Campus News
It was so pleasing to meet families from all sections of the School at last week’s ELC/JS Information session and at the Middle School Meet and Greet evening. Your presence and engagement are greatly appreciated and help to strengthen the connection between home and school.
We believe that the partnership between parents and educators is crucial for the success and well-being of our students. Your involvement in your child’s education is vital and we look forward to working together to ensure that all students reach their full potential.
Traffic and safety
As you are aware, parking is limited at drop-off and pick-up times. To ensure the safety of our students, please note parking is available in the following areas:
- Limited parking in Gate 3 (Junior School only). If you intend to stay and use the playground after school, please avoid parking here as it restricts parking availability for parents who are just picking up their child.
- Near the Grenda Aquatic Centre Pool (enter Gate 2)
- Near the Pipes & Drums Compound (enter Gate 2)
- Around Fisher Oval (enter Gate 2, 4 or 7 Scotch Ave)
- Near the ELC/uniform shop (enter Gate 3 and turn immediately left at ELC)
- Gate 4 parking area.
A reminder to keep the bus parking areas clear.
Early Learning Centre
The primary focus for each child at the ELC is to develop a sense of belonging to their class, to the ELC and to the wider Haileybury community. We also welcome families to Haileybury through invitations to take part in classroom activities, social events and information sessions.
Through genuine partnerships with families, children’s learning is enhanced, the curriculum is strengthened and, in the past, feedback from parents has led to innovative change.
ELC Parent Morning Tea
With the start of our new year, we would like to invite ELC parents to attend a morning tea.
- Date: Friday, 10 February
- Time: 9.00 am
- Location: ELC Multi-Purpose room

Parent Information Sessions
The National Quality Framework provides a foundation for the program and practices within the ELC. One of the seven elements covered by the framework is a focus on supporting families with resources to inform parenting practices and family wellbeing.
This year the ELC educators will host a series of Parent Information Sessions to support and promote parenting and family wellbeing by providing families with current information on a range of relevant topics.
We start Term 1 with an evening focused on child development with Dr Sarah Arachchi, a Melbourne-based paediatrician. Her presentation will discuss the role of a paediatrician and when to seek paediatric support for issues such as asthma, allergies, sleep difficulties, dietary concerns, challenging behaviours, toileting concerns and developmental delay.
We have also planned a session with Helen McGrath, Haileybury’s long-standing first aid trainer, who will share information about caring for children who present with a range of illnesses and injuries.
Dates and times for these sessions will be sent via the Haileybury ELC app, Moments.
Junior School
First week of firsts in Prep
The Preps have had a successful beginning to their Junior School journey. They loved playing in the Junior School playground with the older students at lunchtime and experiencing new activities and subjects. An exciting part of their time in Prep so far has been developing their independence by unpacking their bags in their very own locker. We are all very proud of how the children have settled into Prep life.

Year 1 recounting the holidays
Year 1 students quickly settled back into school and were thrilled to be spending time among their peers after the school holidays. The teachers and students thoroughly enjoyed sharing their holiday experiences and then writing a reflection piece to document those experiences.

Year 2 routines
The Year 2 students have settled into their new routines in the first week of 2023. Their teachers were very excited to welcome everyone back and to settle into the new year level. The students are eagerly awaiting their first strings lesson — the first instrumental experience for many of them. It promises to be a big year and the students are ready to take it on with tremendous enthusiasm!

Positive relationships in Year 3
The students in Year 3 have been busy building positive relationships with themselves and their teachers. They came together as a cohort on Friday morning to take part in a variety of creative ‘getting to know you’ activities.
Year 4’s fabulous start
Finally, Year 4 also had a fabulous start to the year. All students are looking forward to becoming leaders of the Junior School, not only in name, but in how they conduct themselves and the example they set to all Junior School students. The Leadership Induction Assembly will see the Semester 1 Leaders inducted on Friday, 10 February at 2:50 pm in Berthon Hall.
Swimming program
Years 1, 2 and 4 will take part in swimming sessions this term. Lessons will begin in Week 3 on Monday, 13 February and run for two weeks.
Swimming lessons are extremely beneficial for children over the age of five, as they increase knowledge of safety around water and enhance further swimming skills and stroke development.
They also build confidence and self-esteem, provide another avenue of exercise, and promote health and wellbeing.
Since children develop at different rates, lessons provide students with the opportunity to learn to swim at their own level and in a group of students with a similar level of skills.
The swimming program for Preps and Year 3 students will be offered towards the end of 2023.
Please see the myHaileybury app notice for more information.
ELC and Junior School Parent-Teacher Interviews
Parent Teacher Interviews will be held via Zoom on Monday, 13 February from 5:30 pm – 9:00 pm and Wednesday, 15 February from 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm.
ELC bookings are via the classroom booking form.
For all Junior School bookings, access myPortal on the myHaileybury app.
Session 1 bookings will close Thursday, 9 February 5:00 pm and Session 2 Monday, 13 February at 5:00 pm.
Middle School
Farewell to our Year 5s
Our Year 5 students will go to camp at Phillip Island this week. This is a wonderful time early in the year for our students to build connections with their new peers and teachers through a range of exciting activities. Surfing, flying fox, canoeing, A Maze’N Things and more will keep our students on their toes! We wish them a wonderful camp.
Year 6 Thrive incursion
Year 6 students are participating in an incursion called Belong presented by Project Rockit on Thursday, 9 February. It unites students to build inclusive school communities, and encourages strategies and empathy to combat social exclusion and increase awareness of diverse perspectives. This incursion will support the students’ unit on Friendship.
Mark Harrop
Acting Head of Newlands (Keysborough)
Haileybury Parents & Friends Keysborough (HPFK)
HPFK Coffee Mornings
We would like to invite all parents to a Year Level Coffee Morning from 9.00 am – 10.30 am at Match & Co, 109/79 Centre Dandenong Road, Dingley Village. A parent from each year level has volunteered to help the committee host each morning and the HPFK invites you to enjoy a complimentary hot or cold drink when you attend.
We hope this is an opportunity for you to meet other parents in your child’s year level and to find out about the exciting events the HPFK will be hosting in 2023.

Monday, 6 February
Tuesday, 7 February
Year 5
Wednesday, 8 February
Year 7
Monday, 13 February
Year 1
Tuesday, 14 February
Year 2
Wednesday, 15 February
HPFK Year 5 Bowling Night

We would like to invite all our Year 5 families to our very popular Year 5 Bowling Night. This is always a great evening to connect to new and existing families. Tickets on sale until Monday, 13 February only.
- Date: Friday, 24 February
- Time: 6:00 pm
- Location: General Public Melbourne, 366 Boundary Road, Dingley
Tickets are available to purchase here.
Save the date: HPFK Term One Meeting
Please join Mark Harrop, Acting Head of Newlands, and Theo Georgakopoulos, Acting Head of Haileybury Senior School, for the HPFK Meeting.
- Date: Thursday, 2 March
- Time: 7:00 pm
- Location: Newlands Resource Centre
This is a great opportunity to meet other parents, and all parents from ELC to Year 12 are welcome.
Lenice Norris
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends Keysborough