Campus News
Reconciliation Week
This week is National Reconciliation Week and the theme this year is Be a Voice for Generations. The purpose of the week is for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.
We introduced this week with special guest, Ganga, who talked about the history of the didgeridoo and encouraged students to understand the cultural practices of this instrument and how this connects the First Nations people to country.
We also held a smoking ceremony which is an ancient custom among First Nations people that involves smouldering native plants to produce smoke which has cleansing properties.
Making a LEAP
Last week, our students participated in LEAP Week (Literature, Enterprise, Arts and Politics) activities, ranging from a Harry Potter trivia quiz and Bananagrams tournament to a LEAP Week shop, a Spelling Bee, a Da Vinci Decathlon Kahoot and $20 Boss stalls selling products at lunchtime. It was great to see so many students getting involved in these exciting activities.
Early Learning Centre
Mother’s Day in the ELC
We have been celebrating all things mum in the ELC programs. Cards and presents were created so the children could show their appreciation and on Tuesday, 9 May we celebrated Mother’s Day in the ELC.
It was truly wonderful to see mums, grandparents, fathers and special people come along and celebrate with the children. The diversity in family life means that children experience belonging, being and becoming in many ways.
The children and their special people were lucky enough to be a part of a wonderful performance by Chris and Lauren from the Flying Bookworm. The whole audience was captivated while listening to the three stories, Market Square, Caps for Sale and Three Billy Goats Gruff.

The children also enjoyed the Mother’s Day stall on Thursday, 11 May. The children put so much thought into their choices, and it highlighted to the children that giving is an important value. Child development research tells us something important about what happens in children’s internal worlds when they give to others and the gift-giving process helps shape their identities.

Junior School
Tsunami in a bottle
Our Year 1 students have been learning about the cause and effect of natural disasters and the impact they can have on infrastructure, environment and people’s livelihoods.
After learning about the causes of tsunamis, the students created a ‘tsunami in a bottle’ to replicate how the ebb and flow of a wave floods the shoreline and washes the damage back out to sea. They had an interesting time filling their bottle with water and adding blue food dye to imitate the ocean waves. They then added shells, sand and rocks to understand the aftermath of broken shoreline walls. It was a fun and hands-on experiment!
Building walls by fractions
Our Year 1 students love Maths and this week they looked at equivalent fractions. They created Fraction Walls with a whole, halves, thirds and quarters to show their understanding.
Middle School
Top effort in exams
We would like to commend our Years 7 and 8 students for completing their first set of exams for 2023. They embraced the challenges that come with exams and put in their best effort.
Our Year 8 Drama performance exams saw the Page to Stage group perform a murder mystery play, and the Collaboration group performed a twist on a reality show. Their dramatic skills entertained the audience of 300 Middle School students.
Year 8 Camp heads to Marysville
Next week, our Year 8 boys and girls head to Camp Marysville for a week of adventure! They will conquer heights, canoe, bike ride, hike and cook meals on a ‘trangia’. We wish them all the best.
Jeanette Rawlings
Head of Edrington (Berwick)
Haileybury Parents & Friends Edrington (HPFE)
Hello Edrington
We would love to extend our sincere thanks to our amazing community for putting your hands up and volunteering to help serve and provide dishes for our staff appreciation morning!
Every Wednesday you will find Di and Kelly at the SHUS from 8.15 am – 10.45 am. The SHUS is always looking for an extra hand, so if you have an hour to spare on a Wednesday to help Di and Kelly in the shop, please contact them via email.
Stay warm!
Kerry Ilic & Tracy Day
HPFE Presidents