Campus News
Coin Trail
On the final day of term, our Castlefield community will participate in the annual Coin Trail. For this House competition we ask each child to bring along as many Australian coins as they can to add to the chalk-coloured trail that winds its way through the school grounds.
The money raised is donated to the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal. An Easter raffle with $1 raffle tickets and a fundraising page for the Good Friday Appeal (found here) are also available for any families who want to contribute to this worthy cause. Our Coin Trail event raises House Spirit and fosters a greater understanding of social justice and community outreach.
Looking ahead
As Term 1 finishes on Thursday, 6 April we wish all our families a safe holiday and we look forward to the start of Term 2 on Wednesday, 26 April.
For the first two weeks of Term 2, students may wear their summer or winter uniform. From Monday, 8 May, full winter uniform must be worn and for Junior School students, this includes the blazer.
The HPFC Second-Hand Uniform Shop has great quality items for sale and is open on Wednesday mornings and Thursday afternoons.
Early Learning Centre
Welcome to Country
We recently welcomed Jaeden Williams to the ELC to create our smoking ceremony and to welcome us all to Boonwurrung Country. The smoke (spirit) cleansed our hands, feet and hearts so we could walk gently on Mother Earth.
“Jaeden put leaves on the fire and smoke came out.”
“We put the smoke in our heart and our feet and our hands.”
“We said thank you Mother Earth for loving my family, my friends and me.”

Celebrating diversity
The ELC celebrated Australia’s cultural diversity, inclusiveness, respect and belonging during Harmony Week. There were discussions about the many cultural backgrounds of children in the class and about the importance of celebrating differences and similarities.
On Thursday, 23 March the ELC was invited to join the school on the oval for an African drumming performance. Children were enthralled by the amazing instruments, singing and dancing —such joy!

Earth Hour
The Pre-Preps took part in Earth Hour Schools Day. Earth Hour happens around the world and people turn off non-essential lights and other electrical appliances for one hour as a gesture of our commitment to the planet.
There were discussions about taking care of Mother Earth by saving electricity and this raised awareness of the need to conserve power worldwide. Lights and eBoards were switched off and classes used natural light, torches and candles. The children shared stories of other times when they had to use candles or torches at home because of a power outage.

Bilby Celebration
We look forward to welcoming all ELC families to our end of term picnic on Wednesday, 5 April from 9:30 am – 10:15 am to celebrate the end of a wonderful term.

Junior School
Come and join us for meditation before school at 8:20 am each Wednesday morning in Vittoria Dell’Atte’s Year 1 room. Student leaders will take you through a guided meditation to set your mind and body up for a great day ahead. Parents are welcome, too.
Sing It, Act It, Dance It is a musical theatre-style lunchtime club run by Tracey Jacob and Lexy Milne on Tuesdays at lunchtime, in Dickinson Hall. We have an enthusiastic group of performers working on Naughty from Matilda by Tim Minchin. All students are welcome, even if they’d just like to be part of the audience!
A treat for the senses
This term, Preps are exploring Physical Science and recently conducted experiments using their senses. They used the power of touch, smell and hearing to guess and discover what their senses could pick up. From old bananas to patchouli, soft cotton wool to spiky seeds and loud to soft sounds, they loved sharing their ideas about what they might be smelling, touching and hearing with their classmates.
Middle School
House Athletics
Our Years 7 and 8 students experienced their first big House event for the year during the amazing House Athletics held at Duncan McKinnon Reserve. There was plenty of colour and enthusiasm and the day was filled with high-quality athletics and students stepping out of their comfort zones and challenging themselves.
For many Year 7 students, this was their first Haileybury House event and they embraced the Castlefield House spirit. A hearty thanks to our House Convenor, Jo Silverman, for the passion and organisation that went into executing this massive event.

First sport season completed
Congratulations to all our Middle School students for completing their first sport season for 2023. Whether they are a Year 5 who has experienced their first APS competition on a Wednesday afternoon, or a Year 8 student in their final year of Middle School sport, we are very proud of the attitude and effort of all our students.
Winter uniform
As we head towards Term 2, now is a great time to ensure your child has their winter uniform. Winter uniform is worn in Terms 2 and 3, however, we have a two-week grace period at the beginning of Term 2 where students can still wear summer uniform.
Winter uniform means that when wearing a tie, shirts need to be tucked in!
Katrina Manson
Head of Castlefield (Brighton)
Haileybury Parents & Friends Castlefield (HPFC)
Thank you
We are nearing the end of our first exciting term of 2023. I hope it’s been a good one for your family. It has certainly been wonderful to see so many families at our events that are an opportunity for the community to come together.
Thank you to the families that joined us at Luna Park for a chilly, but fun evening. Many students and quite a number of parents were seen screaming, laughing and gripping tightly on the rides. We appreciate the support of our community and hope your children had as much fun as we did.
The upcoming Mother’s Day Luncheon is our next major event, and we are beyond excited that our guest speaker will be Jelena Dokic.
Term 2 has our Junior School Movie Night on Friday, 28 April. It will feature the fabulous Lyle, Lyle Crocodile. Information about purchasing tickets can be found on the myHaileybury app.
Keep in mind the Second Hand Uniform Shop (SHUS) for your uniforms, particularly as we head towards Term 2 and the changeover to winter uniform. For Junior School students, this includes the blazer, and we have many high-quality items in the SHUS to purchase.
Monique Chapman
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends Castlefield