Campus News
Great start to Term 1A
I would like to thank all Haileybury staff and students for the way they began the 2024 academic year. Term 1A is a chance for students to begin their 2024 studies early and to become comfortable in their new classes before heading off for an extended summer break.
It takes an enormous amount of organisation and effort to ensure a new school year is ready to go in November of the previous year; however, Haileybury believes that getting a head start on the new year is of great benefit to our students, particularly those studying VCE Units 3 and 4.
As the academic year concludes I would like to say a sincere thank you to you all for your ongoing support of Haileybury.
My best wishes for a safe and happy time away from the usual school routine.
Another successful Speech Night
Many Haileybury students and families gathered on the evening of Tuesday, 5 December to celebrate another successful year at Haileybury. The night also featured prize giving for our very best sportspeople, performers and academics. The quality of the musical performances on the night was outstanding, bearing testament to the strength of Haileybury’s Performing Arts program.
2024 Senior School Sport expectations
The sport program at Haileybury is an integral component in developing the well-rounded Haileyburian. Team success is dependent on all students attending Tuesday training and Saturday competition. As such, all students are expected to train on Tuesday afternoons during sport time.
It is a condition of enrolment in the Senior School that all students participate in compulsory Saturday competition. Should there be a valid and genuine reason for being unavailable, then notification (as with all absences) must be verified by a parent and is expected to be received well in advance.
On the very rare occasion that a student becomes ill on a Friday night or Saturday morning, parents need to communicate this message to their child’s coach via email and follow up with a medical certificate emailed to the relevant Head of Sport. Coaches’ emails are available at the top of your child’s team sheet. Please do not use the myHaileybury app to record Saturday Sport absences.
Students who are not fulfilling their sporting obligation due to unapproved absences will be followed up by the Heads of Sport and Head of Senior School.
To reiterate our school policy, should your child need to leave school for an appointment and miss Tuesday sport training, a medical certificate will need to be emailed to the Heads of Boys and Girls Sport the following day. Haileybury asks that students and parents avoid making appointments on Tuesday afternoons during sport training.
Parents of students who are at school and unable to train must contact the school (prior to training commencing) explaining the circumstances.
The Haileybury Sports Department values your support of the programs that run on Tuesday afternoons and on Saturday mornings.
Duke of Edinburgh
Congratulations to Mila (Year 12) on completing her Gold Level Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.

Alliance Française Awards
Congratulations to students Lucy (Year 11) and Pranav (Year 12) who shone at the recent prestigious Alliance Française awards ceremony!
In this, the 129th edition, Lucy secured 2nd place in the oral competition for Year 11, while Pranav clinched 3rd prize in the written competition for Year 12.
Old Haileyburian Arnav Chauhan (OH 2022) had the honour of announcing the prizes this year. Arnav took away the Top Prize in 2022 and enjoyed being part of such an esteemed event and awarding fellow Haileybury students.
The Alliance Française Berthe Mouchette Competition provides a distinctive and unforgettable experience for participants studying French language and culture in Australia.
Within Victoria, the Alliance Française competition plays a pivotal role in advancing the cause of Francophone language and culture, aligning with the core mission of the Alliance. Over 16,000 candidates take part in this competition annually between May and November, which stands as a testament to the enduring significance of the French language.

2024 Exchange Program to Haileybury Rendall School
I am writing to inform you of a unique opportunity for two of Haileybury’s Year 10, 2024 students to exchange to Haileybury Rendall School (HRS) in Darwin for one term (Term 3, 2024).
The opportunity will allow up to one boy and one girl from our 2024 Year 10 cohort to live in the HRS Boarding House in Darwin and attend classes as a Year 10 HRS student. The Haileybury Melbourne School fees will apply to the placement at HRS, covering the cost of boarding and meals. Flights and additional living expenses will be paid by the successful applicant.
The exchange will allow our students to experience education within a similar curriculum and subject choice, but importantly, will provide an opportunity to be involved and develop cultural understandings and leadership in areas such as sport, music and performing arts.
The final selection for this unique experience will be a letter of application and an interview process.
Further information about this opportunity will be published next year. We also look forward to offering students from HRS a reverse exchange.
Dr Nicholas Grigsby
Deputy Principal
Head of Senior Schools