Campus News
I hope that the time away from classes has been an opportunity for our students to get some well-earned rest and to spend some time on examination preparation.
Revision sessions have been running online throughout the holidays and were planned to cater for individual students’ needs to revise and have some time away from screens.
For our Year 12 students, the last few days of school are often filled with mixed emotions. The feelings of excitement at beginning life away from school have to be contained by a strong commitment to finishing the year well and preparing for examinations.
All staff have only positive things to say about the way our Year 12s have persevered during the past two years. They have earned the admiration of all who have worked with them.
My best wishes to you all and sincere thanks for your support during these challenging times.
Oral Berthe Mouchette Competition
Congratulations to the following students who recently competed in the Oral Berthe Mouchette Competition run by the Alliance Française.
First Prize—Oral Exam Year 11—Arnav Chauhan (Year 11, Keysborough)

Special mention from the assessors—Marina Malak (Year 11, Berwick) and Victoria Paitaridis (Year 11, Keysborough)
The French team are over the moon.
Campion Booklists
Campion Booklists are now open to review and purchase through myHaileybury. Booklists for students in Years 9 to 12 are due in by Wednesday, 27 October if Term 1A delivery is required. Orders can be made after this date, however, delivery will be made after the commencement of Term 1A.
Duke of Edinburgh
Congratulations to Tiffany Smith (Year 12, Keysborough) and Chiara Maiorino (Year 12, Berwick) who have completed the Gold Level of the Duke of Edinburgh’s (DoE) Award.
Tiffany and Chiara have been challenged in completing the award during the COVID-19 pandemic and they have progressively worked through each element. Completing the award is a big achievement for both of them. Tiffany was also our 2021 DoE Ambassador and has clearly led by example!
VCE Trial Exams—City Campus
It was great to see so many students doing VCE trial exams at our City campus.

Pam Chamberlain
Senior Vice-Principal (Student Welfare) and Head of Senior Schools