Campus News
Searching for our science talent
Every year, Edrington is known for its success in the Science Talent Search competition and 2023 is no exception. We had 18 teams enter this year’s competition and each of them achieved an award. Congratulations to Armaan (Year 6), Theekshitha (Year 8) and Diyenka (Year 8) who all received major bursaries.

Dancing with ghosts and goblins
Ghosts, goblins and witches! Oh my! Our Middle School Halloween Disco was an absolute hit! The John Twist Hall was transformed into a spooky wonderland and students wowed everyone with their creative costumes. There were some fantastic moves on the dance floor and the slushy and fairy floss machines served up some deliciously eerie treats. Thanks to our dedicated staff and the incredible energy of our students. It was a night to remember!
Early Learning Centre
Caring for country
Teaching children to care for their country instills a sense of patriotism and promotes their cognitive, social, emotional and ethical development. It equips them with valuable skills and attitudes that help them grow to become responsible and compassionate people.
Our ELC Educators encourage children to develop an appreciation of the natural world and to understand our impact on it, along with the inter-dependence between people, animals, plants, land and water. Children are supported to take an active role in caring for the environment and to think about how they can contribute to a sustainable future.
This fosters a sense of responsibility towards their country and helps children understand the importance of active citizenship. When children understand the impact of their actions on the environment, they are more likely to grow into environmentally conscious adults who make sustainable choices.
Children learn teamwork, cooperation and communication and learn to work with others, to share ideas, respect diverse perspectives and enhance their social skills and empathy. They learn to take responsibility and make decisions, and this promotes learning from each other.
The children have enjoyed using natural resources during their everyday play. They are watering the veggie patches, harvesting the herbs and vegetables as they grow, cleaning up their play spaces, recycling every day, using natural light within their classroom and recycling food waste to support our worm farms and compost bins.
Junior School
Junior School heads for the pool
Our Junior School students started their compulsory swimming program today in our Edrington pool. This is an important part of our Physical Education program, and all students are expected to participate. Parents are welcome to watch their children swim, but only those with the Working with Children Check can enter the change rooms to help children after their lesson.
Students should bring their swimming cap, goggles, black speedo style bathers, towel and sandals on their scheduled session dates. During the final week, the students’ last session will focus on water safety and students must bring a pair of shorts and a t-shirt that they can wear over the top of their bathers. Students are permitted to wear their sports uniform on scheduled swimming days.
Please clearly name all items that your child brings to school and check the Swimming Program timetable for days and times. Parents, please remember that students who have a swimming lesson during period 8 will finish that lesson at 3.30 pm. Students can be picked up from the classroom or at the pick-up zone after 3.45 pm.
Middle School
A busy exam time
The Middle School is very busy and focused at this time of year. All students in Years 7 and 8 have started the exam process and will complete their final exams on Wednesday, 8 November.
Year 8’s gripping performances
Year 8 Drama students presented their final assessment pieces to the Middle School on Friday, 27 October. Boys and girls are to be congratulated for their gripping performances.
Middle School Graduation
Year 8 students will be farewelled from Middle School at their Graduation Assembly on Friday, 10 November. This is always a wonderful time to celebrate and recognise the contribution, achievement and growth of our Year 8 cohort during their time in the Middle School.
Get set for the Colour Run
We look forward to farewelling our students at our annual MS Colour Run. All Middle School students will join together for a picnic on River Flat Oval and then lace up their runners to participate in the energetic and much-anticipated Colour Run.
Jeanette Rawlings
Head of Edrington (Berwick)
Haileybury Parents & Friends Edrington (HPFE)
Hi Edrington! We cannot wait to welcome you all to Stella’s Kitchen in Montague Orchard on Friday, 3 November! It is going to be a fabulous night!
With Christmas approaching, we will also be placing gift tags on the Christmas tree in the library for gift donations for children. These will be distributed to the Berwick community by the Berwick Benevolent Society. More information about this will be available soon.
Do you have some winter uniforms that you are ready to pop into the Second-hand Uniform Shop? Every Wednesday you will find Di and Kelly at the SHUS from 8.15 am – 10.45 am.
The SHUS is always looking for help, so if you have an hour to spare on a Wednesday to give Di and Kelly a hand, please contact them via email.
Kerry Ilic & Tracy Day
HPFE Presidents