In the eight years since he graduated from Haileybury, Jackson Meyer (OH 2014) has developed a deep understanding of the complex freight forwarding industry. However, he hasn’t only become a leader in the industry as Founder, Group CEO and Managing Director of Verus Global, Jackson has transformed the way freight forwarding operates. He is also the Managing Director of Fickle Technologies, a not-so-traditional data solutions company.
Verus Global uses cloud-based technology to provide freight customers with transparency and real-time tracking capabilities and since the business began, it has opened offices across Australia, China, Hong Kong, the UK and New Zealand.
What were your favourite subjects at school?
I didn’t do too well at school, however I enjoyed English. I studied Cooking, Business Management, Legal and English for VCE.
What did you take away from your time at Haileybury?
It was great. There were high standards expected and that helped in the transition to university and business. I particularly remember Mr Costello when I was in Year 9, which was the year I joined Haileybury. He was a great influence and took the time to help me adjust to moving into a tier one school.
Did you go to university after graduating?
Yes, I studied Supply Chain and Logistics Management at Victoria University, but I dropped out with only one subject to go to pursue my business idea which became Verus Global.
Can you tell us about your working life now?
I have founded three businesses that operate in logistics and technology and I’m also a stakeholder in a global cosmetics company. In a typical day at work, I manage supplier relationships, major customer contracts and legal matters, oversee our overseas expansion and growth and I manage our global team across Australia, China, Hong Kong, the UK and the Netherlands.
So, what do you enjoy most about your work?
When I left university, I wanted to change traditional freight forwarding operations and give the industry more choice and flexibility and I saw an opportunity to capitalise on current market trends through the use of technology and automation. I like being able to communicate with people all over the globe and problem solving. Plus, the satisfaction of a successful sale always keeps you on your toes!
Do you have any advice for Haileybury’s aspiring young entrepreneurs?
Build your networks and, even if school isn’t your thing, there are still valuable life lessons that are subconsciously drilled into you subconsciously, such as respect, speaking correctly and in the correct tone and communication in general.
Thank you, Jackson, for sharing your story. We wish you all the best and continued success with your multiple businesses.