Campus News
House Spirit and belonging at HRS
Why do we down learning tools for a whole day and take the entire Middle and Senior Schools to Marrara Athletics Stadium?
That is a fair question.
The answer is because our School is building its own unique identity and culture. We know that a sense of connection and a feeling of belonging are incredibly important to student wellbeing, resilience and happiness. We also believe in educating the whole person.
The impromptu photo opportunity here shows our Year 12s calling each other together for a final time at House Athletics. The natural camaraderie is obvious — so many cultures in one vibrant community. A tiny snapshot of a great day.

We know that students connect in different ways. Some love being in the school musical where the fun is in the journey of rehearsals and not just the final big production. Others love getting back exam results with high scores that they have earned and are duly proud of. Others can’t wait to pull on the HRS singlet to play basketball with their mates for the school.
When we come together at a day like the House Athletics, we all see that we belong to a House and an awesome school. The House chants featured every student in the School and the novelty events like the three-legged race, the water shuttle, the chopstick cup and the new cartwheel challenge must be seen to be believed, with well over 100 students in each event.
Having fun, getting involved and finding connections and a sense of belonging in a safe and welcoming environment — that’s how we roll at HRS. Our staff were fantastic, too!

Andrew McGregor
Principal, Haileybury Rendall School