Campus News
End of term assembly
For the last hour of the last day of each term, all students from Prep to Year 8 gather together to finish the term. As Head of Campus, I always enjoy these assemblies and I am always so proud of how our young people set the tone and work hard until the end of term. We find a sense of belonging when we reflect upon the great things that we have done to ensure that every student matters every day.
Our Year 4 and Year 8 student leaders spoke about the highlights and acknowledged all that we have achieved as a campus. They also thanked their brilliant teachers and other staff for a fabulous term.
We always enjoy a musical interlude and this time a new jazz combo played with lots of groove. Our Heads of School spoke and inspired our young people to keep striving for excellence in all they do.
Finally, we wished everyone a safe and happy holiday and I extended my best wishes to all our City families for the break.
Lucky ticket draw
We were delighted to welcome Rebecca Arceri, Haileybury’s Chief Operating Officer, as our special guest. Rebecca joined the End of Term Assembly and was thrilled to draw the winners of the highly coveted Royal Children’s Hospital chocolate hampers.
As a campus, we raised $1,850 for the RCH. When I asked students to raise their hand if they had a family member who worked at the hospital, quite a number of hands went up. When I asked students to raise their hand if they had been to RCH, the room was full of raised hands. Such is the impact of the wonderful work done by the hospital across Victoria.
We congratulate the following lucky winners, pictured here with Rebecca.

Early Learning Centre
Healthy eating in the ELC
Reception children have been learning how healthy foods support our growing bodies and impact our physical wellbeing. During mealtimes, children have been encouraged to eat their fruit or vegetables first and they are talking and reminding each other about the different types of healthy foods.
We will continue to focus on healthy eating through conversations and intentional teaching to promote a healthy lifestyle for children in Reception and Pre-Prep.
As part of our specialist program, Reception and Pre-Prep children take part in ELC Fit developed by Mark Reed, Chair of Athletics and Head of Girls Athletics at Haileybury.
ELC Fit focuses on children’s gross motor development as they tackle different obstacles as part of a fast-paced obstacle course. This program has also been embedded within our PE program to extend and enhance children’s learning, based upon their interests and capabilities.
Children have loved challenging themselves while developing fundamental movement skills including balancing, jumping and hopping.
Reception and Pre-Prep take part in this program every Tuesday morning for 20 minutes.

Junior School
Our term highlights
During the final week of Term 1, our Year 4 student leaders collaborated with Junior School classroom teachers to create a short Term 1 recap for each year level. They summarised the highlights of each year level cohort and shared them with the School community.
Many key achievements and moments were captured and illustrated how our Prep to Year 4 students are living our Care, Learn, Play philosophy.
So, what were the highlights for each year level?
Prep: For Preps, a highlight of this term was visiting Inside Out and Flagstaff Gardens during recess and lunch. The students enjoyed exploring these beautiful outdoor spaces and running around and playing with their friends.
Year 1: Year 1 students most enjoyed meeting their new teachers, establishing classroom routines, making new friends, and sharing a snapshot of learning at Assembly called ‘Little People, Big Dreams’.
Year 2: Year 2 students reflected on their favourite Term 1 initiative which was sharing written messages of kindness with their classmates and promoting compassion and empathy in the classroom.
Year 3: In Year 3 Physical Education lessons, students mastered the art of playing bench-ball — a fun and active way to improve their coordination and team-building skills.
Year 4: A highlight for Year 4 students was the formal induction of their Semester 1 leaders, and an exciting three-day Portsea Camp experience!
Winter uniform time
We would like to remind Junior School families that students from Prep to Year 4 are expected to wear their full winter uniform from the start of Term 2. We encourage all students to wear their uniform with pride as it is a mark of the high standards and expectations we uphold as a community.
We were delighted to see so many parents visit the HPF City Second-hand Uniform Pop Up Shop during the second last week of Term 1. This should ensure families are ready for the first day back.
Please note that the winter uniform is to be worn in Terms 2 and 3. The full school uniform policy can be found in the School Info section of myHaileybury.
Middle School
From canoes to cultural sessions
In the final week of Term 1, the Year 7 boys and girls attended camp with students from Haileybury Edrington. They split their time between Camp Jungai and the Rubicon Valley, sleeping in cabins and tents.
Highlights included canoeing, high ropes, cultural sessions, hiking and bushcraft activities that prepared students for further outdoor experiences in Year 8 and Pre-Senior.
Year 7 Camp allows the boys and girls to disconnect from technology, deepen social connections, build further relationships with staff, challenge themselves and HAVE FUN!
Nate's Greatest Shave
Social Justice is one of the pillars of Haileybury and we encourage students to connect to one another and to their community.
Nate Nesbitt (Year 7) has displayed this quality by raising funds for the Leukaemia Foundation. Nate’s willingness to part with his luscious locks for the World’s Greatest Shave was driven by his desire to support people he knows who are currently battling cancer.
Nate has raised over $4,600 and we admire his kindness and empathy.

Student leaders guiding the way
A new initiative in the Boys Middle School this year is the Year 8 student leader Homeroom sessions held each Wednesday morning.
These sessions foster the connection between all Middle School year levels, raise the profile of our leaders and develop their leadership skills, and they are an engaging experience for students.
The leaders have run physical activity, debating, desk top drumming, origami and drama sessions. They will continue to rotate through the Homerooms as the year progresses.
Caroline Merrick
Head of City
Haileybury Parents & Friends City (HPF City)
Get ready to Sparkle and Shine
We hope everyone has enjoyed a well-earned break, which also happens to be a great time to check your wardrobe and find something that sparkles or shines for the HPF Cocktail Party on Friday, 26 May.
The balloon pop, silent and live auctions and DJ will guarantee a fun-filled night. Block out the date in your diary and we will see you there from 6.30 pm – 9.30 pm.
The HPF City is seeking donations for the cocktail party, no matter how big or small. These donations enable us to raise the funds that benefit our ELC, Junior, Middle and Senior Schools. Maybe the last few days of the holidays are an opportunity to clean out that gift cupboard? Your donations will be used in silent and live auctions on the night.
Further information is available via the myHaileybury app.
Next Community Meeting
An open invitation is extended to all our parents and carers to join the HPF Community Meeting via Zoom on Monday, 8 May at 7.30 pm. These meetings are an opportunity to contribute to our school community, to get involved in events, and to hear directly from the Head of Campus and Head of Senior School. We would love to see you there.
Please feel free to reach the Committee at if you have any questions.
Melissa Fisher
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends City