Campus News
Newlands Art Show
Please join us at the Gadsden Pavilion on Wednesday, 8 November from 4.00 pm – 5.30 pm to view the artwork that students have created during the year. This will be a great time to celebrate all things creative!

On their best bee-haviour
Term 4 has been a busy time in the Newlands apiary. We have hosted incursions for the Middle School students from Newlands and Castlefield and welcomed a new group of students to our Newlands Hive program.
Students wore a bee suit, and we opened the hive, closely observed the frames and felt how heavy they were when they held a lot of honey. We also discussed how we can easily support bees by growing bee friendly plants such as lavender and rosemary.
The students enjoyed the incursions very much.

Solving a throwaway society
Two of our amazing Newlands students attended the National Final of the Future Problem Solving Program Australia at Brisbane Grammar School. Elsha (Year 8) and Anay (Year 8) were supported by their dedicated coach, Kirsten Owens, and the invitation to the National Final is a testament to the students’ dedication, creativity and exceptional problem-solving skills.
The topic for this year’s final was Throwaway Society and students prepared by reading and participating in thought-provoking discussions. Anay and Elsha have shown a remarkable ability to tackle real-world challenges and to envision innovative solutions for a better future. The finals gave them an opportunity to showcase their problem-solving abilities on a national stage.
We are very proud that Anay placed first in Global Issues Problem Solving Middle Division – Individual and was also Scenario Writing Champion Middle Division.

Early Learning Centre
The importance of being outdoors for learning
Our environment continues to play an important role in the children’s learning, with spring providing rich opportunities for all our ELC classes.
Within Reception, changes to the outdoor environment have been met with curiosity as elements of nature make their way inside. The Boobook Owls have enjoyed fine-tuning their observational drawing and fine motor skills as they created flowers for their shared art project. The children are very excited to share their canvas with all our families during the silent Art Auction.
In Little Corellas, indigenous plants have been added to the new garden beds with children learning how to care for these new additions. Harvesting has already begun for the Rainbow Lorikeets who are enjoying the fruits of their labor. They have been gathering beans to send home for families to cook.
Meanwhile, in Pre-Prep, it has been wonderful to see the care and dedication children have shown to their environment and this has created some bountiful spring harvests.
Children in White Ibis have used broccoli from their garden beds to make cheesy broccoli bites in the kitchen. Much to the delight of the Black Swan group, a caterpillar has emerged from its chrysalis in the most beautiful display of the life cycle. In addition to this, broad beans have been harvested and children have made a delicious broad bean dip to enjoy with rice crackers.
The Fairy Wrens have been flitting around the school during a recent nature walk and returned to the classroom to plant seeds and create their own blossom trees from sticks and other interesting things they gathered.
We are looking forward to all the new and exciting learning opportunities that the warmer weather will bring.

Junior School
Getting ready for Prep 2024
We are excited to announce the dates of our Junior School Prep transition sessions, designed to prepare children entering Prep in 2024. These sessions will begin in November and provide your child with a smooth introduction to the school routine. We can’t wait to get to know your child better during this process!
For those children currently attending the Early Learning Centre at Newlands, the transition program will seamlessly integrate into their regular day. However, students who are not currently enrolled in the Early Learning Centre, will be invited separately to these sessions.
The Newlands Junior School Transition Program sessions will take place in the three Prep classrooms. Below are the dates and times:
Thursday, 9 November – 9.00 am to 10.15 am
Thursday, 16 November – 9.00 am to 10.15 am
Tuesday, 21 November – 9.00 am to 1.00 pm
We look forward to a successful, enjoyable transition period as your child takes their first steps into the world of our Junior School.

Discovering the solar system under the dome
On Wednesday, 15 November, our Year 2 students will have a fantastic opportunity to take part in a Science Discovery Dome Incursion.
During this captivating 60-minute session, they will delve deeper into their understanding of different scientific concepts. They will learn about the factors responsible for night and day, the changing of seasons, the Earth’s orbit around the sun, the moon’s orbit around the Earth, and the intriguing phenomenon of casting shadows.
A highlight of this experience will be the projection of stunning images of the solar system onto the dome’s roof, creating a memorable visual spectacle for all.
This session will generate numerous thought-provoking questions from our students, setting the stage for further exploration of exciting scientific topics throughout the remainder of the Year 2 Science Unit.

Middle School
Our Human Powered Vehicle team are ready to race!
The 2023 Haileybury Hailstorm Newlands Human Powered Vehicle team has started their preparations for the 30th edition of the Energy Breakthrough Competition. This will be held in Maryborough from Wednesday, 22 to Friday, 24 November.
Offered as part of Haileybury’s Curious Minds STEM programs, ten Year 6 students have been selected to study and refine a three-wheeled human powered vehicle. Awaiting the team is the impressive challenge of riding their human powered vehicle for 14 hours in an endurance trial and presenting to multiple judging panels.
Over 90 schools from across Victoria participate in the Energy Breakthrough Competition and this year marks Haileybury Newlands 16th year of involvement. The students challenging themselves physical and academically this year are: Soumil, Elanie, Daniel, Taniel, William, Millie, Tammy, Lucas, Zara and Ann. We wish them luck!

Help is at hand
Beginning in Week 4, students can receive extra support from staff as they prepare for their upcoming examinations.
The Years 7 and 8 Help Desk will be available from Monday, 23 October to Wednesday, 1 November in the Newlands Library. Times are available before school, during lunchtime and after school. This timetable has been published via the Canvas Heads of School page, providing students with the chance to ask any subject-related questions within core subjects such as English, Science, Mathematics, Humanities and Languages, as well as their semester-based electives and languages.
Good luck to our Middle School students as they prepare for their Semester 2 examinations!
Middle School Colour Run
On Thursday, 9 November, Newlands Middle School will host a Colour Run to raise funds for the Nepal Nagajun School. This event is for students in Years 5–8 and will take place during Period 5 from 12.25 pm – 1.15 pm.
The Colour Run has become an annual part of the Social Justice Program at Newlands. The students will have fun and will certainly get very colourful while supporting a community in need.
- Students must wear a white t-shirt, old pair of dark pants/shorts and old runners
- Students with light-colour hair may want to oil their hair, or wear a hat or bandana.
If your child would like to participate, please contact the Newlands campus.

Mark Harrop
Acting Head of Newlands (Keysborough)
Haileybury Parents & Friends Keysborough (HPFK)
HPFK Uniform Shop hours for summer uniform
Below you will find the opening hours for our HPFK Uniform Shop for the rest of 2023:
- Friday, 3 November 2023 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm
- Friday, 10 November 2023 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm
- Saturday, 11 November 2023 9.00 am – 12.00 pm
- Friday, 17 November 2023 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm
- Saturday, 18 November 2023 9.00 am – 12.00 pm
- Up Day Orientation Day: Tuesday, 21 November 2023 12.00 noon – 5.00 pm
- Friday, 24 November 2023 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm
- Saturday, 25 November 2023 9.00 am – 12.00 pm
- Friday, 1 December 2023 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm
- Saturday, 2 December 2023 9.00 am – 12.00 pm
We look forward to seeing you in the shop. Please remember to give a huge thank you to our dedicated volunteers who provide this service to our community!
Lenice Norris
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends Keysborough