Campus News
Thank You for Everything
We are pleased to finally have all students back on campus again. Thank you to everyone for your cooperation, kindness and understanding during the staggered return to classes.
On a practical note, it has been some time since students’ medical details have been updated. As we return to campus, it is vital that all medical details are up-to-date, so families are requested to review and update their children’s information via Consent2Go.
As part of the medical details update, we will be asking for confirmation of vaccination status of our students aged 12 years and older. This is currently an optional field within the form, however, we strongly encourage families to provide this information in preparation for external events which may require confirmation of vaccination status.
Save the Date
Orientation Day will be held on Friday, 3 December. Details will be communicated via the myHaileybury app very soon.
1‐2‐3 Magic® and Emotion Coaching
Thank you to our families who have taken up the offer of two parenting programs during Term 4 from our team of psychologists. All places have now been filled. These programs 1‐2‐3 Magic® and Emotion Coaching (ELC to Year 6 ) and Engaging Adolescents (5 to 8) will be offered to parents in 2022.
Early Learning Centre
Helping the Pre-Prep Transition
Educators are working on the upcoming Transition Learning and Development Statements for Pre-Prep children. This document summarises children’s learning and development and highlights each child’s approaches to learning, abilities and interests. It also indicates how the child can be supported to continue learning as they enter their next year of schooling.
These documents are passed on to the children’s 2022 teacher to help them to get to know each child and plan appropriate learning and teaching programs. Parents will be invited to contribute as the information shared between parents, the ELC and School creates the best starting point for the next phase of a child’s learning journey.
An individual link will be provided to parents to access the Statement.
Medical Action Plans
We ask that all Reception children with medical conditions that require an Action Plan who are attending the ELC in 2022 have a recently updated Plan. Parents can upload the Plan onto Consent2Go so it is available to school nurses and educators.
Make a Bid on Some ELC Art
We would like to conclude our social justice fundraising efforts for Monash Children’s Centre with an auction of an art canvas or piece of art created collaboratively by the children. Each class has a different artwork to be auctioned. The artwork will be displayed at the entrances of the ELC and parents are invited to make a bid. The funds will be added to the total so far raised this year.
Junior School
A Warm Welcome Back
Junior School students have eased back into normal classroom routines. The focus switched to setting up their regular learning books instead of working from booklets and paying attention to handwriting again. They have thoroughly enjoyed seeing their friends and playing in the playground.
Meeting Some Furry Heroes
Middle School
Pitch Perfect

A team of four Year 8 Newlands Girls (Ellie Gianakis, Brooke Lew, Ruby Molnar
and Zoe Berends) are the Under 16s State Winners in the largest national youth entrepreneurship competition—First Pitch for Kids 2021 (
The girls were offered an opportunity to enter their Startup pitch into this competition late last term. Now they are through to the National Finals with a chance to win $2,000.
This is an amazing achievement and it wouldn’t have happened without great support and encouragement from their Startup teacher, Mr Ben Ashkanazi. Well done to the whole team and good luck for the Nationals!
Future Problem Solving
Some creative thinkers have reached the National Final of the Future Problem Solving competition, placing themselves in the top tier of the teams in their particular division. The following Newlands students attended the Final on 15 and 16 October.
Global Issues problem solving team:
Harrison Green, Tim Dang, Judy Bo, Vinay Raghavan (Year 8)
Global Issues Problem Solving (GIPS) individual entrant: Anay Ashwin (Year 6).
Scenario writers:
Anay Ashwin (Year 6 ) The Voice of Mars
Grace van Haaster (Year 8) Practice Makes Perfect.
Grace van Haaster won first place in the Scenario Writing competition and Anay Ashwin won first place in the Individual Global Issues Problem Solving competition. The International Competition is in 2022 at the University of Massachusetts, Boston. We wish them all the best.
Jane Gibbs
Head of Newlands (Keysborough)
Haileybury Parents & Friends Keysborough (HPFK)
HPFK Committee 2022
Our HPFK AGM was held on Thursday, 28 October and it is with pleasure that I announce the HPFK Committee for 2022.
Executive Committee Members
President—Lenice Norris
Vice President—Katrina King
Communication Officer—Linette Grossi
Financial Officer—Sada Memic
General Committee Members
Newlands Events Coordinator—Candace Huang
Senior School Events Coordinator—Alyson Peatman
We would also like to welcome Sada, Candace and Alyson and thank outgoing Financial Officer Gaye Davies. Gaye has been a treasured member of the HPFK Committee and has made a wonderful contribution to our community.
We are looking forward to 2022—it will be our best year yet!

HPFK Uniform Shop
The HPFK Uniform Shop opening hours are:
Friday, 12 November, 2021: 2.30 – 4.30 pm
Friday, 19 November, 2021: 2.30 – 4.30 pm
Friday, 26 November, 2021: 2.30 – 4.30 pm
Saturday, 27 November, 2021: 9.00 am – 12 noon
Friday, 3 December, 2021: 2.30 – 4.30 pm
Haileybury HPFK Social Media
We are finally on Instagram! Please search for haileybury_hpfk and follow us. Our first 100 members will be entered into a draw to win a bottle of Veuve Clicquot Champagne.
If you would like to connect with our Facebook community, please join our Facebook page by clicking on this link:
If you have any queries, or would like to contact the HPFK, please email
Lenice Norris
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends Keysborough