Campus News
Welcome back
I trust that you have had an enjoyable and relaxing term break and that students are ready for another exciting term ahead. Term 2 classes commence on Wednesday, 26 April.
Winter uniform will be required for Term 2 and students will have a two-week period to transition to this uniform on their return.
Early Learning Centre
This year’s ELC Easter Egg Hunt was very special. Students from Year 12 organised the egg hunt for the ELC children, and we don’t know who was more excited — the older or youngest members of our Edrington community!
Before the hunt, the Senior students drafted a letter to the children from the Easter Bunny letting them know there were going to be Easter eggs dropped in the playground for them to find. The letter also reminded children about being kind to one another and enjoying the holidays with family and friends.
One Senior student dressed in a bunny costume and surprised the children by knocking at their classroom windows.
The Easter Bunny then invited the children to search for eggs, before hopping away. The children were overcome with excitement and enthusiasm as the egg hunt got underway.
We strive to foster connections between schools on our campus and this was a lovely way for the ELC children to build relationships with the Senior students and vice versa. This event is sure to be a cherished memory for many for a long time to come.
Junior School
The importance of sleep
Sleep is important for everyone, but consistent sleep is vital for children and adolescents as they experience significant brain development at this age.
Unfortunately, a considerable number of students in primary and secondary schools are not getting enough sleep. This can lead to problems with attention, memory and problem-solving skills. Sleep deprivation can also contribute to emotional and behavioural issues that may affect academic achievement.
Some known problems associated with lack of sleep include:
- Decreased attention
- Impaired memory
- Slower processing
- Worse sequential thinking
- Reduced creativity.
Making sleep a priority is important for parents who want their children to succeed in school, so putting children to bed at a reasonable hour is extremely important. Experts recommend that school-aged children should be in bed no later than 8.00 pm.
For more information on the benefits of a good night’s sleep visit The Sleep Foundation here.
Middle School
Crazy 20!
During Week 9, the Year 8 boys ran a lunchtime of ‘Minute to Win It’ challenges. The aim was to foster connections and create a lively atmosphere in our Boys’ Quad. The challenges offered students a chance to win prizes while having fun.

Reporting and interviews
We hope all parents accessed the online reporting and feedback for their children. The upcoming Parent–Teacher Interviews are an opportune time to meet teachers and discuss the progress of your child.
Interviews are scheduled to take place in Week 2 of Term 2. Bookings can be made via the parent portal on go2. A notification will be posted, and bookings open to parents on Wednesday, 19 April.
Jeanette Rawlings
Head of Edrington (Berwick)
Haileybury Parents & Friends Edrington (HPFE)
Hello Edrington!
We hope the Easter Bunny was generous to you all. I have justified the abundance of chocolate consumed at our house by telling everyone that chocolate is made from cocoa beans which grows on trees and therefore chocolate is salad!
Di and Kelly are opening the Uniform Shop during the school holidays to cater for winter uniform requirements. The shop will be open on Wednesday, 19 April from 10.00 am – 12.00 noon.
They will continue to open in Term 2 on Wednesdays from 8.15 am to 10.45 am. The Uniform Shop is always looking for an extra hand, so if you have an hour to spare on a Wednesday and can give Di and Kelly a hand, please contact them at
We have been busy getting the Mother’s Day stall organised, ready for your cherubs to spoil all the mums, grandmas, nannas and carers.
We’ve also ordered 2,000 sausages in bread, ready to cook up for the students when Edrington hosts the rest of the Haileybury campuses for the cross-country gala event. If you are available to help with the upcoming sausage sizzle or Mother’s Day stall, please click here.
See you all soon!
Kerry Ilic & Tracy Day
HPFE Presidents