The Class of 1984 40-Years on Reunion
Nearly 60 members of the Class of 1984 excitedly gathered in early February for their 40 Years-On Reunion at The Deck in Brighton. There was laughter, delicious food, and nostalgia as friends reminisced about the good old days. A massive shout-out to everyone involved for making it an unforgettable night! Thanks also to those members who attended and were honoured on stage at the Founders Day Assembly on Tuesday, 6 February.

Congratulations to our OHA Medal joint winners!
For the first time in the OHA’s history, Professor Rod Hicks AM and Mr John Gollings AM were declared joint winners of the prestigious OHA Medal at this year’s Founders Day Assembly. This is the OHA’s highest honour in recognition and appreciation of exceptional achievement to the community beyond expectation in their field of endeavour. Rod and John provided Senior School students with interesting and entertaining insights into their fascinating journeys. Please click here to find out more.

OHA events
We are delighted to release the 2024 OHA event schedule. Please see below for details.
Further information about all our events can be found on the OHA website.
Date | Event | |
Friday, 1 March
Class of 1979 - 45 Year Reunion
Thursday, 7 March
OHA Berwick Generations Breakfast
Individual email invitations have been circulated
Saturday, 20 April
Former 1st XVIII Footballers Event
Tuesday, 7 May
OHA Keysborough Generations Breakfast
Individual invitations to be emailed
Friday, 10 May
Class of 2014 - 10 Year Reunion
Thursday, 6 June
Sursum Corda Business Networking Event
Friday, 23 August
Class of 1994 - 30 Year Reunion
Friday, 4 October
Golf Day
Friday, 11 October
Class of 1989 - 35 Year Reunion
Friday, 18 October
Class of 2004 - 20 Year Reunion
Friday, 25 October
Class of 1974 - 50 Year Reunion
Friday, 25 October
Clark Club Luncheon
Friday, 8 November
Class of 1999 - 25 Year Reunion
Friday, 15 November
Class of 2019 - 5 Year Reunion
Friday, 22 November
Class of 2023 - 1 Year Reunion
OHA Rewards is launching very soon!
Introducing OHA Rewards — a new rewards program exclusively for OHA members. OHA Rewards is designed to reward OHA members via a cash back program — as well as support OHA member-owned businesses by driving traffic.
OHA members will be able to get cash back from their spend eating, drinking, shopping and being entertained at major retailers and hospitality venues. OHA Rewards is new and different, and only for OHA members.
If you are a business owner, we can drive OHA members to your business. Becoming an OHA Rewards merchant is quick, simple, and flexible to suit you. It is also free to join. Contact us today to find out more at
Stay connected
We love hearing what our OHA alumni are up to. Please submit your amazing stories here.
If you do not already, please follow the OHA on Facebook and Instagram. We also invite you to stay connected by subscribing to our monthly newsletter here.
We look forward to a fantastic 2024 as we continue our commitment to serve our alumni and the broader Haileybury community. Please note that the OHA Office is here for all members and we encourage you all to reach out if required via or contact me on 9904 6615
Kylie Phillips
Development Office Operations Lead