Neil, Mr Holper, Mr Peverell, Mr Masters, Mr Brazier, Mr Hosking, Mr Rebbechi, Mr Jessup and Mr Barnes.
Another subject that sparked Alf’s interest at Haileybury was Computer Studies with Mr Davenport. The enthusiasm shared by teacher and student led Alf to take up computing as a home hobby.
He combined his love of chemistry and computers to gain his first role at CSIRO as a Computational Chemist where he analysed and improved materials using very large computer calculations. Alf then took on a role managing CSIRO’s scientific computing services and facilities — the largest in the southern hemisphere.
Alf is now retired and enjoys volunteer work and indulging in travel, photography, wild life, nature, reading, and collecting and dealing in old non-fiction books. He has a collection of over 5,000 books with a large number of cricket and motoring books.
Alf’s favourite travel destinations so far have been Yosemite National Park in the USA, and New Zealand and he is eager to travel more with his partner, May, when she retires shortly.
He says he embraces Monash University’s motto, Ancora Imparo, which means ‘I am still learning’.
Going to Haileybury created many opportunities for Alf and he is now generously supporting a six-year Haileybury Foundation Scholarship, commencing this year, which will change a life forever.
Thank you, Alf, for staying connected and for giving back to our community!
We would like to welcome back our entire Haileybury community and trust that everyone had a wonderful festive season and well-earned break.
We would also like to welcome our new graduates from the Class of 2022. On leaving Haileybury, they become life members of the Old Haileyburians Association. We congratulate every student who completed their final year at Haileybury in 2022, and we look forward to you staying connected with each other and with your School.
We are delighted to release the 2023 OHA event schedule via our website.
Along with class reunions, there are sporting reunions, boutique industry luncheons, campus-based generations breakfasts, chapter dinners and new open member events — the axe throwing and gin masterclass are two of the office favourites so far!
Class Reunions dates are as follows and tickets to all OHA events can be booked here.
Class of 1983 – 40 Year Reunion
Friday, 3 February
Class of 1978 – 45 Year Reunion
Friday, 3 March
Class of 2013 – 10 Year Reunion
Friday, 12 May
Class of 1993 – 30 Year Reunion
Friday, 25 August
Class of 2003 – 20 Year Reunion
Friday, 20 October
Class of 1973 – 50 Year Reunion
Friday, 27 October
Class of 1998 – 25 Year Reunion
Friday, 10 November
Class of 2022 – 1 Year Reunion
Friday, 17 November
Class of 1988 – 35 Year Reunion
Friday, 24 November
Class of 2018 – 5 Year Reunion
Friday, 24 November
Introducing OHA Rewards — a new rewards program exclusively for OHA members. OHA Rewards is designed to reward OHA members via a cash back program, and support OHA member-owned businesses by driving traffic.
OHA members will get cash back by spending on eating, drinking, shopping and entertainment at major retailers and hospitality venues. Stay tuned for more details coming soon!
If you are a business owner, we can drive OHA members to your business! Becoming an OHA Rewards merchant is quick, simple, flexible to suit you and it’s free to join. Contact us today to find out more via
From sporting clubs to social clubs, please take a look through all we have to offer here and support or sign up to a club of interest!
We look forward to a fantastic 2023 as we continue our commitment to serve our alumni and the broader Haileybury community. Please note that the OHA office is here for all members and we encourage you all to reach out.
Kylie Phillips
Development Office Operations Lead
During the summer break, Ruby Murdoch (Year 12) participated in training and development programs as part of the Victorian Women’s Football Academy.
The academy aligns with the National Talent Pathways philosophy of ‘Developing Better People, Better Players’ by using a holistic development approach. It focuses on the growth of the individual on and off the field, and their ability to contribute within a team environment.
We look forward to Ruby applying what she has learned to further develop our growing Girls’ Football Program at Haileybury.
Week 1 of this term sees the resumption of sport and recreation activities for students. Sport training will commence on Tuesday, 31 January for Years 7 to 12 students and on Wednesday, 1 February for Years 5 to 6.
Saturday morning sport will also commence from Week 1 on Saturday, 4 February. This initial session will be used for selections and trials for teams other than Firsts.
We ask that students are prepared for sports training and games from Week 1 on 4 February, so please check uniforms and allow enough time to order new uniforms in preparation for Term 1.
Sean Allcock
Director of Haileybury Sport
In the spirit of reconciliation, Haileybury acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of country throughout Australia and their connections to land, sea and community. We pay our respect to their elders past and present and extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples today.
© Haileybury 2025 Compliance
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