As we journey throughout the year, it is essential to pause and reflect on the power of gratitude and giving. Gratitude helps us appreciate the simple joys and the support of those around us, fostering a sense of contentment and positivity. When we give, whether it is our time, resources, or kindness, we not only uplift others but also enrich our own lives. Our staff felt the power of gratitude through the recent staff appreciation morning tea. A heartfelt thank you to all the parents for your wonderful generosity and support.
This week, our Middle School students will channel their efforts towards a great cause — supporting those suffering from Motor Neurone Disease (MND). Through various activities and initiatives, they will learn the importance of giving and making a positive impact. Thank you to the staff as they work together to support this worthy cause.
Our students had a fabulous time celebrating the diversity of languages during Languages Week. It was a wonderful opportunity to engage with different cultures and appreciate the beauty of multilingualism. The students participated in various activities, including taste testers, cultural showcases and interactive sessions. Thank you to the languages staff for providing such engaging activities.
Academic Scholarships
Applications are now open for Academic Scholarships at Haileybury, available to current students who demonstrate exceptional academic achievement. Students currently in Years 3 (excluding current Haileybury students), 5, and 8 in 2024 are eligible to apply for entry into Years 5, 7, and 10 in 2026. Find out more here.
Early Learning Centre
Our goal in the ELC in 2024 is to build stronger connections with our local community. As children grow, it is essential they get exposure to various experiences to help them develop holistically. Experiences that engage children with their community are rich in many learning opportunities and often offer hands-on learning opportunities that help children develop a sense of curiosity and appreciation for the world around them.
Most recently the ELC children have participated in a CFA incursion and a whole ELC excursion to Bunjil Place to watch the stage show How to catch a Star based on the book by author Oliver Jeffers.
Our local CFA team spoke to the children about their role in the community, as well as showing all the important equipment they use on their fire truck. Of course, the visit wasn’t complete without lights and sirens.
Our visit to Bunjil Place was an absolute highlight for all ELC children, staff and parent helpers. Children got to experience not only the stage show, but also travelling on a bus, receiving an individual ticket for scanning before entering the theatre and follow up activities within the classroom.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank staff and parent helpers who supported these learning opportunities to be positive and enjoyable experiences for the children.
Junior School
Reconciliation Assembly
Over the term the Junior School has been talking about reconciliation — what it is, what it means and why we need reconciliation. During National Reconciliation Week, each class created a display to honour the Indigenous peoples.
Prep: students crafted a wreath of hands to symbolise the significance of this important occasion. Their hands represent our shared history and apology to Indigenous Australians, highlighting the importance of treating everyone with respect, compassion and fairness.

Year 1: students drew different designs, such as the aboriginal flag, rainbows, dots and some with words that said, ‘we’re sorry’ on the leaves for their reconciliation tree. This tree highlights the need to treat everyone equally, with respect and empathy.

Year 2: students looked at the symbolic story telling language through Indigenous artwork, as a tradition going back to rock art and sand painting and considered how they would apply this to our leaves.

The Year 3s turned back time and immersed themselves in nature. Using air dry clay to mould their piece into a circular shape, they then used a stick tool to carve out Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples symbols. Acknowledging that symbols were used to communicate back then, each student created their own unique story.

‘We walk together’. In Year 4, we acknowledged and recognised the mistreatment of First Nations People by designing feet to demonstrate walking beside them and that we respectfully stand with them.

Middle School
Edrington Big Freeze
On Friday 21 June, our Middle School students will be able to participate in their very own student ice bucket challenge. Parents, if your child wishes to participate in this and raise money for an incredible cause, please purchase a ticket via Humanitix here.

Years 5, 7 and 8 Camps
Last week, our Years 5, 7 and 8 boys and girls all headed to Phillip Island, Camp Jungai in Rubicon, and Marysville, respectively. Canoeing, bike riding, hiking, low ropes and initiatives, bush skills and cooking were just some of the activities enjoyed amongst friends. All were blessed with some sunshine in their time away. Haileybury values giving students this opportunity to step out of one’s comfort zone, learn and grow.
Edrington Concert
We look forward to the Edrington Concert on Thursday 20 June, at which all the students involved will showcase the beautiful music they have been working on throughout the year. Refreshments will be served from 6.15 pm.
Adam Tobin
Acting Head of Edrington (Berwick)
Haileybury Parents & Friends Edrington (HPFE)
Hi Edrington. A huge thank you to our amazing community for your delicious contributions to the Staff Appreciation Morning Tea. The staff were blown away with your contributions, and it is definitely a highlight for them all. Our cross country sausage sizzle was once again a massive hit — we are officially BBQ royalty. Thanks again to all our volunteers, especially Brendan Borg and Roger Colla who are always the first to don an apron and get their sizzle on.
Coming up in Term 3 we have our Father’s Day stall. If you are free to come and help at the Father’s Day stall, please register your interest here.
The uniform shop is open every Wednesday from 8.15 am to 10.45 am. Pop in to see Janelle for your uniform requirements. If you have some spare time to help in the Second-hand Uniform Shop, contact Janelle.
Kerry Ilic & Tracy Day
HPFE Presidents