Campus News
Founders Day Assembly
Our 2023 Founders Day Assembly was a great way to enable current Haileyburians to reflect on how the School has become the large and diverse institution it is today. The assembly featured our School Captains and Vice Captains who shared information about the different generations of Haileybury founders and how they have contributed to the School’s growth.
Our recipient of the OHA Medal was David Gruen (OHA 1971). If you would like more information on Mr Gruen or the many other activities of the Old Haileyburian’s Association, please go to the OHA website.
Haileybury Rendall student leaders visit
It was wonderful to welcome the Year 12 student leaders from our Haileybury Rendall campus. They were accompanied by their Head of Senior School, Wendy Pickering-Tyers.
The 13 students began their visit at the City campus and then travelled to our Berwick or Keysborough campuses to meet their peers. They joined in academic classes, attended the Founders’ Day Assembly and participated in sports training.
They also met with CEO|Principal, Derek Scott, to discuss their ideas on how to build further connections between the campuses.
It was a short but fruitful stay with meaningful connections made between the students from the different campuses and these will hopefully continue throughout their final year.
A huge thank you to all those families who welcomed the HRS students into their homes during their stay in Melbourne.
Nihon University High School visit
For over 25 years we have partnered with our sister school in Japan, Nihon University High School. This partnership sees our VCE Japanese students travel to Sapporo to participate in an intensive study excursion and a group of Nihon University High School students come to us.
This week, we welcomed 84 Japanese students of whom 30 are staying with Haileybury students and their families to experience life in an Australian school and homestay. They have attended classes with their homestay brothers and sisters and will attend School sport tomorrow to experience the Australian APS competition across different sports.
We are thrilled to welcome our Japanese students back to Haileybury and look forward to continuing this strong relationship.
Parent-Teacher Interviews
A reminder that Parent–Teacher Interviews will be held via Zoom on Tuesday, 7 March. Online bookings are open. To book your interview, please access via our myHaileybury app.
If you require any assistance with myHaileybury, please contact via email Service Central or call 03 9904 6060.
School photos
School photos will be taken on Tuesday, 21 and Wednesday, 22 February. Details have been sent to families via the myHaileybury app.
Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
Introducing the 2023 Duke of Edinburgh Ambassadors:
Kausalya Gautaman (Year 12) is currently completing the Gold level DOE Award and attended the Tasmania Overland hike at the end of 2022. Based at the City campus, Kausalya will be of great assistance to other DOE participants.

Charlie Bamford (Year 12) has completed many Levels of the Compass Award while at Newlands. He has also completed Bronze and Silver and is now working on completing his Gold level DOE award. Charlie also attended the end of year 2022 Tasmania Overland hike.

What a team! These wonderful leaders support and guide all Duke of Edinburgh’s Award participants on their Award journey. Look out for them at assembly announcements where they will advertise up and coming trips and they will also help any DOE participants in the Senior School Library on Thursday every even week of term from 1.30 pm – 2.00 pm.
For any further information about the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, please contact:
Tamsin Visick
Coordinator, Compass & Duke of Ed Program; Assistant Pre-Senior Options & Exp
Phone: +61 3 9904 6734
Top Class Dance 2023
Top Class is part of the VCE Season of Excellence managed by Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority. The Season showcases work produced by outstanding VCE students who completed performing or visual arts, technology, design, or research studies in 2022. Events are presented at Melbourne’s major cultural venues, alongside associated education programs.
Congratulations to Michaela Davidson (Year 12) who will be performing her VCE Skills on Tuesday, 7 March at Concert 1 at 10.00 am.
Tickets are now available via the Melbourne Recital Centre. A full list of performers appearing across the Dance programs is available via the Season of Excellence website.
Theo Georgakopoulos
Acting Head of Haileybury Senior Schools