While the basics such as Reading, Writing and Numeracy will always be important, today’s students require a wide range of abilities to succeed after school.
As a result, Haileybury has developed ground-breaking ‘mini-courses’ designed to improve their employability by enhancing their ATAR with real-life skills.
The achievement certificates, known as microcredentials, are already enhancing the credentials of our students, boosting their CVs, and enabling them to showcase the unique opportunities they engaged with at school.
Haileybury’s Microcredential Program provides students with strategically designed digital badges linked to their skills, competencies, and achievements.
Known as HYCreds, the ‘mini-qualifications’ were developed in 2019 and piloted in the School’s Curious Minds extra-curricular and academic extension programs. They cover STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) and LEAP (Literature, Entrepreneurship, Arts, Politics) skills.
Digital Badges Boost Credentials
A range of learning pods act as mini academies that reflect skills or themes such as Digital Disruptors, Be the Change, Acting Up and Haileybury in Flight.
Among other things, senior students can choose from the SHINE Space Program, STEM Committee, The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award, Shine Cambodia, DAV Debating, Esports, Mooting, Global Issues, MasterMinds, UN Voice of Youth and Neuroscience Club.
The digital badges are created using ‘credentialling’ platform Badgr Australia and their digital image links to evidence of work completed and standards reached.
Teachers can also complete courses such as Agile Learning Design. So far, Haileybury has created 61 badges and awarded/issued 73. It is expected that more than 70 badges will be created.

Meeting the Future Needs of Industry
Our research-based program is geared towards future industry needs that will see more employment based on ‘sub-skills’. Students can include microcredentials in their CV and share the badges on social media and LinkedIn.
Haileybury’s Head of Curious Minds Ms Jacqui Gough says microcredentials will further evolve this year with more Junior School programs that help students develop skills such as personality, attitude, flexibility, motivation, and manners.
“The students who have been awarded badges have been very excited; they see the value in working to attain such an achievement,” Ms Gough says.
Allowing Students to Flourish
Microcredentials will grow in importance as workplaces evolve and Haileybury is helping to lead the way in schools.
Collectively, we are working towards a future in which students graduate with an ATAR and microcredentials representing a range of knowledge, skills, and competencies, all of which will be needed for them to flourish in a changing world.
These practical and life-enhancing credentials will increase students’ collective ability to learn, adapt, and innovate.

Haileybury Leads the Way
Microcredentials are recognised by the Federal Government as important and tie in well with HaileyburyX, which delivers innovative online courses to students globally.
Haileybury CEO|Principal Mr Derek Scott says the new system recognises how important multiple skills and qualifications are and will be in pathways to successful careers.
“Haileybury is leading the way with microcredentials and developing a range of digital badges that reflect the diverse skills that our students can and do learn at school,” he says.
“These skills may be technical, such as robotics, but they may also other skills such as communication through debating.”
Learn more about our microcredentials here. https://medium.com/haileyburyx...