Campus News
Return to Campus
Starting this week, we are thrilled to have our students onsite for their scheduled days of onsite learning as we follow the roadmap outlined by the Premier of Victoria. It will be wonderful to have the School buzzing with staff and students, as it should be. We commend the whole Middle School community for their work while online.
Mary Poppins JR
The Newlands cast of Mary Poppins JR has been on a very different musical journey this year. With the continued uncertainty of COVID-19, the cast moved seamlessly to online weekly rehearsals and practising at home by themselves. They learned new songs, dialogue and choreography with the hope of performing on the Aikman Hall stage.
Unfortunately, that was not to be. Instead, in Term 3 they recorded themselves practising at home and with the magic of editing, we are able to present a montage of these recordings, with a special premiere viewing on Thursday, 21 October at 7:30 pm. You will receive your invitation via the myHaileybury app. So sit back, relax and enjoy.
Virtual Zoo Victoria
As we search for ways to engage our students during the extended lockdown period, students in ELC and Year 6 have been excited to visit Zoos Victoria. The organisation is currently offering free digital learning sessions for classrooms.
The ELC children explored sessions such as Nature Play the Wurundjeri Way and Wild Explorers: Australian Animals.
Students in Year 6 learned how animals adapt and evolve in their natural habitat and how to protect endangered species. Such programs are vital in keeping our students connected to the real world at this challenging time.
Early Learning Centre
Emu in the Sky
The Little Corella Reception class are investigating Space—specifically, the children are learning about the ‘Emu in the Sky’ and made their own star poster to help decorate their imaginary rocket ship play area.
The children learned about the Emu in the Sky as a part of their research into Aboriginal Astronomy. According to Aboriginal Dreaming, the emu used to fly and look after the land. It can be tricky to find but is located south of the Southern Cross and in the dark spaces between the stars.
The educators are guided in their discussions by the recently published picture book, Barraeemal Story. This story retells the Dreaming story and is told by N’Arweet Carolyn Briggs, of the Boonwurrung Foundation.

Dennis, Willow, Charlotte, Eva and Zarielle create the Emu in the Sky for their imaginary space play area
Celebrating Children’s Week 2021
Children’s Week is celebrated nationally from 23 to 31 October, 2021 and this year’s theme is based on Article 15 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. This states that ‘Children have the right to choose their own friends and safely connect with others’.
At the ELC, the children are actively encouraged to discuss the rights of children and their role as advocates and active citizens of the community in which they live. During Children’s Week, the children will participate in a Teddy Bears Picnic to celebrate their class community.
Junior School
Year 4 SEA Program
Next month, Year 4 students will participate in the Living and Growing Program. This age-appropriate program will be held within normal class time during three 60-minute sessions. It will be facilitated via Zoom by a presenter from Sex Education Australia (SEA).
Year 4 parents are welcome to attend an information evening webinar with a SEA presenter on Thursday, 28 October from 7.00 – 8.00 pm. The event will describe topics covered in the program and there will be opportunities for questions and discussion.

Joyful Junior School
The Junior School teachers and students have a daily focus on health and wellbeing. We are taking part in many exciting tasks such as cooking, yoga, meditation, positive storybooks, music and dancing! These fun tasks ensure we remain in a positive headspace by dedicating time each day to find joy.
Middle School
Master Chefs in Action
Lockdown has created windows of opportunity for the boys in Class 8.5 during their Thrive in Action weekly cooking classes. This began with Mr Mark Reed choosing and filming his recipes. The boys organised ingredients at the start of the week and then were coached by Mr Reed and Mr Dominco Scardamaglia with special guest commentary provided by expert chef Mr Mark Harrop.
The challenge was then put to the boys to nominate a class member to choose a recipe, film their creation and run the session each Friday. So far, we have had James Cosentino’s special family lasagne, Archer Harrop’s fettuccine carbonara and we are looking forward to Lenny Saville's mushroom risotto.
Helping with family meals and picking up new culinary skills has created budding chefs while emphasising the importance of healthy eating.

Maths Talent Quest
Congratulations to Lucas Fennessy, Julian Rowse, Cyrus Vasuthan, Om Gupta, Adithya Naron and Jayden Jeyaweerasingham on their project for the Maths Talent Quest Competition. This competition is a national competition where students are encouraged to investigate mathematical concepts and relate maths to everyday life.
The group decided to explore the concept of teleporting a piece of cake into your mouth! They explored quantum mechanics and probability in their project and produced a fantastic report on their research and investigation. Their project was selected to represent Victoria for year 8 at the National competition. This is an outstanding achievement, congratulations boys.
National Aerobics Win
Congratulations to Chelsea Armstrong (Year 7) for claiming second place in the National Schoolaerobics competition. Not only is this an outstanding accomplishment in its own right, Chelsea entered the competition remotely while in lockdown.
Well done, Chelsea! We are all very proud of you.
Jane Gibbs
Head of Newlands (Keysborough)
Haileybury Parents & Friends Keysborough (HPFK)
HPFK Term 4 Meeting—AGM
Please join us for the HPFK Term 4 Meeting on Thursday, 28 October at 7.00 pm. Communication regarding the Zoom meeting details will be sent in advance via myHaileybury.
HPFK @Socials
We are finally on Instagram! Please search for haileybury_hpfk and follow us. Our first 100 members will be entered into a draw to win a bottle of Veuve Clicquot Champagne.
If you would like to connect with our Facebook community, please join our Facebook page by clicking on this link:
If you have any queries, or would like to contact the HPFK, please email
Lenice Norris
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends Keysborough