Campus News
Year 4 Graduation
On Tuesday, 5 December, it was time for the Year 4 students at Newlands to mark a significant milestone as they officially graduate from Junior School and move into Middle School for 2024. This occasion provides a special opportunity for students, teachers and families to reflect on cherished memories created during their time in Junior School.
The graduation ceremony was a heart-warming experience. Attendees embarked on a visual journey and viewed a collection of photos that captured the essence of these formative years. Additionally, they had the chance to hear reflections from the students themselves.
One of the symbolic moments of the ceremony was when the Year 4 students walked over a bridge, symbolising their transition from Junior School to Middle School. On the other side of this bridge, they were warmly welcomed by Mathew Shill and Sandra Tiepermann who officially acknowledged their journey into the Boys and Girls Middle Schools.
To conclude this memorable morning, each student was presented with a graduation pin and a Graduation Bear — a keepsake to be signed by their teachers and peers.
Christmas toy appeal
Newlands families are invited to bring in toys or gift cards to support the Anglicare Victoria Christmas Toy Appeal. This can create a wonderful experience for a child, teenager or parent in need.
Please bring donated Christmas gifts to the Newlands office where they will be placed under the Christmas tree in the foyer. Please ensure gifts are new and are left unwrapped to allow parents a choice in what gifts their children receive. Please see the gift suggestion letter attached for ideas as we will not be collecting any food items.
Monetary donations are welcome and can be donated using the QR code on the attached poster.
Thank you for your support of this Social Justice initiative.

Early Learning Centre
Celebrating the year that was
Children have been provided rich and varied experiences throughout 2023 including the Adopt-A-Park project, Middle School ‘games visit’, meeting furry and scaly friends in the Animals of Oz incursion, Bollywood dancing — not to mention all our amazing families who have shared their knowledge and experience.
We thank families for their partnership with us and celebrate the rich and authentic learning that all children have experienced within the ELC.
As Learning Journals make their way home following our Celebration of Learning, we encourage families to revisit these beautiful memories as your child continues to progress in the years to come.
A reminder that the ELC will close on Tuesday, 19 December at 3.00 pm and reopens on Thursday, 4 January 2024.
ELC Art Auction
This year, the ELC children, families and educators raised money for Monash Children’s Hospital which is a continued Social Justice focus for our ELC each year.
The annual Art Auction was an absolute highlight with beautiful art canvasses created by each class that went home to successful bidders.
Newlands ELC raised over $2,300 to donate to this worthy cause.

Junior School
What a year in Junior School!
As the academic year draws to a close, I want to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude for the incredible year we have had together. It has been a joy and privilege to work with your children and to witness their growth, enthusiasm and dedication.
Our classes have been a dynamic and vibrant community, thanks in no small part to the support and involvement of our wonderful Newlands families. Your commitment to your child’s education and the broader school community has made a significant impact on the overall experience for everyone.
As we wrap up the year, I encourage you to take a moment to reflect on the achievements and milestones your child has reached. Each success is a testament to their hard work and your unwavering support. The memories created, friendships forged and lessons learned will undoubtedly shape their future endeavours.
To celebrate the culmination of this academic journey, each Junior School class will be organising unique activities and events to celebrate the end of the year, such as an End of Year Class Picnic. These moments of celebration mark the end of a chapter and the beginning of new opportunities and adventures.
Once again, thank you for entrusting us with the education and well-being of your children. It has been a truly remarkable year and I look forward to seeing the continued success and growth of each student in the years to come.
Kind regards
Paul Dooley
Head of Junior School – Newlands
Chesterfield Farm fun
Recently the Prep students headed off on an exciting excursion to Chesterfield Farm to learn all about Australian animals and life on a farm. This linked in with our Semester 2 Inquiry units.
The students were excited to see a live sheepdog demonstration and how milk is produced with a cow milking demonstration.
Middle School
National History Challenge
Congratulations to Mingda (Year 8) on winning two awards at the National History Challenge 2023 Awards Ceremony on Monday, 20 November.
Mingda participated in the Curious Minds National History Challenge during Terms 2 and 3 this year and selected a period of history he was interested in researching. He presented his findings in a historical essay and progressed to the State finals in September where he was interviewed by a panel of historians about his research.
Mingda was awarded the 2023 Victorian Young Historian Gold in the ‘Using Primary Sources’ category and he was also awarded the 2023 Victorian Young Historian Gold for Year 7.
We are very proud of his efforts and hope his passion for history continues.

Mark Harrop
Acting Head of Newlands (Keysborough)
Haileybury Parents & Friends Keysborough (HPFK)
Bandana Day donation
Amazingly, Newlands raised a total of $9,070 at the BBQ! Thank you to all the volunteers for their amazing efforts.

HPFK Facebook Page
Did you know that the HPFK has a Facebook page that posts all opening times, upcoming events and lots more! Please check it out here and keep up to date with all things HPFK.

Lenice Norris
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends Keysborough