Campus News
As I spend time in classrooms, I have been impressed by the focus and dedication of our students. Their eagerness to learn and their positive attitude towards their education is quite apparent. Our new staff members have commented on what a pleasure it is to teach at Edrington, due in large part to the excellent behaviour and attitude of our students.
In addition to our students’ academic focus, we had a wonderful turnout at our parent morning teas and dinners in the first weeks of Term 1. These events are a fantastic opportunity for our school community to connect and get to know each other.
We have several more social events planned this term. These events are a way to continue building relationships and strengthening our community. Please find the schedule for these events here.
Early Learning Centre
Building independence and self-care skills
It is wonderful to welcome all our ELC families and to see so many smiling faces in the first few weeks of school. The children have settled in so well and we have enjoyed watching relationships begin to form.
Over the coming weeks, Reception and Pre-Prep children will continue to spend time exploring different learning experiences, getting to know one another, developing positive relationships with the educators in their room and strengthening their understanding of expectations when at school.
The children in Reception and Pre-Prep are encouraged and supported to build their independence and self-care skills from the beginning of the year. This may include having a drink when they require, putting on their shoes and socks, washing their hands and packing their bags independently.
Self-care skills are important as they help children learn planning, sequencing, organisation, resilience and the motor skills or physical control necessary to achieve the tasks. Feeling capable and exploring independence is a crucial component of early childhood and it is important for growth.
Some children are eager to try new things on their own and expand their skill sets, while others require guidance. We encourage you to introduce your child to simple self-care tasks that will allow them to build a foundation of trust in their own abilities. If you would like to follow on from what your child is learning at School, please speak to your child’s teachers.
Junior School
Pancake Day fundraiser
Our wonderful HPFE are making pancakes on Shrove Tuesday which falls on Tuesday, 21 February. If your child would like a pancake, please send them to school with $2 so they can buy one during the day. Gluten free pancakes will also be available.
Thank you so much to all our HPFE volunteers — our students love Pancake Day!
House athletics
ELC and Junior School students will participate in a House Athletics afternoon on Thursday, 9 March at 1.00 pm on the main oval, near Pavilion. Students must wear their sport uniform with House colour top and they can accessorise their House colours to show their House spirit, perhaps with a wig, hat or boa.
Students must have their black sun hat and a water bottle and we also recommend packing sunscreen so students can apply it before heading outside. Parents are welcome to attend and cheer but please remember to stay in the designated spectator area.
Parents may like to also show some House spirit by wearing their child’s House colours. We will run a parents’ race at the end of the day, so bring your running shoes. We look forward to seeing you there.
Middle School
A night for the girls and …
Girls’ Night In, held last Friday evening, was a huge success! We had girls learning Bollywood dance moves, decorating (and eating) a lot of cake, and they battled it out in party games like Musical Chairs and Pass-the-Parcel.
Most importantly, eight students and three teachers cut their hair to support the World’s Greatest Shave. Thank you to all who donated to this fantastic cause — we have been overwhelmed by the generosity of the Edrington community.
With your help, we managed to smash our target of $4,000, raising over $6,000! We look forward to presenting the Leukaemia Foundation with these funds.

A day for the boys
Last Wednesday, our Year 7 boys participated in Man Cave. This full-day workshop is designed to support the psychological and emotional development of boys, so they can become healthy young men. Our students participated in the activities with enthusiasm and we look forward to continuing to develop these important skills throughout the year.
Years 5 and 6 got off to a great start with their sports program and the first few inter-school games brought them much success! We remind all students to bring their hats and water bottles during these activities, particularly in the warmer weather.
Finally, we wish the Year 6 boys all the best on their camp to Canberra this week. There was a real sense of excitement in the air as they boarded their bus to the airport this morning!
Jeanette Rawlings
Head of Edrington (Berwick)
Haileybury Parents & Friends Edrington (HPFE)
Hello Edrington! We had a fantastic first meeting for the year and received lots of ideas and input for this year’s events. We love being the team that gets to do the fun stuff!
Di and Kelly are opening the Uniform Shop every Wednesday from 8.15 am – 10.45 am. If you have an hour to spare this term and can give Di and Kelly a hand in the shop, please contact them at
Summer Sippers @ The Pavilion tickets are on sale now! We have amazing live music being provided by Andrew Wishart, a sumptuous menu designed by our very own Jess from Chartwells, and a great range of beverages to enjoy! Tickets are available now and you can follow this link to book.
Thank you to all of our Shrove Tuesday volunteers. We’re looking forward to flipping pancakes for the kids with you! It’s always such a fun day.
Date and Time | Event | Location |
Thursday, 23 Feb at 8.45 am
Year 5 Parents Morning Tea
Library Courtyard
Friday, 24 Feb at 8.45 am
Year 1 Parents Morning Tea
Junior School Quad
Tuesday, 28 Feb at 8.45 am
Year 2 Parents Morning Tea
Junior School Quad
Thursday, 2 March at 8.45 am
Years 3 & 4 Parents Morning Tea
Junior School Quad
Saturday, 4 March at 9.00 am
ELC Family Morning
Junior School Quad
Thursday, 16 March at 8.45 am
Years 6, 7 & 8 Parent Morning Tea
Library Courtyard
Friday, 17 March at 3.30 pm
Annual Edrington Family Picnic (ELC, JS and MS families)
Friday, 24 March at 7.00 pm
Summer Sippers (Parent Event), ELC, JS, MS and SS,
The Pavilion
Kerry Ilic & Tracy Day
HPFE Presidents