Campus News
STEM Week celebrations
We had a brilliant week celebrating all things Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics — with the centrepiece being a fantastic STEM Week Assembly led by Dayna Schinz, Haileybury’s first girls School Captain who is a Science and Education graduate of Monash University.
Students heard from Haileybury’s STEM Captains, learnt about the potential of AI with Michelle Dennis, and participated in a construction challenge using spaghetti and marshmallows. Congratulations to Tiarni (Year 9) and Jeehoon (Year 7) for taking out this challenge!
We thank Damien Meunier and all our brilliant STEM teachers at Haileybury for an engaging week.

The 24-Hour Challenge
Haileybury Pangea’s Head of House, Natasha Eshuis, launched an exciting new initiative for all students and staff to get involved: the 24-Hour Challenge. Linking with World Vision to raise funds and awareness for global hunger and famine, participants pledged to ‘go without’ something for 24 hours — this could be social media (a popular choice), coffee, Netflix, even furniture! Students also learned about the extent and impact of famine across different parts of the world through a guest presentation from World Vision.
We congratulate all students and staff who took part or contributed to fundraising efforts, and we thank Natasha Eshuis for organising this fantastic opportunity.

Joanna Baker
Head of Campus