Campus News
Big Freeze MND
Thank you to the wonderful Newlands community for getting behind the FightMND Movement by fundraising and raising awareness as we continue to fight against ‘the beast’ that is Motor Neurone Disease.
Beanies are still available to pick up from Newlands Reception, please bring your Trybooking receipt or purchase one for $25 cash until we sell out.
Thank you again for your support with this meaningful cause.

From bubble tea to Bollywood
During Languages Week we are excited to offer many different activities and incursions, including the Middle School International Food Days and cultural workshops for Junior School.
Students across Newlands will experience:
- Japanese Taiko drumming
- Wagashi (Japanese sweet making)
- Origami
- Bollywood dancing
- The C’est Si Bon French show
- Chinese lion dancing
- Bubble tea
- Traditional Chinese dress-up experience
- Kung Fu workshop
We hope everyone enjoys Languages Week as we celebrate world languages and the diversity of our Newlands Campus.
Newlands Music Concert
The Newlands Music Concert will be held on Monday, 19 June, commencing at 6.30 pm in the Aikman Hall, Senior School.
The concert will feature performances by the Vivaldi Chamber Strings, Corelli Chamber Strings, Concert Band, Newlands Singers, Bridges, Beginner Band, Voicebox MS, Guitar Ensemble, Percussion Ensemble, Brass Ensemble and the Pipes & Drums.
The Newlands Concert is a major event in the calendar and rehearsals are well underway for each ensemble.
There will be complimentary refreshments from 6.00 pm served in the Senior School Quadrangle next to the Aikman Hall Foyer. The Newlands Jazz Combos will provide pre-concert music.
Family and friends are warmly invited and encouraged to attend. Our young musicians always appreciate your support for their performances.

Early Learning Centre
Thank you for your support, parents
Each year we welcome parents and extended family members into the ELC program. On a regular basis they share stories with children, assist with learning experiences, present information sessions to the children on their occupations and interests, and attend special event days and excursions.
This year, children have welcomed parents who have discussed dental health and demonstrated how to take care of a baby sibling. Most recently Christos’s parents, Annie Stephan and Anthony Stathopoulos (Reception W) visited us with a semi-trailer to help children understand jobs that help our communities. The benefits of these experiences for children are immense as they share their ideas and thoughts during play and develop their conversational skills with caring adults.

During Languages Week, Lauren Wainwright (Ted’s mum in Pre-Prep P), will visit the Pre-Prep classes to read Brown Bear and Reception classes to read The Very Hungry Caterpillar in Japanese. Maud Fugier-Sola (Matteo’s mum in Pre-Prep C) will read stories to the children in French.
Past ELC parents continue to be involved with our program with Angela Jiang (Thomas Li’s mum in Prep) presenting a Chinese opera performance to the Pre-Prep children.
The educators will focus on celebrating the many languages represented within the ELC.
SeeMore Safety
Each year, Newlands ELC works with KIDS Foundation to deliver a safety education program that teaches Pre-Prep children strategies to help them Think Safe, Play Safe. The Foundation provides resources to the ELC which are used throughout the year to help prevent childhood injuries and increase safety awareness.
For more information, please visit their website.
The children are already quite knowledgeable about safety and Newlands ELC was one of the original early childhood centres to trial the SeeMore safety program from the KIDS Foundation.
Junior School
Year 4s take the lead
During Wednesday lunchtime, the Year 4 leaders will be organising structured activities for the younger students in the Prep and Year 1 quadrangles. Activities will include Giant Jenga and dominoes. This will be a fantastic opportunity for the Year 4 students to build their leadership skills in the final weeks of their Junior School journey.
Leonard Doesn’t Dance
Year 2 Strings students and Years 3 and 4 Scrolls students came together at Aikman Hall to present Leonard Doesn’t Dance. It was their first time performing with their instrument on the big stage at Aikman Hall for the Year 2 students and the smiles on their faces reflected their enjoyment and pride.
It was wonderful to see a large audience of family and friends engaged in the show and the students are already looking forward to their next opportunity to perform. Well done to the Strings staff members who brought this spectacular performance together so seamlessly!
Haileybury parents giving back
Newlands parent, Jonelle Colabufalo, has been volunteering with Feel the Magic since 2019 and for the past 12 months, Jonelle has stepped up to be Camp Coordinator at camps in Victoria, NSW and ACT.
Camp Magic provides support, strategies and connection to children aged seven to 17 who have experienced the death of a parent, guardian or sibling. Campers are matched one-on-one with an adult mentor for a weekend and learn new skills to manage their grief and emotions and make many new friends, too.
Newlands parents Kursti Dunn, Frank Cincotta, Patrice Deighton and Janine Mahon were all volunteer mentors this past weekend and did an amazing job.

Middle School
Are you feeling poetic?
The Alliance Francaise Berthe Mouchette Poetry Competition is an opportunity for Haileybury students to practice their French language skills through a Victoria-wide competition. It is a great way for students to immerse themselves in the language and reinforces the vitality of French in Australia and within Haileybury.
The competition plays a key role in the promotion of French language and culture, which is the flagship mission of Alliance Française. This year, 80 of our Year 8 students from all campuses are participating in the competition and we wish them all ‘bonne chance!’
Middle School House Sports
Years 7 and 8 students will participate in our House Sports competition at Newlands on Tuesday, 20 June. Students will be able to select their preferred activity and compete in a tournament-style fixture against each House. Everyone is encouraged to wear their House colours on the day to display their House spirit!
Art is alive and well in Middle School
To continue building our Middle School House spirit, the House Arts Competition will be held at Newlands on Thursday, 22 June. Students from Years 5 to 8 will take part in activities such as massed choir, dance, drama, art and media. Each activity will be led by our Year 8 House captains who will further develop their leadership skills.
At the end of the day, each piece of art that is created will be sent to our judging panel with the results announced at the end of term assembly the next day. This experience will encourage students to extend outside their comfort zones, and develop their confidence and creativity within the Arts curriculum.

We’re off to the Nationals!
Recently the Years 5/6 Dance team competed at the School Dance State Finals. The team achieved second place behind Haileybury City and gained a berth at the Nationals in Adelaide in August.
Year 5 | Year 6 |
Julia Baldy
Millie Sola
Chase Kendall
Jamie Liu
Morgan Nguyen
Willow Lubin
Ryan Sindhi
Jessie Zhou
Sunny Chang
Sarah Rao
Sophia Jiao
Yixin Ma (Emily)
Zaviya Pervaiz
Sara Sinha
Yenting Luu
Melrose Mei
Emma Nguyen
Savanna Grossi-Mastroianni
Lara Marinkovic

Checkmate! Newlands Shines at Haileybury Chess Tournament
Congratulations to our eight talented boys who represented Newlands at the first Haileybury Chess Tournament. Students from all four campuses competed at Castlefield. With 51 participants, our students engaged in seven intense rounds of chess and we are thrilled that Tom Nguyen, a Newlands student in Year 7, won first place and showcased his exceptional strategic skills.
We commend all the boys for their sportsmanship and dedication. Their achievements reflect their passion and commitment to chess, and we look forward to their continued success in the future.

Mark Harrop
Acting Head of Newlands (Keysborough)
Haileybury Parents & Friends Keysborough (HPFK)
HPFK Scholarship Fund
We are very excited to announce that the HPFK is donating $20,000 to the Haileybury Foundation for the HPFK Scholarship Fund.
We would not be able to make this contribution without our wonderful HPFK Uniform Shop volunteers and the Haileybury community who continuously support the shop.
Our amazing HPFK Uniform Shop volunteers are:
- Gaye Davies
- Laura Evans
- Kerrie McLeish
- Claire Newman
- Jane Staska
- Mary Vanhoorn
- Cristina Ventura
- Sujin Yang

Cookie drive
The Friends of Haileybury Equestrian are raising money to support their team of riders and their equine friends. They are selling delicious cookies and gluten free smiles made by Haileybury Edrington mum and Equestrian team member, Jo Clemens from Springview Farm.
Cookies can be ordered on Trybooking.
Cookies will be ready for collection on Wednesday, 21 June from Newlands or Keysborough Senior School (please select your preferred collection point when ordering).

A big thank you!
The BBQ on ‘Wear it Yellow’ Day raised much needed funds for the Children’s Ground charity. Children’s Ground supports equal rights in learning, health and employment for Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Learn more via their website.
We couldn’t have achieved this without the amazing staff and parent volunteers who cooked the sausages and served the drinks with a smile!
Well done to all!

Lenice Norris
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends Keysborough