Haileybury students have achieved a record number of accolades in this year's Premier's VCE Awards. The outstanding results continue Haileybury's long and successful history in the prestigious state awards.

In total, 28 Haileybury students have been recognised at the 2022 Premier's VCE Awards - nearly double the number of Haileybury students recognised in previous years.
They have received 34 awards across 16 different subjects - ranging from Specialist Mathematics and Algorithmics to Music Sound Production, Physics, French, and Business Management.
This year's achievements set a new bar for Haileybury due to the record number of awards received by the 16 boys and 12 girls.
The Awards recognise top-performing students from across the state and internationally who excelled in their VCE studies during 2022. They also pay tribute to the principals, teachers, and students' families who all play a vital role in supporting the students during their challenging VCE studies.
Students at Haileybury's Tianjin school in China have also been recognised, with two students winning three Premier's VCE Awards.
The Awards were presented on Thursday, 27 July during a ceremony at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre.
“Haileybury is extremely proud of the students who have achieved these impressive academic results.”Haileybury CEO | Principal, Derek Scott
"It is particularly pleasing to note that the 2022 results are Haileybury's best results ever in the Premier's VCE Awards. This demonstrates the commitment, determination, and curiosity of our students - all qualities shared by their equally passionate and brilliant teachers."
Nishil Shah (OH 2022) received a Premier's VCE Award for Top All-Round VCE High Achiever and Sociology. He says maintaining a balance of study, sport, leadership, and 'enjoying your last year at school with the people you've pretty much grown up with' is an important factor in VCE success.
Nishil is now studying Commerce at the University of Melbourne.
"A lot of Years 11 and 12 are about finding your own method and making sure you work smart so you achieve better results with less effort. I was also lucky enough to have many incredible teachers across my VCE journey who were integral in achieving what I did," he says.
"I was pretty happy to receive the Premier's VCE Award - it's good to get that recognition but I think my Mum was probably far more ecstatic when we heard the news that I'd won the award!"
Chloe Lay (OH 2022) received a Premier's VCE Award for Top All-Round VCE High Achiever and she says perseverance and resilience are key to doing well in VCE. She is also studying Commerce at the University of Melbourne.
"The two years that make up VCE are jam-packed with continuous assessments on top of the intensive revision periods before exams, so being able to maintain a level head during stressful weeks and being able to bounce back from rough periods is extremely important," says Chloe.
"I was very excited to learn I'd won this award. I was happy to see that my efforts throughout Year 12 had been recognised."
Mr Scott says the record-breaking Premier's VCE Award results clearly showcase Haileybury's commitment to continually striving for ever greater educational experiences for students.
"We do not rest on past successes - we constantly search for ways to improve student learning inside and outside the classroom. Our philosophy is that 'every student matters every day' and this attention and dedication, along with the hard work of students and teachers, helps our students achieve the kind of outstanding results we are celebrating today."
Haileybury's award-winning 2022 Premier's VCE Awards are:
- Yan He Chen for Top All-Round VCE High Achiever and English
- Nishil Shah for Top All-Round VCE High Achiever and Sociology
- Kerry Zhu for Top All-Round VCE High Achiever
- Kim Zhu for Top All-Round VCE High Achiever and Specialist Mathematics
- Jiaqi Lu for Top All-Round VCE High Achiever and English and Specialist Mathematics
- Chloe Lay for Top All-Round VCE High Achiever
- Jack Lea for Accounting
- Yanshuo Chen for Accounting
- Sam Nielsen for Algorithmics (HESS)
- Aidan Wrigley for English
- Arnav Chauhan for English
- Chevonne Mendez for English
- Alyssa Morris for English
- Chiara Maiorino for English
- Melanie Nguyen for English and Sociology
- Victoria Paitaridis for Business Management
- Lauren Yim for Chemistry
- Stanley Chi for Chinese Second Language
- Rishi Sethi for Legal Studies
- James Gedicke for Music Sound Production (VCE VED)
- Marcus Beyer for Further Mathematics
- Jing Ru Zhang for Mathematical Methods
- Yuning Yang for Physics
- Rebecca Allen for Australian History
- Chrislyn Kanagarajah for French
- Grace Chen for Psychology
- Charlotte Pascua for Sociology
- Mahesh Namasivayam for Tamil undertaken at Victorian Tamil Association
- Lujia Jia for English (EAL)
- Shuheng Fan for English (EAL) and Physics