Campus News
Thank you to the Haileybury Parents & Friends Edrington (HPFE).
We have a strong and thriving community at Edrington with students, staff and families at the centre of all we do. The HPFE is a valuable, active group where parents contribute to our School and support our many endeavours.
This term the HPFE sold showbags before each Wizard of Oz show, opened the second-hand uniform shop each week, and held a very successful Father’s Day stall.
A great deal of work goes on behind the scenes and this is coordinated by our wonderful Co-Presidents, Tracy Day and Kerry Illic. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Diane Mercuri for her tireless efforts over many years as Finance Officer. Her work has been exceptional. Also, Di, along with Kelly McAllister, open the second-hand uniform shop every week, providing a valuable service to our families. The work of Tracy, Kerry, Di and Kelly epitomises a desire to contribute and the value we place on our community. Thank you to them all.
Early Learning Centre
All weather play
We believe children should have access to the outdoor environment all year round. The fresh air, vitamin D, exploring nature’s elements and gross motor opportunities all outweigh the disadvantages of staying inside because of inclement weather.
The outdoor environment is an extension of the classroom and is a place where children learn new skills, strengthen and challenge existing skills, and develop confidence in their social interactions.
As educators, we strive to develop children’s love of the outdoors and encourage them to find joy and curiosity in nature.
Playing in wet, colder weather promotes children’s sense of wonder and freedom, and benefits their development and learning. It has been heartening to see the children embrace Melbourne’s unpredictable weather by using their waterproof coats, beanies and gumboots to keep warm and dry while engaging in the outdoor program. In fact, this kind of wet and cold weather can fire up your child’s imagination and creativity.
Many fabulous learning opportunities have arisen from ventures around the School on these cold and dreary days and it is often opportunities like these that your child will value and remember the most.
Junior School
Book Week
Once again, Book Week was a wonderful mix of activities and fun for our Junior School students. They had a wonderful week and LOVED the Book Week Dress-Up Day!
Get ready for House sports
Our students will be involved in a Junior School House Sport afternoon on Tuesday, 12 September on the undercover tennis courts. Students can wear their sports uniform with coloured House top and other House colour accessories to show their House spirit.
Our House Captains will lead the afternoon and parents are invited to come and watch.
- Years 3 and 4: 2.05 pm – 2.45 pm
- Prep to 2: 2.50 pm – 3.20 pm
ELC and JS Sport fundraiser
The ELC and JS students will have a Sport Dress-Up Day on the last day of term on Friday, 15 September. Students may come to school dressed in their own sporting team uniform or dressed as a sporting team they love. We ask that students donate a gold coin for the Monash Children’s Hospital.
Middle School
Compass Award congratulations to Jessica
Year 7 student, Jessica, has completed all four levels of the Compass Award, a Junior version of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. To achieve this, Jessica has had to excel in four areas — physical activity, hobbies, volunteering and exploration.
Jessica reflected on her experience, commenting that, “It has been an excellent adventure and a very rewarding experience. Throughout my journey there were many opportunities that without the Compass Award, I would never have done in my everyday life. To be able to have the chance to do things like explore the Grampians and help the Great Barrier Reef really showed me how much there is to the world.”
Congratulations to Jessica on her perseverance, courage and determination.

Book Week buzz in the air
Thank you to the library staff for organising such fantastic author talks for our Middle School students. There was certainly a buzz in the air throughout the week, culminating in a dress-up day on the Friday which the teachers happily embraced as well!

Learning about homelessness
Last Friday, our Year 7 students went on an excursion to the Salvation Army headquarters in the City. Students were taken on a tour to learn about homelessness and those in need and they then helped the Salvation Army with a donation drive. It was a fascinating excursion that tied in with our Social Justice initiatives at Edrington.
Sports Awards Semester 1
On Friday, we will host our Middle School Semester 1 Sports Awards Assembly. This will begin at 9.35 am in JT Hall and parents are welcome.
Jeanette Rawlings
Head of Edrington (Berwick)
Haileybury Parents & Friends Edrington (HPFE)
Hello Edrington!
Firstly, thank you to everyone who volunteered to help sell show bags over the three nights of The Wizard of Oz. It was such a fun three nights. Congratulations to Candice Naude, Head of Co-curriculum Drama, and all the staff and students involved who worked so hard for months to put such a wonderful production together.
We would also like to thank all our amazing volunteers who assisted students selecting Father’s Day gifts at the Father’s Day stall.
Every Wednesday you will find Di and Kelly at the SHUS from 8.15 am to 10.45 am. The SHUS is always looking for an extra hand, so if you have an hour to spare on a Wednesday to help Di and Kelly, please email them.
Kerry Ilic & Tracy Day
HPFE Presidents