Campus News
World Teachers’ Day
World Teachers’ Day is the perfect opportunity to pause and celebrate the great work of every staff member who supports the teaching and learning of our Haileybury City students. Our teachers deliver brilliant teaching every day and we could not do this without the support of our wonderful staff, students and City community.
We enjoyed a special morning tea, and it was lovely to have our HPF City President, Melissa Fisher, attend to thank us all on behalf of HPF City. Our staff appreciated receiving a beautiful card from HPF City with the words: ‘Thank You from HPF City for all you do to help our kids become life-long learners. World Teachers’ Day 2023. The teachers we need for the education we want.’ The chocolate was an added bonus! Thank you to our HPF community for acknowledging the important contribution of teachers. It is a privilege to teach your amazing children and make a contribution to their present and their future.
Early Learning Centre
Creating family portraits
Children in Reception have been observing and discussing our families. To foster this interest, children have had opportunities to create their families by rolling, cutting and manipulating playdough using natural materials.
This has led to discussions about our different features, such as the colour of our hair and how tall we are, as we learn about the uniqueness of our families. Children have celebrated their families as they also deepen their sense of belonging within the ELC.

Telling stories in Pre-Prep
Pre-Prep children have shown a keen interest in writing in recent weeks, and they have been creating non-fiction stories.
Writing requires children to use many skills, including fine motor control to move a pencil and an understanding of phonics when constructing words. High-frequency words and sentence starters have also supported children in constructing their stories.
The children have certainly enjoyed sharing their stories and written messages with their peers and educators.

Junior School
An exciting term awaits!
Term 4 in the Junior School at City is filled with events and significant milestones. It is safe to say that our path is lined with opportunities for growth, learning and unforgettable moments, where we see our little seeds beginning to transform into mighty trees! Below are some key events for students to look forward to:
Prep and Year 1 excursion to Collingwood Children’s Farm
Tuesday, 24 October
Year 4 Scienceworks excursion
Thursday, 2 November
Up Day
Tuesday, 21 November
Junior School awards and Presentation Assembly
Wednesday, 22 November
Year 3 YLead excursion
Thursday, 23 November
City Art Show
Tuesday, 28 November
Year 4 Graduation
Wednesday, 6 December
Junior School Sing celebration
Thursday, 7 December
Staying safe in the sun
At City, we are lucky to be able to explore outside during recess and lunch breaks. However, it is important to remember that when we venture to Flagstaff Gardens, our Inside Out Courts and even when we visit the Level 3 Terrace, we must protect our skin as warmer months approach.
Here are a few things parents can do to assist with this:
- Pack a small bottle or roll-on SPF sunscreen in your child’s school bag, so they can reapply before heading outdoors.
- Ensure your child has their Haileybury school hat with them each day.
- Pack a drink bottle so your child can stay hydrated.
We are already seeing this happen and we commend all students for their sun safe start to the term.
Middle School
Geography geniuses
The Australian Geography Competition is a contest for Australian secondary school students that assesses their geographical knowledge and skills. The competition, which was held online, aims to encourage student interest in Geography and to reward student excellence.
It is wonderful to recognise the achievement of Tristan (Year 7) and Michael (Year 8) who finished in the top 1% in their year level in Australia. Truly outstanding results!
Back to Middle School
On Friday, 13 October, we welcomed our Year 12 students back to the Middle School. As many of these students started their Haileybury journey with us, it was wonderful to recognise and celebrate the lasting legacy these students have had on our Middle School.
Throughout the morning, students competed against our Year 7 students in the Year 7 Challenge trivia, and they joined us for a special assembly where Prep students presented their own live version of Hairy Maclary and Friends. Hairy Maclary from Donaldson’s Dairy by Lynley Dodd was reimagined to become Hairy Maclary from Hailey’bairy.
Congratulations to the graduating class of 2023, we wish you luck as you embark on your upcoming exams.
Caroline Merrick
Head of City
Haileybury Parents & Friends City (HPF City)
Welcome to Term 4
I hope everyone had a great holiday break and has settled back into school routines. This year is flying along. There were so many Term 3 activities and now the final term has arrived and brought warmer weather and lighter evenings. It is difficult not to love Melbourne at this time of year!
A new term and new season bring a change back to the summer uniform. Some of you may have found that a few items no longer fit as nicely as they did in Term 1 — or perhaps they don’t fit at all.
Alternatively, you may be a new family coming to Up Day who would like to top up your school uniform. HPF City’s final Second-hand Uniform Pop-Up Shop will be held on Up Day on Tuesday, 21 November from 8:00 am – 9:00 am and from 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm.
We have made a few improvements to the system, based on our recent survey:
- We will now accept donations while the shop is open. Forms must be completed and attached to the items. Eventually, we hope to process items as soon as possible so they can be available for sale quickly.
- Moving forward, the uniform shop will be open from 8.00 am to 9.00 am and from 3.00 pm to 4.00 pm.
- Payments to parents will be made within 30 days of the pop-up shop sale date.
- Thinking of helping out? We would love some volunteers to help at the shop. Please email us.
Also, a reminder that 70% of proceeds from the sale of uniforms are returned to parents and 30% goes to HPF City, which in turn benefits our Haileybury City students. A copy of the form can be found on the myHaileybury app.
On Thursday, 2 November we will hold our AGM via Zoom at 7.30 pm. Everyone is welcome to attend. Would you like to get involved as a Social or Class Representative? Would you like to be part of the Executive? Nomination forms will be distributed by the myHaileybury app soon.
If you have any questions, please email me and I can chat to you about the requirements. It is a wonderful way to support the School and the fabulous teaching staff we have at Haileybury City, to be involved with our community and to meet new people.
Have a great fortnight and enjoy the lovely spring nights ahead!
Melissa Fisher
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends City