Campus News
Explorer’s mindset
Adopting an explorer’s mindset is crucial for students as it fosters a love for learning, creativity and critical thinking. Students approach challenges and new information with a sense of curiosity, open-mindedness and determination. They are not afraid to ask questions and take risks and are constantly seeking new opportunities for growth and discovery.
This mindset encourages students to challenge their own assumptions, explore diverse perspectives and develop the confidence to tackle complex problems. In a rapidly changing world, it is increasingly important for students to have the skills and mindset of an explorer so they can adapt, innovate and succeed in the face of uncertainty.
School tours booked out
Once again, in record time, School Tours of the Newlands campus are completely booked out. This sends a clear message that Haileybury Newlands is a campus that many prospective families wish to join.
We open our wonderful campus to families on Saturday, 25 February. All tours must be pre-booked for ELC, Junior School, Boys Middle School and Girls Middle School.
Next School Tour dates
- Saturday, 6 May 2023
- Saturday, 29 July 2023
- Saturday, 7 October 2023
We look forward to showing our new families our beautiful school.
Early Bird Reading Program
Middle School mentors and Junior School students are excited to see the start of our Early Bird Reading Program. It is open to Junior School students in Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 and takes place every Wednesday before school, from 8.10 am – 8.30 am, in the Prep/Year 1 Quad.
This is a wonderful opportunity for students to build relationships and practice their reading fluency and comprehension skills. We look forward to growing this program, as more students start to participate.
Playing for a cause
The Biggest Playdate raises awareness and funds for Monash Children’s Cancer Centre, and Sangwell House has arranged a special day to support this event. On Friday, 3 March, for a gold coin donation, students can wear a touch of yellow and they can also buy a Choc Top ice-cream. All proceeds will go to Monash Children’s Hospital.
The Biggest Playdate is run by The Miranda Foundation which is headed by a Haileybury family who have experienced the isolating and devastating impact of childhood cancer. This special event on Sunday, 5 March in Aspendale Gardens features carnival rides, food, movie characters, games, activities, performers and a silent auction.
We look forward to seeing our Haileybury community support this cause.
Touch of Yellow
ELC, Junior School and Middle School students can wear a ‘touch of yellow’ with their school uniform.
- When: Friday, 3 March
- Cost: gold coin donation
Choc Tops will be for sale at lunchtime with all proceeds going to support the Monash Children’s Hospital

The Biggest Playdate
- When: Sunday, 5 March
- Time: 10.00 am – 3.00 pm
- Location: Aspendale Gardens Community Centre

Early Learning Centre
Opening the door to social justice
Each year, Newlands ELC children, educators and families participate in events to help raise funds and resources for selected social justice projects.
One of our ongoing projects is providing toiletries for Open Door Keysborough that gives groceries to local individuals and families in need. With support from Food Bank Victoria, they hand out non-perishable foods and, on occasion, fresh fruit and vegetables.
Unfortunately, toiletries are rarely available through this program. So, during the year, each ELC group donates new toiletry items to Open Door. We thank our ELC families and staff for their donations and dedication to this project.
Natural play
ELC educators recognise the importance of exploring the natural environment and believe that it helps build children’s competence as they experience risk, undertake challenges, develop resilience and enjoy success while negotiating the ELC playgrounds.
The Newlands playground invites children to interact with the creek beds, mud kitchens and sensory play materials and to take part in gardening activities. The children have worm farms to tend and compost bins to maintain. Seedpods, cones, pebbles, shells and small logs also stimulate creativity as the children incorporate them in their play.
Learning Journals
The ELC educators are establishing the children’s Learning Journals to document their learning from the perspective of educators, child and family. The children refer to their Learning Journal to reflect upon their own learning and to demonstrate their connection and belonging within the ELC.
The Journals are highly valued by the parents, as they allow them to review their child’s progress throughout the year and contribute to comments and feedback.
Junior School
Story Dogs
Newlands is excited to welcome a new initiative for 2023. The Story Dogs program helps children relax, try harder and have fun while reading to a calm and friendly dog. It assists children improve their focus and literacy skills while lifting their confidence.
Story Dogs’ mission is to introduce a different dynamic when children read, engaging a student’s social and emotional needs through their interactions with a four-legged friend.
We welcomed Maureen Boaler and Kate Smith from Story Dogs to our weekly assembly and Maureen introduced the program to the students and they met Grace, Kate’s beautiful dog.
From Tuesday, 21 February, several students will begin this new initiative, with different students engaging with Kate and Grace each term.
Year 4 Leadership Assembly
The Year 4 leaders for Semester 1 were inducted into their roles and received their badges at a recent Leadership Assembly. Students were made Homeroom Captains, Arts Captains, Sport Captains, House Captains and Social Justice Captains.
These Year 4 students are now the role models of the School and will assist in presenting awards at assembly, organising structured activities for younger students and they will take on many other jobs.
The Semester 1 Leaders proudly acknowledged their leadership oath and will now do their best to fulfill their responsibilities for the rest of the semester.
Position | 4.1N | 4.2N | 4.3N |
Class Captain
Quade Bowen
Ariyana Perera |
Aadi Raina
Cathy Zhang |
Viola Liu
Scarlett De Lorenzo |
Arts Captain
Evelyn Shen
Siri Le |
Ayra Bachireddy
Kayden Ear-Tran |
Angela Dong
Sports Captain
Dean Zhang
Fletcher West
Flynn Reinhard
Stephanie Shen |
Social Justice Captain
Emily Graham
Jayden Wang |
Samiha Ismail
Dehara Yapa |
Vimbiso Kamba
Cox House
Luca Cincotta
Mason Pepper
Zara Smith
Ethan Wong |
Sangwell House
Jeylan Rajanesh
Makai Colabufalo
Xavier Tomasic
Kemp House
Jolene Dang
Kaiden Chan
Vincent Wang
Ethan Sipthorpe-Foster |
Shum House
Isabelle Wang
Jessie McDuff
Lucas Friend
Zoe Zhuang |
Middle School
Year 5 Camp
Our Year 5 students had a fantastic trip to Phillip Island. Every student demonstrated resilience and an explorer’s mindset as they negotiated each challenge and experience presented to them. Flying fox, archery, surfing, koala walks and so much more make this one of the highlights of the Year 5 experience.
Year 6 are Canberra bound
Our Year 6 cohort are very excited for their excursion to Canberra. Students travel to and from Canberra by plane and participate in hands-on activities, guided tours and educational programs.
Students will visit Questacon, the National Gallery of Australia, the Australian Institute of Sport, the Electoral Education Centre, CSIRO Discovery Centre, Parliament House, the Deep Space Tracking Station, the National Dinosaur Museum and the Australian War Memorial.
- BMS: Monday, 20 February – Friday, 24 February
- GMS: Monday, 27 February – Friday, 3 March
We are so pleased our students can visit Canberra again and we wish them a wonderful tour.
Year 7 immunisations
Our Year 7 immunisations will take place on Thursday, 23 February. All students have received forms from their Homeroom Teacher and must return them prior to this date.
Year 8 Induction Program
Year 8 students enjoyed two very active Induction Days to welcome them to the 2023 school year. The focus of the program was leadership, as all our Year 8 students are considered leaders of our Middle School.
The first activity involved the GMS and BMS participating in a combined workshop to form connections and discuss social challenges. During an excursion to the Melbourne Cable Park, students worked in teams and tested themselves physically and mentally by completing aquatic and climbing activities.
Betsy from Tripod Education spent time with the Year 8 students exploring their understanding of what leadership is, how it connects to their values and behaviours, and how they can choose to lead in their own lives to make a meaningful difference and achieve a positive impact.
We wish all Year 8 students the very best with their leadership endeavours for 2023.
Opportunities galore!
During the first week of term, Years 5 to 7 students discovered the opportunities available in Haileybury’s Curious Minds program at the 2023 Curious Minds Exhibition. Students explored booths and displays showcasing the open or select entry programs on offer. Program leaders were also on hand to answer questions.
Among the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) programs, the Newlands Digitech Explorers, F1 in Schools and the Science Talent Search programs proved to be very popular.
The Haileybury Hive, $20 Boss and Tournament of the Minds programs were favourites in the LEAP (Literature, Enterprise, Arts and Politics) programs. Students were challenged to answer questions about the programs on display and entered a competition to win prizes.
Our lucky winners were:
- Year 5 – Zoey Bhatt
- Year 6 – Andre Crouch
- Year 7 – Josh Mudalige
Further details about STEM and LEAP opportunities at Newlands can be found on the Haileybury App in the Curious Minds section.
Gerard O’Dwyer – Head of STEM Programs (Newlands)
Kirsten Owens – Head of LEAP Programs (Newlands)

Mark Harrop
Acting Head of Newlands (Keysborough)
Haileybury Parents & Friends Keysborough (HPFK)
HPFK Coffee Mornings
We would like to invite all parents to a Year Level Coffee Morning from 9.00 am – 10.30 am at Match & Co, 109/79 Centre Dandenong Road, Dingley Village. A parent from each year level has volunteered to help the committee host each morning and the HPFK invites you to enjoy a complimentary hot or cold drink when you attend.
We hope this is an opportunity for you to meet other parents in your child’s year level and to find out about the exciting events the HPFK will be hosting in 2023.
- Year 3: Monday, 20 February
- Year 4: Wednesday, 22 February
- Year 6: Monday, 27 February
- Year 8: Tuesday, 28 February
- Year 9: Wednesday, 1 March
- Senior School: Thursday, 2 March

HPFK Pancake Day
Pancake Day is on Tuesday, 21 February at Newlands. Pancakes with a choice of delicious toppings are available for $3.00 each.

Prep Family Dinner
Please join us for a Term 1 Family Dinner on Friday, 3 March from 6.30 pm at the Waltzing Matilda Hotel, 856 Heatherton Road, Springvale.
This is a great opportunity for families to meet as you continue your journey at Haileybury Newlands.
Order and pay for your meals at the counter.
RSVP by Monday, 27 February to Emily Anderson on 0424 454 306.

HPFK Term One Meeting
Please join Mark Harrop, Acting Head of Newlands, and Theo Georgakopoulos, Acting Head of Haileybury Senior School, for the HPFK Meeting. All parents from ELC to Year 12 are welcome.
- Date: Thursday, 2 March
- Time: 7:00 pm
- Location: Newlands Resource Centre
Guest Speakers: Haileybury College School Captain, Sam Shinsky, and Haileybury Girls College Captain, Neeraja Ahielan.
Lenice Norris
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends Keysborough