Campus News
International Outlook
Haileybury City and the Australian High Commissioner recently hosted an education delegation from Rwanda. His Excellency Jean de Dieu Uwihanganye, High Commissioner for the Republic of Rwanda, and his distinguished guests visited our beautiful vertical campus.
We also hosted an Open Morning for 80 prospective families looking to enroll at City campus, and our Junior and Middle Schools have shared three In Action mornings.
At the campus visits, our City Executive team and student leaders described how we partner with families, what makes Haileybury special and why they are proud to be part of Haileybury. Our City Executive team showed visitors around our campus where they saw our brilliant teachers in action.
We are so proud of our culture and community at City and the way in which our students grow their kind hearts and sharp minds every day. It certainly shines through in their interactions with visitors, staff and each other.
Outdoor education
Participating in camps this term has seen Years 4, 5 and 7 head to various Victorian locations for some exciting outdoor education experiences. Encouraging our young people to step outside their comfort zone is challenging and rewarding and I am sure families have enjoyed the camp stories being told and retold as the giant swing becomes higher, the waves get bigger, the hikes become longer and the lights-out chats become later!
Happy holidays
I wish all our families a very happy, restful, and refreshing holiday break. So much has been achieved in Term 1 as we focused on the academic, social, emotional and physical growth of every student.
We are delighted to have finished so well and we will continue to work towards our 2023 goal of excellence in character and contribution. I thank our community of staff, students and parents for your support of our social justice initiatives for the Good Friday Appeal. We look forward to finding out who will be the lucky winners of the chocolate hampers!
Early Learning Centre
Welcome Autumn
Wonderings in the ELC have focused on the noticeable changes in our environment. The green leaves at Flagstaff Gardens are slowly changing colours as the days begin to cool.
In Reception, children have been using pictographs to record their observations of the weather at various times of the day. This focus on changing conditions has given children an opportunity to build their vocabulary, to voice their ideas and to notice the most subtle changes in their surroundings.
Meanwhile, Pre-Prep children remain avid gardeners and are excited by what autumn may bring. Following discussions about seasonal flowers, fruits and vegetables, little hands have been busy planting kale, spinach, carrots, pansies and poppies in our terrace garden.
As the seasons change, new rich and authentic opportunities for learning are presented and our ELC children are always ready to question and explore what each new season brings.
Scooter polo program
We are thrilled to introduce a new element to our Tuesday morning program with Mark Reed, Chair and Head of Athletics at Haileybury.
During Term 2, our ELC will introduce scooter polo! Children will use scooters to enhance coordination, gross motor skills, teamwork, and collaboration.
Scooters will be provided; however, families will be asked to bring in a helmet each Tuesday morning to support their child’s participation and safety. Knee and elbow pads are optional and can be included in your child’s bag on this day.
We look forward to this addition to a program that is already a highlight of the week for many of our ELC children.
Junior School
Year 4 Camp
Our Haileybury City Year 4 students recently embarked on their 2023 Portsea Camp adventure with enthusiasm and a willingness to try new things. United as a cohort, they took full advantage of the variety of activities available, including raft building, the giant swing, initiative courses, beach walks and more.
The importance of making memories and embracing challenges was emphasised throughout the trip. It was an unforgettable experience that taught students valuable lessons about teamwork, perseverance and personal growth.
Smart watches
Please remember that while smart watches are high-tech and helpful in assisting communication, they can be a distraction for your child within school. If your child wears a smart watch at school, we ask that they be set to ‘school mode’ and not used for communication between home and school from 8:30 am – 3:30 pm.
Analogue watches are highly encouraged as they complement our students’ curriculum learning in mathematics, such as reading analogue time, counting by fives and calculating how much time has elapsed.
Enjoy the break
The term break is on the horizon, and we know our students and their families are looking forward to quality time spent together. However, please be advised that extending school holidays, even by a few days, is discouraged.
Students’ active learning time in Junior School is invaluable and continues until the end of the final day of term. For more information, please view the recent myHaileybury app correspondence below.
Middle School
Man Cave
The Year 7 boys have taken part in the Man Cave incursion that helps develop emotional intelligence, foster positive masculinity, and provide strategies for dealing with the causes of anxiety that young men may face in modern society.
The students engaged in group-building activities and learnt how to complete a ‘check-in’ with their peers. Man Cave is an important part of Haileybury’s Wellbeing curriculum, and it reflects our Respectful Relationships pillar.
In Term 3, Man Cave will visit again to work with our Year 8 boys. We encourage our Year 7 BMS parents to start a conversation with their young person and let them lead you through the check-in process. It is a worthwhile skill to help navigate parenting teenagers.
MS in action
Over the past two weeks, Years 5 and 7 families have visited Levels 4 and 5 and joined their children in their classrooms. This is a rich opportunity for families to sample the vibrant teaching and learning program that our young people experience every day.
In Year 7, students and their families put their fractions skills to the test while 7.2 challenged their guests to a Kahoot on ‘Science 101’. Last week, 5.1 and 5.A both practised the mathematical concept of area with a variety of different questions and parents were able to brush up on their Perimeter and Area formulae from their own high school days.
Our young people loved having their special guests alongside them for the morning and we look forward to welcoming our Years 6 and 8 families in Term 2. Look out for the date on our Term 2 Key Dates on the myHaileybury app.

House Athletics
On Tuesday, 28 March we hosted our City Middle School athletics carnival at the Keysborough Campus. The event was a wonderful celebration of our students’ athletic abilities and House spirit.
Our House Captains led their teams with enthusiasm and passion, encouraging each of our students to do their best. Thank you to Head of Athletics, Mark Reed, and House Convener, Carly Buhagiar, for their efforts in organising such a successful event.
We look forward to our House Swimming event in Term 2.
Caroline Merrick
Head of City
Haileybury Parents & Friends City (HPF City)
The campus is definitely buzzing, given that this is the last week of Term 1! With all the camps, athletics, sport events and incursions, it has been a very busy term and thoroughly enjoyed by all the students.
With Easter fast approaching, Haileybury City and HPF City are again raising funds for the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal through the Easter Egg Hamper Lucky Draw. Your donation to the Royal Children’s Hospital allows for the amazing work at the hospital to continue. The winners will be drawn at the end of term assembly on Thursday, 6 April.
It is not too late to buy tickets. Please follow the link:
A huge thank you to the HPF City team for running the HPF Second-hand Uniform Shop (SHUS) last Friday. We hope you grabbed a few much-needed uniform items before Term 2 begins.
Don't forget!
A reminder that tickets for the HPF Cocktail Party are now available. The theme is Sparkle and Shine and the event takes place at Haileybury City on Friday, 26 May from 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm. Book your tickets using the button below:
The HPF Committee wishes you a safe and relaxing break and we look forward to seeing you at the Cocktail Party.
Melissa Fisher
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends City