Campus News
A Rite of Passage
Key moments in our students’ lives are a rite of passage and need to be honoured in a special way. Recently, we celebrated Year 8 Graduations for the Girls Middle School and Boys Middle School during two Zoom ceremonies.
Surrounded by their peers, our Middle School Captains reflected on the achievements of their cohort during the learning journey and how lucky they are to have a Haileybury education. Year 8 have demonstrated resilience, optimism, compassion, adaptability and hope. We are extremely proud of this cohort and all they have done to be role models for the Middle School.
Year 4 also enjoyed a wonderful Graduation that was sky high on the Rooftop! We were able to congratulate all our Years 4 and 8 students and present them with a Graduation Certificate from the School and with a 2021 badge gifted by HPF City to mark these special moments.
Celebrations in the City
Our students’ achievements shone brightly at City campus recently. We have much to be grateful for and it was wonderful to enjoy a special celebration online and on campus. I thank all our families who joined us on Zoom for the Junior School Awards Assembly and our City Speech Day.
We were honoured to have Mr Derek Scott, Mr Scott Doran and Mrs Diane Furusho present prizes on Speech Day. I warmly congratulate all students who received awards and special prizes. Academic excellence and excellence in the Arts, Sport, Leadership and Citizenship continue to shine at City campus.
Our Future is Strong
Our young people have shown remarkable adaptability, optimism and innovation throughout 2021. They have approached leadership with a growth mindset and learned that if we lead with a kind heart and a sharp mind, we can achieve great things together. Our Years 4, 8 and 12 leaders have set the bar high with their positive influence this year.
Our Year 8 Middle School Captains, Bhuvi Diwakar and Max Trinder, have done a superb job of leading with courage and commitment. I congratulate all leaders of Year 8 and thank the cohort for being fine role models. The Year 4 leaders have also done an amazing job and, this week, we congratulated and thanked them at our Year 4 Graduation.
Moments like this remind us how wonderful it is to be working with fine young men and women who have passion and purpose for contributing to our world. I feel confident that our future is bright in the hands of Haileybury students.
I wish all our families a happy, safe and relaxing holiday.
Early Learning Centre
The Children Speak…
Reflecting on the year, it is remarkable to think of the growth that has occurred in the ELC.
We are all a little taller, we have added new words to our vocabularies, created masterpieces and formed and strengthened friendships. We have been through lockdowns and continued to celebrate and find joy in each day.
We could easily list the events that have made this year in the ELC one to remember, but when we listen to the voices of the children themselves we truly learn what mattered most in 2021.
“I like learning Jolly Phonics because I like the songs and it’s fun to learn about the sounds.” —Nikolina
“I love group time because I like stories and singing. I like learning about dinosaurs.”—Vikram
“I like doing science experiments and I also like Jolly Phonics because it’s got lots of letters.”—Claudia
“I love being in PE playing with bikes and the trampoline.”—Margaux
“I want to go to Pre-Prep next year because I want to learn how to run fast.”—Noah
“My favourite part of Pre-Prep was that I learnt about circuits. I got two cables, a red one and a black one and I attached them to the battery pack and the light worked. I learnt that you need muscles to open the clips to make a circuit and make the light work.”—Kingsley
“I like reading readers in Pre-Prep. I wonder what my reader will be next year. I think it will be a reader I didn’t have before.”—Liam
“We did ‘magical dots' in Music. We would dance around the spots until the music stopped. I liked when we got out, we got to help take dots away.”—Clementine
“I’m excited to learn lots of new things in Prep.”—Zakariyah
As the new year approaches and children move to Pre-Prep or continue their learning journey in Prep, they transition with a strong foundation of educational excellence, a sense of identity and connection to the world around them.
We also look forward to welcoming new friends into Reception in 2022 as we continue our learning adventures and exploration in the ELC.
Junior School
Finding a Buddy
Our 2022 Prep and Year 4 students established important connections as they spent some time together talking, sharing a meal and playing on the Level 3 Terrace. Our 2022 Year 4 students wrote a letter to their Buddies to introduce themselves before meeting them in person. It was a fantastic opportunity to share time together before the summer break.
The Buddy Program will allow our 2022 Prep students to make regular connections with our Year 4 leaders through reading, problem solving and playing together. We look forward to seeing the Buddies cultivate their mindset and skillset together next year.
Remembering Our Year 4 Graduation
Our 2021 Year 4 Leaders were excited to celebrate their Junior School achievements at the Year 4 Graduation today, with their parents joining them to celebrate this milestone.
From our beautiful Level 9 space overlooking Flagstaff Gardens, the students shared their Junior School highlights and were presented with a graduation tile to remind them of this special time in their Haileybury City life. The wonderful event was capped off with an afternoon tea on the Level 10 rooftop that allowed parents and staff to connect on campus again.
Middle School
Congratulations to all our Middle School students for the way in which they ended the year. There were many memorable moments over the past few weeks of term, including Year 8 2022 Leadership presentations, Speech Day, our water park excursions and visits to Victoria Market to name a few.
We would like to congratulate our Middle School students for their dedication to their studies throughout 2021. We hope that parents and students have a relaxing and enjoyable Christmas break and we look forward to an exciting 2022.
Pitch Perfect
Our Year 8 students recently celebrated their efforts in the StartUp Pitch Showcase. In the Haileybury StartUp Program, students use the Design Thinking process to work collaboratively and innovatively to solve a problem.
From the Girls Middle School, Nuha Sameer, Catherine Le and Eva Lekgabe delivered a well-branded pitch for their inventive product, Vitails—an app, collar and digital door lock which allowed pet owners to monitor their animal's health.

Anthony Ruiu, Lachlan Luong, Liam Buktenica and Nethum Perera won the cross-campus Boys Middle School Best Pitch prize for their revolutionary idea, VIPT—an app-based chauffeur service for the visually impaired. Well done to the Year 8s and VIPT.

“The best way to predict the future is to create it”Peter Drucker
Caroline Merrick
Head of City
Haileybury Parents & Friends City (HPF City)
On behalf of the HPF City, we wish all our families a wonderful festive season and hope you enjoy quality time with loved ones and celebrating new beginnings in 2022.
We thank you for your continued support.
Enjoy the holidays, keep safe and we look forward to seeing you next year.
Nina Brooks and Nadine Bissland
Co-Presidents, Haileybury Parents & Friends City