Campus News
Speech Night Video
Another fabulous but challenging year is at a close. Our students have been outstanding in their drive, resilience and adaptability.
At 7.00 pm on Wednesday, 8 December, our Speech Night video will be available for families to watch together and celebrate their children’s successes. Congratulations to all students who have worked determinedly on their studies and a special congratulations to our award recipients.
TeamKids will be operating across the summer holidays. The following link has all the details: TeamKids Brochure.
Fresh Start in 2022
We look forward to welcoming students back on Thursday, 27 January. Further details will be sent out over the holidays but we ask that students arrive by 8.25 am on the first day of the new term and bring all items from their booklists.
End of 2021
2021 has been a fantastic year at Castlefield—on campus and in homes via Zoom! I thank our outstanding students who have ensured this year will be remembered so richly in Haileybury's history.
I thank our parents for their continued support and thank our staff for the exceptional passion and care they devote to our students. Much adaption, flexibility and resilience has been demonstrated by everyone and I am grateful to be part of such a supportive and connected community.
Please savour the opportunity to spend Christmas with loved ones and have a safe and enjoyable break with your family. I look forward to our continued association in 2022.
Early Learning Centre
Joyful Celebrations
The ELC children and educators have been busy planning and preparing for end-of-year festivities—practising songs and dances and working on Learning Journals, decorations, gifts and videos as part of our virtual celebrations.
We look forward to seeing our Gawarn, Gurborra, Walert and Wareeny groups on Tuesday, 7 December at 5.30 – 6.00 pm on Zoom as we celebrate an incredible year of growth, learning, development and joy.

On Saturday, 27 November, we warmly welcomed next year’s ELC students and parents. They met their educators and peers and spent some time in their learning environments. It was lovely to see the children so eager and engaged and each child took home a small gift to build their sense of belonging to their 2022 class.

Out and About
With outdoor learning as a focus, the Pre-Preps recently enjoyed an adventure at the local park. The educators and children explored the native plants and played a nature ‘look and find’ game. It was great to see them working together and asking their friends and teachers for help.
Junior School
Coming Together
From book swaps to athletics days and assemblies to graduations—the Junior School has rounded out the term in style! Lenni Pellicano and Edward Cockram manned the Year 3 Book Swap deck in the sunshine as our students perused the donated books in East Quad.
House spirit was alive and well when the fabulous PE Department organised two great afternoons for our students to run, throw, bounce and bound their way around the oval. We farewelled our beautiful Year 4 students at a great assembly and afterwards the Preps formed a guard of honour to acknowledge their Buddies.
Congratulations to Amaani Kishor (Year 4) who was the recipient of the Teri Tzouvelis Prize at the end-of-year Presentation Assembly. Amaani is a fabulous young student who held the highest combined score for English and Mathematics across the year level.
Our youngest learners have had a year beyond all our wildest dreams but, through it all, they have shown resilience and determination. Thank you to our families for providing endless encouragement and snacks, for saying goodbye at the school gates and for watching assemblies from afar.
Instead of our usual end-of-year Christmas concert, the Junior School came together for some singing and dancing. For the first time, without a parent audience, the students remained in Dickinson Hall and were the audience for each other—it was a beautiful thing!

Middle School
Farewell to 2021
As our school year comes to a close, it is hard not to reflect on another year spent oscillating between the real classroom and the virtual one. A year spent pivoting, rising to any challenge that needed to be met and seeing out a plethora of school activities and opportunities for students—despite never knowing whether a lockdown or restrictions were around the corner.
From camps to incursions, House events to assemblies, our incredible students and amazing teachers continued to give their time, energy and effort to quality learning and teaching. We continued to thrive, which is something this great school community does so well.
Our students are kind, hard-working and prepared to try new things and we are exceptionally proud of them. They have developed into wonderful young people.
As they transition to 2022, whether they have already moved up a year level or will do so in January, we wish them well for the next stage of their journey at Haileybury Castlefield.
To our families and extended community, best wishes to you all for a well-deserved break. Be it at home, on a beach, in a tent or in a distant place, I hope the break is restful and provides a chance to refresh before a wonderful 2022.
Katrina Manson
Head of Castlefield (Brighton)
Haileybury Parents & Friends Castlefield (HPFC)
Thank You for Your Support
As the year draws to a close, we wish our parents and friends a wonderful break and we look forward to seeing people in person next year.
At the beginning of Term 1, we will be hosting several onsite events to welcome our families to the new school year.
Ian Green
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends Castlefield