Campus News
The homework habit
Homework plays an essential role in the learning process of students at Haileybury as it allows them to reinforce and apply concepts and skills they learn in class. With a regular study routine each night, students develop important habits like time management and self-discipline. These are crucial for academic success.
Students can also identify their strengths and weaknesses and seek help from teachers or peers and these questions often become wonderful starting points for discussion in class the next day. Homework can also prepare students for assessment tasks. Reading each night also has a significant impact on academic growth and achievement.
NAPLAN is nearly here
The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) tests will be held in March for students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. Haileybury will conduct these tests on Wednesday, 15, Thursday, 16 and Friday, 17 March. The NAPLAN tests will be held online, except for Year 3 Writing that will be a paper test.
Early Learning Centre
Educational leaders conference
Haileybury Heads of Early Learning recently participated in the Best Start, Best Life educational leaders conference. The event attracted keynote speakers from Canada, the UK and Australia who presented the latest research and evidence on pedagogical leadership to enhance teaching and learning.
The research affirms the effectiveness of Haileybury’s Early Learning Centres in promoting positive outcomes for children’s learning and development. It emphasised the importance of a high-quality curriculum delivered by well-qualified educators who implement a play-based program with intentionality.
Haileybury’s Early Learning Centre educators excel at embedding concepts and leveraging each child’s innate curiosity to support a deeper understanding of the curriculum.
Harmony Day

To commemorate Harmony Week, educators and children are invited to wear multicultural costumes or the colour orange. The event will be celebrated on Tuesday, 21 March by Reception S, Reception N and Pre-Prep C classes. On Friday, 24 March, Reception W, Pre-Prep P and Pre- Prep W will also celebrate Harmony Day.
This year’s theme is Everyone Belongs. While we celebrate our diversity of cultures on these days, throughout the year we encourage a sense of inclusiveness, respect and belonging. We are delighted to welcome ELC families to share their culture with their child’s class through songs, dance, cooking and cultural discussions and displays.
Junior School
Respectful relationships and kindness
Junior School held a Wellbeing Assembly to showcase their first three weeks of learning this term. We were joined by Diane Furusho (Deputy Principal Student Wellbeing).
The Prep students introduced their Kindness Monster that helps them remember their respectful relationships focus for the year, which is kindness.
Students then showed Mrs Furusho what they have learned about emotional regulation using the Zones of Regulation program. They explained what the different zones mean, what expected behaviour looks like in a classroom, the catastrophe scale, how to use their Wellbeing Toolkit and the physiological cues that are part of the different zones.
House tee ball
Years 3 and 4 students recently took part in Junior School House Tee Ball on the Newlands Field. A sea of yellow, red, blue and green swarmed the oval and students enthusiastically represented their Houses and enjoyed learning this new sport.
Middle School leaders were a tremendous help during the afternoon and House values such as sportsmanship, persistence and fair play were on show for all to see. It was fantastic to witness the parent support on the sidelines, too.
We look forward to Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 House Kickball on Friday, 24 March.
Grandparents and Special Friends Day
This Friday, special guests will visit Junior School for our annual Junior School Grandparents and Special Friends Day. Visitors will enjoy morning tea, a musical extravaganza that different year levels have been learning in choir, and they will then play games and create family trees in the classrooms. This day is always a highlight in the Junior School calendar, and we look forward to hosting our VIPs.

Middle School
GMS badge design 2023
At the end of each year, we run a competition for all students in GMS to design a badge that everyone will wear in the new year. This creates a sense of belonging for students and pride for the winning designers.
We had some fabulous designs to choose from. The 2023 winner was Mishka Bhatt (Year 6). Here, Mishka explains her design:
“The flowers indicate the constant growth of GMS as well as the different colours of the flowers that symbolise everyone in GMS is unique and each individual has their own special array of talents. This badge is an illustration of some of the memories and lessons I have experienced in my time at GMS. The words on the badge are written in cupcake font to signify that GMS is fun but you still need to work hard.”

Visiting the Man Cave
Year 7 BMS students recently took part in a Man Cave incursion. These evidence-based workshops assist our young men to explore their personal identity by discussing the challenges and opportunities of masculinity. We want to promote the critical emotional and social skills necessary for young men to enjoy flourishing lives and relationships. Haileybury is committed to nurturing students who can create healthy relationships, reach their full potential and contribute positively to their community.

Say hello to our Homeroom Captains
Congratulations to our homeroom captains for 2023, please click the button below to view the list of captains.
#IWD2023 #EmbraceEquity
This year, Newlands Middle School will celebrate International Women’s Day on Thursday, 16 March. Leading up to the day, students will participate in homeroom activities that are focused on the global themes of ‘embracing equity’ and ‘cracking the code for women in stem’.
This year's guest speaker at our IWD assembly will be Sarah Moran, CEO and Co-founder of Girl Geek Academy. Girl Geek Academy is a movement to bring one million women and girls into technology careers by 2030. We are looking forward to hearing her speak to our students.
Please see the website Girl Geek Academy to learn how to get your daughter involved in this initiative.

Get ready, set ... GO!
Athletic abilities will be on display at the Middle School House Sport event on Tuesday, 7 March. The action takes place from 9.35 am – 1.15 pm and not only showcases sporting prowess but also fosters team spirit, collaboration and friendly competition.
Students will be divided into their House teams and will compete in events such as relay races, long jump, shot put and more. Please ensure students wear appropriate clothing, including comfortable sports shoes and a hat. We also recommend students bring plenty of water to stay hydrated throughout the day.
Each House has a coloured uniform that corresponds to their House colour and students should wear their House uniform on the day. The colours are pictured below.
We look forward to seeing our students compete and sharing the highlights with our school community.
Mark Harrop
Acting Head of Newlands (Keysborough)
Haileybury Parents & Friends Keysborough (HPFK)
Flippin’ marvellous
Thank you to our wonderful volunteers for supporting stalls in the ELC and Junior School as part of the HPFK Pancake Day! Thank you especially to Linette Grossi and Jonelle Colabufalo for organising this event for Newlands students.

HPFK Year Five bowling night
Thank you to our families for attending our Year Five Bowling Night and to Katrina King, Sada Memic and Laura Evans for organising the night. The event was a huge success, and a lot of fun was had by all!
ELC Family Dinner
Please join us for a Term One Family Dinner on Friday, 24 March from 6.00 pm at the Waltzing Matilda Hotel, 856 Heatherton Road, Springvale.
This is a great opportunity for families to meet as you continue your journey at Haileybury Newlands.
Order and pay for your meals at the counter.
RSVP by Friday, 17 March to Kathleen Fu on 0433 320 959.

Haileybury Luna Park Family Fun Night
We look forward to seeing many families come along to support this fabulous family fun night.
- When: Wednesday, 29 March
- Time: 5.00 pm – 8.00 p,m
- Location: Luna Park, 18 Lower Esplanade, St Kilda
- Cost: $55

HPFK Term One Meeting
A huge thank you to all our wonderful parents that attended the HPFK Term One Meeting last Thursday evening.
Collectively, all in attendance have been at our amazing school for 185 years & this includes 6 new parents!
We were thoroughly impressed by our awesome 2023 School Captains Neeraja Ahielan and Sam Shinsky. They described their time at Haileybury as ‘the most brilliant journey’ where they ‘challenged each other to be their best’.
Finally, Thank you to Mark Harrop, Acting Head of Newlands and Theo Georokpoulos, Acting Head of Senior Schools for you informative updates.

Lenice Norris
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends Keysborough