Campus News
The challenge of going without for 24 hours
The 24-Hour Challenge led by Head of House, Natasha Eshuis, was a huge success with students raising over $2,300 for World Vision. There were some truly creative choices for the challenge including going 24 hours without using furniture and posting 24 hours of fun facts. Of course, there was also the classic 24 hours without social media which is always tougher than we think it will be!
At Assembly, students heard from a representative from World Vision about the work the organisation does and the impact of poverty around the world. Students also received a personal thank you from World Vision for their fundraising efforts.
Congratulations to Ms Eshuis, our Pangea tutors and all students who contributed to this fantastic initiative.

Social Impact Ventures Bootcamp
In Week 9 of Term 3, Year 9 students participated in a bespoke Horizons Program featuring the Social Impact Ventures Bootcamp. Designed and led by Damien Meunier, the program led students through a week-long intensive process to develop an idea for a Social Impact Venture which addresses one of the UN Global Goals.
Students employed a design thinking framework and developed their project management skills as they worked through the process. The week culminated in a pitch of their ideas on the last day of Term 3.
We thank Mr Meunier and the many staff who contributed to this program and congratulate our Year 9 students on their excellent work throughout the week.

Joanna Baker
Head of Campus