Campus News
Fantastic Start to Term 1A
I would like to thank all Haileybury staff and students for the way they have begun the 2022 academic year. Term 1A is a chance for students to begin their 2022 studies early and to become comfortable in their new classes before heading off on an extended summer break.
It takes an enormous amount of organisation and effort to ensure that a new school year is ready to go in November of the previous year. However, Haileybury believes that getting a head start on the new year is of great benefit to our students, particularly those undertaking Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) Units 3 and 4.
As the academic year concludes, I would like to say a sincere thanks to you all for your ongoing support of Haileybury. Your children have all been remarkable in the way they have adapted to a pandemic and we share your pride in them.
My best wishes to you all for a safe and happy time away from the usual school routine.
A Speech Night to Remember
A large number of Haileybury students and families gathered on the evening of Friday, 3 December to celebrate another successful year at Haileybury. The night also featured prize giving for our very best sportspeople, performers and academics. The quality of the musical performances on the night were outstanding, bearing testament to the strength of Haileybury’s Performing Arts Program.
Social Justice at Lyons House
Lyons House Captains have again selected to support Share the Dignity and have already participated in the ‘It’s in the Bag’ campaign. These bags are distributed to women before Christmas to ensure they have access to basic personal health necessities, regardless of their circumstances.
Lyons students have already collected enough soap, toothbrushes, sanitary items, shampoo and conditioner to create 15 bags in one week. Amazing support, Lyons House!
Social Justice at Berthon House
Berthon House recently raised just over $1,500 for the Australian Animal Protection Society in Keysborough with a popular sausage sizzle. The funds raised mean more animals can be rescued, trained and adopted by loving families.
Thank you to all the parents and students who helped and to families who made donations to help reduce our expenses. Upwey Village Bakery donated the bread for the day and 360 Degree Meat and Poultry assisted with the sausages.

Young Scholars Success
We would like to congratulate Kyle Stutz (Year 11) on being accepted into the Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars Program for 2022. The academic enrichment program supports high-achieving students in Years 11 and 12, and select secondary students living close to the New South Wales and South Australian borders.

Pam Chamberlain
of Haileybury Senior Schools