Welcome back, Edrington!
It is my pleasure to welcome all Edrington families to the 2024 school year. I hope you had a restful and enjoyable break with family and friends and that all students are ready for an exciting year ahead. I extend a very warm welcome to the new students and families joining us this year. We are delighted that you are part of the Haileybury community.
School commences on Monday, 29 January and full summer uniform is required. We ask that all Prep – Year 8 students arrive by 8.20 am to allow plenty of time to find their classrooms and get settled. On this first morning, the front oval will be open for parking so that parents can assist their children with their books. ELC sessions commence at 8.45 am and parents can park in the ELC carpark.
We are looking forward to a wonderful year ahead and we thank you for the opportunity to share in your children’s educational journey in 2024.
Parent information sessions
We look forward to welcoming parents to our information sessions which will be held for Junior School on Tuesday, 30 January and Middle School on Thursday, 1 February. Both sessions will commence at 7.00 pm in John Twist Hall.
School uniform
Summer uniform is to be worn for Term 1, and the link for Uniform — Student Expectations can be found on myHaileybury. Please note, Junior School students are not required to wear the blazer with the summer uniform. As a SunSmart school, the School cap or bucket hat is compulsory for all outdoor activities during Terms 1 and 4.
myHaileybury app
As we embark on another exciting school year in 2024, we would like to remind you to make the most of our School app, myHaileybury. This powerful tool is your gateway to staying informed about all the key dates for your child and is the main communication tool for educators and parents.

Jeanette Rawlings
Head of Edrington (Berwick)