CEO | Principal's Report
A tenth anniversary visit showcases the strengths and progress of our schools in China and confirms that Melbourne’s international students are returning to the city.
Online news from Haileybury
A tenth anniversary visit showcases the strengths and progress of our schools in China and confirms that Melbourne’s international students are returning to the city.
Recently, it was a great pleasure to return to China for the first time in three-and-a-half years. I spent time with the leadership team, staff and students at Haileybury Senior School Tianjin for Years 10–12 and the Haileybury Elite School Tianjin which is for students in Years 1–9.
This is the tenth anniversary of the setting up of the schools in Tianjin and I was absolutely delighted to see the energy, enthusiasm and focus of the students, and the commitment and professionalism of the staff.
The two schools are thriving, and I thank the leadership team of Executive Principal, Peter Rogerson, International Principal, Yanni Galanis, and Chinese Principal, Bryan Gao.
Haileybury Senior School Tianjin delivers the Victorian Certificate of Education for students in Years 11 and 12 and the Gaokao Chinese Certificate. The results in both certificates have been excellent. In last year’s VCE, 105 students graduated with a median ATAR of 79 and 90% of graduates then come to study at Australian universities.
It is pleasing to see the Australian international student sector bouncing back. This is particularly important for Victoria where international education is the state’s largest export. Later this year, we will welcome many of the HSST graduates to Melbourne as they commence their studies.
As with all good schools, the co-curricular program at HSST and THES is important for developing well-rounded students. I attended a wonderful Junior School and Middle School Chinese language and culture festival and started the House cross country event. House activities are an important part of the boarding school environment and culture.
It has also been an exciting time in Melbourne in the co-curricular space with the culmination of the summer sports season, the performance of the exceptional City campus senior school play, a wonderful spring concert in the quadrangle, the hosting of the Victorian Pipes & Drums Championships and the always extraordinary Aria Night to be held tonight.
I thank all the Haileybury staff for their commitment to the co-curricular program which provides such extraordinary opportunities for students.
Derek Scott
CEO | Principal
From 15 April, the Haileybury email address you use to login to myHaileybury will change from ‘’ to ‘’.
Please note that these changes will be taking place during the Easter school holidays and will impact those students who are hoping to study throughout this time. While this change is taking place Haileybury systems won’t be accessible between 12 – 14 April.
For further information, please view our Frequently Asked Questions.
On the final day of term, our Castlefield community will participate in the annual Coin Trail. For this House competition we ask each child to bring along as many Australian coins as they can to add to the chalk-coloured trail that winds its way through the school grounds.
The money raised is donated to the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal. An Easter raffle with $1 raffle tickets and a fundraising page for the Good Friday Appeal (found here) are also available for any families who want to contribute to this worthy cause. Our Coin Trail event raises House Spirit and fosters a greater understanding of social justice and community outreach.
As Term 1 finishes on Thursday, 6 April we wish all our families a safe holiday and we look forward to the start of Term 2 on Wednesday, 26 April.
For the first two weeks of Term 2, students may wear their summer or winter uniform. From Monday, 8 May, full winter uniform must be worn and for Junior School students, this includes the blazer.
The HPFC Second-Hand Uniform Shop has great quality items for sale and is open on Wednesday mornings and Thursday afternoons.
We recently welcomed Jaeden Williams to the ELC to create our smoking ceremony and to welcome us all to Boonwurrung Country. The smoke (spirit) cleansed our hands, feet and hearts so we could walk gently on Mother Earth.
“Jaeden put leaves on the fire and smoke came out.”
“We put the smoke in our heart and our feet and our hands.”
“We said thank you Mother Earth for loving my family, my friends and me.”
The ELC celebrated Australia’s cultural diversity, inclusiveness, respect and belonging during Harmony Week. There were discussions about the many cultural backgrounds of children in the class and about the importance of celebrating differences and similarities.
On Thursday, 23 March the ELC was invited to join the school on the oval for an African drumming performance. Children were enthralled by the amazing instruments, singing and dancing —such joy!
The Pre-Preps took part in Earth Hour Schools Day. Earth Hour happens around the world and people turn off non-essential lights and other electrical appliances for one hour as a gesture of our commitment to the planet.
There were discussions about taking care of Mother Earth by saving electricity and this raised awareness of the need to conserve power worldwide. Lights and eBoards were switched off and classes used natural light, torches and candles. The children shared stories of other times when they had to use candles or torches at home because of a power outage.
We look forward to welcoming all ELC families to our end of term picnic on Wednesday, 5 April from 9:30 am – 10:15 am to celebrate the end of a wonderful term.
Come and join us for meditation before school at 8:20 am each Wednesday morning in Vittoria Dell’Atte’s Year 1 room. Student leaders will take you through a guided meditation to set your mind and body up for a great day ahead. Parents are welcome, too.
Sing It, Act It, Dance It is a musical theatre-style lunchtime club run by Tracey Jacob and Lexy Milne on Tuesdays at lunchtime, in Dickinson Hall. We have an enthusiastic group of performers working on Naughty from Matilda by Tim Minchin. All students are welcome, even if they’d just like to be part of the audience!
This term, Preps are exploring Physical Science and recently conducted experiments using their senses. They used the power of touch, smell and hearing to guess and discover what their senses could pick up. From old bananas to patchouli, soft cotton wool to spiky seeds and loud to soft sounds, they loved sharing their ideas about what they might be smelling, touching and hearing with their classmates.
Our Years 7 and 8 students experienced their first big House event for the year during the amazing House Athletics held at Duncan McKinnon Reserve. There was plenty of colour and enthusiasm and the day was filled with high-quality athletics and students stepping out of their comfort zones and challenging themselves.
For many Year 7 students, this was their first Haileybury House event and they embraced the Castlefield House spirit. A hearty thanks to our House Convenor, Jo Silverman, for the passion and organisation that went into executing this massive event.
Congratulations to all our Middle School students for completing their first sport season for 2023. Whether they are a Year 5 who has experienced their first APS competition on a Wednesday afternoon, or a Year 8 student in their final year of Middle School sport, we are very proud of the attitude and effort of all our students.
As we head towards Term 2, now is a great time to ensure your child has their winter uniform. Winter uniform is worn in Terms 2 and 3, however, we have a two-week grace period at the beginning of Term 2 where students can still wear summer uniform.
Winter uniform means that when wearing a tie, shirts need to be tucked in!
Katrina Manson
Head of Castlefield (Brighton)
We are nearing the end of our first exciting term of 2023. I hope it’s been a good one for your family. It has certainly been wonderful to see so many families at our events that are an opportunity for the community to come together.
Thank you to the families that joined us at Luna Park for a chilly, but fun evening. Many students and quite a number of parents were seen screaming, laughing and gripping tightly on the rides. We appreciate the support of our community and hope your children had as much fun as we did.
The upcoming Mother’s Day Luncheon is our next major event, and we are beyond excited that our guest speaker will be Jelena Dokic.
Term 2 has our Junior School Movie Night on Friday, 28 April. It will feature the fabulous Lyle, Lyle Crocodile. Information about purchasing tickets can be found on the myHaileybury app.
Keep in mind the Second Hand Uniform Shop (SHUS) for your uniforms, particularly as we head towards Term 2 and the changeover to winter uniform. For Junior School students, this includes the blazer, and we have many high-quality items in the SHUS to purchase.
Monique Chapman
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends Castlefield
CEO | Principal, Derek Scott recently visited Haileybury Tianjin and met the faculty and staff. He spoke with academic staff across the School and thanked them for their continual dedication and commitment and for providing a high-quality education for students.
Derek also highlighted the future direction of the School, emphasising the importance of continuous improvement in the delivery of education, the challenges and opportunities facing the education sector and how Haileybury could adapt to the changing landscape.
Recently, the Senior School Mathematics Department organised a Pi Day. In the morning, mathematics teachers secretly concealed pies throughout the School with interesting problems attached to them.
Students found the pies and ate them, and correctly answered the maths problems to win Pi Day bracelets. Later that afternoon, students and staff celebrated Pi Day with short videos, quizzes, drinks and food.
It has been an exciting month for our Primary School garden project with students successfully planting a variety of seeds in our greenhouse beds. In addition to producing fresh vegetables, students have fixed the greenhouses to provide a perfect environment for our plants to grow and thrive.
The Primary School students have been involved in every step of this project, from researching different plants and their needs, to learning how to properly care for them. Through hands-on experience, they have gained valuable knowledge about the science of plants and the importance of sustainable agriculture.
Our Head of Pathways and Careers, Jacqueline Cui, visited Melbourne for a week as a guest of Monash and Deakin Universities. She attended workshops on the latest courses within the different university departments, received updates on admission procedures, discussed future internship programs and toured university facilities and halls of residence.
Jacqueline was also able to spend a day at our Haileybury City and Keysborough campuses as a special guest. She met staff and student leaders, attended Assembly and spent valuable time with Senior School Careers staff.
After a long absence of sport competitions due to pandemic restrictions, it was exciting to see our Haileybury Boys Senior Basketball Team participate in the recent Beijing International School Invitational Tournament.
The boys showed strength and courage to win all their group games and finished on top of their ladder. However, more pleasing was that the team was recognised by opponents for their spirit of friendship. Congratulations to the coaches and support staff.
Yanni Galanis
International Principal, Haileybury International School, Tianjin
Haileybury City and the Australian High Commissioner recently hosted an education delegation from Rwanda. His Excellency Jean de Dieu Uwihanganye, High Commissioner for the Republic of Rwanda, and his distinguished guests visited our beautiful vertical campus.
We also hosted an Open Morning for 80 prospective families looking to enroll at City campus, and our Junior and Middle Schools have shared three In Action mornings.
At the campus visits, our City Executive team and student leaders described how we partner with families, what makes Haileybury special and why they are proud to be part of Haileybury. Our City Executive team showed visitors around our campus where they saw our brilliant teachers in action.
We are so proud of our culture and community at City and the way in which our students grow their kind hearts and sharp minds every day. It certainly shines through in their interactions with visitors, staff and each other.
Participating in camps this term has seen Years 4, 5 and 7 head to various Victorian locations for some exciting outdoor education experiences. Encouraging our young people to step outside their comfort zone is challenging and rewarding and I am sure families have enjoyed the camp stories being told and retold as the giant swing becomes higher, the waves get bigger, the hikes become longer and the lights-out chats become later!
I wish all our families a very happy, restful, and refreshing holiday break. So much has been achieved in Term 1 as we focused on the academic, social, emotional and physical growth of every student.
We are delighted to have finished so well and we will continue to work towards our 2023 goal of excellence in character and contribution. I thank our community of staff, students and parents for your support of our social justice initiatives for the Good Friday Appeal. We look forward to finding out who will be the lucky winners of the chocolate hampers!
Wonderings in the ELC have focused on the noticeable changes in our environment. The green leaves at Flagstaff Gardens are slowly changing colours as the days begin to cool.
In Reception, children have been using pictographs to record their observations of the weather at various times of the day. This focus on changing conditions has given children an opportunity to build their vocabulary, to voice their ideas and to notice the most subtle changes in their surroundings.
Meanwhile, Pre-Prep children remain avid gardeners and are excited by what autumn may bring. Following discussions about seasonal flowers, fruits and vegetables, little hands have been busy planting kale, spinach, carrots, pansies and poppies in our terrace garden.
As the seasons change, new rich and authentic opportunities for learning are presented and our ELC children are always ready to question and explore what each new season brings.
We are thrilled to introduce a new element to our Tuesday morning program with Mark Reed, Chair and Head of Athletics at Haileybury.
During Term 2, our ELC will introduce scooter polo! Children will use scooters to enhance coordination, gross motor skills, teamwork, and collaboration.
Scooters will be provided; however, families will be asked to bring in a helmet each Tuesday morning to support their child’s participation and safety. Knee and elbow pads are optional and can be included in your child’s bag on this day.
We look forward to this addition to a program that is already a highlight of the week for many of our ELC children.
Our Haileybury City Year 4 students recently embarked on their 2023 Portsea Camp adventure with enthusiasm and a willingness to try new things. United as a cohort, they took full advantage of the variety of activities available, including raft building, the giant swing, initiative courses, beach walks and more.
The importance of making memories and embracing challenges was emphasised throughout the trip. It was an unforgettable experience that taught students valuable lessons about teamwork, perseverance and personal growth.
Please remember that while smart watches are high-tech and helpful in assisting communication, they can be a distraction for your child within school. If your child wears a smart watch at school, we ask that they be set to ‘school mode’ and not used for communication between home and school from 8:30 am – 3:30 pm.
Analogue watches are highly encouraged as they complement our students’ curriculum learning in mathematics, such as reading analogue time, counting by fives and calculating how much time has elapsed.
The term break is on the horizon, and we know our students and their families are looking forward to quality time spent together. However, please be advised that extending school holidays, even by a few days, is discouraged.
Students’ active learning time in Junior School is invaluable and continues until the end of the final day of term. For more information, please view the recent myHaileybury app correspondence below.
The Year 7 boys have taken part in the Man Cave incursion that helps develop emotional intelligence, foster positive masculinity, and provide strategies for dealing with the causes of anxiety that young men may face in modern society.
The students engaged in group-building activities and learnt how to complete a ‘check-in’ with their peers. Man Cave is an important part of Haileybury’s Wellbeing curriculum, and it reflects our Respectful Relationships pillar.
In Term 3, Man Cave will visit again to work with our Year 8 boys. We encourage our Year 7 BMS parents to start a conversation with their young person and let them lead you through the check-in process. It is a worthwhile skill to help navigate parenting teenagers.
Over the past two weeks, Years 5 and 7 families have visited Levels 4 and 5 and joined their children in their classrooms. This is a rich opportunity for families to sample the vibrant teaching and learning program that our young people experience every day.
In Year 7, students and their families put their fractions skills to the test while 7.2 challenged their guests to a Kahoot on ‘Science 101’. Last week, 5.1 and 5.A both practised the mathematical concept of area with a variety of different questions and parents were able to brush up on their Perimeter and Area formulae from their own high school days.
Our young people loved having their special guests alongside them for the morning and we look forward to welcoming our Years 6 and 8 families in Term 2. Look out for the date on our Term 2 Key Dates on the myHaileybury app.
On Tuesday, 28 March we hosted our City Middle School athletics carnival at the Keysborough Campus. The event was a wonderful celebration of our students’ athletic abilities and House spirit.
Our House Captains led their teams with enthusiasm and passion, encouraging each of our students to do their best. Thank you to Head of Athletics, Mark Reed, and House Convener, Carly Buhagiar, for their efforts in organising such a successful event.
We look forward to our House Swimming event in Term 2.
Caroline Merrick
Head of City
The campus is definitely buzzing, given that this is the last week of Term 1! With all the camps, athletics, sport events and incursions, it has been a very busy term and thoroughly enjoyed by all the students.
With Easter fast approaching, Haileybury City and HPF City are again raising funds for the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal through the Easter Egg Hamper Lucky Draw. Your donation to the Royal Children’s Hospital allows for the amazing work at the hospital to continue. The winners will be drawn at the end of term assembly on Thursday, 6 April.
It is not too late to buy tickets. Please follow the link:
A huge thank you to the HPF City team for running the HPF Second-hand Uniform Shop (SHUS) last Friday. We hope you grabbed a few much-needed uniform items before Term 2 begins.
A reminder that tickets for the HPF Cocktail Party are now available. The theme is Sparkle and Shine and the event takes place at Haileybury City on Friday, 26 May from 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm. Book your tickets using the button below:
The HPF Committee wishes you a safe and relaxing break and we look forward to seeing you at the Cocktail Party.
Melissa Fisher
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends City
Haileybury Rendall School has announced plans to bring the first private online school to the Northern Territory. The arrival of Haileybury Pangea will make HRS the only school in the Top End to offer day, boarding and online schooling.
Haileybury Pangea will welcome its first students from across the Northern Territory to their virtual classrooms in 2024.
The arrival of Haileybury Pangea means families in the Northern Territory can now choose for their children to attend Haileybury Rendall School as a day student or as a boarder, or they can remain at home and learn online.
Haileybury Pangea is now accepting expressions of interest from students and families across the Northern Territory, including students in remote and very remote communities and highly focused students who prefer the independence that comes with online learning.
Many young people living in very remote communities want to receive a high-quality education, but they don’t want to leave their home and community. Being able to learn from Haileybury Pangea’s brilliant teachers should not depend on where you live.
There are many dedicated students who also belong to elite sports or arts programs who find it challenging to juggle those commitments with the traditional school timetable. Haileybury Pangea offers the flexibility those students need to be able to follow their dreams, while delivering a comprehensive, high-quality education.
We are not saying that online learning suits every child — but there are many students that Haileybury Pangea will absolutely suit.
The typical online school week includes a bespoke blend of live instruction, prepared video content, assessment tasks and one-on-one or small group-based time with subject teachers. Self-paced learning is a fundamental component of the curriculum, supported by an extensive suite of online resources.
Haileybury Pangea delivers small classes, a personalised and bespoke program to cater for specific student needs and interests, and access to an increased number of Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) subjects. The VCE is an internationally recognised certificate which allows students to attain an Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR).
Haileybury Pangea began operating in Victoria in January 2023. Developed by Haileybury over several years, it builds on the School’s 130 years of teaching expertise and academic achievements. Haileybury consistently achieves some of the most impressive VCE results in Victoria, with its students offered places at some of the best universities in Australia and overseas.
Haileybury and Haileybury Rendall School’s NAPLAN results each year are also among the best in their state or territory, and Haileybury Pangea students in the Northern Territory will have access to the same quality teaching that helps deliver these results.
Haileybury Pangea uses a ‘stage not age’ approach based on entrance testing. So, if a Year 7 student is particularly strong in mathematics, they may instead join a Year 9 maths class to continue to develop their skills.
Specific technology and software have been developed to ensure efficient delivery of learning, and to safeguard and monitor the security and confidentiality of students online. Students must sign an acceptable use policy and agree to appropriate behaviour when they enrol.
Student wellbeing is also an integral part of the Haileybury Pangea model. Parents or guardians must complete a home learning environment checklist and a duty of care module confirming they understand their requirement to provide appropriate adult supervision of their child during scheduled class hours. A team of specialist support staff is also available to support student wellbeing.
Haileybury Pangea builds on the success and reputation of Haileybury Rendall School and Haileybury, and it delivers the parents and children important choices in how young people receive their education.
A one size fits all approach to education is no longer valid. Now, families in the Northern Territory can select day, boarding or online schooling and so choose an education pathway that best meets the needs of their child.
Andrew McGregor
Principal, Haileybury Rendall School
This is one of our favourite annual events with grandparents and special friends enjoying every moment of their time with the children. Classroom activities were followed by a concert and morning tea. This event has been a highlight of the term!
What a wonderful community event this was! Hundreds of people attended, and it was a very relaxed, social and enjoyable evening.
We had food trucks, a live band, rides and inflatables. The weather was perfect, and no one was in a rush to leave. Thank you to everyone who attended for making it such a wonderful night
Thank you to the HPFE for organising such a brilliant event for our parents. Parents from ELC to Senior School attended the evening and enjoyed the company, delicious food and live music.
On Tuesday, 21 March the ELC and JS students welcomed their grandparents or special person into their classroom. For this special event to take place in Harmony Week celebrates our diversity and brought together so many cultural backgrounds.
This is just one of many occasions this term where families have been able to come together and build connections within the Haileybury community. This is such an important part of each child’s development because community connections give children a sense of belonging and help them develop vital social and emotional skills. Children and families build a sense of trust and safety with those within their school environment.
At Haileybury, our values of trust, unity and respect underpin the collaborative partnerships we foster with every family, as we promote the best outcomes for every child’s development, wellbeing and ongoing education. As children develop, authentic relationships with the world help them find their place and lead them to understand shared values and how society works.
We look forward to celebrating many more occasions with children and families throughout 2023.
We are so excited to have Haileybury Edrington taking part in Jump Rope for Heart this year — a fantastic fundraising and physical activity program from the Heart Foundation. By participating we are encouraging students to move and to help raise funds for lifesaving research and support programs.
We will end the term with our school-wide Jump Off Day on Thursday, 6 April where your child will showcase their new skipping skills to their friends.
By signing up online here, families can raise funds online, track skipping skills progress and earn virtual badges, and post updates to your page so family and friends can follow your progress.
This year, we have an audacious goal for our students to log 40 hours of skipping across Haileybury Edrington Junior School and raise $7,000. Can you help us reach our goal? There are only a few days left.
Thank you for getting involved in Jump Rope for Heart!
In Week 7, our Years 5 and 7 students sat their Naplan tests for reading, writing, language conventions and numeracy. The students participated with positivity and focus and embraced the testing days with a great attitude.
Well done to all those who auditioned for a lead role in our 2023 musical, The Wizard of Oz. We had over 40 students audition for 10 lead roles, making the casting job extremely challenging.
The final cast list was released in Week 8 and rehearsals began last week. The initial read-through was very exciting and highlighted the incredible talent we have within our Middle School. We look forward to seeing this production come together over the coming months!
In Week 8, our Year 6 students travelled to Scienceworks for a day of experiments and discovery. They explored physics, astronomy, chemistry, and anatomy as they interacted with exhibits at the museum. Their visit links closely to the science curriculum and Haileybury’s STEM program, making this a fantastic excursion for all.
This morning our Year 7 boys and girls departed for Camp Jungai. This camp is designed to challenge our students while easing them into the outdoors ready for their Year 8 camp and beyond.
With Term 1 finishing on Thursday, this year’s camp is just three nights and two of those nights will be spent in tents. The students will be participating in activities such as hiking, canoeing, a cultural session and high ropes. We look forward to hearing their stories when they return this Thursday.
A reminder that winter uniform is required for Term 2. However, there will be a two-week grace period when students can choose to wear winter or summer uniform, depending on the weather.
Jeanette Rawlings
Head of Edrington (Berwick)
The Uniform Shop will be open during the school holidays to meet your winter uniform requirements. The shop will be open on Wednesday, 19 April from 10:00 am –12:00 pm. They will continue to open in Term 2 on Wednesdays from 8:15 am – 10:45 am.
The Second Hand Uniform Shop (SHUS) is always looking for help, so if you have an hour to spare on a Wednesday to give Di and Kelly a hand in the shop, please contact them at
Summer Sippers was a HUGE success! Thank you to all who attended and helped make the night amazing. We are looking forward to organising another night soon, so watch this space.
If you are available to help with the upcoming sausage sizzle and Mother’s Day stall, please click here.
Enjoy the holidays and see you all in Term 2!
Kerry Ilic & Tracy Day
HPFE Presidents
Thank you to the Newlands community for a wonderful Term 1. It has been an exciting 10 weeks, with plenty of learning opportunities enjoyed by students.
As we head towards the Easter break, our staff wish you all a happy and restful holiday. Take this time to relax and be with your loved ones. We look forward to welcoming all students back on Wednesday, 26 April, refreshed and ready to tackle Term 2 with renewed energy.
Everyone had a pleasant day during our annual ELC, Junior School and Middle School Walkathon. The event encouraged students and families to increase their steps to raise money for the Good Friday Appeal. Our donations will hopefully provide some happiness and much needed support to children at the Royal Children’s Hospital.
Our donation page is still open, so please use the link below if you would like to be involved.
Head to the TeamKids website to secure your spot.
On Thursday, 6 April Reception and Pre-Prep children will parade their Easter hats for parents at 9:00 am at the Pre-Senior Courts. Pre-Prep children will be joined by Year 3 classes for Easter activities and an egg hunt at the ELC.
Our early years educators are working with a new version of the Early Years Learning Framework. For the past 13 years, the Framework has guided the ELC’s educational program and practice, and it complements the Victorian Early Learning and Development Framework.
The new framework includes new research, best practice, feedback and insights from stakeholders across Australia. It promotes a focus on Learning Outcomes that highlight development in the key areas of identity, community, wellbeing, learning and communication.
It also focuses on practice principles that guide the creation of high-quality learning and care experiences and pedagogy, and encourages educators to be reflective and intentional.
Newlands ELC educators are excited by the revision to the framework as it opens the way for innovative practices in different curriculum areas.
On Thursday, 6 April, Junior School children will have their annual Easter Hat Parade. Prep to Year 4 students will come together on the Pre-Senior Courts to parade around in their Easter bonnets or bunny ears. The event will begin at 8:45 am and parents and friends are invited.
At the end of the parade, year levels will enjoy an Easter hunt. We look forward to admiring the bright array of hats on show.
Recently, Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 students took part in the Junior School House Kickball. Students enthusiastically participated in the fun event and proudly wore their House colours. Year 8 leaders provided additional support during the afternoon and many parents and special friends were on the sidelines to cheer on the students.
This year we are excited to host this very special breakfast with musical performances, a guest speaker and other surprises nestled inside the beautiful Southern Golf Course.
*Options to purchase a group table of 10
Please note this very special event is for Middle School students, mothers/guardians only.
ELC, Junior and Senior Schools will host other events for their campuses.
Tickets will be available from Monday, 3 April and can be purchased here.
Be quick to avoid missing out!
Shum House captains are holding a fundraiser to support WaterAid Australia. This initiative raises funds to improve access to clean water, toilets and hygiene across the world.
Year 6 students across the Melbourne campuses recently spent the day at Scienceworks to link in with this term’s focus on energy, electrical energy and electric circuits. Students enjoyed the Electrical Energy, Safety and Lightning Show and the Beyond Perception Exhibition.
Our Year 6 students recently took an educational tour of Canberra and participated in programs focused on Australia’s history, culture, heritage and democracy.
The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the national capital as part of their Civics and Citizenship education. Under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program, it contributes $45 per student towards the costs of educational tours.
We thank the Australian Government for its support of this program.
Last week, Year 7 students embarked on a trip to Camp Jungai, enjoying the natural scenery of the Rubicon Valley. Students camped under the stars and worked together to set up tents and organise their hiking bags.
Students participated in group activities that challenged their teamwork, collaboration and patience and built close bonds between group members. Hands-on activities like rock-climbing, canoeing, high ropes, raft-building and orienteering, were accompanied by scenic walks and hikes.
A highlight for students was their cultural session that gave them insights into the land and its First Nations people, the Taungurung people. Learning about bush tucker, bush medicine, cultural heritages and artefacts, as well as hearing cultural stories meant students left camp motivated to learn about our shared history.
Mark Harrop
Acting Head of Newlands (Keysborough)
Raffle ticket sales close on Tuesday, 4 April.
Raffle tickets are available from your child’s Homeroom teacher for $1.00 a ticket or $5.00 for six tickets. All ticket sales go to the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal. Raffle ticket sales close on Tuesday, 4 April.
Thank you to our wonderful families and staff who donated eggs for this year’s Easter raffle prize baskets. Our HPFK volunteers have been working away creating the beautiful prize baskets for the end of term assembly on Friday, 6 April.
There will be a prize basket for each year level in ELC, Junior School, Boys Middle School and Girls Middle School.
Let’s raise as much as we can for such a great cause!
The Year 7 Bowling Night was a huge success and it was fantastic to see parents and students having a wonderful time. Thank you to the lovely Emily Gan for hosting and welcoming families and to our Vice President, Katrina King, for organising both bowling nights.
Term 1 has been so exciting with so many events connecting our community. Thank you to our families for attending our 12 Year coffee mornings, our Years 5 and 7 bowling nights and the ELC and Prep family dinners. Thank you also to our volunteers who assisted at Pancake Day, Middle School athletics barbecue, Grandparents Day and the Twilight Concert.
This week we donate 1,000 Zooper Doopers for students at the Newlands Walkathon and 3,000 Easter eggs for the ELC and Junior School Easter egg hunt, and we will present the winners of the Newlands Easter raffle with their prize baskets.
Just a reminder again that ticket sales for the raffle close on Tuesday, 4 April and all ticket sales go to the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal.
Finally, thank you to our HPFK Uniform Shop volunteers who collectively have volunteered for 134 hours this term! Please remember the HPFK Uniform Shop is open during the school holidays on Saturday, 22 April 2023 from 9:00 am until 12:00 noon for all your winter uniform needs.
In Term 2 we look forward to our annual Mother’s Day Stall, HPFK Luncheon and Senior School Fundraising Barbecue.
Enjoy a safe and happy school holiday!
Lenice Norris
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends Keysborough
During NAPLAN testing in mid-March, it was an exciting opportunity for many of our Years 5, 7 and 9 students to meet in person at Haileybury’s Newlands campus in Keysborough.
Generously hosted by Acting Head of Newlands, Mark Harrop, and Deputy Head Administration, Bronwyn Harrop, students and parents connected over morning tea before heading in to complete the testing.
Students were supported by familiar faces, Dominika Kapustka and Geoff Orton, who also bravely took on students in some lunchtime table tennis and basketball.
We look forward to further opportunities for Pangea students and families to connect with each other through community events in Term 2.
We thank all Pangea and Newlands staff who helped make this experience such a welcoming one for students.
In a recent assembly, students were introduced to a range of opt-in programs starting in Term 2 that will allow them to follow their passions and build their leadership skills.
Haileybury’s well-established Curious Minds Program is an exciting way for Haileybury students to engage in extra-curricular and academic extension offerings through STEM (science, technology, engineering, maths) and LEAP (literature, enterprise, arts, politics).
Meanwhile, the World Builders initiative, led by Nick Waxman, will enable Haileybury Pangea students to contribute their voice to the development of the Haileybury Pangea community. This is a fantastic opportunity for students who value collaboration and who want to serve the community by being part of positive change.
Joanna Baker
Head of Campus
In Term 2, Dr Nicholas Grigsby will join us as Deputy Principal Head of Senior Schools.
Until the end of last term, he was Senior Deputy Head at Stonyhurst College in Lancashire which is a Catholic, co-education boarding school.
Dr Grigsby has a music teaching background and as well as working in the UK, he has worked at schools in Poland, China and New Zealand for more than 10 years.
He will continue to build on the great work of Senior Vice Principal and Head of Senior Schools, Pam Chamberlain, and we thank Theo Georgakopoulos who has been Acting Head of Senior Schools for Term 1.
In 2019, the Newlands student leadership team and Ms Rhiannon Rowe established the Early Bird reading program that gives Prep and Year 1 students the opportunity to share their love of reading with student volunteers from Middle School.
Helping the students improve their fluency and literacy skills, the program continues to thrive, and Wednesday mornings bring excitement in the Junior School quad as younger students share their weekly readers with the older students.
This year, Year 12 students have also been able to get involved and listen to the students read. This has given the Year 12 students a sense of nostalgia in their final year of school as they connect with students across year levels and are reminded of the amazing memories that were formed in their foundational years of school.
Senior School Brighton recently had their first STEM activity for 2023 — a brain dissection to spread awareness of Brain Week. The student-led STEM team put together a morning Kahoot about the brain and facilitated a dissection of a sheep’s brain.
Over 30 students took part in the event during their Friday lunchtime. Students from Pre-Senior all the way through to Year 12 took part, with many others popping in to see what all the fuss was about.
A big thank you to our SS STEM Team and all teaching staff who supported them. We look forward to hosting more STEM-based activities for our STEM-driven students.
Arriving in unison, a sea of yellow swiftly rose on the sunny, majestic early morning of Sunday, 5 March at the Sandringham Rotunda. Gathered mostly in our Dickinson tops, the minds of our fellow Dickinsonians were set on two goals: to give back to the community we benefit so much from and to uphold and pursue our House values of respect, pride and enthusiasm — and so we did.
In small groups of approximately five, the boys trotted towards the foreshore and the trails of beautiful Sandringham.
At the start of our journey, we thought ‘this place looks pretty clean already, doesn’t it?’ However, the deeper in the trails we found ourselves, the more we discovered— bottles, micro plastics, cans, plastic bags, technology and even litter. The rubbish bags filled rapidly. Getting down on all fours and negotiating sharp sticks, the boys continued because at Dickinson, if we do something, we give it 110%.
After an hour-and-a-half, our rubbish bags were filled to the brim, and even the strongest boys struggled to carry them. It was fascinating and yet tragic to see how much rubbish is out there in our community. It was an eye-opening experience for all the lads.
As a reward for our community-minded actions, we treated ourselves to a few sausages (Archer Harrop (Year 10) with an astounding six) and a few cans of soft drink that certainly ended up in the bin.
We had learnt our lesson, and all walked away new men.
Oli Kaiser (Year 12)
House Captain
The 2023 summer sport season has now concluded, and we have begun preparations for the winter season. Congratulations to all students who experienced success on the sporting field during the summer. I hope that everyone who participated enjoyed the camaraderie associated with being part of a team and learned some important lessons about working toward collective goals.
One of the most important aims of the sport program at Haileybury is to introduce students to the physical and psychological benefits of regular participation in physical activity. If our students appreciate this and continue to participate in sport beyond their school years, we couldn’t be happier.
In Term 2, students wear winter uniform. However, we have two weeks at the beginning of the term when students may continue to wear summer uniform if they choose. Term 2 classes resume on Wednesday, 26 April.
I wish all Haileybury families a relaxing time away from the usual school routine!
Theo Georgakopoulos
Acting Head of Haileybury Senior Schools
Our 2023 cross-campus Senior production, the SpongeBob Musical, is based on the entertaining world-famous cartoon and it has everything you would expect from the hilarious series.
SpongeBob SquarePants has run for 13 seasons and 277 episodes and has also inspired four feature films.
This musical is the perfect family event with wonderful designs, outstanding performances from Haileybury students, and great music from David Bowie, Aerosmith, Cindy Lauper, John Legend and many more.
In March, the VCE Theatre Studies students presented their one-act play, Hard Candy, written by Jonathan Rand. The students took responsibility for all areas of the production — from set design and direction to costumes, lighting and props.
Set in 1997, this satirical look at corporate ladder climbing was full of belly-laughs and ridiculous characters. The students did very well in executing their dramatic vision for the play and they went above and beyond to ensure each part of the design, set in an office, enhanced the story for an enthusiastic live audience.
Nick Waxman
Head of Drama and Theatre Studies
Anzac Day and the formal ceremony that acknowledges the sacrifice made by those who served their country in conflict, is considered one of the most important days in the Australian calendar.
Those who have read my contributions to this newsletter over the years will recall I often reference the vital role music can play in community — not only for entertainment but for ceremony, celebration and loss.
The marking of Anzac Day is no exception and I would like to acknowledge the contribution our musicians make to Anzac services across our Melbourne campuses and as part of the official Melbourne Anzac Day Parade in the city.
While the Haileybury Pipes & Drums have participated in the parade for many years, this year will be the first time that the Haileybury Bugle Corps will perform as a marching brass band. I know our amazing musicians will march with pride and reverence. Look out for them on the TV broadcast!
The Haileybury Bugle Corps is led by our brass tutor, David Robinson who is a Corporal in the Army Reserve. David has performed the Last Post and Reveille at the Melbourne Shrine Dawn Service and regularly performs at AFL and A-League Anzac services. We are very fortunate to have him as part of our Music Department.
During the final weeks of term, Middle School instrumental students took part in Music Camps in picturesque Mt Evelyn.
The camps took place after Saturday sport and students from all Melbourne campuses met at Oasis Camp in the early afternoon. Despite being just an overnight stay, students attended many rehearsals and had plenty of fun with their peers.
The camps were divided into string camp (orchestra) and band camp (concert band), and more than 200 students participated under the guidance and leadership of 30 music staff.
Special thanks must go to Jo Heaton (Head of Bands), Myfanwy Bramble (Head of Strings) and Roslyn Rodgers (Performing Arts Coordinator) for the hours they spend planning these events.
Rod Marshall
Director of Performing Arts & Head of Haileybury Music
The Art Making and Exhibiting students at Haileybury are embarking on an exciting journey as they create their final artworks for Unit 3. This is a crucial point in the year for these talented students as they put their skills and knowledge to the test to produce two final works that showcase their creativity, technical ability and unique style.
The process of creating a piece of art starts with drawing on artist influences and personal inspiration to develop a concept or idea. Students explore a range of artistic techniques and processes, learn about materials and experiment with different mediums. They then refine their ideas and specialise, honing their skills and techniques until they are confident in their ability to produce high-quality artwork. This is documented in their visual journal.
Creating a final artwork is a time-consuming and challenging process that involves perseverance, dedication and patience. It can take months of hard work and trial and error to bring a concept to life, with students spending countless hours refining and perfecting their work. However, the result is always worth it — a unique, thought-provoking artwork representing months of work and creativity.
In Art Making and Exhibiting, students create two final works in Semester 1, with each illustrating their style and vision. These artworks will be displayed at the Victorian Artists Society gallery at the start of Term 3, providing a platform for talented students to showcase their work to a wider audience.
The creation of these artworks is not just about producing a final product but developing essential skills and knowledge for the future. Students learn to problem-solve, think critically and work independently — essential skills in a range of industries and careers.
It is a privilege to see these works in progress and to glimpse each creative process. We can’t wait to see the finished works on display at the Victorian Artists Society gallery and to see what these students will achieve throughout the year.
Rachelle Rae
Head of Visual Arts Senior School
Haileybury Pipes & Drums made a remarkable showing at the Melbourne Highland Gathering and Celtic Festival in Eastfield Park, Croydon on Sunday, 26 March. Despite overcast skies, the weather remained dry for the event.
The A Band shone in the competition, triumphing in the Grade 4A category and outperforming their rivals, Scotch College #1 and Old Scotch Pipe Band. The A Band also achieved the commendable runner-up position in the Novice Juvenile A category. They were just one placing behind their inter-school rivals, Scotch College #1.
Meanwhile, the B Band showcased their talent by securing the runner-up position in the Novice Juvenile B Medley event.
Notably, the event marked the official debut of the C Band who outshone their competition by placing above Scotch College #3 and falling just behind the B Band in the placings.
This promising start highlights the depth of talent within the Haileybury Pipes & Drums community and bodes well for their future success.
Lincoln Hilton
Director, Pipes & Drums
Recently, Haileybury Foundation staff have spent many hours working on the large number of scholarship applications for entry into 2024.
Currently, 28 students are the beneficiaries of Foundation scholarships. Two students graduate next year, and we expect to introduce a further six scholarships in 2024.
Of the 28 students currently receiving Haileybury Foundation scholarships, this is how those scholarships are funded:
Our donors are changing lives forever regardless of the size of their gift and we are thoroughly appreciative of the difference they are making.
If anyone would like to discuss the donation of a scholarship in confidence, please contact Russell Davidson at
All gifts to Haileybury Foundation are tax deductible.
Donations can be made here.
Thank you
On Thursday, 9 March we celebrated the OHA Generations Breakfast at the Berwick campus. Families were treated to a delicious breakfast and a family portrait caricature. We also heard from a past parent, Luke Oliver (OH 1994), about his Haileybury experience ‘then’ and ‘now’. It was wonderful to see grandparents, parents, students and staff come together to celebrate their history at Haileybury.
We look forward to the next OHA Generations Breakfast at the Brighton campus on Friday, 5 May.
It was terrific to see the former First XI Cricket players enjoying an afternoon of sport in a competition between Haileybury and St Kevin’s on Friday, 17 March.
The former First XI Cricket players inspected the pitch, reminisced about memorable moments and chatted with players, Xavier McGrath (Boys 1st X1 captain) and Mitchell Kirkwood-Scott, on Haileybury’s iconic Rendall Oval. Xavier went on to make 76 on Saturday and Mitchell 104 in a comprehensive victory for the team.
Thanks to everyone involved for staying connected! Once a Haileyburian, always a Haileyburian.
Our first open member event of 2023 took place on Friday, 17 March with alumni of all ages coming together to try their hand at painting while enjoying grazing platters provided by Boe Eyking (OH 2015) from Platter&Boe.
There will be more open member events this year including an online boutique industry event with Beth Keamy, an OHA axe throwing event, and an OHA Gin Masterclass.
Kylie Phillips
Development Office Operations Lead
Winter sport training and trials commenced for all students in Years 7–12 on Tuesday, 28 March. All students need to be aware of their winter sport selection and, most importantly, have all the gear required for that sport.
Will Toohey (Year 12) has been selected in the Melbourne Rebels Under 18 Academy squad. The squad comprises the next wave of up-and-coming rugby players in Victoria and allows Will to develop his skills in an elite sporting environment.
We look forward to him transferring this knowledge to the Haileybury Rugby Team.
At the recent Victorian State Athletic Championships, Haileybury was well represented with 15 athletes competing across 16 different events. Haileybury’s athletes made 31 finals and took home seven gold, five silver and four bronze medals.
Congratulations to our new State Champions, medallists and all competitors who continue to train with their private and school coaches, and to compete at the highest state level.
Good luck to them all as they move to National Championships during the holidays.
State Champions
Silver medallists
Bronze medallists
Sean Allcock
Director of Haileybury Sport
Online news from Haileybury
Recently, it was a great pleasure to return to China for the first time in three-and-a-half years. I spent time with the leadership team, staff and students at Haileybury Senior School Tianjin for Years 10–12 and the Haileybury Elite School Tianjin which is for students in Years 1–9.
This is the tenth anniversary of the setting up of the schools in Tianjin and I was absolutely delighted to see the energy, enthusiasm and focus of the students, and the commitment and professionalism of the staff.
The two schools are thriving, and I thank the leadership team of Executive Principal, Peter Rogerson, International Principal, Yanni Galanis, and Chinese Principal, Bryan Gao.
Haileybury Senior School Tianjin delivers the Victorian Certificate of Education for students in Years 11 and 12 and the Gaokao Chinese Certificate. The results in both certificates have been excellent. In last year’s VCE, 105 students graduated with a median ATAR of 79 and 90% of graduates then come to study at Australian universities.
It is pleasing to see the Australian international student sector bouncing back. This is particularly important for Victoria where international education is the state’s largest export. Later this year, we will welcome many of the HSST graduates to Melbourne as they commence their studies.
As with all good schools, the co-curricular program at HSST and THES is important for developing well-rounded students. I attended a wonderful Junior School and Middle School Chinese language and culture festival and started the House cross country event. House activities are an important part of the boarding school environment and culture.
It has also been an exciting time in Melbourne in the co-curricular space with the culmination of the summer sports season, the performance of the exceptional City campus senior school play, a wonderful spring concert in the quadrangle, the hosting of the Victorian Pipes & Drums Championships and the always extraordinary Aria Night to be held tonight.
I thank all the Haileybury staff for their commitment to the co-curricular program which provides such extraordinary opportunities for students.
Derek Scott
CEO | Principal
From 15 April, the Haileybury email address you use to login to myHaileybury will change from ‘’ to ‘’.
Please note that these changes will be taking place during the Easter school holidays and will impact those students who are hoping to study throughout this time. While this change is taking place Haileybury systems won’t be accessible between 12 – 14 April.
For further information, please view our Frequently Asked Questions.
On the final day of term, our Castlefield community will participate in the annual Coin Trail. For this House competition we ask each child to bring along as many Australian coins as they can to add to the chalk-coloured trail that winds its way through the school grounds.
The money raised is donated to the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal. An Easter raffle with $1 raffle tickets and a fundraising page for the Good Friday Appeal (found here) are also available for any families who want to contribute to this worthy cause. Our Coin Trail event raises House Spirit and fosters a greater understanding of social justice and community outreach.
As Term 1 finishes on Thursday, 6 April we wish all our families a safe holiday and we look forward to the start of Term 2 on Wednesday, 26 April.
For the first two weeks of Term 2, students may wear their summer or winter uniform. From Monday, 8 May, full winter uniform must be worn and for Junior School students, this includes the blazer.
The HPFC Second-Hand Uniform Shop has great quality items for sale and is open on Wednesday mornings and Thursday afternoons.
We recently welcomed Jaeden Williams to the ELC to create our smoking ceremony and to welcome us all to Boonwurrung Country. The smoke (spirit) cleansed our hands, feet and hearts so we could walk gently on Mother Earth.
“Jaeden put leaves on the fire and smoke came out.”
“We put the smoke in our heart and our feet and our hands.”
“We said thank you Mother Earth for loving my family, my friends and me.”
The ELC celebrated Australia’s cultural diversity, inclusiveness, respect and belonging during Harmony Week. There were discussions about the many cultural backgrounds of children in the class and about the importance of celebrating differences and similarities.
On Thursday, 23 March the ELC was invited to join the school on the oval for an African drumming performance. Children were enthralled by the amazing instruments, singing and dancing —such joy!
The Pre-Preps took part in Earth Hour Schools Day. Earth Hour happens around the world and people turn off non-essential lights and other electrical appliances for one hour as a gesture of our commitment to the planet.
There were discussions about taking care of Mother Earth by saving electricity and this raised awareness of the need to conserve power worldwide. Lights and eBoards were switched off and classes used natural light, torches and candles. The children shared stories of other times when they had to use candles or torches at home because of a power outage.
We look forward to welcoming all ELC families to our end of term picnic on Wednesday, 5 April from 9:30 am – 10:15 am to celebrate the end of a wonderful term.
Come and join us for meditation before school at 8:20 am each Wednesday morning in Vittoria Dell’Atte’s Year 1 room. Student leaders will take you through a guided meditation to set your mind and body up for a great day ahead. Parents are welcome, too.
Sing It, Act It, Dance It is a musical theatre-style lunchtime club run by Tracey Jacob and Lexy Milne on Tuesdays at lunchtime, in Dickinson Hall. We have an enthusiastic group of performers working on Naughty from Matilda by Tim Minchin. All students are welcome, even if they’d just like to be part of the audience!
This term, Preps are exploring Physical Science and recently conducted experiments using their senses. They used the power of touch, smell and hearing to guess and discover what their senses could pick up. From old bananas to patchouli, soft cotton wool to spiky seeds and loud to soft sounds, they loved sharing their ideas about what they might be smelling, touching and hearing with their classmates.
Our Years 7 and 8 students experienced their first big House event for the year during the amazing House Athletics held at Duncan McKinnon Reserve. There was plenty of colour and enthusiasm and the day was filled with high-quality athletics and students stepping out of their comfort zones and challenging themselves.
For many Year 7 students, this was their first Haileybury House event and they embraced the Castlefield House spirit. A hearty thanks to our House Convenor, Jo Silverman, for the passion and organisation that went into executing this massive event.
Congratulations to all our Middle School students for completing their first sport season for 2023. Whether they are a Year 5 who has experienced their first APS competition on a Wednesday afternoon, or a Year 8 student in their final year of Middle School sport, we are very proud of the attitude and effort of all our students.
As we head towards Term 2, now is a great time to ensure your child has their winter uniform. Winter uniform is worn in Terms 2 and 3, however, we have a two-week grace period at the beginning of Term 2 where students can still wear summer uniform.
Winter uniform means that when wearing a tie, shirts need to be tucked in!
Katrina Manson
Head of Castlefield (Brighton)
We are nearing the end of our first exciting term of 2023. I hope it’s been a good one for your family. It has certainly been wonderful to see so many families at our events that are an opportunity for the community to come together.
Thank you to the families that joined us at Luna Park for a chilly, but fun evening. Many students and quite a number of parents were seen screaming, laughing and gripping tightly on the rides. We appreciate the support of our community and hope your children had as much fun as we did.
The upcoming Mother’s Day Luncheon is our next major event, and we are beyond excited that our guest speaker will be Jelena Dokic.
Term 2 has our Junior School Movie Night on Friday, 28 April. It will feature the fabulous Lyle, Lyle Crocodile. Information about purchasing tickets can be found on the myHaileybury app.
Keep in mind the Second Hand Uniform Shop (SHUS) for your uniforms, particularly as we head towards Term 2 and the changeover to winter uniform. For Junior School students, this includes the blazer, and we have many high-quality items in the SHUS to purchase.
Monique Chapman
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends Castlefield
CEO | Principal, Derek Scott recently visited Haileybury Tianjin and met the faculty and staff. He spoke with academic staff across the School and thanked them for their continual dedication and commitment and for providing a high-quality education for students.
Derek also highlighted the future direction of the School, emphasising the importance of continuous improvement in the delivery of education, the challenges and opportunities facing the education sector and how Haileybury could adapt to the changing landscape.
Recently, the Senior School Mathematics Department organised a Pi Day. In the morning, mathematics teachers secretly concealed pies throughout the School with interesting problems attached to them.
Students found the pies and ate them, and correctly answered the maths problems to win Pi Day bracelets. Later that afternoon, students and staff celebrated Pi Day with short videos, quizzes, drinks and food.
It has been an exciting month for our Primary School garden project with students successfully planting a variety of seeds in our greenhouse beds. In addition to producing fresh vegetables, students have fixed the greenhouses to provide a perfect environment for our plants to grow and thrive.
The Primary School students have been involved in every step of this project, from researching different plants and their needs, to learning how to properly care for them. Through hands-on experience, they have gained valuable knowledge about the science of plants and the importance of sustainable agriculture.
Our Head of Pathways and Careers, Jacqueline Cui, visited Melbourne for a week as a guest of Monash and Deakin Universities. She attended workshops on the latest courses within the different university departments, received updates on admission procedures, discussed future internship programs and toured university facilities and halls of residence.
Jacqueline was also able to spend a day at our Haileybury City and Keysborough campuses as a special guest. She met staff and student leaders, attended Assembly and spent valuable time with Senior School Careers staff.
After a long absence of sport competitions due to pandemic restrictions, it was exciting to see our Haileybury Boys Senior Basketball Team participate in the recent Beijing International School Invitational Tournament.
The boys showed strength and courage to win all their group games and finished on top of their ladder. However, more pleasing was that the team was recognised by opponents for their spirit of friendship. Congratulations to the coaches and support staff.
Yanni Galanis
International Principal, Haileybury International School, Tianjin
Haileybury City and the Australian High Commissioner recently hosted an education delegation from Rwanda. His Excellency Jean de Dieu Uwihanganye, High Commissioner for the Republic of Rwanda, and his distinguished guests visited our beautiful vertical campus.
We also hosted an Open Morning for 80 prospective families looking to enroll at City campus, and our Junior and Middle Schools have shared three In Action mornings.
At the campus visits, our City Executive team and student leaders described how we partner with families, what makes Haileybury special and why they are proud to be part of Haileybury. Our City Executive team showed visitors around our campus where they saw our brilliant teachers in action.
We are so proud of our culture and community at City and the way in which our students grow their kind hearts and sharp minds every day. It certainly shines through in their interactions with visitors, staff and each other.
Participating in camps this term has seen Years 4, 5 and 7 head to various Victorian locations for some exciting outdoor education experiences. Encouraging our young people to step outside their comfort zone is challenging and rewarding and I am sure families have enjoyed the camp stories being told and retold as the giant swing becomes higher, the waves get bigger, the hikes become longer and the lights-out chats become later!
I wish all our families a very happy, restful, and refreshing holiday break. So much has been achieved in Term 1 as we focused on the academic, social, emotional and physical growth of every student.
We are delighted to have finished so well and we will continue to work towards our 2023 goal of excellence in character and contribution. I thank our community of staff, students and parents for your support of our social justice initiatives for the Good Friday Appeal. We look forward to finding out who will be the lucky winners of the chocolate hampers!
Wonderings in the ELC have focused on the noticeable changes in our environment. The green leaves at Flagstaff Gardens are slowly changing colours as the days begin to cool.
In Reception, children have been using pictographs to record their observations of the weather at various times of the day. This focus on changing conditions has given children an opportunity to build their vocabulary, to voice their ideas and to notice the most subtle changes in their surroundings.
Meanwhile, Pre-Prep children remain avid gardeners and are excited by what autumn may bring. Following discussions about seasonal flowers, fruits and vegetables, little hands have been busy planting kale, spinach, carrots, pansies and poppies in our terrace garden.
As the seasons change, new rich and authentic opportunities for learning are presented and our ELC children are always ready to question and explore what each new season brings.
We are thrilled to introduce a new element to our Tuesday morning program with Mark Reed, Chair and Head of Athletics at Haileybury.
During Term 2, our ELC will introduce scooter polo! Children will use scooters to enhance coordination, gross motor skills, teamwork, and collaboration.
Scooters will be provided; however, families will be asked to bring in a helmet each Tuesday morning to support their child’s participation and safety. Knee and elbow pads are optional and can be included in your child’s bag on this day.
We look forward to this addition to a program that is already a highlight of the week for many of our ELC children.
Our Haileybury City Year 4 students recently embarked on their 2023 Portsea Camp adventure with enthusiasm and a willingness to try new things. United as a cohort, they took full advantage of the variety of activities available, including raft building, the giant swing, initiative courses, beach walks and more.
The importance of making memories and embracing challenges was emphasised throughout the trip. It was an unforgettable experience that taught students valuable lessons about teamwork, perseverance and personal growth.
Please remember that while smart watches are high-tech and helpful in assisting communication, they can be a distraction for your child within school. If your child wears a smart watch at school, we ask that they be set to ‘school mode’ and not used for communication between home and school from 8:30 am – 3:30 pm.
Analogue watches are highly encouraged as they complement our students’ curriculum learning in mathematics, such as reading analogue time, counting by fives and calculating how much time has elapsed.
The term break is on the horizon, and we know our students and their families are looking forward to quality time spent together. However, please be advised that extending school holidays, even by a few days, is discouraged.
Students’ active learning time in Junior School is invaluable and continues until the end of the final day of term. For more information, please view the recent myHaileybury app correspondence below.
The Year 7 boys have taken part in the Man Cave incursion that helps develop emotional intelligence, foster positive masculinity, and provide strategies for dealing with the causes of anxiety that young men may face in modern society.
The students engaged in group-building activities and learnt how to complete a ‘check-in’ with their peers. Man Cave is an important part of Haileybury’s Wellbeing curriculum, and it reflects our Respectful Relationships pillar.
In Term 3, Man Cave will visit again to work with our Year 8 boys. We encourage our Year 7 BMS parents to start a conversation with their young person and let them lead you through the check-in process. It is a worthwhile skill to help navigate parenting teenagers.
Over the past two weeks, Years 5 and 7 families have visited Levels 4 and 5 and joined their children in their classrooms. This is a rich opportunity for families to sample the vibrant teaching and learning program that our young people experience every day.
In Year 7, students and their families put their fractions skills to the test while 7.2 challenged their guests to a Kahoot on ‘Science 101’. Last week, 5.1 and 5.A both practised the mathematical concept of area with a variety of different questions and parents were able to brush up on their Perimeter and Area formulae from their own high school days.
Our young people loved having their special guests alongside them for the morning and we look forward to welcoming our Years 6 and 8 families in Term 2. Look out for the date on our Term 2 Key Dates on the myHaileybury app.
On Tuesday, 28 March we hosted our City Middle School athletics carnival at the Keysborough Campus. The event was a wonderful celebration of our students’ athletic abilities and House spirit.
Our House Captains led their teams with enthusiasm and passion, encouraging each of our students to do their best. Thank you to Head of Athletics, Mark Reed, and House Convener, Carly Buhagiar, for their efforts in organising such a successful event.
We look forward to our House Swimming event in Term 2.
Caroline Merrick
Head of City
The campus is definitely buzzing, given that this is the last week of Term 1! With all the camps, athletics, sport events and incursions, it has been a very busy term and thoroughly enjoyed by all the students.
With Easter fast approaching, Haileybury City and HPF City are again raising funds for the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal through the Easter Egg Hamper Lucky Draw. Your donation to the Royal Children’s Hospital allows for the amazing work at the hospital to continue. The winners will be drawn at the end of term assembly on Thursday, 6 April.
It is not too late to buy tickets. Please follow the link:
A huge thank you to the HPF City team for running the HPF Second-hand Uniform Shop (SHUS) last Friday. We hope you grabbed a few much-needed uniform items before Term 2 begins.
A reminder that tickets for the HPF Cocktail Party are now available. The theme is Sparkle and Shine and the event takes place at Haileybury City on Friday, 26 May from 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm. Book your tickets using the button below:
The HPF Committee wishes you a safe and relaxing break and we look forward to seeing you at the Cocktail Party.
Melissa Fisher
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends City
Haileybury Rendall School has announced plans to bring the first private online school to the Northern Territory. The arrival of Haileybury Pangea will make HRS the only school in the Top End to offer day, boarding and online schooling.
Haileybury Pangea will welcome its first students from across the Northern Territory to their virtual classrooms in 2024.
The arrival of Haileybury Pangea means families in the Northern Territory can now choose for their children to attend Haileybury Rendall School as a day student or as a boarder, or they can remain at home and learn online.
Haileybury Pangea is now accepting expressions of interest from students and families across the Northern Territory, including students in remote and very remote communities and highly focused students who prefer the independence that comes with online learning.
Many young people living in very remote communities want to receive a high-quality education, but they don’t want to leave their home and community. Being able to learn from Haileybury Pangea’s brilliant teachers should not depend on where you live.
There are many dedicated students who also belong to elite sports or arts programs who find it challenging to juggle those commitments with the traditional school timetable. Haileybury Pangea offers the flexibility those students need to be able to follow their dreams, while delivering a comprehensive, high-quality education.
We are not saying that online learning suits every child — but there are many students that Haileybury Pangea will absolutely suit.
The typical online school week includes a bespoke blend of live instruction, prepared video content, assessment tasks and one-on-one or small group-based time with subject teachers. Self-paced learning is a fundamental component of the curriculum, supported by an extensive suite of online resources.
Haileybury Pangea delivers small classes, a personalised and bespoke program to cater for specific student needs and interests, and access to an increased number of Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) subjects. The VCE is an internationally recognised certificate which allows students to attain an Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR).
Haileybury Pangea began operating in Victoria in January 2023. Developed by Haileybury over several years, it builds on the School’s 130 years of teaching expertise and academic achievements. Haileybury consistently achieves some of the most impressive VCE results in Victoria, with its students offered places at some of the best universities in Australia and overseas.
Haileybury and Haileybury Rendall School’s NAPLAN results each year are also among the best in their state or territory, and Haileybury Pangea students in the Northern Territory will have access to the same quality teaching that helps deliver these results.
Haileybury Pangea uses a ‘stage not age’ approach based on entrance testing. So, if a Year 7 student is particularly strong in mathematics, they may instead join a Year 9 maths class to continue to develop their skills.
Specific technology and software have been developed to ensure efficient delivery of learning, and to safeguard and monitor the security and confidentiality of students online. Students must sign an acceptable use policy and agree to appropriate behaviour when they enrol.
Student wellbeing is also an integral part of the Haileybury Pangea model. Parents or guardians must complete a home learning environment checklist and a duty of care module confirming they understand their requirement to provide appropriate adult supervision of their child during scheduled class hours. A team of specialist support staff is also available to support student wellbeing.
Haileybury Pangea builds on the success and reputation of Haileybury Rendall School and Haileybury, and it delivers the parents and children important choices in how young people receive their education.
A one size fits all approach to education is no longer valid. Now, families in the Northern Territory can select day, boarding or online schooling and so choose an education pathway that best meets the needs of their child.
Andrew McGregor
Principal, Haileybury Rendall School
This is one of our favourite annual events with grandparents and special friends enjoying every moment of their time with the children. Classroom activities were followed by a concert and morning tea. This event has been a highlight of the term!
What a wonderful community event this was! Hundreds of people attended, and it was a very relaxed, social and enjoyable evening.
We had food trucks, a live band, rides and inflatables. The weather was perfect, and no one was in a rush to leave. Thank you to everyone who attended for making it such a wonderful night
Thank you to the HPFE for organising such a brilliant event for our parents. Parents from ELC to Senior School attended the evening and enjoyed the company, delicious food and live music.
On Tuesday, 21 March the ELC and JS students welcomed their grandparents or special person into their classroom. For this special event to take place in Harmony Week celebrates our diversity and brought together so many cultural backgrounds.
This is just one of many occasions this term where families have been able to come together and build connections within the Haileybury community. This is such an important part of each child’s development because community connections give children a sense of belonging and help them develop vital social and emotional skills. Children and families build a sense of trust and safety with those within their school environment.
At Haileybury, our values of trust, unity and respect underpin the collaborative partnerships we foster with every family, as we promote the best outcomes for every child’s development, wellbeing and ongoing education. As children develop, authentic relationships with the world help them find their place and lead them to understand shared values and how society works.
We look forward to celebrating many more occasions with children and families throughout 2023.
We are so excited to have Haileybury Edrington taking part in Jump Rope for Heart this year — a fantastic fundraising and physical activity program from the Heart Foundation. By participating we are encouraging students to move and to help raise funds for lifesaving research and support programs.
We will end the term with our school-wide Jump Off Day on Thursday, 6 April where your child will showcase their new skipping skills to their friends.
By signing up online here, families can raise funds online, track skipping skills progress and earn virtual badges, and post updates to your page so family and friends can follow your progress.
This year, we have an audacious goal for our students to log 40 hours of skipping across Haileybury Edrington Junior School and raise $7,000. Can you help us reach our goal? There are only a few days left.
Thank you for getting involved in Jump Rope for Heart!
In Week 7, our Years 5 and 7 students sat their Naplan tests for reading, writing, language conventions and numeracy. The students participated with positivity and focus and embraced the testing days with a great attitude.
Well done to all those who auditioned for a lead role in our 2023 musical, The Wizard of Oz. We had over 40 students audition for 10 lead roles, making the casting job extremely challenging.
The final cast list was released in Week 8 and rehearsals began last week. The initial read-through was very exciting and highlighted the incredible talent we have within our Middle School. We look forward to seeing this production come together over the coming months!
In Week 8, our Year 6 students travelled to Scienceworks for a day of experiments and discovery. They explored physics, astronomy, chemistry, and anatomy as they interacted with exhibits at the museum. Their visit links closely to the science curriculum and Haileybury’s STEM program, making this a fantastic excursion for all.
This morning our Year 7 boys and girls departed for Camp Jungai. This camp is designed to challenge our students while easing them into the outdoors ready for their Year 8 camp and beyond.
With Term 1 finishing on Thursday, this year’s camp is just three nights and two of those nights will be spent in tents. The students will be participating in activities such as hiking, canoeing, a cultural session and high ropes. We look forward to hearing their stories when they return this Thursday.
A reminder that winter uniform is required for Term 2. However, there will be a two-week grace period when students can choose to wear winter or summer uniform, depending on the weather.
Jeanette Rawlings
Head of Edrington (Berwick)
The Uniform Shop will be open during the school holidays to meet your winter uniform requirements. The shop will be open on Wednesday, 19 April from 10:00 am –12:00 pm. They will continue to open in Term 2 on Wednesdays from 8:15 am – 10:45 am.
The Second Hand Uniform Shop (SHUS) is always looking for help, so if you have an hour to spare on a Wednesday to give Di and Kelly a hand in the shop, please contact them at
Summer Sippers was a HUGE success! Thank you to all who attended and helped make the night amazing. We are looking forward to organising another night soon, so watch this space.
If you are available to help with the upcoming sausage sizzle and Mother’s Day stall, please click here.
Enjoy the holidays and see you all in Term 2!
Kerry Ilic & Tracy Day
HPFE Presidents
Thank you to the Newlands community for a wonderful Term 1. It has been an exciting 10 weeks, with plenty of learning opportunities enjoyed by students.
As we head towards the Easter break, our staff wish you all a happy and restful holiday. Take this time to relax and be with your loved ones. We look forward to welcoming all students back on Wednesday, 26 April, refreshed and ready to tackle Term 2 with renewed energy.
Everyone had a pleasant day during our annual ELC, Junior School and Middle School Walkathon. The event encouraged students and families to increase their steps to raise money for the Good Friday Appeal. Our donations will hopefully provide some happiness and much needed support to children at the Royal Children’s Hospital.
Our donation page is still open, so please use the link below if you would like to be involved.
Head to the TeamKids website to secure your spot.
On Thursday, 6 April Reception and Pre-Prep children will parade their Easter hats for parents at 9:00 am at the Pre-Senior Courts. Pre-Prep children will be joined by Year 3 classes for Easter activities and an egg hunt at the ELC.
Our early years educators are working with a new version of the Early Years Learning Framework. For the past 13 years, the Framework has guided the ELC’s educational program and practice, and it complements the Victorian Early Learning and Development Framework.
The new framework includes new research, best practice, feedback and insights from stakeholders across Australia. It promotes a focus on Learning Outcomes that highlight development in the key areas of identity, community, wellbeing, learning and communication.
It also focuses on practice principles that guide the creation of high-quality learning and care experiences and pedagogy, and encourages educators to be reflective and intentional.
Newlands ELC educators are excited by the revision to the framework as it opens the way for innovative practices in different curriculum areas.
On Thursday, 6 April, Junior School children will have their annual Easter Hat Parade. Prep to Year 4 students will come together on the Pre-Senior Courts to parade around in their Easter bonnets or bunny ears. The event will begin at 8:45 am and parents and friends are invited.
At the end of the parade, year levels will enjoy an Easter hunt. We look forward to admiring the bright array of hats on show.
Recently, Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 students took part in the Junior School House Kickball. Students enthusiastically participated in the fun event and proudly wore their House colours. Year 8 leaders provided additional support during the afternoon and many parents and special friends were on the sidelines to cheer on the students.
This year we are excited to host this very special breakfast with musical performances, a guest speaker and other surprises nestled inside the beautiful Southern Golf Course.
*Options to purchase a group table of 10
Please note this very special event is for Middle School students, mothers/guardians only.
ELC, Junior and Senior Schools will host other events for their campuses.
Tickets will be available from Monday, 3 April and can be purchased here.
Be quick to avoid missing out!
Shum House captains are holding a fundraiser to support WaterAid Australia. This initiative raises funds to improve access to clean water, toilets and hygiene across the world.
Year 6 students across the Melbourne campuses recently spent the day at Scienceworks to link in with this term’s focus on energy, electrical energy and electric circuits. Students enjoyed the Electrical Energy, Safety and Lightning Show and the Beyond Perception Exhibition.
Our Year 6 students recently took an educational tour of Canberra and participated in programs focused on Australia’s history, culture, heritage and democracy.
The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the national capital as part of their Civics and Citizenship education. Under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program, it contributes $45 per student towards the costs of educational tours.
We thank the Australian Government for its support of this program.
Last week, Year 7 students embarked on a trip to Camp Jungai, enjoying the natural scenery of the Rubicon Valley. Students camped under the stars and worked together to set up tents and organise their hiking bags.
Students participated in group activities that challenged their teamwork, collaboration and patience and built close bonds between group members. Hands-on activities like rock-climbing, canoeing, high ropes, raft-building and orienteering, were accompanied by scenic walks and hikes.
A highlight for students was their cultural session that gave them insights into the land and its First Nations people, the Taungurung people. Learning about bush tucker, bush medicine, cultural heritages and artefacts, as well as hearing cultural stories meant students left camp motivated to learn about our shared history.
Mark Harrop
Acting Head of Newlands (Keysborough)
Raffle ticket sales close on Tuesday, 4 April.
Raffle tickets are available from your child’s Homeroom teacher for $1.00 a ticket or $5.00 for six tickets. All ticket sales go to the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal. Raffle ticket sales close on Tuesday, 4 April.
Thank you to our wonderful families and staff who donated eggs for this year’s Easter raffle prize baskets. Our HPFK volunteers have been working away creating the beautiful prize baskets for the end of term assembly on Friday, 6 April.
There will be a prize basket for each year level in ELC, Junior School, Boys Middle School and Girls Middle School.
Let’s raise as much as we can for such a great cause!
The Year 7 Bowling Night was a huge success and it was fantastic to see parents and students having a wonderful time. Thank you to the lovely Emily Gan for hosting and welcoming families and to our Vice President, Katrina King, for organising both bowling nights.
Term 1 has been so exciting with so many events connecting our community. Thank you to our families for attending our 12 Year coffee mornings, our Years 5 and 7 bowling nights and the ELC and Prep family dinners. Thank you also to our volunteers who assisted at Pancake Day, Middle School athletics barbecue, Grandparents Day and the Twilight Concert.
This week we donate 1,000 Zooper Doopers for students at the Newlands Walkathon and 3,000 Easter eggs for the ELC and Junior School Easter egg hunt, and we will present the winners of the Newlands Easter raffle with their prize baskets.
Just a reminder again that ticket sales for the raffle close on Tuesday, 4 April and all ticket sales go to the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal.
Finally, thank you to our HPFK Uniform Shop volunteers who collectively have volunteered for 134 hours this term! Please remember the HPFK Uniform Shop is open during the school holidays on Saturday, 22 April 2023 from 9:00 am until 12:00 noon for all your winter uniform needs.
In Term 2 we look forward to our annual Mother’s Day Stall, HPFK Luncheon and Senior School Fundraising Barbecue.
Enjoy a safe and happy school holiday!
Lenice Norris
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends Keysborough
During NAPLAN testing in mid-March, it was an exciting opportunity for many of our Years 5, 7 and 9 students to meet in person at Haileybury’s Newlands campus in Keysborough.
Generously hosted by Acting Head of Newlands, Mark Harrop, and Deputy Head Administration, Bronwyn Harrop, students and parents connected over morning tea before heading in to complete the testing.
Students were supported by familiar faces, Dominika Kapustka and Geoff Orton, who also bravely took on students in some lunchtime table tennis and basketball.
We look forward to further opportunities for Pangea students and families to connect with each other through community events in Term 2.
We thank all Pangea and Newlands staff who helped make this experience such a welcoming one for students.
In a recent assembly, students were introduced to a range of opt-in programs starting in Term 2 that will allow them to follow their passions and build their leadership skills.
Haileybury’s well-established Curious Minds Program is an exciting way for Haileybury students to engage in extra-curricular and academic extension offerings through STEM (science, technology, engineering, maths) and LEAP (literature, enterprise, arts, politics).
Meanwhile, the World Builders initiative, led by Nick Waxman, will enable Haileybury Pangea students to contribute their voice to the development of the Haileybury Pangea community. This is a fantastic opportunity for students who value collaboration and who want to serve the community by being part of positive change.
Joanna Baker
Head of Campus
In Term 2, Dr Nicholas Grigsby will join us as Deputy Principal Head of Senior Schools.
Until the end of last term, he was Senior Deputy Head at Stonyhurst College in Lancashire which is a Catholic, co-education boarding school.
Dr Grigsby has a music teaching background and as well as working in the UK, he has worked at schools in Poland, China and New Zealand for more than 10 years.
He will continue to build on the great work of Senior Vice Principal and Head of Senior Schools, Pam Chamberlain, and we thank Theo Georgakopoulos who has been Acting Head of Senior Schools for Term 1.
In 2019, the Newlands student leadership team and Ms Rhiannon Rowe established the Early Bird reading program that gives Prep and Year 1 students the opportunity to share their love of reading with student volunteers from Middle School.
Helping the students improve their fluency and literacy skills, the program continues to thrive, and Wednesday mornings bring excitement in the Junior School quad as younger students share their weekly readers with the older students.
This year, Year 12 students have also been able to get involved and listen to the students read. This has given the Year 12 students a sense of nostalgia in their final year of school as they connect with students across year levels and are reminded of the amazing memories that were formed in their foundational years of school.
Senior School Brighton recently had their first STEM activity for 2023 — a brain dissection to spread awareness of Brain Week. The student-led STEM team put together a morning Kahoot about the brain and facilitated a dissection of a sheep’s brain.
Over 30 students took part in the event during their Friday lunchtime. Students from Pre-Senior all the way through to Year 12 took part, with many others popping in to see what all the fuss was about.
A big thank you to our SS STEM Team and all teaching staff who supported them. We look forward to hosting more STEM-based activities for our STEM-driven students.
Arriving in unison, a sea of yellow swiftly rose on the sunny, majestic early morning of Sunday, 5 March at the Sandringham Rotunda. Gathered mostly in our Dickinson tops, the minds of our fellow Dickinsonians were set on two goals: to give back to the community we benefit so much from and to uphold and pursue our House values of respect, pride and enthusiasm — and so we did.
In small groups of approximately five, the boys trotted towards the foreshore and the trails of beautiful Sandringham.
At the start of our journey, we thought ‘this place looks pretty clean already, doesn’t it?’ However, the deeper in the trails we found ourselves, the more we discovered— bottles, micro plastics, cans, plastic bags, technology and even litter. The rubbish bags filled rapidly. Getting down on all fours and negotiating sharp sticks, the boys continued because at Dickinson, if we do something, we give it 110%.
After an hour-and-a-half, our rubbish bags were filled to the brim, and even the strongest boys struggled to carry them. It was fascinating and yet tragic to see how much rubbish is out there in our community. It was an eye-opening experience for all the lads.
As a reward for our community-minded actions, we treated ourselves to a few sausages (Archer Harrop (Year 10) with an astounding six) and a few cans of soft drink that certainly ended up in the bin.
We had learnt our lesson, and all walked away new men.
Oli Kaiser (Year 12)
House Captain
The 2023 summer sport season has now concluded, and we have begun preparations for the winter season. Congratulations to all students who experienced success on the sporting field during the summer. I hope that everyone who participated enjoyed the camaraderie associated with being part of a team and learned some important lessons about working toward collective goals.
One of the most important aims of the sport program at Haileybury is to introduce students to the physical and psychological benefits of regular participation in physical activity. If our students appreciate this and continue to participate in sport beyond their school years, we couldn’t be happier.
In Term 2, students wear winter uniform. However, we have two weeks at the beginning of the term when students may continue to wear summer uniform if they choose. Term 2 classes resume on Wednesday, 26 April.
I wish all Haileybury families a relaxing time away from the usual school routine!
Theo Georgakopoulos
Acting Head of Haileybury Senior Schools
Our 2023 cross-campus Senior production, the SpongeBob Musical, is based on the entertaining world-famous cartoon and it has everything you would expect from the hilarious series.
SpongeBob SquarePants has run for 13 seasons and 277 episodes and has also inspired four feature films.
This musical is the perfect family event with wonderful designs, outstanding performances from Haileybury students, and great music from David Bowie, Aerosmith, Cindy Lauper, John Legend and many more.
In March, the VCE Theatre Studies students presented their one-act play, Hard Candy, written by Jonathan Rand. The students took responsibility for all areas of the production — from set design and direction to costumes, lighting and props.
Set in 1997, this satirical look at corporate ladder climbing was full of belly-laughs and ridiculous characters. The students did very well in executing their dramatic vision for the play and they went above and beyond to ensure each part of the design, set in an office, enhanced the story for an enthusiastic live audience.
Nick Waxman
Head of Drama and Theatre Studies
Anzac Day and the formal ceremony that acknowledges the sacrifice made by those who served their country in conflict, is considered one of the most important days in the Australian calendar.
Those who have read my contributions to this newsletter over the years will recall I often reference the vital role music can play in community — not only for entertainment but for ceremony, celebration and loss.
The marking of Anzac Day is no exception and I would like to acknowledge the contribution our musicians make to Anzac services across our Melbourne campuses and as part of the official Melbourne Anzac Day Parade in the city.
While the Haileybury Pipes & Drums have participated in the parade for many years, this year will be the first time that the Haileybury Bugle Corps will perform as a marching brass band. I know our amazing musicians will march with pride and reverence. Look out for them on the TV broadcast!
The Haileybury Bugle Corps is led by our brass tutor, David Robinson who is a Corporal in the Army Reserve. David has performed the Last Post and Reveille at the Melbourne Shrine Dawn Service and regularly performs at AFL and A-League Anzac services. We are very fortunate to have him as part of our Music Department.
During the final weeks of term, Middle School instrumental students took part in Music Camps in picturesque Mt Evelyn.
The camps took place after Saturday sport and students from all Melbourne campuses met at Oasis Camp in the early afternoon. Despite being just an overnight stay, students attended many rehearsals and had plenty of fun with their peers.
The camps were divided into string camp (orchestra) and band camp (concert band), and more than 200 students participated under the guidance and leadership of 30 music staff.
Special thanks must go to Jo Heaton (Head of Bands), Myfanwy Bramble (Head of Strings) and Roslyn Rodgers (Performing Arts Coordinator) for the hours they spend planning these events.
Rod Marshall
Director of Performing Arts & Head of Haileybury Music
The Art Making and Exhibiting students at Haileybury are embarking on an exciting journey as they create their final artworks for Unit 3. This is a crucial point in the year for these talented students as they put their skills and knowledge to the test to produce two final works that showcase their creativity, technical ability and unique style.
The process of creating a piece of art starts with drawing on artist influences and personal inspiration to develop a concept or idea. Students explore a range of artistic techniques and processes, learn about materials and experiment with different mediums. They then refine their ideas and specialise, honing their skills and techniques until they are confident in their ability to produce high-quality artwork. This is documented in their visual journal.
Creating a final artwork is a time-consuming and challenging process that involves perseverance, dedication and patience. It can take months of hard work and trial and error to bring a concept to life, with students spending countless hours refining and perfecting their work. However, the result is always worth it — a unique, thought-provoking artwork representing months of work and creativity.
In Art Making and Exhibiting, students create two final works in Semester 1, with each illustrating their style and vision. These artworks will be displayed at the Victorian Artists Society gallery at the start of Term 3, providing a platform for talented students to showcase their work to a wider audience.
The creation of these artworks is not just about producing a final product but developing essential skills and knowledge for the future. Students learn to problem-solve, think critically and work independently — essential skills in a range of industries and careers.
It is a privilege to see these works in progress and to glimpse each creative process. We can’t wait to see the finished works on display at the Victorian Artists Society gallery and to see what these students will achieve throughout the year.
Rachelle Rae
Head of Visual Arts Senior School
Haileybury Pipes & Drums made a remarkable showing at the Melbourne Highland Gathering and Celtic Festival in Eastfield Park, Croydon on Sunday, 26 March. Despite overcast skies, the weather remained dry for the event.
The A Band shone in the competition, triumphing in the Grade 4A category and outperforming their rivals, Scotch College #1 and Old Scotch Pipe Band. The A Band also achieved the commendable runner-up position in the Novice Juvenile A category. They were just one placing behind their inter-school rivals, Scotch College #1.
Meanwhile, the B Band showcased their talent by securing the runner-up position in the Novice Juvenile B Medley event.
Notably, the event marked the official debut of the C Band who outshone their competition by placing above Scotch College #3 and falling just behind the B Band in the placings.
This promising start highlights the depth of talent within the Haileybury Pipes & Drums community and bodes well for their future success.
Lincoln Hilton
Director, Pipes & Drums
Recently, Haileybury Foundation staff have spent many hours working on the large number of scholarship applications for entry into 2024.
Currently, 28 students are the beneficiaries of Foundation scholarships. Two students graduate next year, and we expect to introduce a further six scholarships in 2024.
Of the 28 students currently receiving Haileybury Foundation scholarships, this is how those scholarships are funded:
Our donors are changing lives forever regardless of the size of their gift and we are thoroughly appreciative of the difference they are making.
If anyone would like to discuss the donation of a scholarship in confidence, please contact Russell Davidson at
All gifts to Haileybury Foundation are tax deductible.
Donations can be made here.
Thank you
On Thursday, 9 March we celebrated the OHA Generations Breakfast at the Berwick campus. Families were treated to a delicious breakfast and a family portrait caricature. We also heard from a past parent, Luke Oliver (OH 1994), about his Haileybury experience ‘then’ and ‘now’. It was wonderful to see grandparents, parents, students and staff come together to celebrate their history at Haileybury.
We look forward to the next OHA Generations Breakfast at the Brighton campus on Friday, 5 May.
It was terrific to see the former First XI Cricket players enjoying an afternoon of sport in a competition between Haileybury and St Kevin’s on Friday, 17 March.
The former First XI Cricket players inspected the pitch, reminisced about memorable moments and chatted with players, Xavier McGrath (Boys 1st X1 captain) and Mitchell Kirkwood-Scott, on Haileybury’s iconic Rendall Oval. Xavier went on to make 76 on Saturday and Mitchell 104 in a comprehensive victory for the team.
Thanks to everyone involved for staying connected! Once a Haileyburian, always a Haileyburian.
Our first open member event of 2023 took place on Friday, 17 March with alumni of all ages coming together to try their hand at painting while enjoying grazing platters provided by Boe Eyking (OH 2015) from Platter&Boe.
There will be more open member events this year including an online boutique industry event with Beth Keamy, an OHA axe throwing event, and an OHA Gin Masterclass.
Kylie Phillips
Development Office Operations Lead
Winter sport training and trials commenced for all students in Years 7–12 on Tuesday, 28 March. All students need to be aware of their winter sport selection and, most importantly, have all the gear required for that sport.
Will Toohey (Year 12) has been selected in the Melbourne Rebels Under 18 Academy squad. The squad comprises the next wave of up-and-coming rugby players in Victoria and allows Will to develop his skills in an elite sporting environment.
We look forward to him transferring this knowledge to the Haileybury Rugby Team.
At the recent Victorian State Athletic Championships, Haileybury was well represented with 15 athletes competing across 16 different events. Haileybury’s athletes made 31 finals and took home seven gold, five silver and four bronze medals.
Congratulations to our new State Champions, medallists and all competitors who continue to train with their private and school coaches, and to compete at the highest state level.
Good luck to them all as they move to National Championships during the holidays.
State Champions
Silver medallists
Bronze medallists
Sean Allcock
Director of Haileybury Sport
In the spirit of reconciliation, Haileybury acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of country throughout Australia and their connections to land, sea and community. We pay our respect to their elders past and present and extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples today.
© Haileybury 2025 Compliance
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