Campus News
What Matters?
Congratulations Jacqueline (Year 12 City) who has recently won the Whitlam Institute’s What Matters? National Writing Competition. Inspired by Gough Whitlam’s commitment to involving young people in shaping Australia’s future, the What Matters? competition is open to students in Years 5 to 12 from across the country.
Responding to the simple question ‘what matters?’, students are free to express their views on any matter that they care about. What Matters? is an opportunity to empower students to raise their voices on issues that are important to them and to know that their perspectives are valuable regardless of age, background or viewpoint.
Congratulations to Jacqueline for their winning entry.

Alliance Francaise Berthe Mouchette Competition
Congratulations to Lucy (Year 12) who received 2nd prize for the speaking competition that is part of the prestigious Alliance Francaise Berthe Mouchette Competition in Victoria.
Lucy will be presented with her award in November.
Brighton Pre-Senior visit to ELC
Our Year 9s are now in the midst of their experiential learning program, on options or expeditions. However, before they left, a group of Year 9 girls visited Castlefield’s ELC. Our youngest Haileyburians were very excited to see the older students but the Year 9s were even more excited and enjoyed playing with the children.
Thanks to our Castlefield Head of Campus, Katrina Manson, Head of ELC, Meagan Veale, and her fabulous team for welcoming the Year 9s.
The year 9 students who took part in the ELC visit were: Eliza, Zara, Lauren, Eliza, Aliana, Ava, Matilda, Kaitlyn, Tamara, Evie, Anneliese, Kalina, Darcy, Emily and Jazz.

A thought-provoking visit: Justice Lex Lasry’s Presentation on the Australian Referendum
The referendum on Saturday, 14 October will determine whether the Constitution should recognise the First Peoples of Australia through the establishment of an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice.
For many, this will be the first time we participate in such a crucial referendum. With a significant portion of Haileybury’s Year 12 cohort now eligible to cast their votes, we recognised the need to provide a solid foundation of facts to help guide choices and navigate any misleading information and bias on social media platforms.
Selecting the right individual to provide us with an educated yet unbiased perspective on the Voice was not an easy task. We aimed not to persuade, but to inform. We were fortunate that Old Haileyburian, Honourable Justice Lex Lasry (OH 1966), accepted our invitation to join us in Aikman Hall on Tuesday, 3 October for a presentation and panel discussion.
During his visit, Honourable Justice Lasry provided a comprehensive presentation that shed light on the legislative relevance of the Voice and the potential judicial ramifications of both possible outcomes of the referendum. His expertise and impartiality brought a deeper understanding of the subject matter.
Following the presentation, there was a dynamic Q&A session. Questions were designed to cover all aspects of the topic, enabling students to approach this referendum with the necessary tools to make an informed choice. Issues such as how to avoid misinformation and what are credible sources for information were discussed.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Justice Lasry for revisiting his AlmaMater. His presence and expertise have equipped the next generation of Haileyburians with the knowledge and perspective required to step into the polling booths and make an impartial, informed decision on referendum day.
As we approach this momentous event in our nation’s history, we encourage each member of our community to exercise their right to vote thoughtfully and responsibly.
Summer uniform time
Finally, summer uniform may be worn in Terms 4, 1A and 2. Year 12s are required to wear full winter uniform for graduation.
Dr Nicholas Grigsby
Deputy Principal
Head of Senior Schools