Campus News
I would like to congratulate our Year 12s who have prevailed in such difficult circumstances this year. We have been so impressed by their resilience and flexibility and we are very, very proud of them.
A great day was had by all on Friday, 15 October when we had food trucks and speeches from our Captains to end the cohort’s classes at school. We all wish them the very best for their Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) examinations that have commenced.
A degree of encouragement from parents is always useful in helping students prepare for examinations; however, it is important to balance this with the message that we will support them if things do not go as planned. If you have any concerns about your son or daughter either pre- or post-examination, please contact their relevant Head of House to discuss the range of supports that Haileybury can offer.
Meet Our 2022 School Leaders
The Year 12 Leaders for the 2022 school year were announced last Friday. The process used to elect our School Leaders is a democratic one that sees students and staff voting for those students they believe to be most worthy to lead Haileybury.
I am constantly amazed at just how seriously our students take this power to vote and am equally impressed that they make such good choices year in, year out. I know that Ms Helen Wadden (Head of Senior Girls) and Mr Graham Leys (Head of Senior Boys) are particularly pleased with the group of School Captains, Senior Prefects, House Captains, Prefects and House Vice Captains elected to these positions for 2022.
We cannot wait to begin working with this team of student leaders to make next year exceptional. I have listed those students elected to School Captain, School Vice Captain and School Sport Captain.
2022 Haileybury Student Leadership Team
Haileybury College
School Captain
Angus Angelatos
Vice Captain
Gerry Angelatos
Vice Captain
Anirudh Kathirvel
Sport Captain
Jakob Anderson
Haileybury Girls College
School Captain
Victoria Paitaridis
Vice Captain
Winifereti Vudiniabola
Vice Captain
Zara Scammell
Sport Captain
Josie Lawton
Angus Angelatos Haileybury College School Captain and Victoria Paitaridis Haileybury Girls College School Captain.
Canteen Fundraiser for Canteen
Melissa Nguyen (Year 9) is running a cancer awareness fundraiser on National Bandana Day for a charity called Canteen. The charity supports young people impacted by cancer. Mel is dealing with this in her own family and has chosen to share her story with our students and the Middle School while raising money for Canteen.
Pre-Senior Return to Campus
Grand Finals galore was the order of the day for the Pre-Senior Keysborough students. Throughout lockdown many challenges were completed and so our first day back was the perfect opportunity to compete in the Grand Finals.
Students competed in our Grand Final Kahoot Challenge—well Done 9.2 and 9B—and a range of Grand Final Tutor Challenges from Push-Ups to Paper Planes to Card Houses! Winners were grinners for our Retro Tuesday held online, with prizes for Retro Dress Ups, Retro Toasties and Retro Computer Games.
The sunshine was on our side as students spent the afternoon playing sport and enjoying some friendly banter and laughs. Nothing replaces the chatter around Pre-Senior and it is pure joy to see the students reconnect.
It was with much excitement that the Pre-Senior Berwick students returned to school on Tuesday, 26 October. A fun day was had at the Berwick campus reconnecting with peers, all while getting prepared for the long-awaited upcoming Options and Expeditions.
A morning tea was organised by the SRC and was an opportunity for Mr Peter Ford, Head of Senior School (Berwick), to welcome the group back to school. Both the girls and boys Pre-Senior groups joined forces in periods 7 and 8 and participated in a volleyball round-robin. A great deal of fun was had by all and the sun shining made for a perfect return.
Our Pre-Senior City students started the day with hot jam doughnuts fresh from Queen Victoria Market followed by preparation sessions for Options and Expeditions. We then tested our creative skills, stitching felt Christmas decorations for the City Christmas Tree—it’s never too early for Christmas.
The weather was spectacular for our Level 10 Pizza Lunch. We then had a relaxing afternoon of board games, movies and basketball at the Inside Out courts. The Pre-Seniors were ecstatic to finally see all their peers face-to-face and it was lovely to hear the upper floors of City abuzz with students once again.
Our Pre-Senior Brighton students spent the day celebrating their return to campus by participating in a scavenger hunt and Ultimate Frisbee challenge.

Well Done, Charlie
Congratulations to Charlie Bamford (Year 10) on completing the Bronze level Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. The award gave Charlie something rewarding to focus on during lockdowns and saw him take part in sport and community service activities and learn a new skill. The highlight of the award was undoubtedly the Eildon expedition, which was hard but very rewarding. Charlie encourages everyone to complete the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.
Pam Chamberlain
Senior Vice-Principal (Student Welfare) and Head of Senior Schools