OHA Council nominations are open!
To express your interest in joining the OHA Council, please click here.
All submissions are due by no later than 5.00 pm on Thursday, 15 June 2023. All nominees must be aware of their nomination and be willing and able to step into the role. A list of current OHA Councillors is available on the OHA website.
The Annual General Meeting of the Old Haileyburians’ Association will be held at 7.00 pm on Tuesday, 20 June 2023 via Zoom, or in person at the Keysborough Campus. You can register your attendance online here or, if you wish to attend in person, please email us.
Are you interested in joining OHA Council but wish to be provided with more information? Submit your expression of interest ASAP via email and Russell Davidson, Director of Development & Alumni Relations, will contact you. Alternatively, please contact the office on +61 3 9904 6615.

Outstanding Young Alumni Award nominations
The Outstanding Young Alumni Awards are presented to recipients each year across five different fields of expertise — Arts, Business, Sport, STEM and Community. Nominations for this year are now open.
Nominees must have graduated from Haileybury within the past 12 years and have made significant achievements in their field of endeavour locally, nationally or internationally. They should also exemplify the best attributes of youth in today’s world.
Nominees must also embody exceptional human values that are an inspiration to others and have rendered excellent and sustained service to the OHA or its alumni community.
Please submit your nomination via the OHA Website by Saturday, 15 July 2023.

Sursum Corda Society event
Membership of the Sursum Corda Society is by invitation only and it is for top-tier executives within the Old Haileyburians Association who wish to connect with like-minded professionals, the Haileybury Executive and the OHA Council. Members of the Haileybury Society were also warmly welcomed to the event this year.
This annual networking event was held on Thursday, 1 June at the Westin Hotel where members were delighted to hear from special guest speaker Craig Tiley, CEO of Tennis Australia and a current Haileybury parent.
Craig generously donated his time and discussed the bright future of the Australian Open and tennis in Australia while sharing some entertaining stories. Everyone who attended greatly appreciated Craig’s involvement in the evening, particularly as he was due to fly out of Australia early the next day to support the Australian players in the French Open!

Darwin Chapter Dinner
Russell Davidson, Director of Development and Alumni Relations, hosted a fantastic dinner at Admiralty House with the vibrant OHA Darwin Chapter and members of the Haileybury community residing in Darwin. The evening was thoroughly enjoyed by all.
More Chapter events are scheduled in September and October.

Boutique Industry Lunch with Fraser Main
A special thank you to Fraser Main (OH 1988) for his involvement in our first Boutique Industry Luncheon for 2023. Fraser is the Principal at WT Partnership and provided a terrific insight into his 30+ years in the property, construction and infrastructure sectors.
Attendees greatly appreciated Fraser’s words of wisdom and the opportunity to pose many questions. Stay tuned for more Boutique Industry events.

Upcoming Events
OHA Rugby morning tea and luncheon
Saturday, 17 June
OHA Axe Throwing
Friday, 14 July
OHA Generations Breakfast City campus
Thursday, 27 July
Friday, 18 August
Mornington Peninsula Luncheon
Sunday, 20 August
OHA Generations Breakfast Keysborough campus
Thursday, 24 August. Individual invitations to come.
Class of 1993 30-Year Reunion
Friday, 25 August
See all our events here.
Kylie Phillips
Development Office Operations Lead