Campus News
Newlands Special Kids Carnival
Across Victoria, Very Special Kids provides holistic palliative care for children and young people with life-limiting conditions. This includes emotional, clinical and practical support to improve quality of life and to create positive, lasting memories for the children and their families.

Haileybury has several families who have been, and continue to be, supported by VSK. The VSK Piggy Bank Appeal is a wonderful way to give back and provide our support and Newlands is very excited, once again, to support the Very Special Kids Foundation by hosting a Carnival Day on Monday, 11 September. The day will include:
- VSK Big Pig merchandise sales with items range from $3.00 to $20.00 and including piggy banks, beanies, pencils, pens and keyrings
- Lunchtime carnival games for $1.00 each
- HPFK sausage sizzle: $2.50 sausages, $2.00 drinks, $6.00 combo.
Junior School families are invited to bring money in early from Wednesday, 6 September and Homeroom Teachers will keep a record of this. We are hoping this will be our biggest VSK Carnival yet! We look forward to seeing smiling faces and raising as much money as we can to support this very important cause.

Hockey success!
Year 8 student Zachary has made Hockey Victoria’s U13 State squad and will represent Victoria at the Australian National U13 Hockey Carnival in Newcastle from 23–29 September.
In July, Zachary played in the Eastern Metro Hotshots team at the Junior State Championships. He was then selected for the Hockey Victoria high performance academy and has been training there for the past two months. We wish him every success in September.
Year 12s lend a hand
Our Year 12 Senior School students are eagerly waiting for their opportunity to visit the Junior School to help with English and Mathematics lessons in the Prep, 1 and 2 classrooms.
This initiative is driven by the Year 12 students and highlights their commitment to building strong connections across the school community. As well as academic support, it reflects their strong sense of social justice and community engagement. By giving back and generously offering their time, these Senior students set a remarkable example for their younger peers by illustrating collaboration and empathy.

Early Learning Centre
Students adopt a park
Recently, the Pre-Prep children, educators and parents worked with City of Greater Dandenong horticulturalists and environmental officers as part of the Adopt-a-Park program. The children learned about the importance of creating habitats and nurturing local ecosystems. They also learned about different native animals who live in the neighbouring bush and wetlands.
Children in Pre-Prep will continue to visit the park over the coming months to observe the progress of the plants and continue their care. As the Pre-Prep children transition to Prep, they will pass the responsibility to the current Reception children to ensure continuous care of the garden.
Angus: “I liked going on the bus because it was so big! I liked stepping on the Hamilton digger because it was so wobbly and I needed someone to hold my hand. A Hamilton digger makes a hole in the ground for the plants to grow.”
Jack: “Caring for the environment is good for the animals. Today I planted trees for the habitat for magpies and possums and snakes.”
Bella: “I liked planting the trees because you get to put the plant inside the little holes, and they will grow with water and sunlight.”

A meeting of two worlds
For two days, children in Reception and Pre-Prep were excited to welcome Senior School students to the ELC. To support their studies of Health and Human Development and to focus on different stages of life, our Senior School students spent time with children in the ELC each morning.
These visits were a rich reciprocal learning opportunity as students from the Senior School modelled exceptional leadership, communication and social skills while children in the ELC shared their creativity, openness and sense of wonder. Our youngest and oldest students talked, built towers and sandcastles, drew pictures and spent time outside.
It was also wonderful to see some of our Senior School students who attended the ELC return to where their learning journey began.
“While I enjoyed pretending to drink tea with the younger students, I cherished the innocent conversations that the older students were able to uphold. I left impressed with the immense amount of social skill development the children gain over one year where they build confidence and social awareness. The opportunity to obtain a few high fives and share a laugh with the ELC students at the Keysborough campus was definitely a highlight of the Health and Human Development Unit 2 curriculum.” Norah (Year 11)

Junior School
Taking up the Cross-Country challenge
Recently at Newlands, our Junior School students participated in the Cross-Country challenge. This event is about promoting health, teamwork and determination and we were thrilled to see our young athletes showcase endurance and perseverance on the track.
Prep, Year 1, and Year 2 students conquered a 1km course, while Years 3 and 4 students raced a 2km route.
This was an opportunity for students to embrace an active lifestyle, build camaraderie with their classmates, and learn the value of setting and achieving goals.

Off to Forrest Edge
On Monday, 4 September, Year 3 students from Newlands, along with Edrington students, headed off for a three-day camp at Forrest Edge.
Forrest Edge is an adventure camp located in Neerim South. Students participate in a variety of activities such as indoor rock climbing, bush walking, archery and the flying fox. The camp promotes persistence and independence. After dinner, students enjoyed a movie night and a trivia night, and lodged in cabins with their peers.
There were many excited discussions about what to expect and the students couldn’t wait to experience their first School camp.

Calling all future Matildas
On Thursday, 14 September Newlands Junior School will host their annual JS Sporting Colours Day.
Following on from the fantastic form of the Australian Matildas during the recent FIFA Women’s World Cup, the Juventus Academy Melbourne will run soccer clinics for each year level throughout the day.
These clinics will involve interactive sessions conducted by professional coaches who will focus on technical skills, tactical awareness and physical conditioning. The Juventus Academy is an international project and part of the prestigious Italian football club, Juventus FC, that aims to develop young talent and promote the values of sport.
The Academy in Melbourne provides a platform for young Australian players aged between 5 and 18 to hone their skills and passion for football.

Middle School
Year 7 GMS and BMS History excursion
At the start of Term 4, our Year 7 students will explore ancient societies and the history of art during a joint cross-disciplinary History and Art excursion.
The students will explore various aspects of ancient history through a workshop on ancient board games at the Hellenic Museum. At NGV International, they will investigate changing artistic representations through time.
As our Year 7 students take part in some lively discussions, hands-on activities and thought-provoking reflections, their insights will shape their understanding of history and the creation of art.
Year 8s explore the Man Cave
All Year 8 Boys Middle School students will take part in an all-day incursion from The Man Cave on Friday, 8 September. This sits within our broader Wellbeing curriculum and is delivered onsite within homeroom groups at Newlands campus.
Workshop 2 is all about building respectful relationships and guides boys on how to build healthy relationships across all domains of their life. It explores how to support others, empathy, conflict resolution, expressing needs, power and privilege, and integrity.
In this workshop, boys will:
- Explore what defines a respectful relationship, especially with women
- Consider the quality of their own relationships
- Take responsibility for the impact of their words or actions on others
- Learn to empathise with each other’s personal stories
- Learn to manage and resolve conflict without violence
- Improve the quality of their relationships with each other.
Please visit here for ideas on how you can support your son during this time.

Mark Harrop
Acting Head of Newlands (Keysborough)
Haileybury Parents & Friends Keysborough (HPFK)
Uniform Shop hours
We are open every Friday during term from 12.00 pm to 2.00 pm. Please note that Saturday, 9 September is our last Saturday for the term.
Our volunteers are amazing — in Terms 1 and 2 they volunteered for 250 hours. We would love to train more volunteers if you are available!
Annual General Meeting
Please join us on Thursday, 7 September at 7.00 pm in the Barney Allen Room at the Senior School for the Annual General Meeting.

Very Special Kids Fundraising BBQ
Please join us on Monday, 11 September to raise funds for the Very Special Kids Piggy Bank Appeal.

Lenice Norris
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends Keysborough