Campus News
Grandparents and Special Friends’ Day
This is one of our favourite annual events with grandparents and special friends enjoying every moment of their time with the children. Classroom activities were followed by a concert and morning tea. This event has been a highlight of the term!
Annual Edrington Picnic
What a wonderful community event this was! Hundreds of people attended, and it was a very relaxed, social and enjoyable evening.

We had food trucks, a live band, rides and inflatables. The weather was perfect, and no one was in a rush to leave. Thank you to everyone who attended for making it such a wonderful night

Summer Sippers
Thank you to the HPFE for organising such a brilliant event for our parents. Parents from ELC to Senior School attended the evening and enjoyed the company, delicious food and live music.

Early Learning Centre
Connecting with special people
On Tuesday, 21 March the ELC and JS students welcomed their grandparents or special person into their classroom. For this special event to take place in Harmony Week celebrates our diversity and brought together so many cultural backgrounds.
This is just one of many occasions this term where families have been able to come together and build connections within the Haileybury community. This is such an important part of each child’s development because community connections give children a sense of belonging and help them develop vital social and emotional skills. Children and families build a sense of trust and safety with those within their school environment.
At Haileybury, our values of trust, unity and respect underpin the collaborative partnerships we foster with every family, as we promote the best outcomes for every child’s development, wellbeing and ongoing education. As children develop, authentic relationships with the world help them find their place and lead them to understand shared values and how society works.
We look forward to celebrating many more occasions with children and families throughout 2023.
Junior School
Jump Rope for Heart
We are so excited to have Haileybury Edrington taking part in Jump Rope for Heart this year — a fantastic fundraising and physical activity program from the Heart Foundation. By participating we are encouraging students to move and to help raise funds for lifesaving research and support programs.
We will end the term with our school-wide Jump Off Day on Thursday, 6 April where your child will showcase their new skipping skills to their friends.
By signing up online here, families can raise funds online, track skipping skills progress and earn virtual badges, and post updates to your page so family and friends can follow your progress.
This year, we have an audacious goal for our students to log 40 hours of skipping across Haileybury Edrington Junior School and raise $7,000. Can you help us reach our goal? There are only a few days left.
Thank you for getting involved in Jump Rope for Heart!

Middle School
In Week 7, our Years 5 and 7 students sat their Naplan tests for reading, writing, language conventions and numeracy. The students participated with positivity and focus and embraced the testing days with a great attitude.
The Wizard of Oz
Well done to all those who auditioned for a lead role in our 2023 musical, The Wizard of Oz. We had over 40 students audition for 10 lead roles, making the casting job extremely challenging.
The final cast list was released in Week 8 and rehearsals began last week. The initial read-through was very exciting and highlighted the incredible talent we have within our Middle School. We look forward to seeing this production come together over the coming months!
Year 6 at Scienceworks
In Week 8, our Year 6 students travelled to Scienceworks for a day of experiments and discovery. They explored physics, astronomy, chemistry, and anatomy as they interacted with exhibits at the museum. Their visit links closely to the science curriculum and Haileybury’s STEM program, making this a fantastic excursion for all.
Year 7 camp
This morning our Year 7 boys and girls departed for Camp Jungai. This camp is designed to challenge our students while easing them into the outdoors ready for their Year 8 camp and beyond.
With Term 1 finishing on Thursday, this year’s camp is just three nights and two of those nights will be spent in tents. The students will be participating in activities such as hiking, canoeing, a cultural session and high ropes. We look forward to hearing their stories when they return this Thursday.
A reminder that winter uniform is required for Term 2. However, there will be a two-week grace period when students can choose to wear winter or summer uniform, depending on the weather.
Jeanette Rawlings
Head of Edrington (Berwick)
Haileybury Parents & Friends Edrington (HPFE)
The Uniform Shop will be open during the school holidays to meet your winter uniform requirements. The shop will be open on Wednesday, 19 April from 10:00 am –12:00 pm. They will continue to open in Term 2 on Wednesdays from 8:15 am – 10:45 am.
The Second Hand Uniform Shop (SHUS) is always looking for help, so if you have an hour to spare on a Wednesday to give Di and Kelly a hand in the shop, please contact them at
Summer Sippers was a HUGE success! Thank you to all who attended and helped make the night amazing. We are looking forward to organising another night soon, so watch this space.
If you are available to help with the upcoming sausage sizzle and Mother’s Day stall, please click here.
Enjoy the holidays and see you all in Term 2!
Kerry Ilic & Tracy Day
HPFE Presidents