International Women’s Day – Keysborough
Senior School marked the occasion of International Women’s Day this year with a number of special events.
On Tuesday, 5 March our whole school assembly was held in Aikman Hall and via Zoom. Our guest speaker, Zoe Condliffe spoke of how her own experiences of gender-based abuse led her to pioneering ‘Free to Be’, a digital mapping tool for young women to map street harassment, and then later to founding ‘She’s a Crowd’. This tech start-up company uses the power of storytelling to address the data gap in gender-based violence. Staff and students alike were captivated and inspired by Zoe’s story and the powerful message of sharing stories to create change. Captain of Haileybury Girls College, Sanvi also addressed the audience with passionate articulations on the challenges that face the girls as young women growing up in a society still stiving for equality.
All Senior School students gathered for a BBQ, bake sale and Quad Party in the Keysborough Senior School Quad on Thursday, 7 March with all proceeds going towards the Malala Fund; a charity that invests in Education for Girls worldwide.
Finally, Keysborough Senior School students, parents and staff gathered in the Quad for a special International Women’s Day breakfast. School Vice-Captains Tilly and Emma spoke of the history and importance of International Women’s Day and the issue of education inequality for girls respectively. Both students spoke with passion and a determination to see continued progress towards gender equality. We also heard from Year 11 student Nia Suri, who spoke of the most inspirational woman in her life — her mother. This was a heartwarming speech outlining the impact Nia’s mother has had on her and the life lessons she has learnt as a result. It was a lovely morning of celebration and community.
International Women’s Day – Berwick
The Senior girls at Berwick celebrated International Women’s Day with a variety of activities throughout the week. The girls decorated the senior school building with purple, green and white; created a physical word cloud filled with the names of inspiring women; and held a very special picnic. As part of the celebrations, Old Haileyburian (2017) Michelle spoke to the girls about her journey as a young woman navigating both the academic and creative space.
International Women’s Day – Brighton Campus
On Friday, 8 March the Brighton Senior School and Castlefield Middle School community united in a vibrant celebration of International Women’s Day. The morning began with breakfast and was followed by incredible music and inspiring speeches from members of Haileybury Girls College.
The 2024 campaign theme, ‘Inspire Inclusion’ resonated deeply with our diverse audience. Over 400 attendees, including brothers, fathers, staff and members of Haileybury College, joined the girls and women of our community. Together, we explored what it means to create a world where everyone’s unique contributions are valued and celebrated.
Tilly (Year 8) and Kayla (Year 11) took the stage to deliver heartfelt speeches emphasising the need for a gender equal world; one free from bias, stereotypes and discrimination. Both girls shared their own aspirations and heartfelt personal stories.
This was followed with outstanding musical performances by Olivia (Year 7) and Cameron (Year 3). Olivia delivered a joyful rendition of Pink’s ‘Cover Me in Sunshine’ while Cameron’s passionate performance of Sarah Bareilles’ ‘Brave’ was a superb finish to the morning’s event.
Thanks to all who attended this community event to celebrate and reinforce the importance of unity, empowerment, and progress.
The morning was a wonderful celebration and a worthwhile chance to connect with all members of our community.
2023 Youth Leadership Award by the Maribyrnong City Council
Ihaab , currently a Year 10 student at the City Campus and representing King House, has been making waves in his community as a dynamic leader committed to combatting racism and fostering cultural diversity. His dedication and efforts have recently been recognized as he was awarded the 2023 Youth Leadership Award by the Maribyrnong City Council.

Ihaab’s passion for promoting inclusivity and understanding among diverse communities is evident in his initiatives. One of his notable contributions is the organization of Cultural Gala Day, a vibrant event that celebrates the richness of different cultures of Melbourne’s West. Through this event, Ihaab has created a platform for people to come together, share their traditions, and appreciate each other’s heritage.
Additionally, Ihaab has been instrumental in implementing racism workshops in local schools, aiming to educate students about the harmful effects of discrimination and prejudice. By raising awareness and fostering dialogue, he hopes to create a more empathetic and tolerant society.
Ihaab’s dedication to his cause has earned him the admiration and respect of his peers and mentors alike. His leadership exemplifies the values of compassion, empathy and inclusivity, making him a true role model for his community. As King House celebrates Ihaab as their Legend of the Week, they reflect proudly on his achievements and look forward to the positive impact he will continue to make in the future.
Valentines Day Quad Party
“Music, desserts and speed dating excitement filled the Valentines Day quad party on Thursday, 15 February. As a group, we laughed while we organised the dedications and chocolates that would be handed to students the following day. Dedications were purchased to make friends’ days and all proceeds were given to charity..” Dareen (Year 12)

Berwick Senior School Staff and Student Dodgeball
At lunchtime on Friday, 23 February the 2024 Berwick Senior School Staff and Student Dodgeball competition took place. Despite spirited opposition from the staff team the students reigned supreme over a series of games to take home the shield for the third successive year. This was a fun way to finish Week 4 and certainly put a ‘smile on the dial’ of all the participants and the large group of spectators.

Welcoming Back the ‘Class of 2023’
The Brighton Year 12 cohort and staff came together to welcome back the ‘Class of 2023’ earlier this term with the occasion marked by a BBQ lunch and gathering.
Our graduates, now embarking on new adventures beyond Haileybury, shared their exciting pathways with us as well as some sound advice for the current Year 12 cohort.
Maintaining connections with our Old Haileyburians is tradition that allows our graduates to return and share learnings from their schooling and exam experiences to our current cohort and to celebrate their achievements with past teachers.
We wish our ‘Class of 2023’ all the best for their futures.

Term 2 Commencement
In Term 2 students wear Winter Uniform; however, we will have two weeks at the beginning of the term when students may continue to wear summer uniform if they choose. Term 2 classes resume on Tuesday, 16 April.
Dr Nicholas Grigsby
Deputy Principal
Head of Senior Schools