Campus News
eSports competition excitement
Haileybury recently hosted the next round of the 2023 Melbourne South Division of the Fuse Cup. The Fuse Cup is an international school eSports competition that provides students with an opportunity to participate in safe, inclusive, supportive and structured school-based eSports and to build positive gaming behaviours and digital well-being.
At the event, students competed in Super Mario Deluxe 8, with the event hosted at Newlands amazing new space in the Gadsden Pavilion. Approximately 100 students from neighbouring schools competed.
Newlands celebrates STEM Week
In week 5 of this term, Haileybury Newlands will celebrate Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Week as part of the Curious Minds Program. This year, STEM Week will coincide with National Science Week and the theme of Innovation: Powering future industries.
From Monday, 14 August until Friday, 18 August, students will participate in a broad range of activities and explore innovations that are changing our world.
Each lunchtime during STEM Week, activities will also be on offer to Junior and Middle School students that will engage and fascinate them. Highlights include growing vegetables using hydroponics, developing and launching bottle rockets, going back in time using Virtual Reality and designing robots. For a full list of the activities on offer, watch out for the 2023 Newlands STEM Week poster.
It will be a very exciting week.
Cyber Safety Project webinar
We have a parent webinar for the Junior School on Wednesday, 30 August at 7.00 pm which will be presented by the Cyber Safety Project. Called ‘Learning, Connecting and Playing Safely Online’, the webinar provides parents and carers with insights and important information about popular online experiences that children can be exposed to.
You can register now here.
Early Learning Centre
Adopt a Park
Newlands ELC Pre-Prep children have been invited to participate in the City of Greater Dandenong Adopt a Park initiative. The children have been given an area in Tattersalls Park to plant bush tucker and indigenous plants under the guidance of the council’s horticulturalists. They will also take part in an environmental education session on topics including how to create bird-attracting and pollinator gardens.
The children’s participation will be recognised with Adopt a Park signage and the children will also be invited to family event days held at the park. We encourage parents who wish to accompany children to arrange a Working with Children Check.
Further details will be sent through the Moments app. This is a wonderful opportunity for children to engage in the natural environment within their local community and learn how to care for it.
ELC's Chinese Language Program is approved
We are delighted to confirm Department of Education funding for the Chinese Language Program delivered at Newlands ELC. Funding will continue until 30 June 2027.
Silvia Wang has worked tirelessly to establish this program and she has attended professional development sessions and written the curriculum. The program is highly valued by children, educators, and families.
Junior School
Time flies for our Preps
Prep students recently celebrated their 100th day at school. The students came dressed as if they were 100-year-olds and we saw lots of thoughtful costumes. We commenced the day with a concert in the hall so parents and special friends could enjoy some of the songs the children had learned in choir.
All the Preps enjoyed a special party lunch together in the Quad and finished the day with a delicious cupcake. The Prep teachers are so proud of all the students for their remarkable achievements in the first 100 days.
Let's make Father's Day special
We invite fathers and special friends to join us on Friday, 1 September for an unforgettable Father and Special Friend’s Day Celebration at our Junior School.
At 2:00 pm refreshments will be served on the lawn outside the Resource Centre. Then, fathers and special friends will accompany their children on a fun-filled exploration of the school and join in games and activities. It’s a day not to be missed!

Book Week Parade 2023
Excitement is in the air as Book Week 2023 approaches! Get ready to join an enchanting literary journey at Newlands, where imagination knows no bounds and stories come to life.
From Saturday, 19 August to Friday, 25 August, our school will celebrate the magic of words, the power of storytelling and the joy of reading through the theme Read, Grow, Inspire. The Junior School Book Week Parade will be held in Newlands Sports Hall on Friday, 25 August at 10:45 am and parents are encouraged to attend.
Middle School
Welcome the Mini Bosses
Year 5 recently participated in The Brief incursion by MiniBOSS as part of their Vocational Capability unit for Term 3. Students developed their collaboration, creativity, and entrepreneurial skills by creating a new product for Kmart.
The challenge culminated in a team pitch with students delivering a prototype and presentation to persuade the ‘executives’ to buy their creation.
Melbourne Symphony Orchestra excursion
All Year 5 students across Melbourne will be able to watch a special school performance of the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra at Hamer Hall during 2023. On Friday, 18 August, our Year 5 BMS students will be part of this experience. They will tour the National Gallery of Victoria and the Vault sculpture, and explore the permanent display and a range of Australian works at the NGV.
This excursion links with Haileybury’s Year 5 Band Program, where each student can learn a brass, woodwind, or percussion instrument for a semester.
Middle School Father's Day Breakfast
Our Middle School Father’s Day celebration will take place on Friday, 1 September from 8.30 am – 10.00 am at Southern Golf Club. We will serve some delicious breakfast dishes to honour all the fathers and father figures who play an essential role in raising our brilliant Newlands students.
In addition to the breakfast, we have planned some fun surprises and activities for everyone. Bookings are essential.
Mark Harrop
Acting Head of Newlands (Keysborough)
Haileybury Parents & Friends Keysborough (HPFK)
There's lots happening in Term 3!
Please put these dates in your diary and let us know if you can volunteer:
Date | Event |
Friday, 25 August
Very Special Kids BBQ
Tuesday, 29 August
ELC Father's Day Stall
Thursday, 31 August
Father's Day Stall
Thursday, 7 September

Lenice Norris
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends Keysborough