Campus News
Graduates to be proud of
It has been a delight to see our current Year 12 students cross the stage and become Old Haileyburians at our Graduations. Seeing so many happy City students looking forward to their VCE exams and life beyond, filled with hope and optimism, has been a joy. We are so proud of this group, who started in Years 6 or 7, and have flourished at City campus. They particularly loved their ‘Back To’ Day, when Preps presented them with a special book and recited a story dedicated to them.
It was also wonderful to hear from Year 12 parents and guardians about how proud they are of the young people they have raised. They were also profoundly grateful to the School for the opportunities and the wonderful teaching and learning their children have received at City campus. The dancing was the highlight for the students and parents who all enjoyed the great music from the Staff Band.
I also attended Haileybury Pangea’s Graduation, where three former City students graduated with their proud City parents and siblings in attendance. Haileybury Pangea offers an alternative pathway and with one of the graduates currently living in Japan and working as an international model, it is a reminder that there are many pathways to the VCE. What is common across our campuses is the fact that Haileybury students are committed, teachers are brilliant, and parents are engaged. Best wishes to all our Year 12 students as they prepare for their upcoming exams.
Quote sheets and study notes
As we near the end of the year, Middle School students will have another round of examinations. I have been pleased to see the effort made by our Years 7 and 8 students with their quote sheets, study notes and preparation. They have learnt how to learn, and knowing this at such a young age is so important as they head into their Senior years. Examinations help our students refine their strategies, techniques, skills and concentration. We wish them all every success.
Early Learning Centre
Old ways, new wisdom
Haileybury Heads of Early Learning recently took part in the Old Ways, New Wisdom conference, where keynote speakers from Canada, the UK and Australia presented the latest research and evidence on the benefits of play to enhance teaching and learning.
The Early Childhood Australia Conference released the Statement on Play, articulating and advocating for children’s right to play and the value of play-based approaches. Play-based learning approaches inform our practice in the ELC and we embed play-based philosophies, intentional teaching strategies and reflective planning throughout our high-quality learning environments.
The Statement on Play affirms the effectiveness of Haileybury’s Early Learning Centre in promoting positive outcomes for children’s learning and development. A copy is available to families in our Family Resource Centre in the foyer.

Sun safety in the ELC
As the weather is warming up and the sun is shining, it is important to protect our children’s skin. Throughout the day, educators will support your child to reapply sunscreen, but children should have sunscreen applied before they arrive at the ELC. A daily UV rating, as stated by the SunSmart app, is displayed in the ELC foyer to ensure sun safety is part of our daily routine.
Junior School
Making friends at the farm
Recently, City’s Prep and Year 1 students took an educational excursion to Collingwood Children’s Farm in Abbotsford. During their visit, students deepened their appreciation for the natural world and all its inhabitants — including poultry, guinea pigs, sheep and goats! Through hands-on experiences, they used their senses and connected with the farm’s animals. This fostered an understanding that all living creatures look different to each other and live in diverse environments where they find food, water and protection, and this links to their Term 4 Inquiry topics.
Preparing to perform with Scrolls
In Years 3 and 4, students can join the renowned Scrolls program which offers instruction in string instruments like the violin, viola, cello and double bass. Recently, Junior School students from all four of Haileybury’s Melbourne campuses came together to participate in the annual Scrolls Workshop, which was hosted at City. This event led to a highly collaborative orchestra performance that showcased the musical talents of all students who attended.

Middle School
Middle School exams
We wish our Years 7 and 8 students the very best as they begin their exams on Thursday, 2 November. Students have been preparing for their examinations by revising at school and home and by attending Exam Help Desk sessions which are offered by teachers before school and at lunchtime for independent study and to ask questions. Middle School exams are a wonderful chance for students to develop and consolidate knowledge. This upcoming period also exposes our students to the examination process and builds their study skills. Final exams are held on Wednesday, 8 November.
A buzzworthy day of discovery
The recent Haileybury Hive bee excursion transported Year 5 and three Pangea students to Haileybury Berwick where they donned beekeeper suits and witnessed our beehives in action. From the fascinating hierarchy within a hive that includes the queen, drone bees and worker bees, to observing the complete life cycle of these remarkable insects, the students’ day was an educational adventure.
Their journey also underscored the vital role of bees in pollinating plants that produce the food we eat, including coffee, chocolate and most fruits and vegetables. As they took a closer look at bees through microscopes and savoured some sweet rewards by tasting honey from across Australia, including honeycomb from the Haileybury Hive, it became clear that these tiny creatures play an indispensable part in our ecosystem and daily lives. This experience left the students with a deeper appreciation for bees and a commitment to their preservation.
The Haileybury arcade entertains
In Thrive, our Year 6 students have been creating arcade games as a part of their Vocational Capabilities Unit. Some of the innovative designs included basketball challenges, ‘breath’ powered pinball and even a homemade retractable claw game! The boys and girls then showcased the activities for our Year 5 students to play and attempt to win prizes. As part of this unit, our Year 6 cohort learnt how social enterprises have a positive impact on people and places, and how creativity and entrepreneurial skills can be used to bring social change.
Caroline Merrick
Head of City
Haileybury Parents & Friends City (HPF City)
Term 4 is shaping up to be a very busy term with many events — from dance galas to Speech Night and ending with Christmas Carols. The students are busily getting back into the swing of Haileybury life, and it is lovely to see them enthusiastically involved in many activities at our lovely campus.
The HPF City Annual General Meeting is being held on Thursday, 2 November at 7.30 pm, via Zoom. The myHaileybury app has all the details, including the nomination forms so that you can be involved. Being a part of fundraising and community life at Haileybury is a rewarding experience. If you would like to discuss a particular role with me, please feel free to email.
The new Second-hand Uniform Shop opening hours have been very successful and we hope we are making the shop more accessible to parents and students. The new POS system is also fully implemented and is working well.
Just a reminder that our final second-hand uniform pop-up shop day this year will be on Up Day, on Tuesday, 21 November. We will be open from 8.00 am – 9.00 am and 3.00 pm – 4.00 pm. The collection bins will be displayed from Wednesday, 1 November at King Street and in the basement. You can also drop off your items whilst the shop is open. All information can be found on the myHaileybury app.
If you would like to volunteer your time to assist with the Second-hand Uniform Shop, please drop us an email and join in the fun.
Have a fabulous Melbourne Cup long weekend.
Melissa Fisher
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends City