Curious Minds
It has been wonderful to see students taking up a range of opportunities to connect with each other and pursue their interests through Haileybury’s Curious Minds program this year.
Offerings available to students in Haileybury Pangea include Model United Nations, Debating, Mini-Masterchefs, Duke of Edinburgh’s award, $20 Boss and Digitech Explorers. Students also have the opportunity throughout the year to participate in competitions such as the Science Talent Search, and celebrations such as the upcoming LEAP Week.
We thank Haileybury’s Head of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Damien Meunier and Pangea’s Curious Minds Coordinator Alysia Degorski, along with the many teachers and staff involved, for making these opportunities available to Haileybury Pangea students.

Semester Examinations
Students in Years 7–11 recently undertook end of semester examinations for select courses, with all examinations taking place online using Haileybury Pangea’s online assessment protocols.
Semester examinations are an important component of academic courses, allowing students to demonstrate their understanding while building skills and strategies for examinations, which become increasingly important as students progress through the VCE.
We extend our appreciation to teachers, Heads of Department, Digital Learning Leader Geoff Orton, the IT team and examination supervisors for their support of students throughout this period.
Students in Years 8–12 will commence the Semester 2 timetable on Monday 20 May.
Joanna Baker
Head of Campus