Campus News
The Girls Night In event for our Middle School girls was an amazing success, with everyone enjoying the cake decorating, Bollywood dancing and games.

However, the highlight of the evening was the World’s Greatest Shave when eight students and three staff members bravely had their hair cut to support the Leukaemia Foundation. The girls managed to raise an impressive $11,000 for the foundation while increasing awareness about this devastating disease.
On Tuesday, 21 February our HPFE volunteers made pancakes in their hundreds for Shrove Tuesday. This was warmly received by our students who could not wait to try the different toppings. Edrington raised around $1,200 for Uniting Care to support people in our local area. Many thanks to the parents who made the day such a success.

Early Learning Centre
Building connections
The ELC children have had another positive fortnight of making connections with each other and their community. This is an integral part of the beginning of every year whether children are new or returning to our school.
Warm and respectful relationships with children and their families form the foundation for effective early childhood education programs, and strong connections with educators generate a sense of belonging and nurture learning and development.
The beginning of a new year also brings opportunities for children to make new connections with peers and to build on existing friendships. Staff use intentional teaching strategies within their curriculum plans to support children to learn how to make friends, self-regulate emotions and build confidence to speak up in a group.
It has also been nice to see families connecting with one another. Reception and Pre-Prep Morning Teas in the Junior School Quad attracted plenty of people and led families to attend dinners at the Berwick Springs Hotel. We look forward to watching these connections and relationships grow.
Junior School
Berwick Buddies
Our Berwick Buddies Program creates relationships between the oldest and youngest students in our School. It is an opportunity for our Year 4 students to show leadership and kindness and to get to know the Prep students.
For the Prep students it is wonderful for them to know some faces in the yard who can help them navigate Junior School. Our last activity together was a buddy activity in the library. As you can see, they were all very engaged with their activities and enjoyed their time together.
Middle School
The Year 6 boys and girls have returned from Canberra. They were kept busy with visits to Parliament House, the National Dinosaur Museum, the Australian Institute of Sport, the Deep Space Communication Complex and more! The highlight, however, was their visit to Questacon that explores science, technology and innovation. It was great to see the students enjoying this camp after its two-year hiatus.

On Wednesday, 22 February our Year 8 Captains from the Boys and Girls Schools participated in a leadership workshop run by Tripod. It gave them a chance to explore ideas while developing leadership skills like public speaking and building relationships. We look forward to seeing some of the ideas they came up with put into practice. We have an impressive group of leaders this year who have already demonstrated their enthusiasm and passion for their roles.
Last Thursday, Year 8 students visited the Mornington Peninsula as part of a geography excursion. They collected evidence to use for their inquiry on coastlines and environmental impacts affecting these areas.
Finally, we look forward to our Middle School Athletics Carnival tomorrow. Students are reminded to wear their House tops, bring a water bottle and hat, and cheer on everyone regardless of their House!
Jeanette Rawlings
Head of Edrington (Berwick)
Haileybury Parents & Friends Edrington (HPFE)
Hello Edrington! Thanks again for supporting our Pancake Day. Check out our Facebook page for some happy snaps of the children. They LOVED it! The highlight for us was seeing the Year 4 students supporting their Prep buddies — it was so sweet!
Special thanks to our volunteers: Ella Colla, Rita Lettieri, Jenelle Suarez, Gorica Salapura, Mikayla Randall, Kate Haakman, Tulin Cenbay-Finn, Michelle Westerveld, Honorata Tettis, Shaun Akkermans, Samina Siddiqui and Bernadette Montague. We could not run these events without you all. Together we raised over $1,200 for Uniting Care and we are looking forward to sizzling sausages with you during the Cross Country Cook Up!
Di and Kelly are opening the Uniform Shop every Wednesday from 8.45 am – 10.45 am. If you have an hour to spare this term to help in the shop, please contact Di and Kelly at
Summer Sippers @ The Pavilion tickets are on sale now! Get in quick before we sell out. The HPFE Committee has been working hard gathering some AMAZING items for our silent auction! All money raised goes towards updating and implementing new equipment across the School for our children.
Andrew Wishart will be playing live and Jess from Chartwells has put together an amazing menu for all to enjoy. Tickets are available here.
Date and Time | Event | Location |
Thursday, 16 March at 8.45 am
Years 6, 7 & 8 Parent Morning Tea
Library Courtyard
Friday, 17 March at 3.30 pm
Annual Edrington Family Picnic (ELC, JS and MS families)
Friday, 24 March at 7.00 pm
Summer Sippers (Parent Event), ELC, JS, MS and SS,
The Pavilion
Kerry Ilic & Tracy Day
HPFE Presidents