Campus News
Enjoy the break
Thank you to the Newlands community for a wonderful Term 1. It has been an exciting 10 weeks, with plenty of learning opportunities enjoyed by students.
As we head towards the Easter break, our staff wish you all a happy and restful holiday. Take this time to relax and be with your loved ones. We look forward to welcoming all students back on Wednesday, 26 April, refreshed and ready to tackle Term 2 with renewed energy.
Good Friday Appeal Walkathon
Everyone had a pleasant day during our annual ELC, Junior School and Middle School Walkathon. The event encouraged students and families to increase their steps to raise money for the Good Friday Appeal. Our donations will hopefully provide some happiness and much needed support to children at the Royal Children’s Hospital.
Our donation page is still open, so please use the link below if you would like to be involved.
TeamKids Autumn holiday program
- Learn new skills and make new friends
- Qualified and remarkable educators
- Digital detox with a no screens policy
- Delicious and nutritious morning and afternoon snacks
- CCS-approved care
Head to the TeamKids website to secure your spot.

Early Learning Centre
Easter Hat Parade
On Thursday, 6 April Reception and Pre-Prep children will parade their Easter hats for parents at 9:00 am at the Pre-Senior Courts. Pre-Prep children will be joined by Year 3 classes for Easter activities and an egg hunt at the ELC.
Early Years Learning Framework take two
Our early years educators are working with a new version of the Early Years Learning Framework. For the past 13 years, the Framework has guided the ELC’s educational program and practice, and it complements the Victorian Early Learning and Development Framework.
The new framework includes new research, best practice, feedback and insights from stakeholders across Australia. It promotes a focus on Learning Outcomes that highlight development in the key areas of identity, community, wellbeing, learning and communication.
It also focuses on practice principles that guide the creation of high-quality learning and care experiences and pedagogy, and encourages educators to be reflective and intentional.
Newlands ELC educators are excited by the revision to the framework as it opens the way for innovative practices in different curriculum areas.
Junior School
Hats off to Easter
On Thursday, 6 April, Junior School children will have their annual Easter Hat Parade. Prep to Year 4 students will come together on the Pre-Senior Courts to parade around in their Easter bonnets or bunny ears. The event will begin at 8:45 am and parents and friends are invited.
At the end of the parade, year levels will enjoy an Easter hunt. We look forward to admiring the bright array of hats on show.

Junior School House Kickball
Recently, Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 students took part in the Junior School House Kickball. Students enthusiastically participated in the fun event and proudly wore their House colours. Year 8 leaders provided additional support during the afternoon and many parents and special friends were on the sidelines to cheer on the students.
Middle School
Mother's Day Breakfast
This year we are excited to host this very special breakfast with musical performances, a guest speaker and other surprises nestled inside the beautiful Southern Golf Course.
- When: Friday, 12 May
- Time: 8:00 am for an 8:30 am start, concluding at approximately 10:00 am
- Location: Southern Golf Club, Lower Dandenong Road, Keysborough
- Tickets: $60 per adult including one child, and $20 per additional child*
*Options to purchase a group table of 10
Please note this very special event is for Middle School students, mothers/guardians only.
ELC, Junior and Senior Schools will host other events for their campuses.
Tickets will be available from Monday, 3 April and can be purchased here.
Be quick to avoid missing out!

Shum House drinks stall fundraiser
Shum House captains are holding a fundraiser to support WaterAid Australia. This initiative raises funds to improve access to clean water, toilets and hygiene across the world.
- When: Tuesday, 4 April
- Time: Lunchtime 1:15 pm – 2:00 pm
- Where: Outside Blue House (behind the canteen)
- Cost: $2 Soft drinks and $3 spiders
Fun and focus at Scienceworks
Year 6 students across the Melbourne campuses recently spent the day at Scienceworks to link in with this term’s focus on energy, electrical energy and electric circuits. Students enjoyed the Electrical Energy, Safety and Lightning Show and the Beyond Perception Exhibition.
Experiencing the national captial
Our Year 6 students recently took an educational tour of Canberra and participated in programs focused on Australia’s history, culture, heritage and democracy.
The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the national capital as part of their Civics and Citizenship education. Under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program, it contributes $45 per student towards the costs of educational tours.
We thank the Australian Government for its support of this program.
Camp Jungai
Last week, Year 7 students embarked on a trip to Camp Jungai, enjoying the natural scenery of the Rubicon Valley. Students camped under the stars and worked together to set up tents and organise their hiking bags.
Students participated in group activities that challenged their teamwork, collaboration and patience and built close bonds between group members. Hands-on activities like rock-climbing, canoeing, high ropes, raft-building and orienteering, were accompanied by scenic walks and hikes.
A highlight for students was their cultural session that gave them insights into the land and its First Nations people, the Taungurung people. Learning about bush tucker, bush medicine, cultural heritages and artefacts, as well as hearing cultural stories meant students left camp motivated to learn about our shared history.
Mark Harrop
Acting Head of Newlands (Keysborough)
Haileybury Parents & Friends Keysborough (HPFK)
Easter egg raffle reminder
Raffle ticket sales close on Tuesday, 4 April.
Raffle tickets are available from your child’s Homeroom teacher for $1.00 a ticket or $5.00 for six tickets. All ticket sales go to the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal. Raffle ticket sales close on Tuesday, 4 April.
Thank you to our wonderful families and staff who donated eggs for this year’s Easter raffle prize baskets. Our HPFK volunteers have been working away creating the beautiful prize baskets for the end of term assembly on Friday, 6 April.
There will be a prize basket for each year level in ELC, Junior School, Boys Middle School and Girls Middle School.
Let’s raise as much as we can for such a great cause!

Bowling success
The Year 7 Bowling Night was a huge success and it was fantastic to see parents and students having a wonderful time. Thank you to the lovely Emily Gan for hosting and welcoming families and to our Vice President, Katrina King, for organising both bowling nights.
Thank You
Term 1 has been so exciting with so many events connecting our community. Thank you to our families for attending our 12 Year coffee mornings, our Years 5 and 7 bowling nights and the ELC and Prep family dinners. Thank you also to our volunteers who assisted at Pancake Day, Middle School athletics barbecue, Grandparents Day and the Twilight Concert.
This week we donate 1,000 Zooper Doopers for students at the Newlands Walkathon and 3,000 Easter eggs for the ELC and Junior School Easter egg hunt, and we will present the winners of the Newlands Easter raffle with their prize baskets.
Just a reminder again that ticket sales for the raffle close on Tuesday, 4 April and all ticket sales go to the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal.
Finally, thank you to our HPFK Uniform Shop volunteers who collectively have volunteered for 134 hours this term! Please remember the HPFK Uniform Shop is open during the school holidays on Saturday, 22 April 2023 from 9:00 am until 12:00 noon for all your winter uniform needs.
In Term 2 we look forward to our annual Mother’s Day Stall, HPFK Luncheon and Senior School Fundraising Barbecue.
Enjoy a safe and happy school holiday!
Lenice Norris
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends Keysborough