Campus News
Early Learning Centre
Community connections
Connecting with the community where we live promotes an important sense of belonging for children. As part of our focus on connecting with our local area through our Out and About program, the Pre-Prep children enjoyed a visit to Haileybury City’s Inside Out court on Batman Street.
Learning opportunities from this experience included discussions around road safety and a focus on what we can notice in our surroundings. Pre-Prep children also enjoyed practicing their gross motor skills as they rolled, threw and bounced while visiting Inside Out.
We look forward to our next visit to Inside Out and invite any families to join us.
Seasons and sustainability
Watching Melbourne’s ever-changing weather patterns continues to delight children in Reception. Recently, they began to question how they could find out how much rain had fallen overnight and decided to place buckets around our terrace to try and catch the rain.
This experiment continued over several days, with children excitedly arriving each morning to measure the rain-water collected in their buckets. Children then suggested that the water they had collected could water the garden on days when it did not rain.
This investigation provided children with an authentic example of sustainability and ways in which we can all care for our environment.
Reception children are now looking at how to recycle natural and manmade materials and we look forward to where this takes them.
Junior School
CERES ecosystem excursion
Recently, our Year 2 students embarked on an educational expedition to the CERES School of Nature and Climate in Brunswick East. They took part in the Restoring Earth’s Ecosystems program, which broadened their understanding of sustainability and how to care for our planet.
Under the guidance of passionate and knowledgeable educators, our students delved into a myriad of captivating activities linked to their Year 2 Inquiry Unit. From water bug netting to a habitat scavenger hunt, every moment was filled with invaluable learning experiences.

Prep parents visit our classrooms
On Tuesday, 16 May, City campus Prep students welcomed their parents into the classroom as part of our Prep Parent Information Session: Inquiry.
This allowed parents to engage with a Prep Inquiry lesson focused on key concepts such as culture, expression and traditions. As part of the lesson, students worked together as a class to create a Rangoli — a traditional decoration connected with the Indian celebration of Diwali that uses coloured rice grains to create a unique pattern.

Middle School
LEAP Week celebrations
In Week 5, our City Middle School celebrated LEAP Week with special Literature, Enterprise, Arts and Politics (LEAP) activities.
This year, LEAP Week coincided with National Sorry Day on Friday, 26 May and was also a prelude to National Reconciliation Week (Saturday, 27 May to Saturday, 3 June). This year’s theme is Be a Voice for Generations and encourages all Australians to speak up for reconciliation in our everyday lives.
During LEAP Week, students had the opportunity to experience LEAP Tasters, Library Challenges, Book Fair, $20 Boss Sample Shop, and a Photography Competition, and they could visit Fagin’s Den.
Thank you to our Middle School LEAP Captains, Anaya Hurne and Aariyan Mahmud, for their hard work and a special mention also to Kelsey Collins, LEAP Co-ordinator, for her wonderful organisation and leadership.
Dance and aerobics on display
Congratulations to all the City Middle School performers involved in the Dance and Aerobics Display Night at the Drum Theatre on Tuesday, 23 May.
Our Dance and Aerobics teams performed in a highly professional atmosphere and gained valuable stage experience while providing a sensational night’s entertainment. This was the only chance that our Haileybury community had to see all Dance and Aerobics teams at one event and the night did not disappoint!
Caroline Merrick
Head of City
Haileybury Parents & Friends City (HPF City)
HPF City Cocktail Party
A great deal of fun was had by all on Friday, 26 May at the HPF City Cocktail Party. This year’s theme was Sparkle and Shine and sparkle and shine we did!
The Boys Middle School Jazz Band played some swinging tunes and partygoers bid on the silent auctions and competed for the live auction on the night. Bidding was definitely encouraged by our lovely and entertaining auctioneer. The Balloon Pop was also great fun.
We had a lovely time connecting and raising funds to help our students. Thank you to everyone who attended and to those who participated in the raffle and Balloon Pop. Your support for the school and the fundraising goals of HPF City is greatly appreciated.
Be involved
Don’t forget, if you want to be involved in the HPF City, it is easy. You can become a class representative or simply assist with a particular function. Just turning up to the term Zoom meetings helps us discover new ideas and points of view and we would really appreciate a few more faces in the Middle School area.
If you are interested or would like to ask a few questions, please email me.
The Committee is always keen to hear any ideas or thoughts from the Haileybury community. Please feel free to let your rep know or email us if you have any great ideas or suggestions. As always, keep your eyes on the myHaileybury app for updates on upcoming events.
Melissa Fisher
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends City