Pre-Senior Plant Palooza
The Pre-Senior Social Impact Ventures students have been busy preparing and implementing their social impact initiatives early this term. The elective course is designed to give students an immersive experience in organising and implementing an initiative that creates social change. In a bid to fulfil the class mission to empower the community to be more sustainable, Year 9 students Oliver, Jeremy and Sobash have held their ‘Plant Palooza’ today at Newlands.
This event was designed to teach the Year 5 students about the importance of green spaces, and the positive effect they can have on mental health and reducing carbon emissions. There was a buzz in the room, highlighting the younger students’ level of engagement and excitement about participating in the initiative. Other student led initiatives being implemented are power saving and recycling campaigns and a walk to school day. The Year 9 students are learning a lot about marketing, leadership, teamwork, project and event management, not to mention how they can create a positive impact in their community.

Apple Swift Student Challenge 2024
We are delighted to announce that Dinith (Year 11) has been selected as a winner of the Apple Swift Student Challenge 2024. As part of this prestigious recognition, he has been invited to attend the WWDC24 Special Event at Apple Park in June. This is an incredible opportunity for him to showcase his talents and immerse himself in the world of technology. We wish Dinith all the best.

Term 1 Hike: 9–12 April, Howqua, VIC
Reflection: Andi (Year 11) Silver DOE Award
Have you ever hiked through thorny trails, leech-infested jungle, wide river rapids, and up rocky mountains for four days? Because this is what nine of us Haileybury students (all of us completing our Duke of Edinburgh programs) faced during our Term 1 holidays. I could talk about how difficult it was to hike with hefty packs for thirteen hours on Day 2, or how toiling it was to sleep in the middle of a mountain when we lost our trail, but I’ll also talk about how all nine of us felt much more alive during those four days. Aided by the expertise of Ms Visick and our OEG instructor Gus, the trip was very much a learning experience as well as a physical challenge. We learned about map orientation, topography, and geographic features, yet we also learned how to push ourselves past our comfort zones. We made many great memories on the trip, from accidentally cooking curry that was too spicy to eat, to nursing our leech bites, as well as discussing our grand plans for our return back to civilisation. On the final day, we woke up at 5.00 am to make up for our early end to Day 3; as we travelled up steep dirt roads for our final stretch, I’ll never forget about how the cool white mist enshrouded us. Ultimately, this trip was not easy, nor was it always fun — but it was a trip where we became stronger. And the friends we made along the way helped.
The DOE award is offered to all students who are 14 years old or older. If you have any enquiries email Ms Visick or check out the award website.
Haileybury City New Exam Centre
With the completion of the first stage of the Level 9 redevelopment, Haileybury City recently held its Unit 1 and Year 10 exams in the new examination centre on that floor. This is the same venue which will hold the GAT on Tuesday, 18 June and will hold the end of year VCE examinations. It does, without doubt, have the best views of any examination centre.
Two new classrooms and a new Year 12 Common Space will follow shortly.
Exam Preparation
As the semester draws to a close, preparation is essential for math examinations, and binding notes is an essential part of this process. It involves more than just compiling papers; it involves organizing everything and creating a structured environment for learning.
Using Ms Nguyens incredible binding kit, we as a class have been able to create our bound notes, following all the requirements for the exam and like always, making them look extraordinary. It serves as a visual reminder of your dedication to giving it your all as well. Therefore, even though it can seem like a simple task, binding notes is crucial to being prepared to confidently tackle our Methods exam, especially when it comes to the end of a semester.
The preparation for exams gets more difficult by the minute, but being ensured of support from family and friends, teachers and those around you, allows for less stress to be formulated during this time and amazing exam results to follow. As Methods for Semester 1 comes to an end, it is important to acknowledge our hard work and efforts as we prepare for the beginning of Semester 2 later in the term.

Subject Selection
The subject selection process will begin in Term 2 for students in Years 9, 10 and 11.
We are delighted to announce the Senior School Subject Expo, live and in-person at Keysborough Senior School. The event will take place from 3.00 pm – 7.30 pm on Tuesday, 21 May in the Langford Pavilion and Music Annex.
From the wonders of Science to the enchanting realms of Literature, the intricacies of Mathematics to the vibrant tapestries of History and the Creative Arts — there are subjects for everyone, and we invite you to speak directly with educators to ensure every subject you select heeds your needs and passions.
It may be helpful to visit VTAC (the centralised admissions centre for most undergraduate university and TAFE courses) and the VCAA (the body that sets guidelines for what students from Prep to Year 12 learn in Victorian schools). Please remember that you can always make an appointment for yourself and your child with one of our Careers advisors to discuss these matters. Your child’s Head of House or relevant Head of Pre-Senior can help you to make these appointments.
Porsche Michelin Sprint Challenge Championship
Jake (Year 11) is making waves in the competitive world of motorsport, specifically in the Porsche Michelin Sprint Challenge championship. This championship, while lesser known than the Carrera Cup, is a crucial stepping-stone for up-and-coming drivers looking to establish themselves in the racing scene. Jake is part of a talented pool of 26 junior drivers from Australia and New Zealand who have shown their prowess in various smaller categories, such as karting, Formula cars and Toyota 86 racing. What sets this championship apart is the level playing field it offers; every driver competes in a controlled car where every part is identical, ensuring that success is solely based on skill and strategy.
In his recent race at Philip Island, Jake demonstrated his potential by finishing 6th in qualifying and an impressive 5th in race 3. These results are a testament to his hard work and dedication to his craft, and his team’s support. Jake’s aspirations extend beyond the Porsche Michelin Sprint Challenge championship. He has his sights set on the Carrera Cup and, ultimately, the prestigious Porsche Supercup in Europe. The Supercup is a highly coveted championship that attracts the best drivers from around the world and runs alongside Formula 1 events. Jake understands the challenges ahead and the fierce competition he faces, not just from his fellow junior drivers in Australia but also from the best drivers across the globe. However, with his talent, determination, and the support of his team, Jake is well on his way to achieving his dream of competing at the highest levels of motorsport.
Dr Nicholas Grigsby
Deputy Principal
Head of Senior Schools