Campus News
Completing the Long Walk
On Saturday, 20 May, APS Captains joined in solidarity by attending the Long Walk from Alexandra Gardens to the MCG. The collaboration of school leaders came about from the APS Captains meeting at Carey Grammar where we discussed topics, including reconciliation.
The walk was a joyous occasion for all with myself and Haileybury Girls College Captain Neeraja Ahielan (Year 12) attending, as well as student leaders throughout Haileybury. Despite the frosty Melbourne weather, the turnout from all APS schools was wonderful and we were privileged to show our support on such an important occasion and to get to know each other better as leaders.
This was the first time the APS captains have united for this event and it is hoped it will continue for years to come. A big thank you to Carey Captains, Charlie Connell-Tobin and Greta Wansborough, for their effort in organising the APS participation. It was a fabulous event.
Written by Sam Shinsky, Haileybury College Captain
Dance and Aerobics display night
On Tuesday, 23 May, approximately 220 Haileybury students from Years 5–12 and from all Melbourne-based campuses performed their Dance and Aerobics routines to a sell-out crowd at the Drum Theatre in Dandenong.
This was the only opportunity for an audience to see our Dance and Aerobics competitors on the one night at the one venue as competitions are usually held on different days. The night is a wonderful chance to see the progression students make from starting out in Year 5 to the amazingly technical routines of our Senior School students.
It was very evident from the rousing applause at the end of the night that the audience and students had a wonderful evening. As one of the VIP guests said, it’s their ‘favourite event of the year’.

Thinking about subject selection
Years 9, 10 and 11 students will begin the subject selection process this term. The Information Evening for our Pre-Seniors was held on Tuesday, 2 May and a copy of the recording can be found on myHaileybury.
The Subject Expo was held on Tuesday, 23 May and gave students and parents access to material that will enable good subject choices.
It may also help to visit the VTAC website (the central admissions centre for most undergraduate university and TAFE courses) and the VCAA website (the body that sets guidelines for what Prep to Year 12 students learn in Victorian schools).
If needed, you can also make an appointment with one of our career advisers for yourself and your child. Your child’s Head of House or Head of Pre-Senior can help you do this.
Senior School sport expectations
The sport program at Haileybury is integral in developing the well-rounded Haileyburian. Team success is dependent on all students attending Tuesday training and Saturday competition. As such, all students are expected to train on Tuesday afternoons during sport time.
Enrolment at Haileybury comes with the understanding that all students participate in compulsory Saturday competition. Should there be a valid and genuine reason for being unable to do so, the school must be notified (as with all absences) and verified by a parent with notification expected to be received well in advance.
On the very rare occasions that a student becomes ill on a Friday night or Saturday morning, parents need to communicate this to their child’s coach via email and follow up with a medical certificate, a copy of which should be emailed to the relevant Head of Sport. Coaches’ emails are available at the top of your child’s team sheet.
Likewise, our school policy for Tuesday sport training is the same. Should your child need to leave school for an appointment and miss Tuesday sport training, a medical certificate will need to be emailed to the relevant Head of Sport the following day. Haileybury asks that, where possible, students and parents avoid making appointments on Tuesday afternoons during sport training. Parents of students who are at school and unable to train must contact the School, prior to training commencing, and explain the circumstances.
The Haileybury Sports Department values your support of the programs that run on Tuesday afternoons and Saturday mornings.
Honouring Anzac Day
Dingley Park, Rotary Dawn Service

It was a great honour for me to represent Haileybury in front of the Keysborough community, honouring servicemen and women who fought and sacrificed for our country.
I have presented the Anzac Requiem at the dawn service — a speech that acknowledges all Australians who fought for their country with courage and honour.
Overall, the service was marked by its overwhelming sense of unity and pride, as the whole community came together to honour the fallen ones.
It was also great to see the arrival of many veterans. Through their sharing of experiences, the future generations are able to appreciate and cherish their sacrifices.
Written by Tony Xie (Year 12)
Lexington Gardens
Haileybury leaders enjoyed yet another wonderful Anzac Day at Lexington Gardens in Springvale.
The day started with a march led by a long-time resident, which was followed by the Australian National Anthem and a moving Last Post. Year 10 leader Felix Nott lowered the flag to half-mast in respect of fallen soldiers, with School Vice-Captain Grace Green and myself reciting the Anzac Requiem soon after. House Captain Kaaviya Yathavan (Year 12) and Prefect Jeslyn Wang (Year 12) also read ‘In Flanders Fields’ and the reply in a special moment for all in attendance. Felix concluded the service by laying wreaths, with residents paying tribute to lost loved ones.
After the beautiful service, a sausage sizzle and refreshments were organised by the village, allowing ourselves and the Head of Leadership, Eamonn Johnson, to spend quality time talking to the residents.
Our time spent at Lexington Gardens is always so brilliant. It was the third year in a row for Grace and I and we thank the village for inviting Haileybury back and look forward to future visits in years to come.
Written by Sam Shinsky, Haileybury College Captain

Dr Nicholas Grigsby
Deputy Principal
Head of Senior Schools