Campus News
Something to Tell the Grandchildren
As the year draws to a close, I thank the Newlands community for their resilience and positivity. None of us could have foreseen what was ahead as we entered a second year of lockdowns. Daily life changed for everyone as we adjusted to living in the world’s most locked-down city!
Our children will tell their children and grandchildren about this time. Our hope is that, despite the challenges they faced, they will remember the fun times, the creative solutions to problems and the ‘new normal’ that gave them more time with their families.
Merry Christmas! Keep safe and have a wonderful break. We look forward to your return to campus on Thursday, 27 January 2022.
Virtual Newlands Speech Night
The Newlands Speech Night will again be in a virtual format due to COVID-19 restrictions. This event will be available for viewing on Wednesday, 8 December at 7.00 pm. Families will receive an invitation and link via the myHaileybury app.
We congratulate all award winners on their outstanding achievements.
TeamKids Summer Holiday Program
For information regarding the TeamKids Summer Holiday Program please see here.

Early Learning Centre
Christmas Concert Confidence
The ELC children have been practising for the annual ELC Christmas Concert. It’s wonderful to see the growth in the children’s confidence and stage presence across the year. This year, we will video-record the concert for families to enjoy.

The Year That Was…
Educators promote the child’s voice within the ELC Program and children have an opportunity to express their choices and opinions. We know that children can express their thoughts with great insight and we recently asked the ELC children to comment on 2021.
“I love the ELLA program because it has new Chinese words and helped me to learn new things. This year, visitors from the other countries couldn’t come to Australia.” —Ivana
“At the ELC I used clap sticks to play Inanay and I learned how to say Aboriginal words.” —Parker
“I liked when Grandpa came to the ELC. He did number counting with me.” —Oliver
“I loved the ELC. I love singing songs with my friends. New children need to know to be nice to each other and no shouting at the teacher.” —Abby
“I learned to count by twos, fives and 10s so you don’t get tired when you count. I can count coins so if I buy things, the shop people won’t ask me to put things back because I’ll have the right money.” —Austin
“I learned to listen to my teacher because I will know what to do. If you don’t listen and they call out your name you won’t know what to do.” —Hudson
“I will never forget that I learned how to read at the ELC. I’ll always know how to read.” —Charlotte
“I’ll miss my teachers. I want to still see them when I’m in Prep. My teachers are so nice and they make me learn stuff.” —Annabelle
Fundraising for Monash Children’s Centre
This year, the ELC children, families and educators raised money for Monash Children’s Hospital. The annual Art Auction was the highlight of the year with some beautiful art canvasses going home to successful bidders.
Newlands ELC raised over $5,000 to donate to this worthy cause.

Junior School
Athletics Carnival Fun
Fisher Oval was a kaleidoscope of colours as the Junior School children enjoyed their Athletics Carnival. They participated in an obstacle gauntlet, sprints and relays and fun games like Rock, Paper, Scissors, Chicken Smash and Hoop Flip.
An amazing time was had by all.
Enchanted Adventure Garden Maze
Our Year 3 students spent an amazing day at Enchanted Adventure Garden in Arthurs Seat. Students put on a helmet and harness and challenged themselves physically and mentally by ‘surfing’ through the trees. They also enjoyed sitting in giant ‘donut tubes’ and whizzing down slides while racing their friends.
To finish off the wonderful day, we spent time getting lost in mazes and hedges and admiring the beautiful artwork around us. It was a great adventure for everyone.
Looking for Treasure
Year 2 students have been understanding how geography helps us navigate and connect to the world around us and they took part in an orienteering incursion to apply their newly learned skills.
Working in teams, they completed a treasure hunt challenge around Newlands, solving clues to find the treasure. Some of the skills used included direction, orientation, mapping and deciphering codes. It was a fantastic way for us to conclude our unit and have some fun at the same time.
Grand Prize Virtuoso
We would like to congratulate Darren Meng
(Year 5) for winning first prize in the 2021 Grand Prize Virtuoso International Music Competition.
The competition is open to all nationalities and ages in strings, piano, wind, vocal and chamber music. Darren's winning solo piano piece was Grande Valse Brillante, a very famous song from Frederic Chopin.
Here is the Youtube link for the competition. Well done, Darren.
Middle School
Girls Make Solar Buddies
During Term 3, our Year 6 girls have been researching global issues as part of Humanities and one of the issues discussed was energy poverty.
This term, 6A made solar lamps as part of the Solar Buddy initiative. The lamps will be donated to less fortunate students across Asia and the South Pacific.

Grade 6s Get Active
It is wonderful that the Grade 6 students were able to enjoy activities in lieu of attending camp. They visited places such as Gumbuya World and Enchanted Adventure Garden and took part in horse riding, lawn bowls, surfing, arts, woodwork and hula-hooping. Meanwhile, the Year 5s took part in Bike Education and a trip to Gumbuya World.
New Year 8 Students Get Started
During Term 1A, the new Year 8 students have embarked on their exciting StartUp journey. Given the task of designing a backpack for a specific demographic, they drew inspiration from the recent StartUp Pitch Showcase and set about thinking how best to support their client.
Students were introduced to Design Thinking to be able to understand their market and then develop their ideas and create a prototype to present to their peers. We cannot wait to see what amazing ideas they come up with to showcase in the 2022 Pitch event.
Jane Gibbs
Head of Newlands (Keysborough)
Haileybury Parents & Friends Keysborough (HPFK)
Thank You!
On behalf of our Executive and General Committee, I would like to thank all our amazing Year Level Representatives and wonderful parent community for their support throughout 2021. The success of our events is directly attributed to your support and we would not be a success without you!
A special mention to Gaye Davies, Sandra Meldrum and Claire Newman who have volunteered in the HPFK Uniform Shop and provided this valued service to our community.
We wish you all a happy, safe and relaxing festive season and look forward to providing more events for students and parents in 2022.
Year 8 Celebration Party
On Friday, 26 November over 100 guests celebrated the End of Year 8 at Newlands at the Patterson River Golf Club. I would like to thank HPFK Vice-President Katrina King, and her team for delivering a spectacular event for our community.

HPFK Christmas Stalls
On Thursday, 2 December, we held our annual Christmas Stalls. A huge ‘thank you’ to our volunteers and to HPFK Communications Officer Linette Grossi and Newlands parent Vicki Giosis for their organisation and contribution to this festive event.

HPFK Uniform Shop
Our Uniform Shop will reopen on Friday, 14 January 2022 from 2.30 – 4.30 pm. All Term 1 opening times are in myCalendar in myHaileybury.
Haileybury HPFK Social Media
We are finally on Instagram! Please search for haileybury_hpfk and follow us. Our first 100 members will be entered into a draw to win a bottle of Veuve Clicquot Champagne.
If you would like to connect with our Facebook community, please join our Facebook page by clicking on this link.
If you have any queries, or would like to contact the HPFK, please email
Lenice Norris
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends Keysborough